Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 576 God's Will Is Like a Sword

In ancient times, celestial phenomena and prophecies, which seem very illogical to modern people thousands of years later, had a high audience.

Once there is a change in the sky, it must be something wrong with the court.

As for whether it is the king who lost his virtue or another traitor, it depends on where the ass of the person who explained it is sitting.

For example, now, those who are in power and who have further expectations are trying to find the faults of Li Si and other favored people, and plan to find opportunities to replace them.But those in the opposition, that is, the aristocrats of the six countries who have not been thoroughly cleaned up, are blatantly propagandizing that the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty is immoral, and that the emperor is immoral.

This kind of thing will not cause any splashes in the era when people's wisdom is already developed. Even if there are people who try to force the rhythm, they will only become everyone's laughing stock.

But in this era when most people are still in ignorance, being publicized by these six-nation remnants who are equivalent to various experts and big Vs has really caused an uproar.

Such a thing that has aroused widespread attention, even in modern times, if the high-level executives do not come out to explain a few words, they will be regarded as guilty and shady, let alone the superstitious ancient times.

Therefore, Daqin must respond to this matter as soon as possible.

The easiest way is for the center to compromise with the local government. They will naturally work hard to maintain this favorable environment and suppress those voices when they gain benefits.

But Ying Zheng would not choose to do this.

He is the first emperor who ruled the world, and there is no such word as compromise in his dictionary.Coupled with the sympathy with the fate of the country, he found a trace of something wrong, so he sent a special person to Dongjun to investigate the matter thoroughly.Is it an accidental natural disaster, or someone caused trouble from it.

Because the matter is so big and it is easy to be used by those who want to, the investigation team sent by Ying Zheng is very complicated.

There are official imperial envoys, as well as secret snares, shadow guards, yin and yang families, etc. The forces of all parties check and balance each other in order to find out the truth.

Dongjun was originally the land of Wei, located in the middle of the four kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Qi, and Chu. It was one of the most important military layouts of the Qin State before the Great Qin ruled the world.

Even today, it is still an important pillar of the suppression of the eastern part of the empire.

Naturally, when the imperial envoys came, the officials from Dongjun were in charge of receiving them, but those who greeted Luo Wang, Yingmiwei, Yinyang Family and others became the local snakes of Dongjun, the Chi family.

That's right, although Chi Yao didn't pay much attention to the title of the protector of the country, but I have to say that this title has brought great convenience to the development of the Chi family.

The most important point is that it is justified!
The remnants of the Iron-Blood Alliance that were originally in charge of recruiting Jingxi, Moya and others are not visible, after all, they were all once anti-Qin forces.But with the protective umbrella of the Chi family, they quickly changed their appearance and became a legal organization operating in the dark side of the empire.

Of course, there is another most important reason here, that is, the Chi family's program of conduct has always followed the pace of the empire, and it is their responsibility to maintain stability and make money.They have never engaged in any tricks of rebellion and restoration of the country, and they are not as cold and difficult to contact as other schools of thought.

So the empire is also happy to watch them expand their influence in the arena, and it can be regarded as a check and balance on the net and the Yin Yang family.

Chaotang Jianghu has always been difficult to completely separate, but now it is really difficult for Daqin to spend energy to re-plan the Jianghu, so he simply let the forces under his command fill the space first.

Now Daqin has four top Jianghu forces under his command, namely Luowang, Yinyang Family, Shushan and Chi Family.

Among them, the influence of the Yin-Yang family is only in the center, not going down to the ground, and the Shu Mountain hardly goes out of the Bashu.Therefore, the rest of the area was divided between Luo Wang and the Chi family.

In contrast, Luowang pays more attention to the center, and in the local area, it is more about cooperating with local gangs to collect intelligence.The Chi family is different, they are really controlling those small gangs and establishing their own power, but because of Chi Yao, they hardly involve the court at all.

In this way, a kind of balance is formed with the net, and they jointly control the rivers and lakes of the empire.

This time too.

Compared with the imperial envoys, Luo Wang and other Jianghu investigation teams were formed one step faster. The first thing they rushed to East County was to see the falling star.


"What did you say? The things were taken away by the farmer?"

Luo Wang's team leader this time is Zhao Gao.Because he was at a disadvantage in the fight with Xuan Jian, he usually would not let go of any opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and he would naturally not miss such an important event this time.


The disciple of the Chi family who was in charge of receiving them nodded, "You also know that the farm's headquarters is in Dongjun. That thing was smashed into their working place at that time. When we heard the news and rushed over, there was nothing but a big Outside of the pit, there is nothing left. However, there has been a rumor recently..."

"So to say,"

Zhao Gaoben's gloomy face was gloomy, "They released all the rumors at the moment? Or...they forged this thing from the very beginning, just to slander His Majesty and mess up Daqin?"

"Such a celestial phenomenon, the farmer can't fake it."

This time, the Yin Yang family came to Da Si Ming, and she vetoed part of Zhao Gao's speculation from a professional point of view, "However, the following things, especially the rebellious words on the legendary meteorite... I'm afraid they have something to do with it."

Yes, the astronomical phenomenon that is Yinghuo Shouxin is nothing more than that, the key is that the widely spread rumors also say that there are words engraved on the meteorite.

【Divided after the death of the First Emperor】

This is...too deliberate.

The human factor is too obvious.

However, the news has not been widely disseminated yet.

"Actually...there is a second rumor."

The Chi family disciple Qi Qi Ai added.


Luo Wang Zhao Gao, Shadow Secret Wei Zhang Han and Yin Yang Family Chief Si Ming all set their eyes on him.

"It's four words, [Hu who died in Qin Dynasty]."

"Hmph, these rats in the gutter are really restless!"

Zhao Gao snorted coldly, gearing up to prepare for the farmhouse.

Zhang Han, who was born in the military, thought about it a little more: "Hu, are you referring to the Hu people in the north? Your Majesty repaired the Great Wall to resist them. Could it be..."

As a new star in the army, his way of thinking is very different from Zhao Gao's.

Zhao Gao's way of thinking is equivalent to investigating the case, the information left by the enemy, regardless of whether it is true or false, should be excluded as interference.But Zhang Han will think about it from the perspective of an army general. Although this statement may be fabricated by the enemy, it may not be fabricated indiscriminately. Regarding national security issues, no matter how cautious it is, it is too much to change. Mian!
So he decided to write a letter to pass the news back, at least to make the emperor prepare in his heart, so as not to be caught off guard when a war really happened.



Although Great Qin has unified the world for more than ten years, this time of less than one generation is still far from eliminating the influence of the old six kingdoms.

This is the biggest basis for the frequent activities of the old nobles of the six countries.

The second reason is that the implementation of the new policy has mobilized too many people's interests, and the speed of Qin's annihilation of the six countries is too fast and too fast, so I have no time to digest it, and there are not enough credible officials to manage the new territory.

No matter what will Yingzheng has, what decrees Daqin has, in the final analysis, it still needs the most grassroots prefects and village elders to implement it.But how could these people be willing to implement policies that are obviously not good for them?

What should I do?
Yingzheng's method is to force them to do it.

Are you disobedient?
Do you dare to look at the black armored Qin Jun outside and say it again?
If you don't dare, just carry it out honestly!

These policies include relocating people, expropriating civilian husbands, etc...

From Yingzheng's point of view, it's a game of chess in the world, and it's normal for the wealthy to contribute more.

But when it comes to specific places, everyone has not had time to form this awareness.

This approach quickly aroused criticism.

After all, Ying Zheng was too anxious.

He has too many grand blueprints to realize in his heart, and he is unwilling to rest and recuperate quietly for decades before he is busy.This can be seen from the fact that he has become more diligent in his work after taking the elixir. He is not a person who can relax at all.

But his stride is too big, and many people can't keep up.

This gave the old nobles of the six countries an opportunity to take advantage of.

It happened that the once-in-a-thousand-year celestial phenomenon [Yinghuo Shouxin] gave them an excellent opportunity, so they immediately started to exert their strength.

All of a sudden, the rivers and lakes looked precarious.



These things could not have alarmed Chi Yao originally, because even in the original history, only when Ying Zheng died, those survivors of the Six Kingdoms who missed the old country dared to take real action, and none of them even dared to open it. First shot.

What do you mean by "the first emperor is gone, the aftermath is shocking beyond the common customs"!

So this happened when Ying Zheng was alive, and the success rate can be imagined.

But here is the problem.

Just when the celestial phenomenon of Yinghuo Shouxin happened, Donghuang Taiyi ran the astrological law, but it really counted the end of Daqin's demise and Yingzheng's death.

You must know that Chi Yao's three corpses are still inside Donghuang Taiyi, and if Donghuang Taiyi knows about this, it is equivalent to Chi Yao knowing.

This baffled him who was retreating.

But there was one key point that he noticed.

Jade Emperor Mountain.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake in your calculation? Are you the Great Qin who perished first, and the Emperor Shi Huangdi who died later?"

Chi Yao asked in confirmation.

"It can't be wrong." Donghuang Taiyi shook his head.

"That's weird."

Chi Yao caressed Xia He.

Judging from this order, it is obviously different from the original history.

It stands to reason that a healthier and more vigorous Shi Huangdi would have more majesty.And with him around, who can destroy Daqin?
Regarding Chi Yao's question, Donghuang Taiyi didn't speak, but just pointed upwards.


Chi Yao was startled.


In this world with Chi You, Huangdi and Nine Heavens Xuannv, it is indeed impossible to simply follow the original history.

After all, Nine Heavens Profound Girl had a previous record of going down to earth to help Huang Di defeat Chi You!

Chi Yao's brows were tightly frowned. Could it be that the emperor's longevity really violated some taboo?
But as the direct operator, why is no one looking for trouble?
"Wait and see, maybe you made a mistake."



Chi Yao decided to take another look, but the situation in the world would not stop because of this.

Ever since Yinghuo kept his heart and the sky fell, rumors spread all over the world, saying that the first emperor was about to die, and later that the barbarians were going south to beat the pass.

While Yingzheng sent people to Dongjun to investigate, at the same time, out of safety, he sent his eldest son to patrol the border north.

However, not to mention that there are always people in the world who seem to obstruct the progress of the investigation at critical moments, it is said that the eldest son who originally wanted to go north to stabilize the morale of the army recovered, but was attacked by the northern wolves and was poisoned before arriving at the barracks. So much so that he was bedridden as soon as he arrived.

This is not over, and then the peasant family took the lead in raising the banner of anti-Qin Fuchu.

Under a series of pretentious operations, they successfully pulled together a team and shouted the slogan "Da Chuxing, Chen Shengwang".

As for why the leader of the peasant family, Xia Kui Tian Guang, is not the king... that is unknown.

It was nothing more than a rebellion, but they were not immediately wiped out by the Qin army due to various unexpected lucks, which led to more rebellions in the old places of Zhao, Wei, Chu, Qi, and Yan.

All of a sudden, Daqin seemed to be full of wars, and the mountains and rivers were in turmoil.

But what aggrieved everyone in Qin State was that those rebels were obviously not very strong.Not to mention elite soldiers, the largest peasant rebel army is only tens of thousands of farmers, and there may be thousands or eight hundred so-called quacks among them.

But with those soldiers who don't have complete armor, [-] Qin troops can completely crush them.

But here is the problem. Qin sent troops to wipe out these rebellious troops as if everything was not going well.Either they were poisoned in the water, or they marched slowly because of the weather, or they were delayed for various strange reasons, all in all, they couldn't be wiped out.

"This is not normal."

On the top of Yuhuang Mountain, Chi Yao and Donghuangtai sat together.

"Yeah, it's an accident if something like this happens once or twice, but like now..."

Chi Yao shook his head, "It seems that there is a problem with Daqin's national fortune."


For such illusory things, the first thing Donghuang Taiyi thought of was Taoism.

"No, even Bei Mingzi doesn't have this ability."

Chi Yao denied his guess, and at the same time stretched his finger to the top of his head.

Dong Huangtai understood in a second: "God's will?"

"You could say the same,"

Chi Yao sighed, "God's will has been difficult to ask since ancient times, I really didn't expect it..."

Because there was an example of Yuan Tiangang in the last world, so Chi Yao really didn't realize that the undead medicine could be involved in this kind of problem.

Looking at the top of the head with the Heavenly Gu Qi Watching Technique, I saw that the surging Tianhe River, which represented the fate of the Great Qin, seemed to be constantly under some kind of attack, and there were constant splashes of water.The force of this blow on Tianhe seemed to be transmitted to Ying Zheng's body through some kind of connection, causing his body to start to have problems gradually.

"Isn't there allowed to have a long-lived emperor in the mortal world?"

Chi Yao probably guessed why Da Qin was being targeted, "Forget it, it's time to meet Ying Zheng again."

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