Chapter 524 The Grand Duke's Secret (Two in One)

Regarding that shout, Chi Yao was noncommittal.

If you want him to say it, you only know how to beg for mercy now, so what did you do long ago?
What else is there to talk about when all the soldiers are approaching the city?No matter what the conditions are, isn't it the same for killing you?
What?Maybe Chu Nangong didn't know about this at the beginning?

Then he didn't care, anyway, he was only here to suppress the scene this time, and if he really wanted to make the decision, it would have to be up to Xiang Liang.

Chi Yao turned his eyes away and landed on Xiang Liang.

I saw the major general who was about to win the crown gritted his teeth, and after several changes in his expression, he actually looked back at the same thing: "Master of the National Teacher..."

At this moment, Chi Yao understood what the other party meant, and couldn't help but marvel at Chu Nangong's influence: "Forget it, just do what you want, don't worry about safety."

Then Xiang Liang took a deep breath and ordered the army formation ahead to make way for Chu Nangong to pass.



Chu Nangong was also full of courage. Leaning on the crutch, he stepped out of the valley slowly step by step, not in a hurry, and regarded the thousands of swordsmen around him as nothing.

"I've seen Master Chi, Major General."

Chi Yao nodded slightly, but Xiang Liang returned the salute respectfully.

Just when Chi Yao was about to ask, "The ministers are about to fight to the death, why Your Majesty surrendered first", Xiang Liang raised his head and asked with burning eyes: "Nan Gong, our Xiang family must have an account of my father's matter! "

"Don't worry, don't worry, Major General."

Chu Nangong stroked his white beard, "That incident was indeed the fault of the Yin-Yang family. Fortunately, no irreparable damage was caused. The old man came this time to give Xiang an explanation."

Seeing his confident appearance, Chi Yao couldn't help becoming a little interested. First, he wanted to see how Chu Nangong wanted to resolve this matter.

Xiang Liang also looked puzzled, waiting for the other party to continue.

Chu Nangong looked around: "There are too many people talking here, please ask the young general to let the elite under his command retreat."


A question mark appeared on Xiang Liang's face, and then he looked at Chi Yao.

"Don't worry, he can't hurt you with me here."

Chi Yao nodded.

"Hehe, what Sect Master Chi said was that the young general was worrying too much. The old man is here today to resolve the enmity, not to start a fire."

Chu Nangong also explained with a smile.

So Xiang Liang waved his hand to make the guards beside him retreat thirty feet away: "Can we talk now?"


Chu Nangong reached into his sleeve, and after a while, he took out a wooden box about the length of his forearm: "This is the old man's apology."

He held the wooden box in his hand and gently opened the lid.

I saw a roll of bamboo slips lying tightly on top of the silk, and on the bamboo strip in the middle of the upward side was written a vigorous and powerful character "Tai Gong Art of War"!

When Xiang Liang saw it, he immediately exclaimed, but just after he uttered the first word, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth tightly, and forced the voice behind him back.

His flushed face, bulging veins, and heavy panting intertwined made Xiang Liang seem to be in some kind of high-pitched emotion.

Chi Yao turned his head slightly and glanced at it. When he saw the four big characters, he couldn't help being stunned, and then he understood.

No wonder Xiang Liang lost his composure, Chu Nangong was willing to take out such a thing.

In this era, the dissemination channels of books are extremely limited, and knowledge is only in the hands of a very few people.The so-called aristocratic families, whether they are generals or relatives, their long-lasting foundation is books.

This situation continued until the improvement of papermaking and printing techniques, the widespread dissemination of books, and the emergence of the imperial examination system finally broke the monopoly of the upper class on knowledge.

The so-called Qianshou in the past really didn't understand anything, and that kind of ignorance is hard for modern people to imagine.Without books and knowledge, farmers can only get a little experience about farming from their parents; woodcutters can only get some essentials about chopping wood from their families; fishermen, grooms, etc...

What is real class solidification?

That's it.

There are only a few things you can touch in your life. With these things, what else do you want?
Unless you are lucky enough to be valued by an expert and join certain schools of thought.Otherwise, the son of a farmer will still be a farmer, and the son of a fisherman will still fish, and the situation will not change from generation to generation.

So one can imagine how tempting a top military book is to a military strategist, and how heavy Chu Nangong's apology is.

It is no exaggeration to say that with just this book of war, a family of generals who are not weak can be created!
Because this is not written by ordinary people, but too public!

Taishi of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the originator of military strategists, martial sage, Jiang Ziya!

The greatest hero who assisted King Wu of Zhou in destroying the Shang Dynasty, his book of war is the treasure of military strategists.

Although Chi Yao vaguely thinks that Jiang Ziya's most powerful art of war may be - the art of shaking people...

Cough, in short, to get down to business.

As soon as this volume of military books came out, Xiang Liang immediately took the shape of Chu Nangong.

Seeing his unrelenting look, Chi Yao knew that today's swordsmen will not be able to thrive.


Chu Nangong stroked his long beard under his chin with a smile, "The Major General is quite satisfied with the old man's apology."


Xiang Liang replied firmly.

He also understood now why his father insisted on sending troops to Huangshi Valley despite the dissuasion of so many people who helped Chu Nangong to speak up.And why did I specifically tell myself before I set off that I should do more persecution after talking about it, don't rush to do it, and can play by ear and so on.

I'm afraid he already knew that Chu Nangong had this book of war in his hand, and now he just used it as an excuse to ask for it.

Thinking deeper, as the commander-in-chief of an army, and also in the camp, is it really possible that his father could be easily injured by the assassins of the Yangyang family?

Could it be that after discovering the identity of the assassin, he pushed the boat along the way and deliberately did it for the purpose of this volume of Taigong's Art of War?

There were more and more thoughts in Xiang Liang's mind, and he felt that Xiang Yan's layout was too far-reaching and terrifying, and he couldn't help but let out a longing voice from the bottom of his heart: "When will I be as powerful as my father?"

Regardless of Xiang Liang who was already in reverie, Chi Yao pulled Chu Nangong and gently moved a few steps aside.

"Nangong, what's your plan next?"

Even if the Taigong's Art of War was used in exchange for the forgiveness of the Xiang clan, the impact of the evil deeds done by the Yin Yang family before is not so easy to eliminate.And at this time Chi Yao has become the national teacher of Chu State. If Chu Nangong wants to continue to hang out in Chu State, he must not only settle the Xiang family, but also have to show nothing to Chi Yao.

Mr. Chu Nan is an old man, how could he not see what Chi Yao meant, this guy just came to take advantage of the fire!

Sensing the increasingly unfathomable dark aura on the other party, Chu Nangong secretly shook his head in his heart: "Young people nowadays... are really scary!"

However, his old man is not so easy to blackmail. He is soft on the Xiang family, not only because it is indeed the fault of the Yinyang family, but also because he watched the sky at night and saw some changes in the future of the Xiang family. invested.

But Chi Yao...

To put it bluntly, he couldn't see anything.

It's as if the other party has jumped out of the three realms and is no longer in the five elements.

So Chu Nangong paused for a moment with his crutches: "The old man is all alone, his sleeves are clean, and the only long thing on his body is the book of war. If Master Chi wants to read it, why don't you talk to the major general?"

Pooh!What do I want a volume of military books for?
Chi Yao secretly scolded the old man for being treacherous.

However, he kept his expression calm, raised his finger and pointed to his head: "Gong Nan was joking, I don't lack any foreign things. For me, what you have here is the most precious."

"OK then,"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Chu Nangong asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"Since Nangong holds Taigong Art of War in his hands, he must be no stranger to the past of that Jiang Taigong?"

Chi Yao didn't go around in circles, "I don't know what you think of Canglong Qisu?"

"Blue Dragon Seven Houses..."

Chu Nan looked at Chi Yao in surprise, "Are you interested in this too?"

"It's hard to say whether I'm interested or not, but I first need to know what it is. And I'm curious about what the leader of the Onmyo family, Donghuang Taiyi, can tirelessly pursue."

"East Emperor Taiyi?"

Chu Nangong sighed, "He is a lunatic! No one knows what Canglong Qisu is, and there are only some unidentifiable information circulating in the Yinyang family.

"It is said that this thing was left by Jiang Taigong back then, because he counted the collapse of the Great Zhou Dynasty by watching the stars at night, so he deliberately left a means of revival for future generations; Strength; let alone immortality, ascension to immortality, etc., all in all, the more it spreads, the more evil it becomes."

"The wise does not buy rumours."

Chi Yao asked, "Nangong is a recognized wise man in Chu, so in your opinion, which of these rumors are more credible?"

"Which ones are credible?"

Chu Nangong snorted coldly, "If I ask the old man to tell me, I can't believe any of them!"


"Grandfather Jiang Shang is indeed a strange man of his generation. It is not impossible to say that he has counted the downfall of the Great Zhou Dynasty. But it is nonsense to say that those who win the Canglong and Qisu will win the world. The prestige of the Qin Kingdom today is unparalleled. They Gather Canglong Qisu? This is just an excuse used by those incompetent people to comfort themselves."

There was a hint of hatred in Chu Nangong's tone.

"As for the theory of immortality and immortality, even if Tai Gongwang really left some means to revive the Great Zhou, would he only focus on personal force from the perspective of an old man? When the Zhou Dynasty was in the Shang Dynasty, Is it relying on personal force?"

"'s not unreasonable to say so."

Chi Yao rubbed his chin, "But isn't the Eastern Emperor Taiyi not clear about such a truth?"

"Because he wants to ask Xian to be crazy."

Chu Nangong shook his head.

In short, going around, there is only one argument from Chu Nangong, Canglong Qisu may have it, but it is not a big deal, the reason why Donghuang Taiyi is so obsessed with this is just because of his own obsession.

To be honest, Chi Yao didn't quite believe these words, especially after learning some ancient secrets from Yu Zhong, the great elder of Shushan Mountain.

But since Chu Nangong really didn't want to talk about it, he couldn't force it, so he simply changed the subject: "In this case, let's not talk about Canglong Qisu. Let's talk about Loulan. I heard that ancient country used to be quite brilliant?"

Ever since talking with the Great Elder of Shushan, Chi Yao has treated these old fellows as encyclopedias. If there is anything you want to know, just ask. What if you get the answer directly?

Chu Nangong pondered, "That's a rather old name. According to legend, it was once a pearl in the desert with a glorious and splendid history."


Chi Yao's eyes lit up, "Then do you know how to find it?"


Chu Nangong shook his head, "It is said that Loulan is extremely deep in the desert, and its location is difficult to distinguish in the desert. It is almost impossible to find it unless someone familiar leads it."

"Is that so..."

Chi Yao felt a little regretful. If Chu Nangong didn't even know about it, he might really have to wait until the plot begins.

Unexpectedly, Chu Nangong suddenly changed the subject: "But by coincidence, I know the location of a Loulan citizen."


Chi Yao's eyes lit up.

"Hehe, although Loulan is closed, it doesn't mean that there is no communication with the outside world."

Chu Nangong stroked his long white beard, "Especially many years ago, a major event happened in their country."

"What's the big deal?"

"The dragon soul, which Loulan calls a national treasure, has been stolen. I don't know what the dragon soul is. I only know that it is an extremely important thing to Loulan. Therefore, for the first time, Loulan sent many envoys to look for it. At that time, an envoy also asked for help from the old man."

"So where is he now?"

"The goal of the Loulan envoy is to find the dragon soul, so he won't settle in a certain place for too long."

Chu Nangong's beard curled up, he hesitated to speak, "But I can send him a letter, saying that I saw something suspected to be a dragon soul, and he would definitely not miss it. But..."

"what do you want?"

Chi Yao understood that the other party was about to start negotiating terms.

"Although the old man will not leave the Yin-Yang family, from now on he will not bother about the affairs of the Yin-Yang family. He just wants to live quietly in this Yellowstone Valley. If he is interested, he may train one or two disciples. I wonder if Master Chi can do something about it. convenient?"

Now Chi Yao has the final say on the world of Chu. Even if Chu Nangong wants to live in seclusion, if he doesn't get Chi Yao's permission, there will be troubles.


After pondering for a while, Chi Yao nodded and said, "As long as you help me find that Loulan envoy, I can guarantee that Huangshi Valley will not be disturbed by ordinary things."

"So, that old man would be very grateful."

Chu Nangong cupped his hands and saluted, feeling that today was quite complete.

Chi Yao also thinks so. Chu Nangong may not know what is in Loulan, but Chi Yao, who is familiar with the plot, is different.He understands that there are not only the soldiers and demon gods that Chiyou once forged to run rampant in the world, but also a series of treasures such as Chiyou's sword, Pixiu, and the tears of the goddess, which are of inestimable value.

And most importantly, the ancient country of Loulan is suspected to be the closest place to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.They are also currently known, the only ethnic group that is still offering sacrifices to the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

Going there may be of great help to him in understanding the truth of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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