Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 424 2 Religions Combine into 1, Theocracy Steps on Royal Power

Chapter 424 Two Religions Unite as One, Theocracy Steps on Royal Power
In the Daguangming Temple, the lavender flames filled the sky. Although the real fire of Samadhi was not known for its high temperature, most of the Manichaeans lying on the ground were shivering.

They are not because of the heat, but because of the fear instinct from the depths of the soul, which cannot be overcome without a very strong and firm will.

And the figure standing under the sea of ​​flames is as dazzling as the king of flames.

"Surrender, or die?"

A faint voice descended from the sky, light and weightless as it seemed, but it struck the hearts of all the Manicheans like a heavy hammer, sending out the most severe torture:
Worship the fire, worship the fire, so what should you do when facing someone who can make the flame surrender?

"Meet Mingzun!" *N


Grassland Royal Court.

Ever since the great shamanism priest left and disappeared, the Manichae leader had this kind of faint uneasiness in his heart.

Although no matter how he thinks, he can't figure out where the crisis comes from, but it's this kind of unknown that makes him upset, and he frequently sends people out to inquire about various news.

It's a pity that no matter where the return is, everything is normal.

This kind of situation where he clearly felt that there was a problem but couldn't find the problem really made him feel aggrieved until...

"Master, the two envoys are asking to see you!" A notification came from outside the big tent.

"What are they two doing here?"

The leader of Mani was stunned, and his heart was suspended for a moment, but even bad news is much better than no news before. Instead, his tension and anxiety were relieved a lot. Open the mouth: "Call them in."

Soon, the two envoys of good and evil entered hand in hand.

"The two of you shouldn't have left Da Guangming Temple at the same time,"

The leader first frowned and reprimanded them, and then asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

"Apologize to the Hierarch,"

The two of them half-kneeled on the ground, reverence, fear, unwillingness, ruthlessness and other emotions intertwined and cycled in their eyes, extremely complicated, and replied in a very low voice, "%...@*¥"


The voice was too low, and the Manichee master couldn't hear clearly, so he took a step closer subconsciously.

This time he finally heard clearly.

"Master Mingzun sends you his greetings."

A faint purple flame suddenly appeared in the hand of Zai Guangshan, and gently sank into the body of the Manichaeism.

Samadhi real fire, dedicated to burning the soul!
The Manichae leader only had time to leave a shocked expression before he collapsed to the ground.



At this time, outside of the royal court, another grand performance was going on.

In order to be able to control the use of the state to refine the medicine of immortality, Chi Yao's plan is to become the national teacher of the grassland khanate.

The flag of King Khan on the grassland changes in various ways, but there is never a lack of the position of the national teacher. Theocratic power and royal power often go hand in hand, especially in this world where great power can be attributed to individuals. The struggle between theocratic power and royal power is quite frequent and fierce.

Because for grassland countries, they rely more on the sky for food, so they will be more dependent on mysterious sects, and their belief in gods is deeply rooted and cannot be eradicated.

In this regard, the party in charge of the royal power came up with checks and balances.

Hence the conflict between Manichaeism and Shamanism.

Turning the struggle between theocracy and royal power into an internal struggle between the two theocracy, the royal power sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, detached from the two as an arbiter.

Have to say this is indeed a good idea.

Under such circumstances, no matter which sect ascended to the position of national teacher, they could only act obediently according to King Khan's wishes, because there were others watching behind him.If you can't do it, someone else will replace you.

But unfortunately, such a national teacher is not what Chi Yao is willing to be.

So he didn't go directly to the royal court to compete with the Manichae leader for the position of the national teacher after subduing the Shamanism, but went to the Daguang Temple first to bring the Manichaeism under his command.

In this way, the two grassland religions, which were originally opposed to each other, were integrated in his hands.

Of course, this kind of integration is very rough, almost entirely relying on Chi Yao's personal force and means, without him, it is guaranteed to fall apart in an instant.

But these Chi Yao didn't care, who cares what the grassland will look like after he leaves?As long as you can live comfortably when you are there.

Therefore, the last major event after the merger of the two religions is to bring the divine power over the royal power again, and make the national teacher the unique master on the grassland.

After integrating the two religions of Shaman and Mani, the difficulty of this matter is not too great.

Just show another miracle in the royal court.

Therefore, he first let the top leaders of the two sects return to the royal court, while he still walked alone, approaching the royal court step by step from the snowstorm.

This time the movement will be bigger.



In the center of the royal court, the big tent of King Khan.

"My lord, it's not good, a hurricane suddenly came up outside!"

An orderly reported in embarrassment.

In fact, even if he didn't need to report, everyone in the royal court noticed the blizzard tornadoes that were getting closer and closer to them.

Chi Yao urged the Ice Crystal Butterfly to fully fire this time. Cooperating with the grassland that was already full of cold currents, it almost created a real natural disaster.

The howling north wind howled like a pack of wolves, and before it got close, many tents in the royal court were shaking.

Of course, the people in the tent were not much better off.

No matter how brave the prairie warriors were, there was nothing they could do about such natural disasters. The steeds under their crotch would rather die than rush into the storm, and the arrows they shot with all their strength were useless against the snow tornado.

Just when they were at a loss, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, it's fire!"

Everyone followed the reputation.

There seemed to be a flame floating above the dozens of tornadoes dancing wildly on the ice field like silver snakes.

No, not one.

But one after another!
Ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand...

Gradually converging into endless flames across the sky, as if they were fighting with the Snowstorm Silver Snake below.

"Ming Zun is above!"

Seeing this, the Manichaeists gathered in the royal court bowed down and praised loudly. Many soldiers and officials who didn't know why also chose to follow.

As time went by, the sea of ​​flames in the sky and the wind and snow silver snake were getting closer and closer to the royal court. At this time, some people with sharp eyesight finally saw——

"Look, those snow tornadoes seem to be carrying a person!"

After a while, they finally saw clearly that those wind and snow snakes that were considered to destroy natural disasters were really just mounts, and the sea of ​​flames that were considered to be hopes was just a canopy on that person's head.

Just when they were inexplicably shocked and couldn't help but want to worship, the top leaders of the Shamanism and Manichaeism knelt down together, threw their bodies on the ground, and shouted loudly:
"Driven by the wind and snow, crowned by the holy fire, this is a god! Welcome the god to come to the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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