Chapter 604 Dao Eliminates Demon Master (Two in One, ask for a monthly pass~)

In fact, for this attack on Zhulu Mountain, Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion has made very sufficient preparations.

On the one hand, not only Zhao Danxia, ​​who is in charge of the world's Taoist affairs, took the lead in person, leading Zhao Xiyi, Qi Xianxia, ​​Zhao Ningshen and other three great and small celestial masters to go out together; The two celestial masters, one big and one small, who are fighting with each other, open an altar to do sacrifices, and are ready to ask the help of immortals at any time.There is also the ancestor Zhao Xuansu who has already entered the realm of the land gods and is waiting for the next day. If there is any disagreement, he can go out of his body and wander, and directly replace the name.

This is based on their own preparation.

On the other hand, they also found allies.

Not counting those second-rate sects that just pulled over to gain momentum, there are Jiangdong Xuanyuan Family, Dongyue Jianchi, and Chunxuelou under the command of King Guangling, etc...

Originally, their idea was very good. First, Longhushan would break through the formation barrier outside Zhulu Mountain, and then everyone would attack into the mountain together.The demons are heretics, and there is no need to tell them the rules of the rivers and lakes. Of course, they stand shoulder to shoulder and carry out a righteous gang fight.

But they never expected that the course of the battle development was completely different from what they had expected.

Zhao Danxia flew into the air with her sword, and the burning talisman summoned thunder just to break the barrier around Zhulu Mountain, but it directly attracted the opponent's full counterattack.

As soon as the Baizhang Dharma statue was displayed, those who were under the realm of land gods and failed to enter the mountain were directly excluded from the battle.

The reason is simple, the attack distance is not enough.

Still the same sentence, except for a few special people, only those above the astronomical level can have the ability to use the world to greatly expand their attack range.To put it bluntly, this is not entirely their own ability, but more like the authority granted to them by this world.

However, in the world of Zhulu Mountain, the vitality of this area is quite different from other places.

Without the nature of strength similar to Chi You as a bridge, it is extremely difficult to borrow strength.

Even Xuanyuan Dapan, a martial artist in the Celestial Phenomena Realm, can't borrow much strength here, at most he can only display the strength of the false realm.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zhao Xuansu chose to directly activate the big move after being on the number one.If you can't grab the vitality here, then I will borrow it from the sky.

But in this way, except for the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain who can invite the help of the immortal Dharma, the others are directly deprived of the qualifications to participate in the battle, making this battle forcefully enter the ultimate showdown between king and king from the very beginning among!

This can be regarded as Chi Yao's strategy.

In terms of shaking people, he thinks that he can't compare with Longhu Mountain, no matter from the world or the sky.

But even if it's Longhushan, it's impossible for them to win the real top masters, such as the head of Dongyue Jianchi, or the masters in the forefront of martial arts reviews, etc.

So as long as the level and intensity of the battle are fully raised from the beginning, then most of the people who are invited to help can be dissuaded.

For example, people like Xuanyuan Dapan, after seeing Chi Yao's Baizhang Dharma, have no desire to make a move.For example, the two first-rank swordsmen from Dongyue Sword Pool had quietly moved to the outermost edge of the crowd without knowing it.The masters of Chunxue Tower under King Guangling never showed up from the beginning to the end.

After all, they are only here to help punches, not to sell their lives.

If Longhushan can suppress, or at least restrain the opponent's strongest point, they don't mind entering the mountain together to eliminate demons and defend the way.

But now...

Looking at Chi Yao, who showed his demonic power on the top of the mountain and defeated the celestial masters of Longhu Mountain, they silently chose to have nothing to do with themselves and hang on high.

Even if the Devil's Cult really wants to rise again, they shouldn't be the ones who have the most headaches, and someone with a taller stature will take care of it.

Everyone understands the truth that dead friends don't die poor people.

Therefore, when Zhao Xuansu showed a huge disadvantage that he was obviously invincible, the allies they invited to help were almost withdrawn.

As for King Guangling who shouldn't have flinched...

It was very unfortunate that when Lu Shengxiang was about to set off with more than ten thousand soldiers, a surge of arrogance suddenly appeared outside the Great Phoenix City.

Even if he has never faced a real confrontation, a Confucian disciple with such a high level of cultivation and such a strong spirit in the world does not need to think of being second-hand at all!
Da Qingyi, Cao Changqing!
Why did this green-clothed Confucian scholar who had entered the imperial palace three times and killed Yingye come to Dahuang City?
Guangling King Zhao Yi didn't dare to bet that Cao Changqing would directly enter his palace. Now that Chai Qingshan was seriously injured, except for Lu Xiangsheng, no one under his command could stop Cao Changqing.

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng, who had already stepped out of the city gate, was urgently recalled.

As the saying goes, you will be the courage of the soldiers.

In the era of cold weapons, the chief general has a considerable influence on the combat effectiveness of an army.

Lu Shengxiang is one of the top three famous generals in the entire Central Plains dynasty. With him or without him, the combat effectiveness of the army is very different.

This is the case now, the general who took Lu Shengxiang's place to lead the army was directly distracted by the battle between Chi Yao and Zhao Xuansu, and did not dare to order an attack.

King Guangling and Lu Shengxiang actually expected this situation, but they were helpless.

Who told Cao Changqing to have issued a clear threat?

That is the third in the world!
One of my subordinates who can withstand one or two people should be secretly happy. I don't know how many high-ranking officials and nobles died under the other party's hands in the past ten years.

However, what makes the two depressed is that.

"With Cao Qingyi's aloofness, how could he directly help the Demon Cult?"

Guangling King Zhao Yi was a little puzzled.

If Cao Changqing really wanted to assassinate him, then he would lurk quietly and wait for Lu Shengxiang to lead the army to leave before launching the assassin suddenly, the success rate would be significantly higher.

Now this active exposure of whereabouts is more like a deterrent, rather than a real attempt to take his own head.

Zhang Zhupo, known as the landlord of Chunxue, stroked the two strands of mouse whiskers on his lips, and smiled: "My lord may have forgotten that after General Lu returned with a loss of troops, you gave the order to wipe out the remnants of Western Chu. They are supporting the Demon Cult behind their backs."

Zhao Yi slapped his thigh when he heard the words, his whole body was shaking with fat, and his whole body was trembling with anger: "So, is it because this king lifted a rock and smashed his own foot?!"

No one answered, in fact, it was the default.

Zhao Yi looked at the most trustworthy Wen and Wu at hand, and lost his temper for a while, so he sighed and said sorry to Longhushan in his heart, the king has tried his best.



Most of the martial arts comrades invited over were flying in the dark, and the army sent by King Guangling still stood still.

When it came to the powerful Demon Slayer Alliance, only the Longhushan family contributed both work and effort, and the ending was self-evident.

Zhao Xuansu's defeat and escape declared the defeat of the right way this time.

Next is the time for the Magic Dao to reap the fruits of victory.

Chi Yao put away the indomitable Chi You Dharma Aspect, and kept it up all the time, which consumed him quite a lot.

Now that the enemy has begun to flee, there is no need to waste extra energy.

He recalled the [Human Dao Slashing Heaven Gu] in the shape of a flying knife, and used it as a flying prop, and the Human Gu merged into one and chased after the escaped Yuanshen Zhao Xuansu!

Among so many people outside the mountain, the most worthy of killing is the ancestor of Longhu Mountain, Zhao Xuansu.

Yuanshen Huahong flies extremely fast, but Chi Yao Yugu's flying speed is not much less.

The two rainbow lights, one in front and one behind, chased them out for hundreds of miles in an instant.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiyi hurriedly flew up with his sword to catch the pale head teacher Zhao Danxia,

During Zhao Xuansu's substitute fight, although Zhao Danxia did not have the right to control her body, her consciousness was still clear. However, with his cultivation base, it was still a bit reluctant to support Zhao Xuansu, who was in the realm of a land fairy. Chai Qingshan before.

Although they are father and son, Zhao Xiyi's address to him is still very formal at this moment: "Master, just now the ancestor said that we should evacuate, look..."

Zhao Danxia cast a bitter glance at Zhulu Mountain, and then looked at the righteous allies who were fleeing in all directions: "Now that the devil is gone, it should be the best time to attack, but Shuzi is really incapable of planning! Don't let the old man down!" The ancestors specially lure away the good intentions of the thieves, withdraw!"

In the end, it was the head of the sect. At the critical moment, he was not confused by the illusory things such as hatred and face, and made a decision that was most beneficial to the inheritance of Longhushan.

But Zhao Xuansu, whom he was secretly grateful for, who "actively" led the enemy away, was suffering and could not tell.

He never imagined that, leaving so many better people to kill and not chasing him, this new leader of the Demon Cult who came out of nowhere would be so obsessed with chasing his out-of-body soul.

And he even caught up with him!
"Your Excellency has already won this battle, and the trend of Dao Xiaomao is inevitable from now on. Why do you have to be so aggressive?"

Zhao Xuansu had no choice but to stop and said helplessly.

"That's what it says,"

Chi Yao controlled the [Human Way Heaven Slashing Gu] and intercepted in mid-air, couldn't help but sneered, "Obviously you guys came to the door on your own initiative, but now you're aggressive towards me? As for the Daoxiao demon leader you said... But In my eyes, this clarity has not disappeared yet!"

"Do you have to be so decisive?"

Zhao Xuansu asked, "If you want to make the poor way disappear...the devil's religion is doomed to fail!"

"Hey, don't, don't call yourself poor."

Chi Yao waved his hand and said sarcastically, "Lu Zu once said that to learn Taoism, you must be poor to the bone. You only have five or three pennies in your pocket, and that is the real poverty. As for Longhushan, you have more than thousands of pennies in your pocket." , where is the poverty? Oh, could it be that the poverty is on the true path?"

Zhao Xuansu was extremely angry, and he looked up to the sky with a long smile: "The people of the Devil's Cult dare to speak falsely about the way of heaven? So, there is really nothing to talk about?"

"There was no need to talk about it,"

Chi Yao said calmly, "You don't really think I'm chatting with you, do you?"

As soon as he flicked his sleeves, the real fire of Samadhi that had been brewing in the aperture for a long time surged out, and the lavender flame turned into a big hand and turned towards Zhao Xuansu's illusory soul from the air!

"What is this?!"

The moment the flames gushed out, Zhao Xuansu's face changed.

Although the extremely condensed scholarly spirit and martial artist's sword spirit can directly hurt the soul, he has never seen anything like the flame in front of him that makes his soul tremble when he meets it.

This thing seems to be born to burn the soul. It has no temperature, and even the water vapor in the clouds has never evaporated, but it brings the ultimate threat of destruction to the soul!
"You're dead, I'll tell you again."

Chi Yao will not reveal the principle of his moves to the enemy.

In fact, this is the only magical power he has cultivated in the past two months.

The original Samadhi True Fire relies on the egg-laying division of the flame worm mother, and it takes a long time to take shape, because the carrier is quite fragile. In this world where top experts can set off a tornado, it is easy to be restrained.

But the ability to burn the soul is very useful, so Chi Yao spent two whole months, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, to extract the real fire of Samadhi separately, and condense it into a brand new fire seed Gu.

Although the quality is not as good as the [Heaven-Slashing Humanity Gu] that absorbed Chi You's saber energy, it has reached the five-star level enough to be included in the supernatural power series, especially in certain scenarios where it will have miraculous effects.

Like now.

Zhao Xuansu originally wanted to try his best to resist Yi Er, but as soon as the samadhi fire came out, all his hopes were cut off immediately.

Burned by the real lavender fire, his yellow-purple Taoist robe with wide sleeves and flowing, his fairy-like demeanor instantly disappeared without a trace, leaving only his distorted face and extremely shrill screams.

"Chi Yao! Longhushan's luck is not so good! I will make you pay enough!"

Zhao Xuansu let out a roar, and a torrent of purple and blue spewed out from his mouth, and it came to Chi Yao in the next second.


Chi Yao's Heavenly Gu Qi Watching Technique has not been turned off, so he can clearly see exactly what the opponent's desperate blow is hitting.

The thing that looks like a majestic purple aura on the outside, which seems to be extremely auspicious, is actually transformed by the catastrophic aura of Longhu Mountain.

Luck and calamity are originally two closely related things that complement each other.

As the saying goes, fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing.

Simply put, it can be seen as the Yin and Yang sides of the same thing.

As for yin and yang, if they are adjusted well, they will be yin and yang.If the conditioning is not good, they can only kill each other and die together.

Obviously, Zhao Xuansu didn't want to help Chi Yao create the conditions to understand the mutual help of yin and yang, but he wanted to spend Chi Yao's own luck with the calamity of Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

If luck is weak, disasters will come.

Facing enemies that he couldn't deal with, he chose to entrust God's will and let God do it.

And even if Chi Yao had some way to deal with these calamities, so that he would not be too much affected, then Longhushan would not be at a disadvantage, anyway, their own calamities were gone.

In this way, although Longhushan lost a lot of luck in this battle, if they can also take the opportunity to completely shake off the calamity, they can barely maintain a situation of neither winning nor losing.

Chi Yao saw through Zhao Xuansu's thoughts at a glance.

Isn't it based on the idea that you may make money, but I will never lose money?


Now I really have no way to return this group of catastrophe, if I find a way to resolve it, it will be cheaper for Longhushan.

So he simply chose to take it all.

However, he didn't let this group of catastrophes blend with his own luck, and the harmony of yin and yang could not be achieved for the time being, but it was barely possible to isolate them to prevent them from killing each other.

Although this will inevitably lead to some disasters, but...

"Sooner or later, I will send this thing back to you with money and interest!"

(End of this chapter)

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