Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 434 Miss Shocked Salamander, you don't want to fail your mission, do you?

Chapter 434 Miss Shocked Salamander, you don't want to fail your mission, do you?

In just a few words, the thoughts in the minds of the two Tianzi first-class killers turned back and forth, as if they had simulated countless times how to persuade each other and keep their own best interests.

However, it is a pity that the confrontation has come to an end before it even started.

Because Chi Yao yelled dumbfoundedly from behind: "Hey, you two, don't treat me like a dead person!"

He understood the look in Xuan Jian's eyes just now. It meant that he didn't want to get involved too deeply with Luo Wang. Although it was out of good intentions, Chi Yao didn't need such protection.

Especially the startled salamander, who actually had the faint intention of using him to threaten Xuan Jian...

When did I get reduced to the point where I became someone else's weakness?

Although Luo Wang is powerful, but after all, it is not twenty years later, and the strong Qin that has never ruled the world is not enough to support Luo Wang to truly run rampant in the six eastern countries.

Compared with Luo Wang's unscrupulous planning of various schools of thought and even deception in the later period, looking at the several major actions of Luo Wang at this time, in Wei State, there was the support of Sikong Wei Yong, and in Korea, there was the acquiescence of General Ji Wuye. One did not have the secret support of the country's top figures to have such power.

On their own, it's far from that scary at this stage.

Not to mention, compared to them, the startled salamander should be more worried about being exposed, right?

After making a sound to attract the eyes of the two assassins, Chi Yao flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and the sound of "srustling" resounded, and his fingertips shot out thousands of filaments like a goddess scattering flowers, and within a short period of time the The whole room became like a spider's nest.

The moment he made a move, the startled salamander also made a move.


One of the Eight Swords of the Yue King, the Shocking Salamander Sword, was out of its sheath, and the light pink sword energy flowed layer upon layer on the thin sword body like water waves. When the sword was handed out, its brilliance was almost unbearable.

Being able to rank first in the world as a woman, the startling salamander does not depend on her beauty.

Her sword is not inferior to Xuan Jian's.

Xuan Jian's face changed drastically the moment the startled salamander drew his sword, but the heavy injuries on his body made his movements slow for a moment, and it was too late to resist.

But fortunately, Chi Yao didn't need his help to resist.

"Determinant enough! Such a power is worthy of the name of Fanhai Shocking Salamander!"

Looking at the sword light piercing in front of him like a white rainbow, Chi Yao's face flashed a flash of approval, and then he raised his left hand, the blue-black luster disappeared in a flash, and the palm that was originally warm and moist like jade suddenly became like Wood is not wood, gold is not gold.

His vertical palm was like a knife, and he seemed to slash slowly but quickly in front of him.

At first glance, the moves seemed to be disorderly, but when the knife was slashed, the startled salamander found that his sword path was just blocked!

This surprised her.

You know, with her level, even if she uses her sword with all her strength, there will still be room for movement and change, but now no matter how she changes, the opponent's palm knife will also change accordingly. But it was extremely dangerous, the young man sitting on the head of the bed with a calm expression seemed to have seen through all his thoughts.

Obviously he is the attacker who has the initiative, but the sword power seems to be forced into a narrow corner by the opponent, and it is difficult to get out of the cage no matter what.

Under the other party's faintly glinting pupils, it was as if she was not wearing any clothes, and she was seen through from the inside out!
This is the first time that the amazed salamander has felt this way.

But after all, she is a top killer who has been tempered by Luo Wang. Even though she realized the strength of the enemy, she did not choose to give up because of this frustration.

'Qiu Shui's bright eyes, observe the words and colors! '

Her pupils were also covered with a faint golden glow, trying to see through the meridians and qi routes in Chi Yao's body, so as to predict the opponent's moves and fight against them.


Naturally, the vision in the eyes of the startled salamander could not be concealed from Chi Yao's observation, so the two of them used the sky gu to look at the qi, and the other used the method of observing words and colors, and they fought for the subtlety of changing moves in this square inch.

Although both are pupil technique observation abilities, their focus is still different.

Chi Yao couldn't see through the movement of the meridians in the startled salamander's body, and he was not as good as the other party in terms of details, but this didn't mean that Tiangu's ability to watch qi was poor, because what he looked at was qi.

Heaven and earth are in harmony, and the body is in harmony.

Human beings are in the space between heaven and earth, unless they are in a state of unity between heaven and man all the time, there will always be friction and disharmony between the two atmospheres.The disharmony caused by this kind of gas collision is usually a flaw.

Compared with the startled salamander, which needs to first see the operation of the meridians in the opponent's body by observing the words and colors, and then analyze and predict the enemy's moves, Chi Yao's qi-watching technique completely omits the intermediate analysis process.

He didn't care why this flaw appeared, anyway, he could see through it in one step.

Simple and rude, save worry and effort.

Therefore, even though Chi Yao didn't use the power of the crushing level, but was immersed in the fun of changing moves, the startled salamander was the first to be unable to hold on.

The method of observing words and colors is not just looking at them. From seeing through the meridians to predicting the opponent's moves, it requires a lot of experience and calculations, which consumes a lot of effort.

Even if the startling salamander is very talented, she can't persist in such a high-intensity mental calculation for too long.

Finally, after a crisp sword cry, it was Chi Yao who took the lead in knocking away the long sword in her hand.

The slender salamander sword swirled into the air, and then plunged into the floor with a "dumb" sound, its body swaying and trembling.

The startled salamander was panting slightly with cold sweat dripping down his face, exhausted physically and mentally.

Xuan Jian, who was on the sidelines, was a little surprised by this result, but not too surprised.

The surprise was that the startling salamander was defeated so quickly. Even though he had felt the extremely dangerous aura from Chi Yao, it was beyond his imagination to be able to defeat the startling salamander of the same level as himself so quickly.

He was not so surprised because as a bystander throughout the whole process, he clearly saw the reason for the defeat of the startling salamander, so he had already expected the result before it came out.

But now he has mixed feelings.On the one hand, the stronger Chi Yao is, the safer it will be to deal with Luo Wang's subsequent possible targets, which is a good thing.On the other hand, now that he has offended the startled salamander so hard, how to end it next is a headache for him.

As if seeing Xuan Jian's distress, Chi Yao said very understandingly: "Next, I will have a private talk with this Mr. Shocked Salamander. You want to go out."

"...Okay, but it's best not to kill her."

Xuan Jian hesitated to speak, but finally he only opened his mouth to remind him.

"Don't worry, I'm good at persuading people."

Chi Yao smiled and nodded.

After Xuan Jian left, he got up and pulled out the startling salamander sword stuck in the ground, and said to the startling salamander who had calmed down slightly with a playful face: "Miss startling salamander, you don't want your mission to really fail, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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