Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 508 Fish and bear's paw, you can have both

Chapter 508 Fish and bear's paw, you can have both

Three days later, the news came from the palace that King Chu was critically ill.

And urgently ordered Yin Chunshenjun Huang Xie to enter the palace.

Lingyin Mansion.

After Huang Xie got the news, he dressed in a hurry and was about to go out, but was stopped by the diner Zhu Ying.

He sincerely persuaded: "Your Majesty, there are unexpected blessings and unexpected disasters in this world. Now you are in such a world where blessings and disasters are unpredictable, and you are also serving a A moody monarch, how could he not meet an unexpected person?"

These words were in a cloud of confusion, Huang Xie's mind was mostly affected by the news that the King of Chu was critically ill at this time, he couldn't understand it thoroughly for a while, and he didn't have the heart to guess, so he simply asked directly:

"What is unexpected blessing?"

Zhu Ying replied: "You have been the Lingyin of the Chu State for more than [-] years. Although you are only Lingyin in name, in essence you are almost exercising the authority of the King of Chu. Even your five sons are separated from each other. Became the assistant minister of the princes.

"Now the king is seriously ill. Once he falls completely ill, you will be the young master's minister. But now that the crown prince is very weak, you will most likely take charge of the state affairs on behalf of the young master, just like Yi Yin and Duke Zhou at that time. Same, wait for the young lord to grow up before letting him take charge. Isn’t this the same as calling yourself the king in the south and ruling Chu? This is the so-called unexpected blessing.”

This was based on his ignorance of the true identity of the crown prince. In fact, in Huang Xie's view, the crown prince was his own son. As long as the current king of Chu died, the state of Chu would then become his Huang family's master.

So, Chunshen Jun nodded, stroked his beard and asked, "Then what is an unexpected disaster?"

"Li Yuan is not currently in charge of state affairs, but his status will rise after the crown prince ascends the throne, and he will inevitably develop ambitions to become your enemy. Moreover, he does not have military power now, but he keeps assassins in the mansion. Once the king passes away, Li Yuan Yuan will definitely enter the palace first to seize power, and will kill you to silence you, this is what I call an unexpected disaster."

Different from the previous one, Huang Xie was noncommittal about Zhu Ying's statement: "Then the so-called unexpected person..."

"It's down."

Zhu Ying cupped her hands and said generously, "As long as you arrange for me to be a doctor's bodyguard, once the king of Chu passes away, Li Yuan will definitely enter the palace first. At that time, I will kill Li Yuan for you and cut off this disaster. This is me The person who came unexpectedly."

Huang Xie waved his hands again and again: "I accept your intention, but please give up this idea quickly. I know Li Yuan, he is a weak person, and I have always been very kind to him, so how could he How has it gotten to this point?"

"Your Majesty!"

Zhu Ying knelt on the ground with a "plop", "Please think again!"

"No need to say more, I have to enter the palace as soon as possible to see the king. Come on, quickly help the gentleman to rest."

Chunshen Jun flicked his sleeves, bypassed Zhu Ying who was kneeling on the ground, and hurried out of the mansion.

After he left, a servant from the mansion came to help Zhu Ying, but he drove him away with a wave of his arm: "Oh, if you don't listen to my words, the king's catastrophe is at hand! This state of Chu can't stay any longer."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed again in the direction Chunshen Jun left, then got up and left straight away, leaving only a group of servants who were at a loss looking at each other there.



Chu Palace.

The sudden serious illness of the King of Chu is naturally not a normal phenomenon. It is the result of Li Yuan persuading his sister to cooperate after making a decision.

As a queen, it is not too convenient to do something to the seriously ill King Chu.

The reason why Li Yuan was so urgent was that on the one hand, he was forced by the lack of water, and on the other hand, he wanted to catch Huang Xie by surprise.

Now that Qin and Chu are at war, Huang Xie, as Ling Yin, who is in charge of state affairs, devotes almost all of his energy to paying attention to the war, and a person's energy is limited, so his sensitivity to other aspects naturally drops a lot.

For example, now, while Huang Xie is rushing to the palace, he is still thinking about how to deal with it if the king of Chu is really dying, so as to avoid turmoil as much as possible, and try not to affect the frontline battle as much as possible.

In other words, at least the news should not be allowed to spread at will, leading to confusion among the front-line troops, and thus being robbed by Qin.

But what he never expected was that when the chariot approached the Thorny Gate outside the King Chu's palace, a large group of assassins with swords suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and began to slaughter his accompanying guards without saying a word.

Huang Xie was not prepared for this at all. Firstly, he didn't believe that someone could assassinate him in the territory of Chu State. Secondly, he really didn't have time to pay attention to this aspect recently.

Seeing the guards beside him fall down one by one, he suddenly thought of Zhu Ying's advice just now when he was flustered, not only looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Regret not to listen to Zhu Ying's words, I will die!"

Although Huang Xie, who has been pampered for many years, has a famous sword hanging around his waist, it has long since lost its functions other than decoration.

At this moment, the sound of "rusting" suddenly continued.

Huang Xie turned his head and saw that at some time, outside the Thorny Gate, a group of quacks dressed in blue costumes appeared. They didn't rush in, but kept shooting water arrows outside to block those masked sword-wielding men. assassin.

"Master Ling Yin, this way!"

Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice sounded in Huang Xie's ears. He followed the sound and was overjoyed, "Mr. Wu!"

It was Wu Tong who came.

For Xuan Jian to make meritorious service by dealing with the state of Chu, he naturally reported to Chi Yao in advance. After all, the state of Chu is now the foundation of the Chi family school, and it is not he who can rashly cause turmoil alone.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chi Yao simply sent Wu Tong to personally control the situation, so as to achieve the goal of letting Xuan Jian make meritorious deeds without weakening Chu too much.

This seems to be a relationship between fish and bear's paw, but it is not really impossible to have both.

So Wu Tong made up his mind and decided on the current action plan.

For Xuan Jian to make meritorious service, a major event must happen in Chu State, even a major event that would affect the morale of the frontline troops.But the bottom line is that the state of Chu must not be in chaos!

This requires a Dinghaishenzhen who can calm down the situation.

Looking at the current state of Chu, apart from Chunshenjun Huang Xie, this character does not think of anyone else.

Such an analysis makes it clear that there are only two things Wu Tong has to do:
First, in the early stage, Li Yuan or anyone else was allowed to mess around and cause chaos in Chu State. This is the condition for Xuan Jian to make meritorious service.

Second, in the later stage, no matter what, Chunshen Jun Huang Xie must be kept alive, or even harmed, because as long as he is there, the state of Chu will not really fall into chaos.

As Zhu Ying, a diner under Huang Xie's family, said, he has been Ling Yin for more than [-] years, but he is actually exercising the power of the king of Chu.Therefore, it doesn't matter if the king of Chu is gone. As long as Huang Xie is there, changing the king of Chu will not hurt his muscles or bones.

But if Huang Xie is gone, then no one can save the situation.

Just relying on Li Yuan, can he suppress so many lords in Chu who are doing their own thing?Can you suppress the general Xiang Yan who is leading the army outside?
Those who don’t have that ability are fine!
(End of this chapter)

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