Chapter 430
"Without a woman in your heart, draw a sword and be a god of nature?"

As a world-renowned master of the sword, Xuan Jian naturally has a deep and unique understanding of the way of swords.

To sum it up simply, just one word - kill!

Don't look at what he said about the black and white swords in his hand, one inside and one outside, one is the sword of protection and the other is the sword of killing.But in fact, his understanding of protection is also realized through killing.

Even in his criteria for evaluating sword weapons, whether drinking blood is enough is also a very important indicator.

It was precisely because he was so bloodthirsty that he was caught by the net, and he agreed to join it so easily.

Because the net can provide enough people for him to kill!

Before this, it was not that Xuan Jian had never met people who upheld other kendo concepts. On the contrary, he had seen too many kinds of kendo in the process of crossing the Seven Kingdoms in order to sharpen his kendo.What is the sword of the gentleman, the sword of universal love, the sword of the four seasons, the sword of soldier killing... just because he has read all the thousands of sails, and has not met anyone who is better than himself, so he is more and more confident in his own way of swordsmanship, The achievements are also getting higher and higher.

But as a swordsman, Xuan Jian still maintained a strong interest when he heard about a strange way of swordsmanship he had never seen before.

"Where is your friend? I would like to learn from him if I have a chance."

He will not judge the pros and cons of a kind of kendo out of thin air, but he intends to talk about it after the fight.

"Then I'm afraid you have no chance..."

Chi Yao shook his head, after all, he was a friend out of thin air, how could he compete with you?

He just thought of this, so he just said it casually, and didn't really intend to discuss swordsmanship with Xuan Jian.So he quickly brushed over this topic and abandoned ship and landed.

"Daliang City... is Mr. Xinling in Daliang now?"


Xuan Jian was still thinking about what that novel way of swordsmanship looked like, but he didn't expect that after Chi Yao aroused his interest, he suddenly changed the subject and stopped talking.He made it itchy in his heart but he couldn't get up or down, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Even the reaction was a little slow.

"Mr. Xinling...Since he united the Five Kingdoms and defeated the Qin army four years ago, he has become famous all over the world and at the same time lost his position in the court of the Wei Kingdom."

Xuan Jian's voice was full of undisguised sarcasm, carefully distinguishing, but there was a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "The king of Wei can't tolerate him, and he can't wait to drive him back to the fief immediately. He also seems to be disheartened. He surrendered his military power without resistance."

"Is that so, four years ago..."

Chi Yao counted the time. According to the real history, from the time when Lord Xinling united the five kingdoms and defeated the Qin army, to the time when he was disheartened and indulged in wine and sex, and finally died of grief and anger.

Of course, in Qin Shimingyue, the cause of Lord Xinling's death was not indulging in wine and sex, but being assassinated by another Tianzi first-class killer in the trap.

But thinking about the assassination method and the venue of the startling salamander, it seems that there is no problem in saying that Mr. Xinling died of wine and sex.

Perhaps this is called history as the bone and art as the wing?
But if you think about it this way...

"Xuan Jian, I have heard that South Korea has Zilan Xuan, Chu State has Zuimenglou, Yan State has Feixue Pavilion, and Zhao State is the source of singing and dancing. There are countless famous kabuki dance houses. What could be as famous as it?"

"Of course there is,"

Xuan Jian recalled the information in his mind, "Since the Great Wall was built in Wei State, the rivers connecting the world, all the three religions and nine streams from south to north have gathered here, and Daliang has become a prosperous and famous city with countless wealth in the world. As for the last The famous song and dance undoubtedly the Nishang Garden in the east of the city."

"Nishang Court..."

After carefully chewing on the name, Chi Yao had an unknown smile on his face, "Then let's go and have a look."


Xuan Jian's expression was somewhat resistant. As a fairly pure swordsman, he was not very interested in these places, and the current injuries on his body probably didn't support him to do anything. Should he go there to seek guilt?
"Of course, the easiest place to inquire about a place is the Goulan Tavern,"

Chi Yao replied as a matter of course, "We are new here, so naturally we need to understand the market first."

After all, this world is only based on history, and it can only guarantee that the general direction is the same. Other aspects have been processed by art, and have already changed greatly.

Coupled with the fact that Xuan Jian's past is only the tip of the iceberg revealed through memories in the plot, what the world is like today cannot be purely based on speculation, and more information must be collected to facilitate the arrangement of the next plan.

Thinking about it this way, being able to enter Daliang at the first stop is a good start.

As Xuan Jian said, since King Hui of Wei dug the chasm, the Jishui and Yingshui were connected, and the Jishui and Yingshui were connected to the Yellow River and Huai River respectively, so the two major water systems of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River were directly connected in one fell swoop.

In this way, Daliang City instantly became the land transportation center of the entire Central Plains. From Daliang, you can go south along the Honggou to the Huaihe River to Chu, and to the east, you can follow the Jishui and Danshui to Qilu, and you can also pass through Yingshui. And up to South Korea and other places.The convenient transportation in all directions brought about the gathering of merchants from all over the world. The extremely prosperous business also promoted the convergence and growth of the population.

Of course, the well-connected country is prosperous enough, but at the same time it has become unsafe to defend, and the overdeveloped water veins around it also make this city a fatal hidden danger.

But these are all things to say later. Isn’t such a prosperous city that can be called the number one in the world just suitable for spying on the world’s intelligence?
Ignoring the resistance on Xuan Jian's face, Chi Yao followed him to the Nishang Garden in the east of the city.

At this time, the sun disc in the sky has begun to slant westward, but it has not completely disappeared, but this place is already brightly lit.

The jade-carved gate welcomes the ladies who are sending them off. They wear silky smooth long skirts and hold light fans. When they raise their hands and move, they are white and hidden, and when they laugh and cover their mouths, the autumn waves are dark. .

"Professional! We really came to the right place."

Chi Yao sighed softly and stepped forward slowly.

Although Xuan Jian was full of disgust, but thinking about his current situation, since he couldn't resist, he might as well relax and enjoy it.

Speaking of which, when he was a swordsman in the past, although he was not very interested in beauty, he never shy away from it.

But since joining Luowang, it seems that there is really no such leisure time.Compared with other third-class killers, the first-class assassins have a lot more freedom, but the task is also more difficult. Now that I think about it, I almost can’t remember the last time he came to this kind of place to relax. .

Here we must criticize Luowang's employee benefits.

Even elite senior cadres who rank first in the world, not only are they not given maternity leave when they have children, but they don’t even have time to listen to music when they are busy with work, which makes capitalists feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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