Chapter 542

Go backwards in time.

In the Wei army camp.

Because of the experience of living in Zhao State for more than ten years, Mr. Xinling has a huge influence on Zhao State. Although he did not deliberately control Zhao State's government, no matter what news Zhao State has, he can't hide it from his eyes and ears. .

Just like the hunting news of King Zhao back then, he could know it while sitting in the palace of King Wei.After Zhao Wangqian succeeded to the throne, before the edict depriving Li Mu of his military power was published, the news had already reached the ears of Lord Xinling.

Regarding Zhao Wangyan's death and Zhao Wangqian's succession, Lord Xinling felt that it would have some impact on Hezong, but since the new king successfully succeeded to the throne and there were no fluctuations in the country, he did not take any action.

But who would have thought that the new king of Zhao would be so reckless!
"Children are ignorant!"

Wei Wuji was furious after hearing the news.

He was able to calmly deal with the accidents in Yan before, because Yan was the least important among the Five Kingdoms, but it was different when it was Zhao.

The Five Kingdoms joined forces to attack Qin in three directions.The main force on the northern front is Zhao Jun.Once the state of Zhao is in turmoil, Hezong will be equivalent to a one-third failure, and will liberate the Qin soldiers under Wang Jian's command.This positive and negative, the overall situation of the alliance will collapse in an instant.

Lord Xinling would never allow such a thing to happen!
"This alliance may be our last chance. Qin's internal ministers and kings are fighting each other. In addition, Chun Shenjun of Chu State and Li Mu of Zhao State are all people who can be relied on, so that we can achieve the current situation."

Wei Wuji clenched his five fingers tightly, and paced back and forth in the tent, "If we don't succeed this time, we will no longer be able to resist Qin. The situation is so good, we must not let a child with a yellow mouth ruin it!"

What he didn't say was that he was also thinking in his heart that this might also be his last chance.

As the younger brother of King Wei, the age gap between the two is not that big.The king of Wei was seriously ill before, so it can be seen that both of them have reached the stage of aging and sickness. In addition, when Lord Xinling was not trusted by the king's brother, he was depressed, indulged in alcohol and sex, and hurt his body. Gradually feel powerless.

That's why Wei Wuji always had a sense of urgency in his heart.

"Your Majesty..."

Zhu Hai, Mao Gong, Xue Gong and others in the tent had never heard Lord Xinling swearing with such fierce words, and they looked at each other for a while.After all, that boy with a yellow mouth is the new king of Zhao. Mr. Xinling has always been hailed as a model of a gentleman, why today...

But Wei Wuji didn't have time to think about the thoughts of his servants at this time, and his steps became more and more hurried.

"Li Mu will not resist Zhao Wang's orders, and he can't resist." After all, the logistics and supplies have to be supplied by Zhao Wang.

"So to solve this matter, we have to start from the source..."

He unfolded the information, and re-examined the ins and outs of the whole matter and all the details.

"It was proposed by Guo Kai, and he agreed after the proposal, did Zhao Wangqian make the decree..."

"Zhao Wangqian was young and ignorant, and the court was controlled by the queen and the traitor. With these two people, Zhao Guo will never have peace!"

Mr. Xinling quickly clarified the root cause behind this matter.

But it is also because of this that it feels extremely tricky.

If it's just Guo Kai's problem, it's nothing more than a traitor. At this moment of crisis, it's no big deal to get rid of it directly.

But the key lies in advocating the future!

He is the mother of the current king of Zhao, and the king of Zhao is young, so he really needs someone to assist him in governing, but the level of this advocate is really too low!

Although this is actually quite normal, after all, you can't expect every empress dowager who hangs the curtain to be a strong person like Empress Lu or Mi Bazi, but at least you can't make trouble!
At the critical moment when the Five Kingdoms joined forces to attack Qin, you want to take back the military power of the number one general in the country. Is this something that humans can do? !
After much deliberation, Wei Wuji focused his eyes finally: "Where is the former prince Jia of the Zhao Kingdom?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to?"

Zhu Hai didn't respond, but Mao Gong and Xue Gong figured out the key points in an instant, and they hesitated to speak, their faces full of shock.

At the critical moment when the young master of Zhao State had just succeeded to the throne, he asked his older and deposed ex-prince, why the purpose was obvious!
The most important thing is that this kind of behavior is not in line with Mr. Xinling's character and conduct, which shocked the two of them inexplicably.

"To ensure the integration is now the top priority, and everything else must make way for it!"

Lord Xinling didn't explain much, and didn't even argue for himself, "I'll bear the blame!"

Just five words, but once again everyone was shocked and shaken.

What the world seeks is nothing but fame and fortune.

Although it is generally recognized that chasing fame is much nobler than chasing profit, there is still something to be desired after all.

And the biggest difference between fame and fortune is that profit is something that changes all the time. Maybe the last time the family went bankrupt, the next time the bet is correct, the money will be returned.

But the name is different, and there is no room for flaws.

Once there is a stain, let alone abandoning all previous efforts, I am afraid that it will be difficult to turn around in the future.

Even if Mr. Xinling didn't intentionally cultivate his reputation, after so many years, the reputation of the Fourth Young Master has resounded both inside and outside. This heavy reputation and the huge value it carries cannot be easily discarded by anyone.

But Mr. Xinling decided to give up so easily.

It's just for Zhao Guo to change generals before the battle.

Frankly speaking, although this matter affects Hezong, it is actually a good way out from another perspective.

Up to now, the joint vertical coalition forces have been confronting the Qin army for a long time, and both sides are exhausted, and they are nothing more than gritting their teeth to persevere.

Taking advantage of Zhao Guo's incident to end the alliance naturally did not damage Lord Xinling's reputation, and he could even take advantage of it afterwards to extract some benefits from Zhao Guo.

But he didn't, but chose the most difficult path to go.

And even if Zhao Jia is replaced, and Zhao Guo insists on joining forces, will this battle be sure to win?
not necessarily!

And after the turmoil, the coalition forces will also be damaged.

But if the alliance fails this time, most of the infamy will be attributed to Lord Xinling himself.

He did this without leaving any leeway for himself, which can be called breaking the boat.

After thinking about this, the faces of the two doormen were full of admiration.

And Zhao Jia was quickly brought before Lord Xinling.

Zhao Jia, who was supported by Lord Xinling, was also very pleasantly surprised. He had already given up that seat. Who would have thought that the younger brother and his mother and concubine would make such a big mistake.

He swore an oath in front of Lord Xinling: "If I am king, I will definitely support your majesty's grand plan of attacking Qin with all my strength, and I will never hesitate!"

"it is good."

Lord Xinling nodded, not sure how much he believed, but an adult King Zhao was much better than a young child who could only be manipulated by others.

"Zhu Hai."

"Chen is here!"

"You take a letter from me, take Prince Jia to Li Mu's barracks, and act according to plan."


(End of this chapter)

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