Chapter 479 Bloody Case

A few days later, Scorpio door.

After the establishment of the Chi Family School, the Scorpion Sect naturally became a peripheral force of the school. Because they didn't plan to invest much energy in South Korea, and there was Mo Crow and Bai Feng, so the person in charge here was Poison Scorpion, and he himself was happy to be there. This is a land king.

With his current strength roughly equivalent to that of the Commander of Hundred Birds, coupled with the backing behind him, no one would deliberately come to make trouble.

Later, after Wu Tong took over the management sect, brought the business to South Korea, and became a business partner with Emerald Tiger, one of the four evil generals of the night, the position of the Scorpio sect became more and more stable.

But today, the famous Du Xiezi in Xinzheng City could only stand resentfully in front of his sect master's throne, watching others sitting in his seat showing off their might, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Damn woman!"

The poisonous scorpion looked at Yan Lingji, who was leaning on the sect master's throne leisurely and leisurely, and was very annoyed in his heart. He didn't even feel any desire when he looked at the pair of white legs that he usually liked the most.

I was really scared of being beaten just now.

As the speaker of the school in Xinzheng, Poison Scorpion is used to dominating me on weekdays. Yan Lingji is not a person who can take care of the mood of local snakes.

And she happens to be a very alluring woman...

Then the poisonous scorpion was dazzled by anger and lust, trying to teach the woman from the headquarters a lesson.

Then, he was trampled mercilessly by Yan Lingji.

At that time, the poisonous scorpion realized that the slender legs were not only comfortable to touch, but also very powerful to step on.

"Is the matter clear?"

Yan Lingji's voice was cold and indifferent, like a high-ranking queen, not as charming and enchanting as usual.

"Report to the envoy,"

The poisonous scorpion replied with a smile, "Brothers searched all the dead people, and finally found a few guys who were not dead, but they seemed to be frightened crazy, they just kept screaming about snakes Ah, ghost, atonement, forgiveness, etc., did not provide any useful clues."

Two days ago, a fire broke out in a settlement of Baiyue survivors. The fire was extremely violent, and the place was reduced to ashes overnight. There were countless dead and few survivors, which alarmed the entire South Korea.

At that time, Yan Lingji had just arrived in Xinzheng, and immediately after the interrogation, she used force to subdue the poisonous scorpion, and asked them to send a large number of people to find clues about the murderer.

But two days later, it seems that there is still no progress.

Yan Lingji frowned. After joining the Chi Family School, she also gradually understood that Yue people are a very broad concept. Whether it is the Yue Kingdom of Goujian in the past, or the so-called Baiyue Kingdom where Tianze and the others were eventually destroyed, They are just a country composed of a small number of Vietnamese people, and cannot represent all Vietnamese groups.

But after all, she grew up in Baiyue country, and she still has a sense of identity with the people there. At this time, they were slaughtered for no reason, which naturally made her very angry.

"Then you have no other choice?!"

Yan Lingji was annoyed in her heart, so she took advantage of the situation to vent her anger on the poisonous scorpion beside her, and kicked it.


The poisonous scorpion was aggrieved, but he really couldn't beat him, and he provoked him first, so although his face was flushed, he could only admit his cowardice, "After all, we are just a Jianghu gang, and we don't specialize in solving crimes. Listen to this matter. It is said that the king of Han is also very important, and sent a son to investigate, why don't you ask him?"

"King Han's son?"

Yan Lingji's expression was a bit disgusted. After all, destroying the Baiyue Kingdom was the greatest achievement of King Han's success in ascending the throne. His son was naturally their Baiyue Kingdom's enemy. "What is he capable of?"

"This Ninth Prince, Han Fei, is now South Korea's chief criminal officer, specializing in criminal matters. It is said that he also studied Confucianism. He is a disciple of the famous Xunqing... In short, it is rumored that he is very good at solving crimes."

The poisonous scorpion only wanted to send away the plague god in front of him quickly, so he praised Han Fei to the fullest, saying that if even he couldn't solve the case, then no one in South Korea could do it.

Although Yan Lingji was dubious, but now there is really no other good way: "Where can I find him?"

"Zi Lan Xuan."

"court death!"

Yan Lingji was furious, and felt that the poisonous scorpion was playing with her. Although she had only been in Xinzheng for a few days, she had never heard of the name of Zilanxuan. Could it be the place where Prince Han and the dignified Sikou often hang out? ?
"Hey, hey, stop hitting, what I said is true!"

The poisonous scorpion really messed up this time, and he explained with an aggrieved face, "The place that Mr. Han Fei often goes to is really Zilanxuan! You go out and ask around, I didn't lie to you!"


Yan Lingji saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, so she confirmed again.

"More real than real gold!"

The poisonous scorpion nodded heavily.

"What kind of abilities can this kind of Gaoliang boy have?!"

Yan Lingji sighed, "Forget it, let's just treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and you should continue to search for clues without interruption, understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

The poisonous scorpion nodded obediently.



The night was heavy, and the moon was looming in the dark clouds.

On the top floor of the brightly lit Zilan Pavilion, Zi Nu, Han Fei, Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, and Gongsun Sheng stood or sat in different postures, the only thing in common was that their brows were all frowning.

Gongsun Sheng was the famous disciple who once questioned Chi Yao in the Jixia Academy. He later hooked up with Han Fei. This time Han Fei was going to come back to rectify Korea.

Han Fei naturally welcomes this, after all, there are too few people around him who can be used.

"Brother Han, this case..."

Zhang Liang hesitated to speak. As the grandson of the current prime minister of South Korea, Zhang Kaidi, although he was the youngest, he was often able to detect some high-level undercurrents in advance.

At this time, Han Fei's reputation soared by solving the ghost soldier robbery case, and he successfully won the position of the commander, but he also became the thorn in the eyes of the general Ji Wuye because of the tiger's mouth.

This time, the case of the massacre of Baiyue survivors was suppressed by the other party's words, and King Han set a deadline for him to solve the case. Now seeing the time passing by, they still haven't found any useful clues. An invisible sense of urgency hangs over.

In particular, they guessed that Ji Wuye must have some kind of secret connection with this incident, but they still couldn't find any evidence, and they felt a sense of aggrieved powerlessness.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room, and a hoarse voice sounded like a damaged throat: "Mr. Han Fei, I may be able to provide some clues about the fire."

"Oh? Please come in."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the room, an old man in sackcloth walked in with a hunched body and a cane.

"Senior Li Kai, what is your discovery?"

Zhang Liang asked politely.

"Hey, I went to have a look at that place, and some of the traces made me feel familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before."

Li Kai slowly recalled, "It was on the Baiyue battlefield, and it came from a man who manipulated the chains. He seems to be called by others—the red-browed dragon snake!"


As soon as the last four words were uttered, there was a crisp sound outside the window of the room, as if something had been broken.


Wei Zhuang frowned, and before the others could react, he broke through the window with the shark-toothed sword in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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