Chapter 414 Variation
On the top of the snow mountain, the whimpering cold wind kept blowing a large translucent snow-colored cocoon.

The cocoon looks white from a distance, but if you look closely, you will find a faint blue brilliance and a slight rhythmic vibration like a heartbeat.

This is the Ice Silkworm Gu that is in the process of being advanced.

Perhaps because of the deep savings, the advancement of the century-old ice silkworm to the millennium ice silkworm was a matter of course, and it didn't take much effort, but when continuing to advance to the ten-thousand-year ice silkworm, the ice silkworm took the initiative to spit out a lot of cold silk to wrap itself , forming the big cocoon in front of me.

Such a change made Chi Yao a little bit surprised, because the Gu formula he has mastered so far does not turn the ice silkworm into a butterfly, but since the cocoon has formed, it will not be a silkworm after breaking the cocoon, right?
However, for silkworms, breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly is a huge leap comparable to rebirth, which is also a good thing.

However, after waiting for a few days with anticipation and apprehension, Chi Yao found that although there was always a heartbeat-like pulsation in this big cocoon, but if you carefully inspected it, the energy in it hadn't changed at all, and it was a bit too stable.

It's like the feeling that something is missing and you're stuck.

"Hiss~ This is going to be difficult!"

Chi Yao took a breath of the refreshing cool air from the top of the snow mountain, and felt a little headache, and also didn't quite understand why the ice silkworm didn't follow the arranged path to advance normally and mutated.

"Wait, could it be because of Chi You's blood?"

He had a flash of inspiration, but he had new doubts, "Chi You's blood does have the ability to mutate voodoo, but I have kept this ice silkworm in Tianshan, and have not taken it to Miaojiang!"

I can't figure out the reason for a while, but I always have to find a way to solve the problem.

So Chi Yao cut his fingertips and pressed his bloody fingers against the crystal clear cocoon wall.

As Chi You's body, his blood is naturally Chi You's blood.

But this press did not play the role Chi Yao imagined.

According to his original thinking, since Chi You's blood is most likely the cause of the ice silkworm's mutation, it is probably caused by insufficient blood volume or other reasons that it is stuck in the middle.

Where there is not enough to make up for.

But unfortunately, I don't know if it's because of cocooning and autism, the evolving ice silkworms didn't respond to these delicacies delivered to their door.

Just when Chi Yao was at a loss and was about to take out all the things on his body and use the traversal method to try one by one, a very weak consciousness came into his mind.


After realizing the source of this consciousness, Chi Yao fell into deep thought.

It was none other than the Bidie Gu that made the movement.

As one of the traditional six-vein holy Gu in Miaojiang, although the Jade Butterfly Gu is not good at attacking, it has a strong ability to heal wounds, and it has an auspicious reputation for speeding up. The status of the Jade Butterfly Envoy is not low.

But who let Chi Yao get the automatic qi training method like [Five Poisons Circulation]?

This method of practicing qi from the [Book of Five Plagues] is very strong, but five of the six holy Gus included in it have no place for the blue butterfly Gu.

The method of circulation of the five poisons is so fragrant that it is impossible for Chi Yao to give up, so the Bidie Gu is left alone.

The so-called miss one step, fall behind step by step, these words can't be more suitable for Bidie Gu.

When Chi Yao first entered the body of the six holy Gu, they could be said to be on the same starting line, even if there was little difference between them.

But since the other five kinds of Gu got on the express train of [Five Poisons Circulation], the gap between Bidie Gu and them became wider and wider.

Especially after Chi Yao obtained the Ice Silkworm Gu, which also has healing effects, and successfully cultivated it, even the only healing ability was replaced, and the Bidie Gu was almost put on the shelf ever since.

After all, human energy is limited, even Chi Yao can't play the trick of rain and dew on all the voodoo in his hand, so he can only focus on cultivating the voodoo with high potential and high effect first.

Such as Qijue Gu, such as Linglong Heart Aperture Gu, and the Ice Silkworm Gu in front of him, etc.

The ability of Bidie Gu is not irreplaceable, and its development potential is not obvious for the time being, and it is not uncommon for it to be neglected.

Even when he broke through the Twelve Caves not long ago, if the Ice Silkworm Gu wasn't by his side, he wouldn't have used the Jade Butterfly Gu to deal with the healing trial.

Fortunately, although the cultivation level of Bidie Gu itself is not high, but with the blessing of Chi Yao's strong energy, it still showed a good healing ability, allowing him to barely pass.

And now...

"You want to go in?"

Chi Yao savored the message from Bidie Gu carefully, "Do you want to merge with Ice Silkworm Gu? Or do you want to help it evolve?"

To be honest, Chi Yao would naturally be willing to combine these two types of Gu that are also good at healing into one.

After being merged into one, besides the improvement of the healing ability is certain, the integration and optimization of the same type of voodoo is also convenient for future use. In addition, silkworms and butterflies can be regarded as the same species after careful study, and the probability of perfect fusion is very high.

After analyzing it for a while, Chi Yao, who thought it was feasible, summoned the Bidie Gu in Yuanhai's aperture, wanting to see how they are fused.

From the appearance, the Bidie Gu is a flying insect the size of a fingernail. If you don't look closely, it is not surprising that it is regarded as a fly or mosquito.

Under closer inspection, it is crystal clear, like jasper, not so much a Gu worm, but more like a beautiful work of art.

Bidie flew up from Chi Yao's palm with fluttering wings, and plunged into the big ice-blue cocoon with a bluish-colored streamer.

Suddenly, the energy inside the cocoon, which had been stagnant for a long time, began to surge again.

Chi Yao was overjoyed when he saw this, and stared intently at the changes.

The input of the green butterfly Gu seemed to point out the direction of evolution for the ice silkworm, and the energy that had been accumulated for a long time in the ice and snow cocoon immediately began to exert force in the right direction.

In Chi Yao's perception, the state inside the cocoon is changing rapidly, and only the stronger and stronger heartbeat indicates that all this is developing towards the good side.



In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

In the past few days, because the Witch God Sect has lost its leader, and Li Cunyi evacuated the Tongwen Hall with him, the joint blockade of Tian'er Peak by the five sects is already in name only.

As a result, sects of all sizes and the three of them entered the snow mountain one after another, and began to search for traces of ice silkworms.However, Jiange, Diao'ao Island and Huanyinfang have no time to control them because they are fighting with each other.

The current Tianshan Mountain is more than ten times more lively than before Chi Yao went up the mountain.

"How is it? Bago, have you found any clues?"

Three men and women with sullen faces and wrapped in fur cloaks came to the ice cave under the glacier where ice silkworms used to live.

Among them, the woman raised her hand and released a small red snake wrapped around her arm, swallowing bright red snake letters, as if she was looking for something.

"I found it! Baal, Baye, come with me!"

The woman named Bago looked about twenty or thirty years old. She carried a loom-like axle on her back, and her eyes suddenly shone with surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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