Chapter 358 Eastern Expedition (Two in One)

Facts have proved that it is not so easy to catch system bugs.

Just now, neither Moon Mountain nor Leigong Mountain triggered any prompts. By analogy, the result of Ziyang Stone Carvings may not be so ideal.

But it's all here, no matter what the result is, you have to try, after all, there are only a few years left, and he can afford to wait.

Therefore, Chi Yao naturally got acquainted with Wei Shufen, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Xiaodie by virtue of this trivial matter.

Except for Wei Shufen who came out to find a scumbag, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Xiaodie, as elite disciples of Tianshi Mansion and Wuhou Sect respectively, were ordered to enter the world to resist aggression.

After traveling with them for a while, Chi Yao felt that it was meaningless, after all, he had already gone through almost the same journey in Ruan Feng's dream.

I really don't have much interest in rewatching the second week.

Everyone was originally a temporary partner, so no one can stop him if he wants to leave.

After leaving them, Chi Yao came to the Qinling Mountains alone.

After some search by the birds and beasts, Wugensheng was found as expected.

The Quanxing faction has no fixed headquarters, and even before Wugensheng appeared, there was a leaderless state for hundreds of years.So although he became the head of the sect, he is not like the heads of other sects who need to stay in a fixed place every day to deal with sect affairs, but is much more relaxed and free.

When Chi Yao found him, he was holding a simple drawing board, smearing on the paper with various colors of paint, quite attentive.

Although he sensed someone coming, Wu Gensheng didn't stop the movement of his hands immediately, but speeded up to complete the outline, then turned around, and stopped the girl who was protecting him as if her hair had exploded:
"Okay Jinfeng, he didn't come to trouble me."

"Oh? Are you so confident?"

Chi Yao looked at Granny Jinfeng, who was still considered to be a water spirit, and deliberately raised his tone, "Don't you know that the master of all natures, everyone can be punished?"

Seeing that the girl was about to show her teeth, Wu Gensheng rubbed her head, "Jinfeng, go get some food, don't worry, I'm fine here."

Although Mei Jinfeng was a little worried, but the words without roots were more effective to her than the imperial decree, so she had no choice but to leave without looking back.

"How did Brother Chi find this place?"

Wu Gensheng seemed relaxed, but he was still a little surprised that Chi Yao could find his secret base.

Apart from Mei Jinfeng, only that kid Gu Shiting knew about it, and both of them were people who would never betray themselves.

"Hehe, it's very simple. After we met last time, I put a spell on you. I can find you anytime I want."

Chi Yao teased lightly.

"Give me a trick?"

Wu Gensheng smiled "haha", he didn't believe it at all, as the master of the gods and spirits of different arts, it is an exaggeration to say that "all magic is invincible", can he still not know whether he has any means imposed by others?
However, he could also see that Chi Yao was unwilling to reveal this matter, so he naturally changed the subject, "Well, I don't know why brother Chi came here, what's your business?"

"Gensheng, what do you think about Quanxing?"

Chi Yao pondered for a moment, then asked.


Wu Gensheng looked slightly surprised.

"You claim to respect Yang Zhu as your ancestors, you don't pluck a hair, you don't take a hair, you ignore all the rules in the world, and you live only according to your own preferences..."

Before Chi Yao could finish speaking, Wu Gensheng sneered.

"Respect Yang Zhu as the ancestor? Just put gold on your face..."

He shook his head, "It's just a bunch of headless flies."

" you are a fly, where are you going to take them?"

Chi Yao asked meaningfully.

"What a fly, this is too ugly!"

Wu Gensheng retorted, "Hey, let me tell you this, I divide people into four categories. The lowest category, no skills and no way, has always just lived passively, drifting with the tide, often ignored, but it is The vast majority of these mortal beings are the foundation of everything.

"The second category, they can often become elites in a certain circle, and perform better than most people. I call it skillful, but that's all. Although they have some abilities, they still People who don't know why they live, so they have no way. Although such a person may live a more comfortable life than most people, they still cannot escape the troubles and sorrows of ordinary people.

"The third type of people, they have skills and know to find the path they should take in this life, but either they can't see clearly, or they don't know it when they are going wrong. But it is because they know to find their own path. Dao, so I will not easily compromise on the things I believe, which will often cause big trouble... Among the whole nature, most of them are like this."

"Then what about the fourth category?" Chi Yao asked.

"The fourth category is skillful and Taoist. They are the best. They know what they should do in this life and they are able to do it. It has nothing to do with good or evil. The whole life is for the completion of merit.

"So, your Dao, could it be the third type of people in Enchanting Quanxing?"

Chi Yao asked doubtfully, "Hell is not empty, so I vowed not to become a Buddha?"

"I'm not that noble..."

Wu Gensheng waved his hand, but he didn't mean to elaborate on his purpose.

"Whether it is noble or not is another matter,"

Chi Yao continued, "But since you have taken over the position of Quanxing Sect Leader, you must do something, right? The Baihu in Mianshan before, including the inexplicable layman earlier... They are abrupt To make these actions similar to suicide, you should be behind the influence, right?"

"They just found their own way, and I just pushed back a little. They found the way by themselves."

Wu Gensheng emphasized that he did not make any comments on the description of suicide.

"Even so,"

Chi Yao had no intention of entangled with him on this, "But don't you think it's too inefficient to come one by one like this?"

"Oh, what do you say?"

I have no roots to doubt, do you still want to teach me how to guide the disciples?
"As you said, the person who can become the head of Quanxing must be an expert with Taoism and skill. Such people are rare in the first place, and those who are willing to swim in the muddy water of Quanxing are even rarer. Your superior One term, how did the black-clothed minister do it for so many years?"

Without waiting for Wu Gensheng to answer, Chi Yao continued, "His plan is to choose a dangerous path for those confused madmen that is enough to attract their attention and consume their energy—to overthrow the world in peacetime!"

"Nowadays, the world is already riddled with holes. It's not worth being destroyed for the sake of these lunatics."

Rootless shook his head.

"Your vision is still not broad enough..."

Chi Yao shook his head, raised his hand and tapped Dongfang, "We are not the only country in this world. It is not easy to find a target for subversion? Why not follow Xu Fu's example?"

Xu Fu, a famous alchemist in the Qin Dynasty, used the pretext of refining the elixir for the Qin Emperor to defraud countless resources and people, and traveled eastward to Fusang.

Wu Gensheng naturally knew about him, and his eyes lit up when he heard what Chi Yao said.

"what do you mean?"

"How, something like this might be of interest to the whole sex? Enough to drain their energy?"

The corners of Chi Yao's mouth curled up slightly.

"If that's the case, then of course it's enough."

This suggestion also seemed to provide Wu Gensheng with a new idea, which made him start to mutter incessantly.



Wu Gensheng claims to be the fourth type of person, with skills and principles.However, Chi Yao didn't know what his way was, nor did he know why he wanted to join Quanxing and become the leader.

According to Wugensheng himself, a person with the right way and skill knows the way he wants to go, and he will not hesitate to smash his body and bones for it.

Therefore, it should not be aimless for him to become the master of all natures, but has its internal logic, at least it is beneficial for him to practice his own way.

But these are not important, Chi Yao just needs someone to do things with him.

After all, with such abilities and opportunities, I am afraid that no one can bear it.

Wugensheng is worthy of being the head of Quanxing, and his ability is still very strong.After he figured it out, he quickly mobilized a large number of all-sex members.

In the end, hundreds of people were willing to participate in the Eastern Expedition.

In order to transport them all there, Chi Yao also specially contacted Mr. Zhao.

The patriotic businessman who is suspected to be the father of Zhao Fangxu, the boss who will know everything in the future, immediately cheered up when he heard his request.

It can be seen from his behavior of going to Tangmen to buy murderers that this guy is not a person who sticks to tricks.

Although Quan Xing has a bad reputation, firstly, there is Chi Yao as a guarantor; secondly, in the face of the righteousness of the family and the country, the issue of personal morality can be selectively ignored; I can't come back, so under the blessing of these three conditions, Mr. Zhao agreed very happily.

His actions are also very vigorous,
It used to be too big and difficult to transport hundreds of aliens at one time. After all, no matter how powerful aliens are, it is difficult for them to fight against modern killers. China's security still has a great impact, so countries have some restrictions in this regard.

Now that the two countries are hostile, it is even more difficult to act.

However, as the saying goes, money can make ghosts turn the clock, under the offensive of Mr. Zhao's gold bars, he still got through the channel.

These people will be divided into ten batches, first transit to other countries, and finally rejoin in the island country.On the other hand, Wu Gensheng and Chi Yao will arrive directly with a few people first, and make some preparations for the follow-up staff.



Amidst the whistling whistle, a passenger ship gradually left the port.

On the boat, Chi Yao, Wu Gensheng, Gu Shiting and Gao Gen stood side by side.

Mei Jinfeng wanted to come, but unfortunately Wu Gensheng stopped her. After all, her strength is too weak, and compared to the other murderers in Quanxing who are not regrettable to die, she is not at that level.In order to keep her from following her privately, Xia Liuqing was not in the plan this time either.

Because none of them had been to Dongying, Mr. Zhao specially arranged a guide for them.

After watching the scenery on the sea for a while, several people returned to the cabin.

"What do you think about this action?"

Wu Gensheng asked.

"Brother, what is our ultimate goal?"

Gu Shiting asked, "Should we only attack their alien forces, or do we want to create chaos for their country to the greatest extent and achieve the entire subversion?"

There is an essential difference between the two in the way they act.

It is very simple to only target aliens. Today, Dongpu's aliens are divided into three camps.

Ninja, Samurai, Priest.

The ninjas were originally headed by Biheshan, but this time Biheshan's ninjas include a large number of elite Soulbroken Mianshan under his command. While the strength of the island nation's ninjas has been greatly damaged, there may be a stir for this vacant ninja position. Internal disputes, no time to look outside, can almost be said to be nothing to worry about.

The samurai group is based on families such as Mochizuki, Ishikawa, and Yagyu. The heads of these three families are all honored as sword masters.

As for the priests, they are composed of Shinto priests and witches. They are the most powerful and have the closest connection with the upper echelons of the country.

"If we want to only target aliens, then our focus will be on the three major warrior families, or the so-called three major sword masters."

Gu Shiting's family has a long history, and he tells all kinds of information, including the characteristics of the swordsmanship they are good at, the distribution of the territory, the composition of the personnel and so on.

After listening to him, Wu Gensheng looked at Chi Yao: "What do you think?"


Chi Yao smiled contemptuously, "I don't think we need to tie our hands and feet. Once we start to act, we will inevitably receive double pressure from strangers and officials. In this case, why not give them a ruthless blow from the beginning and directly hit them hard?" What about the center?"


Gu Jiting thought for a while and asked, "Brother Chi, you mean...the shrine?"

"Brother Gu, you are a sorcerer and you are good at looking after your breath. Do you think it is better to directly destroy a place where beliefs gather like the shrine, or to change the structure secretly, causing a greater and far-reaching impact?"

Chi Yao asked suddenly.


Gu Jiting thought for a moment when he heard the words, "If no one can find out, the impact of modifying the Feng Shui pattern will be more lasting and far-reaching. It will affect the luck of the entire country for a long time. Destruction is just a momentary pleasure. As long as the reconstruction is completed, the can negate the impact."

"Is that so..."

Chi Yao nodded, "That's fine."

"Hey, hey, I haven't spoken yet, you've already decided?"

Wu Gensheng was speechless, "Which one of us is the head of Quan Xing?"

"Of course it's you, I'm giving you advice!"

Chi Yao spread his hands innocently.

"Of course I understand the principle of capturing the thief first, so I have no objection to dealing with the Jingu. But we must make a good plan, including the countermeasures after success and failure."

Wu Gensheng took out a map, "And we'd better do both, I want both the samurai and the shrine!"

(End of this chapter)

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