Chapter 455: Hidden Witch Hall

Facing the counterattack of the enhanced corpse general, the exorcist has no chance.

The Lich inheritance he had accepted focused on control over his own strength, and belonged to the legion command profession.Now that the strongest corpse general under his command has rebelled, he, the commander, has no choice but to catch him without a fight.

After the three of them defeated each of them with overwhelming momentum in their respective fields of expertise, they finally became honest. Even Yan Lingji, who was freed from the shackles of ice outside her body, did not continue to make trouble.

"Very good, so we have reached a consensus. I hope that there will be no further twists and turns before arriving at the Hidden Witch Palace."

Although Chi Yao's tone was flat, the hearts of the three of them were secretly cold.

The ups and downs of the falcons just now was just a random encounter for Chi Yao, but for the three of Baiyue, it was an encounter that could shatter the world view.

As Tianze's subordinates, it's not that they haven't competed with South Korean masters before.Even though he was defeated by Bai Yifei back then, he was not as desperate as he is today.

"You... who are you?"

The exorcist raised this question again, but his tone was no longer as full of doubts as it was at the beginning, but with a cautious and tentative taste.

As for what Chi Yao said before, he didn't believe it at all about wild wizards and self-taught talents.

First of all, one thing is certain, that is, Chi Yao must have a deep connection with their Baiyue Yinwu, otherwise it would be impossible to explain his ability to crush their records in many fields with similar but more powerful means.

But as the leader of this generation of hidden witches, the Exorcist really couldn't remember when such a great person appeared in Baiyue.

If Chi Yao had been there back then, wouldn't Baiyue have been easily destroyed by South Korea?

Another point is that because Chi Yao had a head-on victory in the domain of the corpse witch, no, that wasn't even a victory, and the two sides' understanding of the corpse witch was not at the same level at all.

In other words, if the other party wanted to, he could easily take away the seat of the head of the hidden witch from himself.

Of course, he wasn't stingy with being the head of a hidden witch. After all, Baiyue lost even the country, and he, the head of the hidden witch, only had three or four people under his command.

To put it bluntly, it is called the head of the hidden witch, but to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a polished commander.

However, he has to confirm one thing, that is what Chi Yao's attitude towards Baiyue is, if he is also willing to fight for the rescue of Prince Tianze, it is not impossible to hand over the position of the hidden witch leader...

The exorcist thought so in his heart.

Chi Yao is not interested in knowing his thoughts, as long as he can lead the way honestly.

Another ten days passed.

"It turns out that the so-called Hidden Witch Palace is not in the land of Wuyue?"

Chi Yao was a little speechless. He thought that the Exorcist just picked a suitable battlefield along the way. After a long time, this guy didn't lead the way well at the beginning.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in his words, the exorcist explained embarrassingly: "Although Wu Yue was the foundation of King Yue back then, the Hidden Witch Hall has a long history and was not built by King Yue. It has always been in the land of Yang Yue."

Of course, except for South Vietnam, which is the most remote and blocked by natural dangers, the land of Baiyue has already been owned by the Chu State, and Yang Yue's location is now called Dongting County according to the regulations of the Chu State.

The territory of Chu State was the largest during the Warring States period, although many territories in the south seemed to be barren land at the time, belonging to the kind of criminal distribution area.

But this also has an advantage, that is, it is easy to hide things in the wilderness.

Otherwise, the Temple of Hidden Witches may not be able to be preserved intact to this day.

Led by the exorcist, the head of the hidden witch, the group of them waded through mountains and rivers, and arrived at the bank of Dongting Lake without taking a detour.

"You mean, the Hidden Witch Palace is hidden at the bottom of the lake?"

Chi Yao was a little stunned, the infrastructure capabilities of this world were really abnormal, it was nothing more than the Mo family could build a mighty city among the mountains and ravines.Hidden witches can actually build a palace of inheritance under this vast Dongting?
"That's right, there is a spirit turtle in the lake, which can only be summoned by the bloodline of King Yue, leading us to dive down."

The exorcist preached in detail.

"King Yue... this is a bit interesting."

Chi Yao didn't question how Goujian did it. After all, the other party was also the last overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period. Even if it was only in the southeast, the hegemony would not last long, but it is not surprising that there are some powerful methods.

"If it is only blocked by water, how can it stop all hidden witches?"

You must know that today's Baiyue is certainly a talent withered, but Gou Jian obviously didn't think so far. His checkpoint should be set for the hidden witches in their heyday.

At that time, wouldn't anyone be able to dive by themselves?
"Your Excellency does not know that simple diving is not difficult, but the King of Yue once ordered people to invest a large number of witches and beasts in this lake. Those were refined by many senior corpse witches, at least reaching the level of corpse generals, and there are even many The king level exists. If there is no spirit tortoise to lead the way, once they get close to the hidden witch hall, they will be attacked by groups."

The exorcist shook his head and explained.

"Is that so..."

Hearing his words, Chi Yao felt relieved.

Even hidden witches, most of them are not good at fighting in water, let alone facing a large number of witches and beasts.But these are not obstacles to me.

No, it should be said that those arrangements that Goujian used to make can be perfectly taken over by himself.

Then, I will accept your Hidden Witch Palace!

Seeing that Chi Yao was about to go into the water, the exorcist hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute, I know you can control snakes, but snakes are not the only witches in the water, and they have been transformed by witchcraft, which are very different from ordinary beasts." Same, even if it is you, it is impossible to..."

"Don't talk so much, I just ask you one question,"

Chi Yao waved his hand to stop his long speech, "You have the inheritance of a corpse witch, so you shouldn't be afraid of diving, right?"


The exorcist nodded, "I can temporarily put myself into a corpse state without breathing."

"That's good,"

Chi Yao nodded, and said to Wushuanggui and Yan Lingji, "You two stay here and don't move around at will. The Exorcist and I will go back as soon as we go."

After all, regardless of the sudden change in the face of the exorcist, he grabbed him and jumped.

A layer of blue appeared on the surface of Chi Yao's skin, and the breath of the whole person suddenly fell silent, like dead wood from a zombie, plopping into the water.

The exorcist couldn't break free, so he had no choice but to do as he said, the witch patterns engraved on his body lit up, and the ability to turn into a corpse was also activated.

"Guide the way!"

After coming down, Chi Yao stopped opening his mouth, and directly used Xin Gu to deliver the message to the exorcist.

The exorcist had no choice but to show him the way while saying: "Be careful, if you see a witch beast that you can't deal with, leave as soon as possible, we..."

"The witch beasts you are talking about are they?"

Not long after, Chi Yao asked, pointing to the large black shadow in front of him.

The exorcist looked up, and was frightened out of his wits: "Go, that's Shi Kun! The most powerful guardian witch beast in the Hidden Witch Hall! Even among all the king-level witch beasts, it is..."

Chi Yao's eyes lit up when he heard it: "The most powerful one? Then choose it!"

Instead of running, he swam closer and closer.

Soon, Shi Kun seemed to have discovered them, opened his abyss-like mouth, and bit down hard.

It seemed as if a huge vortex suddenly appeared underwater, trying to suck everything into it and smash it into pieces.

"Tsk tsk, you dare to open your mouth on your own initiative, then I won't be polite!"

With a flick of Chi Yao's fingers, a Corpse Gu was easily shot into Corpse Kun's mouth with miserable green qi flames.

In the next second, the storm subsided, and the huge corpse Kun with a body length of tens of meters was suddenly surrounded by a large number of miserable green corpse fire.

Corpse fire is not a real flame, so even if it is in water, it will not affect the burning.

The scene struck the Exorcist as very familiar.

He stared blankly at this scene, and subconsciously opened his mouth wide: "This, you can also practice this?!"

(End of this chapter)

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