Chapter 492
Unlike most other sects that emphasize unity and friendship, and the brothers and sisters work together, the disciples of the Guigu Zongheng School are inherently on the opposite side.

They have to fight with their fellow disciples, and only if they win the fight will they be eligible to inherit the name of Guiguzi.

Sometimes this kind of struggle is on the road of ideas, and sometimes it extends to the physical.

The former is like Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi, and the latter is like Sun Bin and Pang Juan.

This kind of rule has been passed down from generation to generation, and it can even be said to be the fate of Guigu disciples.

But the two descendants of Guigu in this generation are slightly different.

Gai Nie, who upholds the concept of He Zong and has learned the technique of Guigu Zong sword, chooses a country that is least likely to allow him to use the art of He Zong - Qin as his starting point.

Adhering to the concept of Lianheng, Wei Zhuang, who has learned the ghost valley horizontal swordsmanship, instead chose to settle in South Korea, which is the least likely to be Lianheng by the Qin Kingdom among the six kingdoms.

The choice of the two of them, as a whole, reveals a very awkward and uncomfortable feeling.

It's like buying a stove in summer and blowing a fan in winter.

What's more amazing is that Gai Nie, who is a disciple of Guigu, now has a position beside King Qin as a swordsmanship teacher, even if there is the word chief in front of him.

But these are not important to Han Fei. What he is most concerned about is, if Gai Nie comes, will anyone under his protection also come to Xinzheng?
As it turns out, he guessed right.

Although it is unbelievable, the current king of Qin has indeed arrived in the capital of South Korea quietly.

If King Qin's approval can be obtained, then it will be very simple to solve the attack on Qin's envoys in South Korea.

With this in mind, Han Fei went with Wei Zhuang to meet this perhaps the most powerful person in the world.



When Han Fei met King Qin, Chi Yao also met an old friend in Dongting Mountain.

"Xuan Jian?"

Chi Yao looked at the person in front of him who was the first person he met in this world.

I haven't seen him for several years. Xuan Jian's face has become a little more frosty, and the evil spirit on his body has become heavier. However, through the observation of Qi Wang, it is found that there are quite a lot of hidden wounds in his body, and some of them have even begun to vaguely affect Xing Qi. up.

Compared with a few years ago, it is hard to say whether the strength has increased or decreased.

But Chi Yao was a little happy that he could come.

As a preferential treatment for the first person he met, Chi Yao didn't leave any restrictions on Xuan Jian at first, but just gave the other party a hint that if he encountered any difficulties that he couldn't handle in the future, he could come back to him.

"Why, have you finally figured it out and decided to quit the trap and join me?"

Chi Yao asked with great interest.

What the current Chi Family School lacks the most is top experts who can stand on their own.

Wushuanggui is strong enough, but his brain is not good; Yan Lingji, Wu Tong and others cannot accommodate more witch patterns due to physical limitations, and their strength is still a little behind the real top masters.

So on the side of the Jagged Alliance, Chi Yao specifically told Wushuanggui and Yan Lingji to take care of each other, because the two of them complemented each other and could barely be alone.

If the exorcist is well-prepared, he can barely do it, but compared with his refining corpses, the too fragile body is always a flaw.Encountering enemies who are good at beheading, such as the hundred-step flying sword, the performance may not be satisfactory.

But black and white Xuanjian are different. As long as he can get rid of the hidden injuries on his body, his strength can reach the level of the head of the ordinary school, and if he is strengthened by witchcraft, he will not be inferior to the heads of the top schools such as the Mohist school and the farmer's school. , and possibly even more so.

With such strength, he is the perfect candidate in Chi Yao's mind who can be alone.

Xuan Jian actually didn't know how he found Chi Yao here, but after he followed Luo Wang's order to kill Chang'an Jun Chengyu, he felt a faint sense of crisis in his heart.

Although he doesn't know much about the calculations in the temple, as a top swordsman, his keen sense of danger is one of the reliance on him to run rampant in the world.

After killing Cheng Yu, he felt a huge malice gradually enveloped himself, which made him very uncomfortable, and some thoughts of staying away began to appear in his heart.

And this feeling reached its peak when receiving the next order.

Assassinate King Qin!

No matter how dull Xuan Jian was, he understood what kind of trouble he was involved in.

It can also be said that the assassination of Lord Chang'an was due to the other party's attempt to treason and rebellion, in order to reduce losses as much as possible, so if the order was cut quickly, then no matter what excuses were used for the order to kill the King of Qin, it could not be concealed.

This in itself is causing chaos!

Regardless of whether the assassination was successful or not, his sword responsible for carrying out orders could not end well.

So Xuan Jian acted decisively, and slipped away immediately after he arrived in South Korea under false orders.

It seemed that there was a potential voice in his heart that kept reminding him: If you have any difficulties, find Chi Yao.

So he came here.

After listening to Xuan Jian's self-report, Chi Yao waved his hand: "No problem, then from today onwards, you are a member of our Chi family, you don't need to worry about the trap."

A ball of qi appeared on his fingertips, and he handed it to Xuan Jian.

"Our Chi family uses Gu art and witch patterns as the basis of practice. As a swordsman, this jade toad Gu can be filled with energy, so it can be regarded as your internal cultivation Gu. As for the external cultivation of witch patterns, etc. I will show you the Hidden Witch Palace again."

Since he chose to change jobs, he naturally did not refuse the voodoo Xuan Jian that Chi Yao handed over, and puffed out his chest to take it into his heart.

In a short while, he quickly overwhelmed the juvenile Jade Toad Gu, kneeling down and saying: "Thank you, master."

"Well, no need to be polite."

Chi Yao nodded. What he gave to Xuan Jian was the juvenile Gu worm, because Xuan Jian's strength is already sufficient, and he doesn't need to pull the seedlings to help him grow. Cultivating the natal Gu by himself can make his power system more rounded and the upper limit higher. .

"Let's go, let's go..."

"Um, please wait a moment."

Just as he was about to take Xuan Jian to the Yin Wu Temple and finish the job in one go, the stern swordsman suddenly hemmed and said, "I'm not alone this time. of……"

"What do you mean? There is also a trap for chasing soldiers?"

Chi Yao frowned and asked, his spirit was released in an instant, and he was about to hook up with many corpse king corpses in Dongting Lake, but Xuan Jian continued:
"No, it's not a chaser, it's a follower of mine."

His expression gradually let go, "She was the person I accidentally rescued when I was performing a mission before, and after joining the snare to follow me, she has been working under me for these years, and her strength is not bad. Now I want to get out of the snare , she followed without saying a word, if possible..."

"Oh? It's interesting."

Chi Yao rubbed his chin, daring to break free from the snare, if he didn't have the belief that he must die, he really couldn't do such a thing.

Xuan Jian was guided by hints left by him in his heart, and that person's words... Could it be that there is also friendship between snare killers?
He looked at Xuan Jian with a strange expression.

"Bring that man here."

 Thanks to book friends 20220321104727931 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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