Chapter 452
With the infusion of Chi Yao's breath, the Wind Centipede Gu, which had been swallowed by Mo Ya and Bai Feng and successfully lodged in their hearts, began to grow rapidly.

The wind centipede is the main speed, since they have already chosen the speed, they just stick to it.

Gu masters and Gu co-exist, and every change of the two will affect each other.

This time Chi Yao gave both of them the Saint Grade Wind Centipede Gu Juvenile Gu that was specially bred by Chi You's blood.

One reason is that the two already have a good foundation of strength, and they don't urgently need a big improvement in strength, they just need to see a bright future.

Secondly, it is also because they are in the night, and if their strength suddenly increases by leaps and bounds, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles.

As for the third, it is because it is impossible for Chi Yao to give away all the chips in his hand at once, and others will not pay much attention to things that are too easy to get.

Therefore, he only matured the young Gu a little bit, and stopped after making them feel the improvement in physical fitness.


After Chi Yao stopped, he asked lightly.


Mo Ya and Bai Feng carefully felt the changes in themselves, Bai Feng was fine, his body was still in the rapid development period, it can be said that it was getting stronger every day.

But Mo Crow is different, his strength has been finalized for some time.

Of course, this stereotype is not completely stagnant. As his skills become more proficient and his internal strength gradually deepens, his strength will of course increase.However, if there is no adventure, he will not be able to reach a higher level in his life, that is, the level of Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye.

This is the limitation of skills and resources, and it is also the rule set by the night organization from the beginning of training them, and it is also limited by the structure of Ji Wuye and others.After all, they are cultivating dead men, not accepting disciples to preach.

It's not impossible to break the shackles, join a real big force, and retrain higher-level exercises.If the new exercises are strong enough, you don't even need to abolish the exercises, you just need to switch to the practice slowly. The original internal strength may be lost, but it will not hurt the bones.

The best example is Xiaoyaozi, the future head of the Taoist family.He was originally a great hero in Guanzhong, but after he joined the Daoist sect and switched to superior exercises, his strength has improved further, and he was actually able to win a discussion between heaven and man for Renzong.

But Chi Yao's method is more convenient, it doesn't even need to switch skills, because Gu master's practice is completely different from what they learned before.

It has been a long time since Mo Crow felt the obvious growth of his own strength.

But today is different!

If things go on like this, the night curtain that originally covered the sky in pitch black might one day be able to tear a gap open by himself.

After thinking up to this point, he solemnly kowtowed to Chi Yao, sincerely convinced: "Disciple Mo Ya, thank you Master for teaching the Dharma."

Bai Feng also followed suit.

"Ha ha,"

After getting their sincere obedience, Chi Yao's expression became much more relaxed, and he said with a smile: "Get up, let me tell you some basic knowledge of Gu masters first."



After letting Mo Ya and Bai Feng go, Chi Yao called Poison Scorpion again.

"Be more cautious in doing things in the future. I don't want to encounter a scene like today again."

His words were neither happy nor sad, but the poisonous scorpion was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the spot: "Yes, yes, this subordinate knows his mistake."


Chi Yao nodded casually, "Get up, tell me about finding someone, what clues did you get?"

"My lord, the thing is like this..."

The poisonous scorpion got up and reported in detail.

According to him, after releasing all the people from the Scorpion Sect to inquire about the places where the Baiyue survivors live, they finally found some clues.

"There are very few of those survivors who still retain their original power. We also accidentally discovered that there is a witch doctor who seems to be a little abnormal."

"Witch doctor, take me to have a look."

Chi Yao didn't ask any more questions, but directly ordered.

Anyway, as long as he meets someone, he can naturally get more information directly, which is much faster than asking here.



The settlement of Baiyue survivors.

After South Korea wiped out the Baiyue Kingdom, these survivors were also taken in.

It's just that because of the huge differences in past living habits and culture, they did not disperse and mix with the local Korean people, but gathered in a specially designated land.

Compared with the prosperity of Xinzheng City, this settlement is obviously much dilapidated and backward, and most of the people living here are disheveled, skinny, and look very unhealthy.

"This is the man of the subjugated country..."

Chi Yao sighed lightly.

Led by the poisonous scorpion, they walked through the settlement to the home of the witch doctor who was said to have a problem.

It's a pity that the building was already empty, and the disciple of the Scorpion Sect who was in charge of monitoring him appeared in the house bleeding from his seven orifices.


The poisonous scorpion was furious, "My lord, give me a little more time, I will go and catch him myself!"

"No need,"

Chi Yao shook his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "This guy is quite cautious, but the person who killed me is provoking me?"

He released a firefly-like Gu from his sleeve, and after circling the disciple a few times, he softly shouted: "Find him, lead the way."



in the forest.

An old man in ragged clothes and messy white hair was walking forward with a cane.

His speed is very fast and his footsteps are very steady. He is not as old and weak as he looks at all.

Soon, he walked to a hidden place, waved his cane and summoned a giant python thicker than his thigh, and then changed from walking on two legs to swimming on a snake.

After the giant python shuttled through the forest for a while, it got into a cave.

"Hundred Poison King, what's going on? Today doesn't seem like a day to get together."

It was pitch black in the cave, but there was a little bit of blue-green fluorescent light flickering.And with the appearance of these words, there seemed to be a faint sound of copper bells.

"Master Exorcist,"

The Hundred Poison King's expression was not good either, "I'm being watched."

"Huh? Who is the other party?"

The voice of the exorcist also became solemn.Ordinary Baiyue remnants are fine, if their identities are discovered, those who once gathered under Prince Tianze's command will definitely not be tolerated by the South Korean side.

"It seems to be a small gang. I came here to ask your opinion. Do I need to continue to stay there?"

The Hundred Poison King asked.

"The master is definitely not dead, but we haven't been able to find him for so many years, which shows that his place is very mysterious."

The exorcist sighed, "If he gets out of trouble, he must go back and see the people he used to be? We don't have any other more feasible way now."

To put it bluntly, they are just waiting for a rabbit.

"Oh, I forgot to say just now that I killed the person who watched me, so I'm afraid I can't go back to my identity. If you want to continue, you can only do it yourself." The Hundred Poison King spread his hands, Rascal said.


The exorcist was in a hurry, and was about to say something, but suddenly his face changed, and he cursed, "You idiot, you can't even kill people! You even came to your door!"


The Hundred Poison King was startled, and looked back.

I saw a young man in a blue shirt strolling in from the entrance of the cave, smiling lightly and shaking his head as he walked: "About this point, I need to explain this to the King of Hundred Poisons, I'm afraid you really wronged him!"

(End of this chapter)

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