Chapter 379 Treasure Hunt
In the end, the result of the Battle of Weizhou did not exceed their expectations. Although the coalition forces formed by the four kingdoms of Shu, Chu, Wu, and Qi came fiercely, they could not get the slightest advantage in front of the roaring Yellow River, so they could only stop regretfully. .

The five-point Jin Kingdom has formally taken shape, which can be regarded as a temporary stop sign for this turmoil.

The so-called great chaos must be followed by a great order. Although it does not seem appropriate to put it here, the forces that these five parties jointly divided up the original first vassal state also slowed down their pace and began to enter A period of steady development.

They need time to digest these lands and populations into their own strength.

And if you want to develop this piece of land that has just experienced war, you cannot do without a very important thing-money!

Qi country is very short of money.

Originally, Qi State's fief area was not large, and its wealth could only be regarded as average. A few years ago, when the empress was in power, she was attacked by Zhu Youzhen of Liang State, and was once beaten to Fengxiang City.

The post-war reconstruction has almost emptied Qi's savings.

But Li Maozhen is not worried, because he still has a big killer in his hand - the Longquan treasure box.

As one of the few people in the world who knows the secrets of Longquan treasures, Li Maozhen is very clear that this is the capital left by Emperor Xizong for the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

But now, he is going to use these things to build the country of Qi.

Opening the Longquan treasure box is not difficult for Li Maozhen, who has obtained the secret technique from the Twelve Caves, and he easily resolved the voodoo mechanism that had directly caused the ghost king whose strength had vaguely broken through the great heaven to commit suicide.

He ignored the Holy Gu of turning into ashes Miaojiang, took out the clay puppet placed in the box, and after rubbing it, he murmured: "The rotten soil of the land of Shu..."

And at the same time he opened the Longquan treasure box, in the middle of a cave with a quiet environment in the Shu land thousands of miles away, in the arms of a huge statue, a young man who looked very Miaojiang opened his eyes.



Li Maozhen didn't bring too many people with him when he went to Shu to search for treasures, but the news that the Longquan treasure box had been opened naturally couldn't be concealed from the bad guys who had been staring at him.

So this news was naturally sent to Li Xingyun and others.


"Li Maozhen set off to find the treasure of Longquan, what should we do?"

Ji Ruxue came to Jinyang with the news.

Although she is the maid beside the empress, her heart has always been towards Li Xingyun.Moreover, the Queen's ability to let her out seems to have secretly expressed some attitudes.

"Longquan Treasure!"

Li Xingyun chewed these four words, recalling the past, all the troubles gathered on him seemed to be because of this thing.Whether it was the competition for the Longquan Sword at the beginning, or the several times of persecution by Xuanmingjiao and Tongwenguan, the ultimate goal was for this legendary treasure that could help the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

"No, this thing is a scourge!"

He said categorically, "Before he was born, countless people were crazy about it and scrambled to snatch it. Once Li Maozhen really enlightened it, the consequences would be unimaginable. I am afraid it will cause huge turmoil far beyond the four kingdoms' invasion of Jin! I will never allow it." This kind of thing happened!"

His words were also recognized by Zhang Zifan, Lu Linxuan and others, who all expressed their willingness to help him.

But Li Xingyun refused.

"Brother Zhang, now the state of Jin is waiting to be rejuvenated, and the people are in panic. I cannot do without you."


Zhang Zifan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Cunyi, "Stinky boy, what I said is right, your status is different now, you can't run around in the rivers and lakes all day long. I will leave this kind of thing to five Uncle me!"

"Uncle mean, don't you stay and help me?" Zhang Zifan asked in astonishment.

"Of course, when Li Siyuan was around, I didn't stay in Tongwen Museum all the time!"

Li Cunyi's natural answer made Zhang Zifan speechless for a while.

"Okay, don't argue, brother, you'd better stay and help a group of Zhang brothers, this time I will go with the two corpse ancestors, and Xue'er."

Li Xingyun finally made a final decision.



Shu land.

Along the way, Li Maozhen also talked to Chi Yao about the Longquan treasure box and the Longquan treasure.

After Xizong buried the treasure, in order to keep the secret, he specially found the holy boy from the twelve caves in Miaojiang, asked him to record the location of the treasure, and then put him into a deep sleep with the secret method of the twelve caves.

If the Longquan treasure box is not opened for a day, he will not wake up for a day.

And once he woke up, looking for the heir of Datang and helping him find the treasure became the first mission engraved in his mind.

Therefore, at this moment, not only Li Maozhen and others are looking for this holy boy, but the holy boy who has awakened is also looking for the person who is deeply imprinted in his mind.

His memory is not complete now, and only after meeting Li Xingyun can he fully recall everything back then.

Li Maozhen followed the trail of Shengtong relying on Liuying to lead the way, and behind him, Li Xingyun and his party followed him quietly, with the idea of ​​praying mantis to catch cicada and oriole.


In the end, Li Maozhen and his party were the first to meet the holy boy.

But because Li Maozhen was not the person in Shengtong's mind, not only Shengtong was unwilling to go with him, but turned around and ran away in fright from the strange beast tattoo on his arm.

How could Li Maozhen allow the duck he got to fly away?

He picked up a chopstick from the small table next to him, flicked his fingers, and stabbed the holy boy's calf.

A long sword flew from a distance, and it happened to be stuck in front of Shengtong, blocking the chopsticks for him.

"Oh, King Qi is so angry that he wants to do something like this to a little child, it's really depressing..."

Li Xingyun clapped his hands and appeared on the nearby roof. While teasing, he signaled Ji Ruxue and Hou Qing to take Shengtong away quickly.

His actions were not considered concealed, but Li Maozhen did not rush to stop him. He looked up and scanned Li Xingyun and the two corpse ancestors behind him, and asked, "Is the lesson I taught you last time not enough?" ?”

"As the saying goes, people should look at each other with admiration after three days. We haven't seen each other for a few months. You can't always look at people with old eyes!"

Li Xingyun was doing his best to delay time for Ji Ruxue and Shengtong.

"Then let me see how much progress you have made!"

Before Li Maozhen finished speaking, her figure disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of Li Xingyun as if teleporting in a flash, and slapped her head with a palm full of inner strength!
Faced with this palm, even though Li Xingyun had already secretly used the Seven Stars Art, the huge gap in strength still made him inevitable to be thrown away.

However, he was not fighting alone. At the same time that Li Xingyun took advantage of the situation to fly back, Hanba, the corpse ancestor, was also retreating. However, while leaving, Hanba threw a flower that seemed to be made of paper in the direction of Li Maozhen. flowers.


(End of this chapter)

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