Chapter 563 The Final Plan (Two in One)

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

The war has changed from the previous three lines to two major theaters, east and south.

In the south, with Ba as the battlefield, Qin and Chu fought fiercely; while in the east, with the Yellow River as the boundary, the Qin army faced the coalition forces of Han, Wei, Zhao, and Yan.

If you want to say who has the most comfortable life on these two battlefields, it must be Han Jun.

To be precise, it is South Korea's brake crossbowmen.

As the strongest long-distance combat force in the world today, they used to be able to shoot air at the enemy on the city wall, and their deterrent effect was far greater than their actual combat value.

But now it’s different, with Zhao’s side cavalry protecting their sides, and Wei’s military pawns defending them from frontal dangers, all they have to do is walk to their positions, and then keep shooting bows and arrows, and they can easily reap the rewards. Enemy lives.

They have never fought such an easy battle in their life!

But Wang Jian's side is just the opposite.

As the three countries that happen to be blocking Qin's eastward exit, Qin has fought against them a lot in the past, and they are quite familiar with the military strength of the Han, Wei, and Zhao countries.

But when the three of them joined forces, Wang Jian realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

In the past, the cavalry of the state of Zhao were good at field battles, but they were not good at attacking and defending cities; It can barely defend a big city with high walls and deep pools.

Qin always has a way to find their weaknesses, and then carry out precise strikes.After all, according to the principle of wooden barrels, the capacity of a wooden barrel does not depend on the longest piece of wood, but the shortest one.

Obviously, the three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, and Han are all partial powerhouses, while Qin has a hexagonal structure.Maybe they are not as good as Zhao Guo in terms of cavalry alone, and they are not as good as South Korea in terms of bows and crossbows alone, but the emphasis on the battlefield is cooperation, so Qin State can win repeatedly.

But this time, the old methods and old experiences will not work.

The joint forces of Han, Wei and Zhao just made up for each other's shortcomings, making this army, which was still young in coordination, completely able to compete with the Qin army. Even as their integration deepened, Wang Jian already felt great pressure.

Now, it is not the time for them to think about how much pressure they want to put on the opponent, but how they can destroy the opponent's strategic intentions while dealing with this overwhelming sense of oppression.

Even Wang Jian was very sad about this.

On the other hand, Zhao Gao's operations behind enemy lines were quite effective.

As he analyzed, when Zhao, Wei and Han became more and more closely connected, Yan, who stayed with them but was always out of place, seemed very uncomfortable.

Fight but don't want to fight, walk but don't dare to go, and can't play with others.

But although they wanted to get rid of the current predicament very much, they did not dare to agree to the conditions of the net.After all, on this line of defense, the Yan army ranks at the bottom in terms of numbers and combat effectiveness, and there is no capital for random trial and error.

However, in addition to the frontline soldiers, there are also forces from the rear who want to change the current predicament.

As mentioned earlier, the main combat faction of Yan State is headed by Prince Dan.So when Yan State was coerced into taking a firm and vertical path, whether it was for the sake of out of sight or out of mind, or for the convenience of throwing the blame in the future, the King of Yan handed over all domestic coordination matters to Yan Dan.

In this way, he himself is not afraid of Yandan seeking power and usurping the throne, but as Yandan's long-standing political enemy, Lord Yanchun is not happy.

Because these should have been his power.

This kind of intelligence net will naturally not be missed. Under the double offensive of coercion and temptation, especially after promising to wait for the victory of Qin State, Yan State only needs to send Yan Dan into Qin as a proton to avoid punishment. Yanchun Jun became a trap international strategic partners.

His task is very simple, that is, he is responsible for tripping Yandan in the court hall of Yan Kingdom.

After all, Mr. Yanchun has been domineering in the country of Yan for so many years, and he has his tentacles in all walks of life.Although he has lost his "name" now, compared to Yan Dan who only has a "name", it is still easy to cause him some trouble.

So soon, there was a problem with Yan's food and payment preparations.

The so-called soldiers and horses go first without using food and grass, and logistics is one of the most important links in war.

Yan Dan personally brought people over to deal with it.

Then he was assassinated by the snare killer who was already in ambush.

Zhao Gao didn't intend to kill Yan Dan directly, but planned to let him lie in bed, as long as he couldn't continue to deal with the military affairs.

After all, if he killed him, he would have to find another person who was responsible for the previous decision of Yan State, which would only increase his troubles.

But he never expected that Yandan would be protected by so many masters!

Yan Dan is not an honest person either. Although he advocated the fight against Qin, he did not devote himself wholeheartedly to it. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity that King Yan asked him to take care of the logistics, filled his own pockets, and wantonly cultivated his own power.

For example, the knight-errants around him wearing the clothes of Mohist disciples were recruited by him at a high price.

Because he understands that with the traditional Mo Xia's moral outlook, even if he temporarily pretends to be a righteous person, sooner or later, the two parties will still part ways.

That being the case, instead of supporting them in vain, it is better to start another stove and cultivate a force that is only loyal to yourself.

As for being affiliated with the Mohist family, that's just to cover up people's eyes and ears.

Zhao Gao stood on the branch of the tree, looking down at the snare killers who were at a disadvantage because of their numbers, raised his hand and slowly pressed the hilt of his sword.

Provoking the relationship between the four countries of Yan, Zhao, Han, and Wei is an important task for Luo Wang, and it is also a stepping stone for him to return to Yingzheng's vision.

Since I have come in person, I will never allow failure!

So, seeing that his subordinates could no longer achieve their goals, he jumped from a high place, like a long-awaited predatory spider, piercing the sky with his sharp sword light, and went straight to Yandan.

Zhao Gao's skill is definitely first-class, and he is at least at the elder level in a hundred schools of thought.Such a master is not Chinese cabbage, and Yandan obviously cannot recruit it in a short time.

So like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, Zhao Gao's sword merged into one, and his body turned into a swimming dragon, and the sword light twinkled and flashed before Yan Dan's face.

Faced with this sudden attack, Yan Dan was slightly taken aback.

He is not really as weak as he has shown so far, but in order to hide his clumsiness, he has always hidden his pure Mohist Qi.Including now that he was assassinated, he kept himself under the protection of the guards all the time. Although he was not embarrassed, he didn't mean to choose to make a move.

When he noticed this sword, Yan Dan judged that the guards around him couldn't resist it!
At this point, he faced a choice.

To expose martial arts, or continue to hide?

If the martial arts are exposed, all the concealment done before will be in vain.But if you continue to hide, if you really die, it will be over.

Fortunately, when he was struggling, he suddenly discovered that although the sword energy was sharp and cold, it lacked a determined killing intent compared to other killers around him.

"Isn't he going to kill me?"

Yan Dan's heart skipped a beat, he was also a bold and thoughtful person, he observed carefully with the help of the guards around him fighting him, and confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

So I decided to keep hiding myself.

Naturally, he couldn't escape Zhao Gao's assassination.


The sharp blade pierced through his side, just avoiding the deadly viscera.

Zhao Gao had enough confidence in the accuracy of his swordsmanship, Yan Dan's injury would delay his council, but it was not in danger of his life, and it would not touch the sensitive nerves of King Yan, which was just right.




Yandan was assassinated, and it was difficult to continue to deal with things, and Lord Yanchun took over his power justifiably.

Then he actually sent someone directly to Lord Xinling, saying that the country of Yan could not support the consumption of logistics, and asked to withdraw troops.

The commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

Facing the gaze of Wei Wuji, Li Mu, Bai Yifei and others, the envoy of Yan Kingdom couldn't help trembling.

But to be sent out as an envoy, there are still some skills.

He tremblingly conveyed Yan Chunjun's original words: "Otherwise, if the coalition army is willing to pay the food and wages of the Yan army, it's all right."

As soon as these words came out, let alone the eyes of the three bosses above became colder and sharper.

Although Wei and South Korea are located in the Central Plains, their land has been repeatedly encroached by Qin over the years. The war has never subsided, and there is no chance to store much food.Not to mention Zhao Guo, how could the three of them have the energy to afford the consumption of the [-] Yan army?
Besides, even if they can dig out some food from their nails, with the fighting power of the Yan army, it is more cost-effective to give them more food than to give them more food!

But this time, the country of Yan was not making trouble out of reason. They saw the current opportunity, and it was impossible for the three countries of Zhao, Wei and Han to force their troops as before.

Well, in other words, it wasn't that they saw it right, it was that Luo Wang sent someone to tell them Qin's analysis.

Because this is not only because of the pressure of Wang Jian on the other side of the Yellow River, but also because of the factors of Chu State.

The reason why Chu was willing to cooperate with Zhao, Wei and Han this time was mainly because they felt that if they could recover Bashu, it would not be a loss even if the three Jins were united again.

But if they still want to annex another country of Yan, it is absolutely impossible for the country of Chu to agree.

Because in that case, their harvest will be far less than that of Sanjin.

As the saying goes, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

The uneven distribution of benefits is the biggest source of conflicts.

Another point is that everything can be done once and never again. Now that the country of Yan has started to be a rascal, he gritted his teeth and said that he has no food.So what if Wei Wuji could re-enact Bing Jiangxia?
Is it really necessary to destroy the country of Yan?

In that case, first of all, Qi State will not be indifferent.

Secondly, the difficulty of coercing to send troops is thousands of miles away from destroying a country, which is completely impossible.

Shameless people are invincible in the world, and Yan Guo's strategy is like this now.

Facing such a state of Yan, Wei Wuji had no choice but to agree to let them withdraw part of it first.

With this withdrawal, the problem arises.

Yan State joined Qin State's Lianheng strategy at the same time as it withdrew from Hezong.

The coalition forces of Zhao, Wei, and South Korea were suddenly attacked by the enemy, and could no longer maintain the defensive front along the river, and the war situation was reversed instantly.

That is to say, there are not many soldiers and horses under Wang Jian's command, so he failed to swallow the land of Hedong in one go.But how should the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, which has no danger to defend, fight against the Qin Army that has become more and more fierce after crossing the river?

In the handsome tent, Wei Wuji's complexion became more and more deteriorating.

Even now, even he has to admit that this time He Zong has no hope of success.

But after sorting it out from the beginning, he didn't find where he made a big mistake. How did he change from the initial brilliant advantage to the current situation?

"Could it be that I'm waiting for the six kingdoms of Shandong... Is the fate really doomed?"

He sighed deeply.

This Northern Expedition almost vomited all his efforts, and once he was slumped, his spirit was depressed, and he seemed to be on the verge of dying.

"Big guy!"

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Lord Xinling was on the verge of falling, several generals in the tent were shocked.

Zhu Hai even took a step forward to support him, "Your Majesty, you are not responsible for this battle! Take care of yourself, Wei Guo still needs you!"

"Ha ha……"

Wei Wuji forced a smile, "This time, I am the commander-in-chief. Who is to blame for the failure? But you are right, I really can't fall now. Qin is strong, but to conquer us, the most important thing is to conquer us." The most important thing is the military affairs. From my point of view, Wang Jian is the only one who can fight against General Li Mu in Qin State. If he can get rid of it, although it will not cure the root cause, it may delay some time and let us find other ways. time."

"However, Wang Jian is cautious by nature..."

Li Mu frowned, hesitated to speak.

As a general who has been fighting against Wang Jian from the beginning to the end, no one in the allied forces knows that Qin general better than him.

Even if they were desperate to attack the Qin army camp now, they might not be able to do anything to Wang Jian.It is too difficult to get rid of.

"Of course, I understand that ordinary tactics can't help him,"

Wei Wuji provoked a pale smile on his face, "But the so-called cautiousness is just because the interests are not big enough. Of course we have lost the possibility of victory now, but how long can Qin be able to hold on? If I give him a chance to win immediately A chance to end the war..."

"A chance to end the war immediately?"

Li Mu and the others looked at each other, not knowing what Lord Xinling was referring to.

How can the war be ended immediately... unless Wang Jian can eat all the troops in their hands in one fell swoop, but how is this possible?
Even if they pretended to let the Qin army come and kill them without defense, Wang Jian would doubt whether there was a huge trap inside.

"Hehe, although it's a bit boastful to say that, if Qin Jun can get rid of me, He Zong will naturally disintegrate."

Wei Wuji smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty can't do it!"

Zhu Hai immediately expressed fierce opposition.

The same goes for Li Mu and others.

"I failed this time, and I will come again next time. I am willing to serve you again!"

"Hey, everyone's trust is so great, I am ashamed to accept it. But... To be honest, I thought I had achieved the ultimate this time, but I still ushered in such an ending. Even if it happens again... and my body is not good enough allow."

"We can go to Doctor Chi for physical problems! Back then..."

Zhu Hai wanted to persuade him again, but Lord Xinling stopped him.

"I have made up my mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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