Chapter 465
Since Nian Duan acquiesced in his defeat, there would naturally be no problem with the treatment of King Wei.

Chi Yao planted the five worms prepared in advance into his five viscera respectively, and then manipulated them to swallow Yuan Qi to form a cycle, artificially helping King Wei construct a five-qi circulation system in his body.

Of course, with Wei Wang's own ability, there must be no way to subdue these Gu worms, it all depends on Chi Yao's assistance.Moreover, the Gu worms that Chi Yao gave him did not enter the fourth grade of heaven, earth, black and yellow. The qi of the five internal organs will not be exhausted, and there is still a time limit.

In fact, Chi Yao originally had two plans in mind on how to treat King Wei.

One is the current method of replenishing the five qi with the five worms. The advantage is that the operation is simple and easy to do. The disadvantage is that every few years may need to replenish the five worms with energy, otherwise the king of Wei will still die;
The second set is to help him refine a fake elixir based on Wei's national destiny. The advantage is once and for all. If Wei is not destroyed, he will not die. The disadvantage is that if you want to leverage Wei's national destiny, you must be an official in Wei. , and is still a high-ranking official, Chi Yao is somewhat reluctant to tie himself to death here.

Finally, after weighing the pros and cons of each other, he still chose the first option, which was more troublesome but more free.

After the treatment was completed, the king of Wei did not hesitate to award rewards, including gold, silver, silk, beauties, and food. He only hoped that Chi Yao could stay in Wei.

But it is a pity that these things are not very attractive to Chi Yao, so in the end he only charged a thousand gold as the consultation fee, and then left.

Even so, the deeds of a thousand dollars in one diagnosis are enough to be recited for a long time.

Wei Wang was very sorry, but there was nothing he could do.Although he has the black spot of being jealous of his younger brother, he is generally considered a qualified monarch, even among many monarchs in the late Warring States Period, he is far above the average level.So he didn't do any tricks like revenge, forcible detention, etc. Instead, he treated him with the utmost courtesy, and even gave Chi Yao his own five-horse carriage to show his affection.

You know, the five carriages are the specifications of princes.According to Zhou etiquette, there are six for the emperor, five for the princes, four for the high officials, three for the officials, two for the scholars, and one for the common people.

Although today's Warring States period is an era of bad etiquette and music, many people's behaviors and behaviors have exceeded the regulations, but five or six carriages are still rare.In Chi Yao's capacity, it was appropriate for him to take two carriages, and it would be okay to go a little beyond the limit to three carriages, but five carriages would be a bit too ostentatious.

However, what he wants is publicity!

After all, the purpose of going to Qi country is to make a name for yourself, so if you don't make a high profile, how can you attract others to jump out and get slapped in the face instead?


On the river east of Daliang, a large ship was sailing through the waves.

The most striking thing is that there is a luxurious five-horse carriage parked on its deck!

In order to persuade the boatman to allow him to take the car on the boat, Chi Yao spent a lot of effort, and even almost asked the five horses to perform acrobatics for the boatman.

Now he is lying comfortably on the bow of the boat, looking at the scenery on the water leisurely, how can he be so comfortable?
At this moment, a soft call suddenly came from his side.


Chi Yao turned his head and saw that it was Nian Duan and her little apprentice who were greeting him on the boat next door. He sat up a little and replied, "What a coincidence, Master Nian Duan."

However, this does not seem to be a pure coincidence, because Nian Duan immediately asked: "I don't know if Mr. Chi Yao is free, but I have some medical issues that I would like to discuss with you."

"Ah this..."

Chi Yao was startled, he looked at Nian Duan carefully, and wondered if she was unconvinced because she lost in the competition in front of the palace, and came here specially to find the place.

But whether it is true or not, since Nian Duan has already made a request, he can't refuse to agree, right?
After all, I just forcibly stepped on the other party to make a name for myself, so I feel a little bit apologetic in my heart.

After getting Chi Yao's permission, Nian Duan smiled slightly, and flew across the river with his little apprentice, and landed steadily in front of Chi Yao.

It wasn't until this time that Chi Yao really observed the current chief physician seriously for the first time.

Nian Duan was wearing a long plain dress without any makeup. In this fictional world, her clothes were quite conservative, not even the high heels that beauties usually wear.Of course, from the perspective of appearance alone, although the idea is not bad, it is not so amazing. It can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but the kind and holy temperament makes people quite comfortable.

By comparison...

Chi Yao's eyes moved down, and landed on the little girl next to Nian Tau who was not as tall as her legs.

Who would have thought that this cute little girl with shofar braids would become a beautiful medical fairy in the future?

Chi Yao looked at Duanmu Rong with probing and curious eyes, and then received the fierce gaze of the other party.


He froze for a moment, almost being petrified.

"Rong'er, don't be rude."

Nian Duan seemed to have noticed the little apprentice's movements, and gently tugged her little hand, but smiled apologetically at Chi Yao, "This is my apprentice Duan Murong, I made you laugh."

"Master, there's no need to be like this. Little child, seeing me bullying her favorite master, it's normal to feel a little emotional."

Chi Yao smiled casually, didn't care about it, and even secretly made a face at Duanmurong, which made the little girl look confused.

"Sir, you are serious, you don't need to talk about bullying..."

Nianduan blushed a little, but quickly adjusted, "It's normal to lose if your skills are inferior to others. In vain, I used to think that I had already mastered the "Huangdi Neijing" by heart...but I can see that I have never heard of it in the past. Nian Duan's medical skills are already worthwhile."

"Hahaha, Master is open-minded!"

Chi Yao raised his wine glass in respect.


Nian Duan raised his slender neck and drank it all, and then said, "To tell the truth, because my husband's five insect therapy is also from the "Huang Di Nei Jing", so I plan to re-study this scripture again. I just saw here , I have some new conjectures in my heart, sir is also a person who is familiar with the content of the book, how do you think about it?"

As he said that, Nian Duan actually took out a copy of "Huang Di Nei Jing", looking serious and asking for advice.


Seeing this, Chi Yao was a little speechless, he felt that Nian Duan seemed more like a medical idiot than a school leader, and he forgot everything when he talked about medical skills.

Please, obviously I have just stepped on the reputation of you and the entire medical family to achieve myself, and now you are so proactive in asking for advice, isn't it more true that the rumors that the medical family is not as good as the Chi family?
In this way, in the following trip, Nian Duan and Duan Murong simply changed to the boat chartered by Chi Yao, holding the "Huang Di Nei Jing" all day to discuss medical skills with him.

Before he knew it, the ship had already entered the territory of Qi State.

(End of this chapter)

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