Chapter 445 We Are Different

The next day.

While enjoying Zilanxuan's delicious breakfast, Chi Yao took her to the backyard alone after leaving the dinner table because he couldn't bear Nongyu's earnest glances sneaking over from time to time.

In fact, at the beginning, he didn't intend to really teach Nongyu much. The reason why he said this was just to find an excuse to explore her method of conveying emotions with the sound of the piano, which is similar to Xingu.

After all, the scope of action of heart Gu is really limited, much smaller than the sound that can spread far away casually.

If these two methods can be combined, and the sound of the flute can be controlled by the Heart Gu, what kind of power will it be?
So it is called teaching, but his real purpose is to steal the teacher.

However, Nongyu's behavior of insisting on coming to warm the bed in a daze last night touched Chi Yao a little. Thinking of Nongyu's unfortunate background and even more miserable fate in the future, he decided to make a slight change.

After all, even if the purpose is not pure at the beginning, he is still his first disciple in name, neither Wei Zhuang nor Ji Wuye is qualified to decide her fate!
Determined, Chi Yao no longer hesitated.

He brought Nongyu to a big locust tree in the backyard of Zilanxuan, sniffed the elegant fragrance of locust blossoms on the branches, and said, "Since you regard me as your teacher, before I teach you, my identity is yours." You also need to know a thing or two."

After thinking about it for a while, combined with the background of the times, Chi Yao continued: "I am a descendant of Chi You, a native of Jiuli, and a Gu Master."

"Chi You, Jiuli, Gu Master? This..."

A series of uncommon words almost made Nongyu dizzy.

There is one thing to emphasize here. Although this era is the pre-Qin and Warring States period, it is still based on history after all. The dissemination and popularization rate of knowledge is very low. Only scholars have the opportunity and qualifications to access books in large quantities.

Regardless of how famous Nongyu is in Xinzheng City and how superb her piano skills are, in fact, in terms of status, she is still far from the scholar class.Therefore, her extraordinary talent on Lezhi Road cannot make up for her lack of knowledge.

This "shallow knowledge" does not mean praise or criticism, but a statement of facts.

Of course, in a place like Zilanxuan, because you can often get in touch with guests from south to north, many of whom are high-ranking officials or scholars, it is common to get a vague understanding of some things during the conversation, Compared with ordinary people, her vision is still much wider.

But this non-systematic understanding is destined to fail to form a system.

Of course, there is another way for ordinary people to join the schools of thought, which is equivalent to stepping into a higher class in one step.

For Nongyu, Chi Yao is undoubtedly the biggest opportunity she has encountered so far.

Seeing that Nongyu didn't have any idea about these words, Chi Yao didn't go into details, and smiled casually: "I haven't heard of it, it's normal, a small and remote tribe, it's not worth mentioning. The point I want to tell you today is the last One word, that is my profession - Gu Master."


Nongyu still has some concepts about this word, but in her impression, Gu masters should be the kind of gloomy, crooked, evil people, right?

She has never seen a Gu master as glamorous as Chi Yao.

Therefore, apart from shrinking her neck subconsciously when she first heard the word Gu Master, she quickly blinked her big confused eyes and looked at Chi Yao suspiciously.

Although I don't study much, don't lie to me!

In the soft eyes, after Chi Yao read her thoughts, he couldn't help laughing.

"You are right or wrong."

He shook his head, "Gu is all-encompassing, how can it be fully described in a few words? But if you really have any prejudices about it, I won't force it. I will only teach you how to play that instrument that is."


Hearing the choice given by Chi Yao, Nongyu couldn't help hesitating.

Although logically speaking, she and Chi Yao have only just known each other for a day, even if it is to learn a new musical instrument, it shouldn't be so easy to trust each other's words.

But in fact, because the two had communicated with each other through Nongyu's heartstring song last night, Nongyu's trust in Chi Yao was beyond everyone's imagination.

The so-called finding a bosom friend in high mountains and flowing waters, a real musician's deep emotion for a bosom friend is beyond the imagination of others.

Therefore, Nongyu just thought about it for a while, then discarded his previous prejudice against things like Gu, and solemnly said: "Please teach me, teacher."

"it is good."

A genuine smile appeared on Chi Yao's face.

"As a Gu master, the most important thing is the selection and cultivation of natal Gu. It's too late to cultivate natal Gu from scratch at your age, so I'll give you two options."

After finishing speaking, a fluttering blue butterfly appeared on his fingertips, the size of a fingernail, as crystal clear as an emerald.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted all of Nongyu's attention.

"Is this... the natal Gu?"

She just felt that the rumors about Gu Masters that she had heard in the past were all false and smeared by others.How can such a cute and delicate little thing have anything to do with evil and horror?


Chi Yao nodded, "This is the natal green butterfly Gu I prepared for you, but before giving it to you, you still need to make a choice."

"What choice?"

Nong Yujian asked bluntly.

"The grades of natal Gu are divided into five grades: Saint, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Yellow from high to low. The higher the grade, the greater the potential for future development."

Chi Yao explained, "Are you going to choose a young Gu of the holy rank, or a mature natal Gu of the heavenly rank?"

"...Can't the maturity Gu of the holy grade be used?"

Nongyu thought for a while and asked cautiously.

"Haha, you are quite greedy..."

Chi Yao smiled and nodded her forehead, "Let me tell you this, of course I have the maturity Gu of the holy grade, but the holy grade is the highest grade of the natal Gu, and the character of each Gu is unique. Gu is fine, even if I am a mature Gu, it is difficult for you to subdue it, but on your own... Tianpin does not have this trouble."

"Then which one is more powerful, the young Gu of the holy rank or the mature Gu of the heavenly rank?"

"In terms of instant combat power, it is natural that the Gu objects in the mature stage are stronger," Chi Yao said as a matter of course, "The holy grade just has a greater growth potential."

"Then... I choose Tianpin."

Nongyu gritted her teeth and made a decision.

"Have you thought about it?"

Regarding her decision, Chi Yao was noncommittal, but only confirmed again.

"Well, I hope I can help Sister Zi Nu sooner." Nong Yu said firmly.

"Well, as you wish."

Chi Yao nodded, "Sit down, don't be nervous, I will help you."

After finishing speaking, he held the crystal green butterfly between his arms, and pointed to Nongyu's heart.

Within this short distance, which was less than the length of a forearm, the butterfly, which was originally only the size of a fingernail, grew rapidly under the breath of Qi injected by Chi Yao, and became half the size of a palm in a blink of an eye.

After touching Nongyu's creamy white and smooth skin, the mature Tianpin Bidie Gu melted into her body like nothing, and under Chi Yao's order, it gently improved her meridians and physical fitness.

Although Nong Yuxuexue could not help but feel pain a few times, compared to the poisonous scorpion last night, the treatment is very different.

(End of this chapter)

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