Chapter 481 Cooperation
Under Gongsun Sheng's advice, Wei Zhuang put down his fighting spirit for the time being, and Yan Lingji had no intention of entangled with Wei Zhuang, and would not have done anything if she hadn't been annoyed by being chased, and now she is directly involved in investigating the incident. On the search for traces at the scene.

"Do you think she will cooperate with us?"

Wei Zhuang and Gongsun Sheng didn't know the traces of Tianze's attack, so they didn't join in the search, so as not to spoil the original clues, but stood aside and communicated in a low voice.

"Why not? As a disciple of Guigu, you should be familiar with the Chi family, right?"

Gongsun Sheng asked with a smile.

Different from other schools of thought, if they are similar to Taoism and Nongjia, they can completely close their doors to research and develop on their own, regardless of world affairs, because their Tao does not seek outside but lies inside.But schools of thought such as masters and strategists are different. They must take the initiative to understand the world.

If famous scholars want to argue with others, you must know what their theories are, right?

This is especially the case for political strategists, they claim to have both Confucianism and Mohism, and integrate hundreds of schools into one furnace. They are best at persuasion and collusion.If you don't have a clear understanding of the situation in the world, and you don't know what forces are there, how can you play with a hammer?
And as the Chi family school that has risen rapidly in the south in recent years, it is impossible for the disciples of Guigu not to pay attention to it or to study it.

Even the two Guigu disciples of this generation look a little crooked.

"Huh, what do you want to say, most of the Chi family school are Yue people, and they will have the same hatred for the death of these Baiyue survivors?"

Wei Zhuang is not stupid, he just doesn't want to think about those twists and turns because he believes too much in power.

"It's just one aspect,"

Gongsun Sheng nodded slightly, "I don't know if you have noticed that the death of Zuo Sima Liu Yi, King Han's attitude became very strange after he realized that it might be related to Baiyue."

"He's terrified."

Wei Zhuang is concise and to the point.

"That's right. Although I don't understand what Tangtang King Han is afraid of in Baiyue, there is no doubt that Mr. Han Fei's insistence on investigating and solving the case last time has already annoyed him a little. And the sudden appearance of Tianze must have something to do with Ji Wuyue." The night is related, and his purpose may be the same as last time."

Gongsun Sheng analyzed.

"Will the conflict between Han Fei and King Han deepen?"

Wei Zhuang's eyes sharpened, and his fingers began to gently rub the hilt of the sword.

Han Fei's identity is the basis for their small team to achieve their goals. If Han Fei is disgusted by Han Wang and loses the right to participate in politics, then everything today will be in vain.

When Gongsun Sheng saw that he wanted to kill people even if he said nothing, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Brother Wei Zhuang, calm down, Brother Han will not let you do something that violates the law first."

Compared with Wei Zhuang, a false Guigu disciple whose hands were stronger than his mouth, Gongsun Sheng's eloquence learned from a famous master was more suitable for dealing with the predicament Han Fei was facing today.

Han Fei's goal was to reform South Korea through reforms, so that he and the people around him would not know how to break the law, otherwise they would be untenable, and the routine of killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, and killing was not applicable to ordinary court battles.

After all, Confucianism violates the law with literature, and chivalry violates the ban with martial arts, but Han Fei himself criticized the behavior in the article.

"So you mean, fight fire with fire?"

"Well, no matter what the king of Han is afraid of in Baiyue, the one who understands Baiyue best and represents Baiyue the most is undoubtedly the Chi family school."

Gongsun Sheng nodded, "If the Chi family is brought in, it may be able to achieve miraculous results. If they can help King Han get rid of his heart disease, then Ji Wuye's move will be completely useless."

"Hmph, I hope so."



During the discussion between the two, Yan Lingji inspected the almost burnt ruins as quickly as possible.

And this investigation completely made her feel cold.

When Tianze started his attack, he was thinking of punishment and warning, so he didn't intend to hide his identity at all, and the marks made by the chains of snake bones should not be too obvious.

Although most of them were destroyed by fire, there will always be traces left.

And these are as dazzling as fireflies in the dark night in Yan Lingji's eyes.

"why why……"

She fell to her knees in pain, really not understanding what was going on in Tianze's mind.Are these not his people?

If he wants revenge, should he kill people like King Han, Ji Wuye, and Bai Yifei, or take a step back and even kill Korean civilians?What is killing one's own people?
Seeing her like this, Gongsun Sheng and Wei Zhuang glanced at each other, knowing the result of their trip without asking.

"Girl, the deceased is dead, the most urgent thing is to find the murderer, so as to find out the truth."

Gongsun Sheng persuaded, "Perhaps this is not from Tianze's original intention?"

"what do you mean?"

Yan Lingji suddenly turned her head, a pair of bright and big eyes were shining fiercely.

But Gongsun Sheng was not afraid at all, instead he said with a smile: "This place is not a place to talk, if you want to know the hidden truth, please come with us."

After all, he and Wei Zhuang both left.



Purple Orchid.

After thinking about it again and again, Yan Lingji followed Gongsun Sheng.

After all, the most important reason for her to come to Xinzheng this time was to find Tianze, but now there is just one more reason.

"Brother Han, we're back."

Different from Wei Zhuang's indifferent face, Gongsun Sheng, who was born in a famous family, was good at dancing and talking, and explained the situation just now in a few words.

"Are you sure it's Tianze? That's good. Seeing Brother Wei Zhuang's face just now, I thought something big happened. It turned out that it was just because no one was hacked, hahaha~"

Han Fei was about to liven up the atmosphere by making jokes, but was interrupted directly by Yan Lingji.

"I didn't come here to watch you tell jokes,"

She stared at Gongsun Sheng closely, "You told me earlier that Tianze's actions might not have been his intention, what do you mean?"

Gongsun Sheng spread his hands at Han Fei.

"Hey, haha, girl, that's a good question, I can answer it."

Han Fei switched to a serious expression, "As far as I know, Tianze should have died in the eyes of you Baiyue people before, right?"


Yan Lingji glared at Han Fei, "Your father did it."

"Uh, cough cough..."

Han Fei was choked up, with an embarrassed expression on his face. He could neither explain nor say whether his father was right or wrong. Where did the ten years go? And why did it suddenly appear at this point in time and commit such a big crime?"

"You mean..."

Yan Lingji twirled the Huoling hairpin in her hand, tilted her head, "Is he actually not free?"

"The girl is really smart!"

Han Fei admired, "So although the murderer is Tianze, the mastermind behind the scenes may not be. He, perhaps, is just a knife."

"Then who is behind him?"

Yan Lingji asked.

After all, Tianze inherited the blood of Goujian, the king of Yue in the past, and has a noble status, but such a person is manipulated by others. In her heart, this is a shame belonging to the Baiyue people!

And the shame must be washed away!

"I know who it is, but your or my strength alone is not enough to deal with him. Are you willing to join us?"

Han Fei extended an invitation to Yan Lingji.

(End of this chapter)

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