Chapter 352 Seventy-Three Years Cicada (Two in One)

Miao Jiang.

It has been the third day since Chi Yao came back.

After disembarking from the boat, he first went to the company headquarters with Huang Boren to explain the results of the trip, and then he couldn't wait to return to the tribe to study the newly acquired Gu.

During this trip to Nathan Island, if Bechymos was able to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and the king of Nathan Island barely survived by escaping with a broken arm, then only Chi Yao made a lot of money.It can be said that everything that Bechymos coveted ended up in his pocket and turned into food for cultivation.

Not only did he get a gift from Master Ziyang from Ruan Feng, but he also took the most precious treasure on Nathan Island - the sacred tree as his own.

Now the sacred tree that once sheltered Nathan Island for countless centuries is taking root again in Chi Yao's primordial sea aperture, sorting out the flow of primordial energy in it for him, and together with Qijue Gu, it has become a supporting aperture. The cornerstone of the world.

After this trip to Nathan Island, Chi Yao's practice method has been quite different from Miao Jiang's traditional Gu art.

His body has been fused with the Yuanhai Aperture Gu. This Gu is not outside the body, not inside the body. It exists in the dark and boundless. As the embodiment of the small world of his body, it becomes the basis for future practice. foundation.

Moreover, all Gu objects can be put into the aperture, nourished by the sea of ​​Yuan Qi, and there is no need for Gu sacs or the like.

Of course, assisting in sorting out Yuan Qi is only a characteristic of the sacred tree itself. After it is refined into Muhai reincarnation Gu, the new ability it gains is - backtracking.

The giant tree of reincarnation rooted in the long river of time can use a certain thing as an anchor to trace back its past projection in the long river of time.

After figuring out the operation method of this ability, Chi Yao has been thinking about what to use as an anchor point.

To be used as an anchor item, the following conditions must be met.

First of all, there is enough historical accumulation, experienced the scouring of a long river, enough to leave a projection in it, otherwise the Wood Sea Reincarnation Gu cannot trace back.

Secondly, the material is good enough to withstand repeated erosion over time, and it must not be easily worn, otherwise it will be easy to go back, but it will be troublesome to go back.

Chi Yao can think of many things that meet this condition.

The first one is the Gu cup that was just taken back.

Speaking of it, the Gu cup that had been lost for many years was found again, which made the whole Miao Jiang very happy for a few days, and Chi Yao's reputation, which was already in full swing, rose again.

But in the face of many other gains, the mere Gu Cup is no longer enough to make Chi Yao's mood fluctuate much.And his indifference is regarded by more people as a calm and reliable performance, and some people have even started calling him Gu King.

Compared with the Great Gu Master, the title of Gu King has more meaning of obedience on the basis of undiminished respect.

After reviewing the materials, Chi Yao found that the earliest record about the Gu cup was very vague, and it was unclear who made it, as if it appeared out of thin air.

This made him have some doubts about using the Gu cup as an anchor point for testing.

In case the history of this thing is beyond imagination, there will be too many variables in the middle. For the first experiment, it is better to seek stability.

After ruling out the Gu cup, Chi Yao set his target on the Twelve Dong ruins in Moon Mountain.

The Twelve Dongs in Miaojiang can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, whether the tree sea reincarnation Gu can go back to that time in one breath is open to discussion, but at least this goal is not as vague as the Gu cup, so that people can't figure out the limit at all.

Just do what you say, Chi Yao has always been very active.

As a great Gu master, he doesn't have any movement restrictions in the Miaojiang region, even if it's the two holy mountains, he can go up whenever he wants.

Returning to the desolate and dilapidated cave, caressing the half-weathered stone wall, Chi Yao's eyes showed a little nostalgia.

This can be said to be the place where his foundation was really laid at the beginning. If it weren't for the Qijue Gu as his natal thing, he would not have enough strength to support a series of follow-up actions.

"Then, let's start, as my blessed land, I hope this time I can have a good harvest..."

Chi Yao closed his eyes and activated the Wood Sea Reincarnation Gu.

wow wow wow...

The illusory sound of water rang in his ears, Chi Yao's consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, and followed the root system of Mu Hai Samsara Gu to a strange river.

This river is surging and choppy, with no source or end in sight. The gray-white water flow is not even restricted by the river channel, just wandering in the boundless void, twists and turns, without beginning and end.

There should be no light in the void, but the rotation, entanglement and collision of every drop of water in the river will burst out gorgeous colors and streams of light.

Although no one introduced it, Chi Yao had already realized the name of the river the moment he saw it, as if blessed to his soul.

The long river of time, the water of time.

Because of the wood sea reincarnation Gu as a support, Chi Yao did not fall into the water, but in front of the entire river, even the extremely tall sacred tree in Chi Yao's eyes can only be regarded as a small sapling.

It tried to extend its roots, trying to go back more, but the rushing water of time kept pushing it forward, preventing this kind of backtracking.

After some tug-of-war, Muhai reincarnation Gu reached its limit, and finally located a projection that could be used as an anchor point.

Chi Yao, who breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly blurred, and his consciousness directly returned to the real world.

At this time, the hole that was originally filled with qi flow suddenly emptied a third of the space, as if a thief went to the building.

"Good guy, I didn't expect to consume so much energy just to locate an anchor point..." Chi Yao was secretly speechless.

You know, this is just to figure out the location, it hasn't really been teleported, and I don't know if the energy in my body can support such a teleportation.

The Gu that needs to be teleported is called Nian Chan, which is the accompanying Gu of Senhai Samsara Gu, and usually lives on the sacred tree and feeds on the branches of the sacred tree.According to estimates, every time you eat a branch, you can go back one year.

"Let me see, how many years ago was the anchor point located this time..."

I don't know if I don't count, but I'm surprised that the only anchor point of the projection that was located by the Muhai reincarnation Gu was more than a thousand years ago!

"Is this the heyday of the Twelve Dong?"

Chi Yao was a little speechless. For more than a thousand years, even if the sacred tree is bald, there are not enough branches to feed Nian Chan!At least it will be enough to wait for it to re-grow for a few rounds.

Why did the Twelve Dongs just pull it off like this, and they completely disappeared in a thousand years without leaving any trace?
Could it be that people killed the family at that time?
Now there are two options for Chi Yao, one is to give up the projection that has been found, and replace it with a new anchor point to search again, because the Muhai reincarnation Gu can only locate one anchor point projection at a time.

The second choice is not to change the goal, but to find a way to spawn the sacred tree and gather the required number of branches as soon as possible.

Chi Yao counted carefully. The current sacred tree has about [-] branches in total. If all of them are broken off, it will be enough for three rounds.

After comparing the two methods, Chi Yao decided to give up this too long-term anchor point first. After all, he just wanted to test the function of the Muhai reincarnation Gu, and he didn't have to go to a certain time period. Naturally, the sooner the better.

Of course, when he said he wanted to give up, he didn't give up directly, but just pushed out the old records when he was preparing for the next backtracking.

So the question now is, since the site of the Twelve Dongs is no good, what should we choose as the new anchor point?

"The Dharma teaching cave left by Master Ziyang should be fine, but the opponent is from the Song Dynasty, and the time seems to have exceeded the tolerance limit of the sacred tree..."

Chi Yao pondered and said, "According to the analysis of Twelve Dong's backtracking results, it seems that only when the influence is relatively large can it be possible to leave a shadow that can be found in the long river of time. Therefore, it is best to choose an enduring s things……"

There are actually many such things. For example, if he goes to Longhu Mountain or a certain historical site in Shaolin Temple, there is a high probability that he can find some positioning projections that are not too far away.

However, this kind of place is usually an important place for other people's sects, and it's not easy for him to talk about it.

After thinking about it, Chi Yao's eyes finally lit up.

"It's all because of the Twelve Dongs. It almost misled my thinking. Who said that dead things like these historic sites must be used as anchors? Is it possible to use living things as anchors? Is it more convenient?"

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and booked a ticket to the northeast.

Since we are looking for an anchor point that has lived for hundreds of years, who else is more suitable than the group of fairy families on Changbai Mountain?
Each of them started at least five hundred years ago, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are living fossils.



Changbai Mountain.

After saying hello to Guan Shihua, Chi Yao walked into the deep mountains alone.

This place has long been familiar to him, and he can walk freely with his eyes closed.

Chi Yao's arrival was naturally welcomed by all the immortals. After some simple greetings, Chi Yao went straight to the point.

"I have a very important matter that I need your help with."

He looked at the five fairy families in front of him with burning eyes, "May I ask, which fairy family has more traces among human beings?"

Since living beings as anchors may have different concerns from dead objects, the rule that the greater the influence, the easier it is to leave a shadow should remain the same.

Several immortals looked at each other, and in the end it was Mrs. Hu who stood up.

"Although the old man didn't go out much, but in terms of influence among human beings, it seems to be higher than all of them?"

Mrs. Hu Santai maintained her true self at this time, a fox with white fur and light pink embellishments, with a soft and charming voice, which really didn't match the claim of Laoshen at all.

As soon as she said this, the other four fairy families were silent at the same time.

This guy obviously didn't do anything, but because of the name of Fox Immortal, he easily got a lot of incense and offerings.

But jealousy can't help it. Who made their ancestors of snakes, rats, hedgehogs, and weasels not lay a good foundation for the younger generations?

"Okay, then please cooperate with the seniors, no matter what you see later, don't panic."

Chi Yao put his palm on Hu Santai's flank fur, and activated the Wood Sea Reincarnation Gu.

The familiar sound of water flow sounded, and his consciousness once again came to the long river of time.But this time Chi Yao didn't come alone, there was a little fox lying on his shoulder.

"where is this place……"

Even with the protection of Muhai reincarnation Gu, Hu Santai, who came here for the first time, still shivered instinctively. She had a feeling in her heart that every drop of gray water rushing down below could completely annihilate herself.

Therefore, the little paws held onto Chi Yao tightly and did not dare to relax at all.

After briefly explaining two sentences about the long river of time, Chi Yao began to urge the Muhai reincarnation Gu to go back.

Compared with the last time, the backtracking this time was unexpectedly smooth. They quickly found a projection of Hu Santai's milk. After measuring the consumption, Chi Yao decided to move forward.

Soon they found the second, the third...

It wasn't until Chi Yao felt a little tired that he finally withdrew, and then bid farewell to several fairy families, and found a quiet place to start planning.

"The distances between these coordinates now vary from seventy years to one thousand years, and the nearest one can even start soon..."

Curious about the unknown, Chi Yao didn't want to suppress his inner impulse at all, and immediately began to urge Nian Chan to eat and drink.

With the entrance of one section after another of the branches of the sacred tree, one after another ring-shaped patterns began to appear on the back of the originally brilliant and pure-colored cicada, just like the annual rings of a big tree.

This is actually the origin of the name Niancicada.

And according to the number of annual ring patterns on the body, the name of the annual cicada will also change slightly.

For example, now, the annual cicada that ate seventy-three branches of the sacred tree in one breath can be called the seventy-three annual cicada. If the distance is within seventy-three years, there is no problem.

Because there is only a distance of seventy-three years, it can be said that it can be said that he shuttled back and forth at will, so Chi Yao didn't make too many preparations. If there is a problem, he will come back after a glance!
Just when he was about to activate the Seventy-Three Years Cicada, Mrs. Hu suddenly grabbed him and asked in a low voice, "Can I go with you?"

"You want to go too?"

Chi Yao was a little puzzled, then shook his head, "Although it's a pity, I'm afraid it won't work this time. If I want to come back again, I have to be close to your location. If you are really curious, wait for the next time to change to another fairy's location." Then, I'll take you with me."

"That's it... If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be so strong, and let Xiao Hei help you locate it."

Mrs. Hu smacked her lips, slightly disappointed, "Okay then, I'll wait for you to come back here, don't forget to bring me with you next time!"

"Next time definitely."

Chi Yao nodded towards her, and then activated the Gu worms.

 Thank you for the reward of the treasure Nezuko!
(End of this chapter)

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