Chapter 472
In the eastern part of the state of Chu, near the mouth of the Huai River, stands a huge water village.

Jiulian Village.

This place was originally the hometown of Wu and Yue, but after the fall of Yue, it was incorporated into the territory of Chu.

However, due to the particularity of Chu State's system, its control over these areas far from the capital is very weak, and it mostly relies on the local lord's jurisdiction.

And unlike most countries where the frontier monarchs are the strongest, the stronger the monarchs of Chu, the closer they are to the center.Because they want to seal the land not to defend the country, but just to occupy the fertile land for profit.

Therefore, in a remote place like Wuyue's old place, the power of the monarch is quite weak, and a gang actually controlled the waterway between the local area and Qi State and even Yan State in the north.

This gang is Jiulianzhai.

Speaking of it, Wu Tong, the chief of the Jiulian Village, is actually a survivor of the Yue people of the Juwu tribe. He has an incomplete secret of water witches in his hands. Based on this, he is surrounded by many gangs and bandits in the Huaishui River. It gained a firm foothold and gradually developed to its current momentum.

"Boss, boss!"

On this day, a gang member wearing half a pair of fish skin swimsuits hurriedly knocked on Wu Tong's door.

"what happened?"

Wu Tong was a slender, middle-aged man, he pushed the door open and walked out without getting angry.

"The Lord of the Three Villages has been taken away!"

The gang hissed.

"Third? What's going on here?"

Wu Tong frowned. Jiulian Village is the leader of the nearby waterways with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the leader of Sanzhai, Wen Jiao, is also quite powerful, especially on the water. Who can catch him?And why are you arresting him?

"It's the master of such a village, this morning we went to patrol the water with the master of the third village..."

The man explained the whole story carefully. To put it simply, when they were patrolling the waters, they saw a woman who was as beautiful as a fairy. Living.

"This third child..."

Wu Tong covered his forehead, and said angrily, "The old problem just won't change, and I've tried to persuade him no matter how many times he didn't listen, so he's finally kicked the iron plate, right? Didn't that group of people report themselves? Dare to arrest me nine times?" The people in the village, what are their backgrounds?"

"The woman said...they seem to be from the Chi family?"

The younger brother's tone was a little uncertain.

"The Chi family?"

Wu Tong thought for a while, "It seems that people in Qi State have heard that it is a new school. Let's go, take someone with me to meet them."

With a big wave of his hand, more than ten water ghosts appeared from nowhere, turned over to the bow one after another, surrounded Wu Tong and drove towards the gate of Dazhai.Most of their bodies are covered with facial scars, only some dark blue strange lines can be seen on their heads.

After a short walk, Wu Tong saw a small boat on the river.

In front of the first woman, the red dress is like fire, bright and unparalleled, and who else is she stepping on but Wen Jiao?
Although Wu Tong scolded his little brother in the village, but when he was in front of outsiders and saw him being humiliated in this way, he still burst into anger.

"Too deceiving!"

With his toes on the bow, he jumped up like a big bird, and after tapping the water surface twice, he grabbed Yan Lingji.

"Good come!"

Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to shoot out, a black and red poisonous fire as thin as a flying wire, burning towards Wu Tong in mid-air.


Since Wu Tong dared to take the lead in taking the lead, he naturally had some means to not be afraid of being attacked halfway.He yelled loudly, and dense water flowed out from the pores of his skin, criss-crossing, like a pair of water armor, which did not dodge or avoid the incoming poisonous fire flying line, but slapped it with a slap.

chi chi-

Water and fire intersected, and a burst of smoke rose, covering the sight of both sides.

In the next second, Wu Tong came out through the fog, and slapped Yan Lingji hard on the face with a palm that was flowing with strong water vapor.

【Splitting Water Palm】!
Yan Lingji's skirt fluttered, and she took light steps to avoid the frontal impact. Her ten fingers, which were as white as jade, flicked one after another, and black and red fire snakes formed a fire net in front of her to cover Wu Tong who was rushing towards him.

Facing the dense fire net, Wu Tong didn't dare to continue to force his way, but bent down and grabbed Wen Jiao on the ground, then retreated immediately, turned over and jumped into the water with a "plop".

This time, it took only a few breaths from Wu Tong's jump to the time when he retreated into the water. Before the younger brothers of both sides could react, the battle came to an end.

Although judging from the results, Wu Tong took the initiative to attack but was eventually forced into the water, which seemed to be a disadvantage, but he achieved his goal of saving Wen Jiao, and Yan Lingji lost a good bargaining chip.

How would Yan Lingji, who had a smooth journey, accept this?
Ever since she left Dongting, she has traveled all the way east, and the Dahe Gang, Qushuimen, Bailangwu and other gangs have all been subdued by her majesty. The owner of the village took advantage of it.

How can she bear being as proud as she is?

Even if this place is above the water, the terrain will hinder her, but...

"You made me angry~"

Yan Lingji murmured softly, her coquettish voice was numb to the bone, her misty eyes were seductive and sinking, and the fire-colored witch patterns on her arms lit up one after another, which was a symbol of her starting to exert her internal strength with all her strength.

Streams of black and red fire converged between her palms, gradually expanding from the size of a sesame seed, and turning into pigeon eggs, duck eggs, apples, watermelons...

The pitch-black flames were blazing, and Yan Lingji seemed to be holding an ominous black sun in her hands!

"Like going into the water? Then stay at the bottom of the water for the rest of your life, don't even think about coming out!"

She scolded coquettishly, raised the black sun in her hand, and slammed it into the water.

【Mysterious Fire Pendant】!

boom! ! !
The violent explosion sounded suddenly, and the water vapor rose and turned into a small mushroom cloud. The waves were surging, and the two boats were shaken by the waves. The gang members of Jiulianzhai anxiously lay beside the boat and called for Wu Tong. name.

But Wu Tong, who has not yet come out of the water, has no time to speak out at this time, because he is currently encountering the biggest crisis in his life!
Originally, after he went into the water, he planned to wait for the opportunity to make a surprise attack.Because after the simple fight just now, he found that Yan Lingji's flame was not easy to provoke, and it was also poisonous, even his own water armor could not completely resist it.

But I never expected that when Yan Lingji got angry, a ball of poisonous fire as big as "Kang Chi" fell down.

You know, simple flames are nothing more than nothing, but the black fireball can tell how poisonous it is, but the poison spreads quickly in the water, even though he is already moving away quickly when he sees that the situation is not good, he still After being touched by the aftermath, even the water armor that was circulating on his body turned light black, and a burning sensation hit his whole body.

Wu Tong managed to hold on to the last bit of strength to climb onto the boat, but the one who stepped on him was a slender and slender heel.

The owner of the high-heeled shoes' coquettish voice hides awe-inspiring killing intent:
"Surrender, or die?"

(End of this chapter)

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