Chapter 354 Not one left (two in one)

The original plan of everyone in the Tang Sect was actually quite simple, which was to make a lot of noise.

The other nine people made noises in different directions to attract the attention of the ninjas and samurai, and then the elder Tang Jiaren sneaked into the center of the enemy camp alone to find the location of the ninja and complete the assassination.

The plan is simple, but also very classic and efficient.

Since Tang Jiaren has mastered the supreme assassination technique of the Tang Sect - Dan Che, as long as he successfully finds the target, no one can escape the call of Lord Yan.

As for the lone army going deep into the enemy's camp, how to retreat after assassinating the leader...

This is not within the scope of his consideration, a person who is too stingy cannot become an excellent assassin.

After all, their enemies this time are not just a group of strangers from different countries, but also a large number of soldiers with modern weapons guarding their periphery.This is the opponent that made the ultra-luxury master group formed by Longhu, Shangqing and the four all come back with a feather.

Even in terms of assassination, Tangmen is more professional than all of them combined, but it is still too difficult to complete the task and protect themselves.

In comparison of the two powers, they chose to sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

Such a choice is admirable, but also very regrettable.

Fortunately, now that Chi Yao is here, whether it is poisoning or repelling insects, it can effectively relieve the pressure faced by everyone in the Tang Sect.

"Big sister Mingyi, have you found the place where the other party fetches water every day?"


Tang Mingyi is a congenital stranger. In addition to the assassination methods inherited from the Tang Sect, she also has a talent for controlling beasts. The mountain eagle hovering in the sky is raised by her. She can use the mountain eagle's eyes to obtain information.

"Then, the Elder thinks, who is more suitable for the task of poisoning the water source?"

Chi Yao took out the small bottle containing Phaseless Water Gu and looked at Tang Jiaren.

It has to be said that every method of the Tang Sect seems to be researched for the purpose of assassination. For example, this [Phantom Body Barrier] can completely hide the body when it is static, and as long as you are careful when you move, It is also enough to turn a blind eye when the environment is complex.

No one is more suitable for poisoning than them.

As the great master of the Tang Sect, Tang Jiaren knew the group of disciples very well, who was good at what and what their personality was.So almost without thinking, I named two names:

"Yang Lie, Gao Yingcai!"


The two whose names were called responded in a low voice.

"I will leave this matter to you."

Tang Jiaren took the Phaseless Water Gu from Chi Yao's hand and stuffed it into their hands.

"Don't worry, my lord, we promise to complete the task!"

Yang Lie and Gao Yingcai nodded solemnly, then turned and left.

"As long as they cook with water mixed with Phaseless Water Gu, then [-]% of the peripheral combat power will be relieved."

While stroking the poisonous snake wrapped around his body, Chi Yao said, "Next, cooperate with my little cuties, so you don't have to worry about their threats at all. When retreating, they can also be used as a backup to help block the enemy. pursuit."

Taking a look at the poisons gathered not far away, although it is difficult to admit that they are "little cuties", since everyone is about to fight side by side, no one raises any objections to this title.


Tang Jiaren took out [Viewing Garden] from his bosom. This is a magic weapon unique to the Tang Sect. It can observe the location of the Tang Sect's disciples' breath. Although it can't convey too complicated information, it is still great when coordinating actions. useful.

"Everyone, when the time comes, as long as my qi breath disappears from the viewing garden, it means that the task has been completed, and you all retreat immediately, understand?"




The sun was setting, and it was time to bury the pot and cook in a blink of an eye.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the group of people could vaguely see a little cooking smoke slowly rising from the enemy camp below.

"Hmph, this group of people is really arrogant. They are obviously going deep alone, but they don't know how to restrain themselves!"

Although it was not the first time people from the Tang Sect had seen such a scene, Xu Xin still complained a little indignantly.

"It doesn't matter, the more careless they are and look down on us, the easier it is for our actions to succeed."

Tang Jiaren said calmly, "Ming Yi, keep an eye on their every move, as soon as someone is poisoned, go immediately!"


Tang Mingyi's eyes were fixed on the bottom without blinking.

Soon, this opportunity came.

After everyone from the Tang Sect set off, guessing that they had already lurked around the enemy camp, Chi Yao took out the insect flute from behind and took a long breath.

The next moment, the sound waves that were hard to discern by the human ear centered on him and began to spread in all directions.

This blow seemed to sound the clarion call for the recovery of all things.

The soil in the mountains was quickly turned over, and centipedes, earthworms, scorpions, and ants hidden underground were all attracted, followed by green snakes and spiders on the trees, wasps, mosquitoes, and countless more. All the small birds and beasts gathered here again.

Although Mianshan is not as rich in species as the [-] mountains in Miaojiang, if it is fully mobilized to form a beast tide, it is not a weak force.

At this moment, if someone looks down from the sky, they will find that there is a super large circle composed of countless kinds of insects and birds centered on Chi Yao's place, which is slowly forming and converging towards the center of the circle.

After feeling that the number of insects, insects, birds and beasts gathered was almost the same, the tune in Chi Yao's mouth suddenly changed, and he issued an attack command to the insect swarm.

Suddenly, bees, wasps, bumblebees, mosquitoes, butterflies, ladybugs and other endless flying insects in mid-air immediately understood the master's intentions and turned to swarm to the place where the bihe mountain ninjas were stationed.

The bugs on the ground were originally piled on top of each other, stepping on each other, but now they were spread out like a carpet, following the dark cloud made up of flying insects, moving quickly towards the enemy.



Such a big commotion, not to mention the group of enemies camped here, even everyone in the Tang Sect felt a little parched.

"Good guy, how do I feel that we don't actually need to take action here. The two swarm armies on land and air alone are enough to confront those Japanese people head-on?"

Xu Xin muttered softly as he watched the swarm of insects flying overhead, almost covering the sky.

"Hehe, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. But it is our luck to have such help."

Tang Jiaren smiled, "Then, we have no reason to fail, right?"

"That's right, this trip must let these devils come and go!"

The morale of everyone in the Tang Sect suddenly rose again.

But in the enemy camp, there was another movement.

Originally, the ninjas of Bihe Mountain were the same as usual, watching and sleeping every day, and their lives were relaxed and boring.Most of them didn't understand what Rentou was thinking, and took everyone to this remote barren mountain to set up camp, and stayed there for several days.

"And the leader doesn't see anyone every day, so I don't know what he's doing with that mysterious onmyoji!"

When a ninja hiding on a tree branch was complaining in his heart, he suddenly heard an unusual "buzzing" sound.

His professional acuity made him immediately start looking around, and suddenly found that a group of noisy "dark clouds" were rampaging in the forest, and he seemed to be on its way.

"This is." The ninja opened his eyes wide and tried hard to distinguish what it was, but God didn't give him this chance.

The "dark cloud" passed by, just passing the treetop where the secret whistle was hiding. In less than half a second, the "dark cloud" continued to move forward without hindrance, and a dark heavy object fell from the treetop on the spot. Hit the ground, motionless.

The encounter of this secret whistle was like a signal, and the countless bright and dark whistle hidden in the forest all encountered similar things for a while.

Swallowed by the "dark clouds" and covered by the "bug blanket", most people couldn't even utter a scream, and the strict security that caused headaches for everyone in the Tang Sect was vulnerable in front of the swarm of insects!
Of course, there were also high-quality scouts who retreated extremely cautiously when they saw the "dark cloud" and "worm carpet", and they brought the news back to the camp.

"What?! You said we were surrounded by a group of bugs?"

In the camp, an onmyoji in a suit and leather shoes was eating, and shouted as he watched the ninja flee back in embarrassment, his tone full of disbelief.

He originally wanted to reprimand the ninja for not joking, but after receiving several reports in a row, he finally chose to walk out of the tent, and then he was shocked.

Because the sky above his head was no longer the familiar azure blue at this time, the gray-black insect cloud directly covered the entire sky, pressing down on them like a cover.

And in the camp, there was basically chaos.

There are soldiers rolling over and over and crying because they have eaten their stomachs, and a few ninja warriors who are more vigilant are trying to deal with the swarm.

But no matter whether it's a samurai or a ninja, they actually don't have any means to effectively kill the insect swarm.

After all, the ninjas here do not know ninjutsu such as extinguishing fire.

Their poisonous gas smoke grenade is a solution, but there is no immunity setting for teammates. If it is placed randomly in the camp, the damage caused may not be lower than this unknown bug swarm. Many ninjas stretched their hands into it. Ninja bag, holding the smoke bomb in a tangled mood.

But soon, they don't have to worry about it anymore, because after "Insect Cloud", "Insect Carpet" also came.

If the "Insect Cloud" and the others can still rely on their clothes to cover them and dodge them with their body skills, if they really can't return to the tent to hide for a while, then this "Insect Blanket", which is as pervasive as mercury pouring into the ground, will really force them to nowhere. It's time to stand up.

Several ninjas were forced to throw poison gas smoke bombs, praying that they would not accidentally injure their teammates when killing the swarm.

However, their worries were unnecessary, because those bugs were also poisonous.

In other words, this is not just a group of bugs simply gathered, Chi Yao also added some special ingredients to it.

Therefore, even if they are not bitten by insects, wherever the insects pass by, even the air is poisonous.Inhaled into the body, mild cases can cause headaches, dizziness, and weakness of limbs, and severe cases can cause skin ulcers and death from poisoning.

Not long after, most of the ninjas and samurai in the camp began to have some mild symptoms, feeling chest tightness, shortness of breath, and weakness in hands and feet.

At this time, the entire camp was shrouded in purple-black smoke from the poisonous gas bombs thrown by the ninjas, and the samurai who had symptoms began to curse at their fellow ninjas one by one.

Although there is no point in scolding, but at this moment, what else can they do besides being incompetent and furious?

Ninja is a silent profession, walking in the dark, doing all kinds of dirty work silently, being insulted, betrayed, and given up are commonplace.The yelling and scolding of the warriors didn't make any waves in their mood, and their silence also contributed to the prestige of those people, and they scolded more and more vigorously.

The more they scolded, the more poisonous gas they inhaled into their bodies, and the worse their symptoms became. It's a pity that they all fought bravely on the road to death without knowing it.

As for the onmyoji who looked like a little leader, he ran away as soon as he realized that something was wrong, and now he has successfully escaped to the rear camp, holding his head in front of him:
"Teacher, it's not good, there are enemies coming, and the camp in front has been breached!"

He is not stupid, this sudden swarm of insects is definitely not formed naturally, there must be someone behind it.

The one he called the teacher was Biheshan Rentou, a short and old man with loose white hair, a stooped figure and a walking stick.

Hearing the panicked words of the Onmyoji, he walked out of the tent with his two warrior guards.

Just at this time, people from the two tents next door also came out. One of them was a young man in a black uniform and a military cap, with a vile and cruel smile on his face.The other is a woman in a kimono. Although she has a pretty face, it's a pity that her green pupils make her look eerie.

"My lord, Nintou has appeared!"

Tang Mingyi, who had been keeping a close eye on the camp, found him the first time he stepped out of the tent, and immediately notified Tang Jiaren.

Tang Jiaren received the news and said to the nine disciples of the Tang Sect who had already been waiting for death:

"Brother Chi Yao has already created a good opportunity for us to assassinate, Nintou has appeared, and even the outer sentries have been pulled out, and the enemies are all trapped in the camp, ha ha."

Speaking of this, Tang Jiaren couldn't help laughing, such a comfortable assassination condition, even if he was well-informed, he would rarely come across it.

"So this time, we don't need to infiltrate, we don't need to disguise, and we will kill from the front in an upright manner, and no enemy will be spared! Let these invaders pay the price, understand?"

Tang Jiaren's passionate words ignited the blood of all the disciples of the Tang Sect present, and they didn't care about what was exposed at this time. After responding in unison, they all shot out from their hiding places, like a sharp weapon The arrow slammed into the last fortress of the enemy.

 Thank you for the reward without dreams and words!
(End of this chapter)

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