Chapter 518 Fate
Chi Yao's figure was already far away, but Moon God was still standing there in a daze, looking at the frost color gradually fading from his palm, his eyes glowed with color.

The three months under the Fusang tree were not in vain. Although her own cultivation did not make any progress, watching her sister Yan Concubine build the Golden Crow Soul from nothing bit by bit was very inspiring to her .

At that time, she was thinking, if the sacred tree here was not a hibiscus but a laurel, what kind of soul would she create?
There are not many sacred things related to the moon. If you count them in detail, there are only three kinds of moon rabbits and jade toads, and at most three kinds of laurel trees themselves.

I don't know if it was influenced by Concubine Yan's construction of the Golden Crow's soul, and Moon God is also more inclined to this direction.Therefore, after seeing the jade toad with a chill all over her body, her heart skipped a beat.

Is this what you want?
Luna asked himself so in his heart.

However, before she could draw a conclusion, Chi Yao had disappeared.

This time, Luna, who was still a little vigilant, felt a little lost, not sure if he had missed another chance.

But after all, she is the top two genius disciples of the Yin Yang family, even so, she didn't really lose her mind. After clearing her mind, she set foot on the road to the north again, intending to investigate the identity of this mysterious person first.

Chi Yao stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the back of the moon god, and smiled faintly: "The seeds have been planted, and the Yinyang family will be like me sooner or later..."



The days of practicing in Shushan are ordinary.

Chi Yao only needs to absorb the great sun energy released from Fusang wood and the evil spirit in Yuyuan every day, and then he can automatically generate corresponding divine lines in his body. It's much easier to understand Chiyou's divine pattern

Of course, it was so convenient because I completed a part of "Heaven Refinement Gu Dao" when exploring the Yin Wu Temple, and the evil spirit seemed to have some inexplicable connection with my Chi You body.

But in any case, in the eyes of everyone in Shushan, his cultivation has begun to rise at an incredible speed, coupled with the relationship between his natural supernatural power, in just three months, Chi Yao has beaten Yu Yuan all over the place. The guard is invincible.

It was also on this day that he was officially awarded the post of commander of Yu Yuan.

"Little Yao,"

In the room of the Great Elder, Yu Zhong was full of relief, and said earnestly, "During this time, I have noticed your hard work and progress. Next, it is time to tell you the real secret of our Shu Mountain gone."

Chi Yao knelt and sat opposite the Great Elder, with his back straight, listening attentively with a serious face.

"Last time I told you what Fusang wood and Yu Yuan respectively represent. You should also be very puzzled, why Fusang wood that should have been in Yanggu appeared at Yu Yuan's mouth."

Having said that, Yu Zhong lowered his voice a little.

"That's because the current Yu Yuan is no longer the original Yu Yuan. In ancient times, demons and demons ravaged the world and preyed on humans. Human life was miserable. Later, in a tribe named Jiuli, In the novel, a warrior named Chi You appeared. He led the people to revolt, forged sharp weapons under the guidance of Nine Heavens Xuannv, conquered demons, and finally won the victory. He was regarded as the co-lord of the human race. Also known as the Lord of Soldiers.

"However, Chi You, who became the lord, was not satisfied with this, and his ambitions began to expand. Not only did he not follow the advice of Xuannv Empress to destroy the weapons of war that were created to fight against demons, but he intensified his research on the origin of the power of demons, and for The people are oppressed more than loved."

Yu Zhong's voice became distant and desolate, as if he had really returned to the ancient times.

"This kind of time lasted for many years, until a hero appeared in the Xiong tribe, a hero who was very similar to the original Chi You, named Xuanyuan. He was tolerant, courageous, and heroic. , and raised the banner against Chi You. Thus, the great war started again."

In the narration of the Great Elder, Chi Yao seemed to have traveled to the ancient times and witnessed the battles one after another with his own eyes.

"...After a long and arduous battle, the Xuanyuan family finally led everyone to defeat Chi You, abolished his high-handed rule, and destroyed all the weapons of war. But Chi You himself became very strange because of his research on the power of demons, and even possessed A certain degree of immortality. Therefore, it can only be sealed."

Speaking of this, Chi Yao almost understood everything.

It seems that although many fantasy elements have been added to this world, no matter what, the fate of this old brother Chi You seems to be quite similar, and he cannot escape the ending of being sealed.

Is this a curse of destiny?

Will the person named Chi You be sealed in the end?

Speaking of which, my path of practice seems to be getting closer and closer to Chi You, tsk, I hope I won't encounter the same trouble as him...

After talking with the Great Elder, Chi Yao learned about it.

The one sealed in Yu Yuan is Chi You, or to be more precise, it is Chi You's body.

The demonized Chi You couldn't be killed stupidly, but with the help of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the Xuanyuan clan separated the defeated Chi You from his body and soul, and sealed each of them.Fill the body into Yuyuan, and move the Fusang wood to suppress it.

As for where the seal of Chi You's soul was, Yu Zhong didn't know, his family was sent by the Xuanyuan Clan to guard the seal here.

Countless years have passed, the Xuanyuan family and even his countless descendants have passed away, but Chi You's demon body is still alive, and a small amount of power has quietly infiltrated and spread in the southwest.

Both Bashu and Yuedi have been greatly affected.

What is even inherited by the current Shushan people is not the original and most orthodox Xuanyuan's kung fu, but the kung fu mixed with Chi You's evil spirit.

This kind of change is subtle, and often by the time people notice it, it is hard to return, and it is impossible to go back.

Chi Yao listened silently, and after digesting for a while, he asked, "Grand Elder, Nine Heavens Profound Girl... After helping the Xuanyuan Clan, have they appeared again?"

Be it Chi You or the Xuanyuan family, to put it bluntly, they are all heroes who appeared among the various tribes of the human race, but the identity of this Nine Heavens Xuannv is a mystery.

She first helped Chi You defeat demons, and then assisted the Xuanyuan family to overthrow the brutal Chi You. It seemed that she was doing everything that was beneficial to human beings.

So what exactly is his identity?What is the motive?

Is it really a fairy?

If so, then it means that there is still an upper bound in this world?

(End of this chapter)

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