Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 409 One Insect Kills Five Soldiers

Chapter 409 One Insect Kills Five Soldiers
The ice silkworm's poison of extreme cold can't be solved by others, but it is not a problem for Chi Yao.

When the poisonous Gu was activated and inhaled, the hoarfrost on Meng Xu's face quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his bluish-purple face became slightly rosier.


Although it was impossible for his body damaged by the cold poison to recover so quickly, he was still a master of martial arts. After the cold poison faded, Meng Xu quickly recovered his mind.

"You are……"

Seeing a strange figure standing in front of his bed, Meng Xu was a little puzzled, but after feeling the long-lost lightness in his body, he immediately turned over and bowed, "Thank you, senior, for detoxifying me!"

"You're smart,"

Chi Yao didn't talk nonsense with him, "Tell me about the ice silkworm."


Meng Xu is indeed a smart man. Although he doesn't know Chi Yao's identity and purpose, the current situation where people are swordsmen and I are fish and meat is obvious. Rather than resisting meaninglessly, it is better to follow the other party first.

"The thing is like this. At that time, the five of us were going to join forces to catch the ice silkworm first, but we didn't expect..."



Ten days ago, the northern glacier of Tianger Peak.

Under the persecution of Meng Xu and others, Nomad Xin, the chief priest of the Witch God Cult, reluctantly took out his witch staff and drew an insect-inducing array on the ground.

In terms of controlling insects, although the priests of the Witch God Sect are not as good as the more professional Miaojiang Gu masters, there are quite a lot of places where poisonous insects gather in Chu State, so there are still two brushes.

"This is your Insect Inducing Formation, right? I heard that the Ten Thousand Insect Witch Ceremony is based on this?"

Ye Xi from Diao'ao Island looked at it for a while, then suddenly asked.

"Hmph, not bad!"

Speaking of this, Nomad is quite proud, "However, due to insufficient materials, this is just a simplified version, but it shouldn't be a problem to deal with a mere ice silkworm. As long as it can be introduced into the formation, it will be difficult to insert wings." escaped."

It's a pity that this ice silkworm is not an ordinary poisonous insect with low IQ as he thought, it can clearly hear the communication between the five people.

"Can't you get close to that strange formation, I remember it."

The ice silkworm thought about it, turned around inadvertently, and changed its direction, but it controlled its speed very well, and it didn't make people feel that it was running away, but simply felt that it was unlucky.

In this way, under the guidance of the ice silkworm all the way, the five people continued to go deeper into the glacier...

"However, what we never expected is that there is actually a trap under that glacier, and that ice silkworm deliberately lured us there! It is a devil!"

Speaking of this, Meng Xu became excited, but Chi Yao's eyes lit up:
"Oh? Tell me in detail?"

"We chased the ice silkworm all the way, and finally forced it to a dead end. At first, we thought it was safe, but we didn't expect that the ice layer in that place was actually empty."

Until now, Meng Xu's tone is still full of fear.

According to what he said, after the five people caught up with the ice silkworm, the ice silkworm did not know how to directly shatter the surface of the glacier, and then all five people and one insect fell down.

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Meng Xu wept bitterly, "How could I think I could fight an ice silkworm in a snow mountain?"

After falling into the ice cave together, their nightmare came.

Although martial arts people are not afraid of cold and heat, there is a limit to that. Although internal energy can generate heat, none of them can afford to consume the internal energy needed to maintain a normal body temperature in the ice cave.

Not to mention that there is an ice silkworm that is watching covetously and is about to rush up and take a bite!

"Nomad is the first to die, maybe because he has been arranging the insect-leading array,"

Meng Xu murmured, "I saw with my own eyes that a translucent white line flashed away, and one of his hands suddenly fell off..."

Perhaps because that memory was too painful, the logic in Meng Xu's words became more and more chaotic, and he couldn't even remember how he escaped from the snow mountain.

But judging from the tragic situation of the five people in his mouth, at least Chi Yao can be sure of one thing - the safety of the ice silkworm is not a problem.

Just like what Meng Xu said, fighting with a wise ice silkworm in a snow mountain glacier, what right do they have?

It's a pity that most greedy people in this world don't think about this issue.

After finishing speaking, Meng Xu looked at Chi Yao pitifully: "Senior, that's all I know, I hope it can be of some help to you, and I wish you an early capture of ice silkworms."

"Well, what you said does have some value."

Chi Yao didn't deny it, but at the moment when Meng Xu's face brightened and he felt that his safety was now guaranteed, a palm lightly landed on the top of his head.

"However, from the moment you attacked my ice silkworm, your fate was already sealed."

A gust of bone-chilling freezing air gushed out from Chi Yao's palm, turning Meng Xu into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.



At the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.

This small town called Tianshan Town has never been so lively as it is today.

The martial arts people gathered from all directions directly doubled the population of the whole town. The inns were not enough, and even the ordinary farmhouses were full. Many people even started to plan to cut wood and build houses by themselves.

This situation was naturally seen by some quick-witted businessmen, and soon Tianshan Town flooded with a large number of related vendors, ranging from inns and restaurants to selling cotton-padded clothes, fire letter seeds, anti-cold wax, etc. .

On this day, a young man wearing a blue-purple blouse and leading a steed slowly came to the gate of the town.

"Hey, hero, you also came here to see the true face of the ice silkworm, right?"

The villagers who had been guarding the door for a long time greeted them with smiles, "However, the Tianger Peak where the ice silkworm was found is now surrounded by several powerful forces, and no one else is allowed to enter casually. You might as well go along first." Shall I take a rest? And your outfit is suitable outside, but it will look a little thin when you go up to Tianshan Mountain, but don't worry, we have cotton coats and felt hats, and we guarantee that you won't be frozen."

Chi Yao was not interested in the sales promotion behind him, but he was a little curious about the forces that blocked Tian'er Mountain. He took out a piece of silver and threw it to the person: "Tell me about Tian'er Peak in detail." What forces are involved in the blockade?"

"Okay~ le!"

After taking the silver and biting it, the man's smile showed a bit more sincerity:
"Heroes don't know that this ice silkworm is a rare insect in the world, and the one in Tianshan is even more extraordinary. It is said that it has not low spiritual intelligence. Therefore, it has attracted a large number of experts. Other things Let’s say, none of the five major powers in Jianghu has been left behind. Even experts from other races have come here! Bashi from the Shatuo clan, princess from Khitan, and people from the Wandu Cave..."

Listening to the other party's revelations like countless treasures, Chi Yao also remembered these names one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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