Chapter 457 Schools
After carefully comprehending the process of the appearance of the witch pattern on his arm, Chi Yao gradually realized.

"It's not that I engraved it subjectively, but it's more like a spontaneous completion of the body..."

Recalling the feeling of blood boiling just now, it seems that every cell in the body is cheering.

"That's right, my body has completely merged with Chi You's blood power Gu. In other words, I am now in the state of being one with human Gu. And the feeling just now is like refining Gu..."

I practice myself!
"According to the saying in the Heaven Refining Gu Dao, the strength of the Gu is related to the laws of the Dao contained in it. Since these witch patterns can allow people to communicate with the world and obtain strange powers, they must also contain certain aspects of the law. Fragments, or at least some reflection of them?"

Chi Yao repeated the action just now.

The familiar feeling really reappeared. After a surge of blood, a second witch pattern appeared on his forearm.

"The effect of this method is... um, the speed of the shot is accelerated? Haha, come again!"

The pleasure brought by the rapid growth of strength is difficult to describe in prophecy. Just copying one after another of the witch patterns continuously, Chi Yao seems to be addicted, and there are more and more witch patterns on his arms. Gradually, it seems that there is a tendency to connect with each other to form some kind of formation.

Finally, when another witch pattern emerged, the nine existing witch patterns on the forearm lit up at the same time, shaped like a mighty tiger's head, and a message was directly reflected into his body as if revived from the blood. mind.

[Tiger Soul Sealing Formation!This witch formation can be sealed with the spirit of the white tiger, and when facing the enemy, it can be transformed into an invincible sword to break the enemy. 】

"It turned out to be a witch formation..."

Chi Yao exclaimed in his heart, "If every few witch patterns can connect with each other to form a witch formation, then the value of this densely packed body of witch patterns may have to be multiplied several times. But..."

Although the tiger soul sealing array composed of nine witch patterns only occupied part of the skin on his wrist, as if he was wearing a watch.But in the dark, Chi Yao has a feeling that this arm seems to be unable to bear any more.

"Is my body's carrying capacity not strong enough? Or do I need to achieve the balance of my limbs to continue?"

A thought flashed in Chi Yao's mind, but he did not continue to copy the witch patterns on the body surface of Chi You's statue, but forcibly suppressed the addictive state just now.

In practice, self-control is also very important, not to indulge too much in a certain kind of pleasure, even if it seems harmless or even beneficial.

Turning his head to look at the exorcist, Chi Yao found that he seemed to have already completed the copying of the witch patterns on the ancestor's body, and he was gesturing and rehearsing something alone.

The sound of approaching footsteps awakened the exorcist, and he raised his head and looked at Chi Yao with a complicated expression: "You...can you really copy the divine lines left by the Lord Witch God?"

"Oh, let's try to force it, that's all I've copied."

Chi Yao seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his performance, and sighed helplessly, then stretched out his arm to show him the tiger-headed wristband-like witch array.

Although the strength of the Exorcist is mediocre, as an orthodox hidden witch heir, he still has some vision. He can tell at a glance that it is not a scattered witch pattern, or it has been combined to form a witch array!

He opened his mouth, his expression became more and more complicated, but he didn't know what expression to make.

Are you still not satisfied?You must know that in the memory of the exorcist, not to mention copying the gods and gods of the witches, even the wizard who can copy the witches and witches of the ten witches has not appeared for a long, long time.

Thinking that he has practiced hard for decades, he now has many witch marks on his body, but he has not been able to form a witch formation.This is of course because the inheritance of the corpse witch cannot be compared with that of the witch god Chiyou. To form a witch array, more witch patterns are needed, that is, a greater carrying capacity load.

But why isn't it because of his mediocre talent?
It was okay before, whether it was Yan Lingji, Baidu Wang or Wushuanggui, he could suppress it, but now in front of Chi Yao, the title of the leader of hidden witches has become more and more hot.

"By the way, you said before that you want to give me the position of the head of the hidden witch, does it still count?"

Suddenly, Chi Yao asked.


The exorcist was stunned, then nodded repeatedly, "Naturally, you have obtained the inheritance of the witch god, so you should be the leader of the witches."

I don't know why, when he said this, although he gave away the authority in his hand, he was relieved instead.

No one knew how much pressure the exorcist had felt in the past ten years of Baiyue's subjugation.

The way of witchcraft has been passed down in Yuedi for countless years, and the inheritance is about to be cut off in his hands. Those who have not experienced it will not understand how terrible this kind of situation is.

Even in his conscientious and desperate attempt to rescue Tianze, no one knows how much of it is due to his loyalty to the former prince, and how much of it is for the purpose of renewing the inheritance of the hidden witch.

But today, after he said that sentence, his heart seemed to open up suddenly, and he even faintly felt that he could copy a few more witch patterns.

In short, it is to highlight a refreshing.


Chi Yao nodded, "I'm not going to hide it from you, I do intend to promote witchcraft, but it's not as a Yue people's belief, nor is it a state religion, but a school of thought."


The exorcist was a little puzzled, "What's the difference between these?"

"The development of power needs to conform to the trend of the times. Nowadays, schools of thought are competing with each other, and the form of school is the mainstream. Following the trend can get twice the result with half the effort. If you go against the trend, although it may not be impossible, there are difficulties and hardships along the way. There are bound to be more."

Yin Wu's current weakness may not be because he was too tightly tied to Yue King Goujian at the beginning, so he has been depressed since the fall of Yue Kingdom.Even after Tianze disappeared, the inheritance was almost broken.

"I have heard of the names of various schools of thought, but...we have never communicated with those schools, how do we do this..."

It can be heard that the exorcist seems to be a little stage frightened.

"It's okay, it's not easy to communicate? Jixia Academy gathers talents from hundreds of schools, and it's the most suitable for reasoning. I'll just take people there for a walk."

Chi Yao said calmly, his tone full of confidence.

"So, what do I need to do?"

The exorcist listened to Chi Yao's words with ease, so he stopped asking about things over there, but cared about himself. He cared as much as anyone else about the wizard's revival.

"There is indeed something for you, or you are going to do it."

Chi Yao nodded and said, "But you go and get Yan Lingji and Wushuanggui next, and then we will talk about it together. Bring this, and Shi Kun will listen to you."

He casually threw a corpse Gu sub-gu to the exorcist.

"As ordered!"

After the exorcist left, Chi Yao stood alone in the center of the Hidden Witch Hall, waiting and thinking about perfecting his plan.

Establishing a power was an idea he had long ago, but he hadn't figured out how to form it, whether it would be a dove occupying a magpie's nest, or borrowing a chicken to lay an egg.

This is also the reason why he casually set up idle moves such as the Shocked Salamander and the Black Crow and White Phoenix. Both the Snare and the Hundred Birds were once his targets.

However, what he saw in the Hidden Witch Hall gave him a better choice.

After all, whether it is Luo Wang or Bai Niao, they are just some killer organizations. Their strength may not be weak, but their status and prestige are really not high, and it is impossible to raise it to a higher level.

But if a school is established on the basis of hidden witches, the situation will be very different.

The master of the school is qualified to be called a "zi", and he will receive courtesy wherever he goes, so his status in the world is suddenly different.It is also more convenient for disciples to walk in the rivers and lakes, and they don't have to hide their heads and show their tails like a killer.

And more importantly, the state of Chu where they are now is about to usher in a very good opportunity for development.

"However, to establish a school, it is also very important to choose a good name. Famous schools in the world include Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, Law, Soldiers, Yin and Yang, Ming, Nong, etc., and are generally named either by the characteristics of the theory, or by the founder. Name it by name...then should we call it the Wu Family? Or..."

(End of this chapter)

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