Ignoring Beimang's warning from thousands of miles away, Chi Yao raised his sword and killed the burly bronze man and Hong Jingyan who had been obsessing on the edge of the battle.

Pitiful for this martial arts genius who had great ambitions and was optimistic about the future by countless people, he died before his ambitions were fulfilled.

Not surprisingly, this action immediately angered Empress Murong, who was thousands of miles away.

But Chi Yao didn't care.

As he said before, the other party is not worthy of threatening him like this.

The reason why Liyang was quite afraid of Longhu Mountain and the imperial court before was because there were so many masters in the Liyang Jianghu, and no one could stand being besieged.Secondly, and the most important point, at that time, Chi Yao still needed to use the name of Zhulu Mountain to gather magic luck for himself, so he couldn't lose his base.

But it is different now.

His name has been widely spread, even if there is no Zhulu Mountain, he is still the devil!It is the longing and hope of thousands of people who devote themselves to the way of magic.

So he walked very gracefully.

Under such circumstances, even if Empress Beimang was furious, so what if she dispatched troops to chase after her?
Adding up the whole Beimang rivers and lakes and temples together, there are no more than three masters who can face Chi Yao head-on. As for dispatching an army, it is even impossible to catch his shadow.

One person is the enemy of the country, but he can still be unrestrained.

This is the real master Merry!



After destroying the phantoms of many immortals and the genuine exile of the Tongren, the ruby-like blade of [Human Way Slashing Heaven Gu] became brighter and brighter, as if a ball of torch was constantly burning to improve it. quality.


After observing carefully and communicating with Gu Ling, Chi Yao put away the knife in satisfaction, and said with a light smile, "Seeing that you are so happy, why don't I call you the Immortal Slayer Flying Sword in the future. By the way, I can also hide my heels, So as not to reveal too early what we're going to do."

The red jade knife danced lightly in Yuanhai's aperture, as if nodding in response, it also thought the name was good.

"Okay, then, let's have fun with that distraught old woman."

He looked up to the south, where there was a pillar of energy rising into the sky, moving towards his direction at an extremely fast speed.

"Tuoba Bodhisattva?"

Apart from Wang Xianzhi, there is another land god in this world who has been promoted through the martial arts path.

Recognized as the No. [-] person in Beimang and No. [-] in the world, he is second only to Xianzhi, the city king of Emperor Wu who overwhelmed the rivers and lakes.And compared to Wang Xianzhi's focus on martial arts, Tuoba Bodhisattva can be said to be grasped by the temples of the Jianghu, both as a martial arts leader and as a military god of the Northern Mang.

It can be said that he is the ideal form of Hong Jingyan's future self.

But it is precisely because of the distraction of the temple's military affairs that Tuoba Bodhisattva's second place is far behind Wang Xianzhi's first place.

He is just a pure martial artist of the land gods and wonderlands. Although he has completed the three realms of Vajra, Zhixuan, and Celestial Phenomenon step by step, he has no flaws in all aspects, such as physique, supernatural powers, and the use of heaven and earth.But there is still a world of difference from Wang Xianzhi's Great Vajra, Big Finger Xuan, and Big Sky Phenomena, which are achieved by combining the luck of the three religions.

It can be said that if Wang Xianzhi's realm is divided and calculated, it is equivalent to Tuoba Bodhisattva plus three saints who belong to the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

However, it is more than inferior than superior, except for Wang Xianzhi who is generally buggy, Tuoba Bodhisattva is truly invincible.

If you ask such a person to come to your door, is Chi Yao afraid...

Of course I am not afraid.

Although he is one level lower than Tuoba Bodhisattva in terms of realm, but he has the physical advantage of the Great Vajra to make up for it, which is actually not bad.It is nothing more than that after the fight, the scale of the power of heaven and earth that the two sides can mobilize is different, and the momentum may not be comparable.

It is not certain who wins and who loses.

But this is Beimang, and it is not a very wise decision to fight their war god in Beimang territory, especially when the empress has just been angered.

Chi Yao didn't want to be surrounded by the opponent's masters or army in the middle of the fight.

Placing one's own safety on the enemy's martial virtue is something a wise man would not do.

So his choice is...

"Grandpa is not serving you anymore!"

The mutual induction of masters above the astronomical realm is only effective when everyone does not restrain their energy.

During the battle just now, the energy could not be restrained, but now that the people had been killed, Chi Yao immediately restrained his own energy, and even used an additional breath restraining Gu.Although it is unknown how much effect the non-supernatural Gu technique has, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with adding an extra layer.

After restraining his energy, Chi Yao turned around and continued heading north.



Half a day later, Tuoba Bodhisattva finally arrived at the battlefield outside Chess Sword Yuefu.

The person who came with him was Huang Qing, who was originally the master of the Sword Mansion in the Chess Sword Yuefu. He asked for orders to catch up after seeing the black carp belonging to Hong Jingyan sinking completely.

As the master of the Sword Mansion, he also wants to avenge the genius of his own sect.

It's a pity that the enemy has long since disappeared, leaving only two dead bodies, and the greatly destroyed environment silently tells the horror of that battle.

With Huang Qing around, they quickly learned about the situation from Chess Sword Yuefu.

"What is the relationship between that demon lord and Huang Baozhuang?"

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked at the several palace masters of Chess Sword Yuefu.

The rebellion and escape of an ordinary disciple, how could it cause people like Hong Jingyan and Tongren Patriarch to pursue him together?
If they hadn't gone out to pursue them, naturally the disaster that made Empress Longyan furious today would not have happened.

"What's the secret about her?"

Under the persecution of Tuoba Bodhisattva, Qijian Yuefu couldn't continue to hide everything, so they had to report everything.

"My lord, Huang Baozhuang was born in a humble and poor family in Longyao Prefecture. When she was young, she was brought back to Chess and Sword Yuefu by Xiangzhong Gengu. At that time, she caused a sensation in the three prefectures. No one did not praise her for her extraordinary talent. Inferior to previous palace masters. The second-class name of the name of the name [Banxian] has been hanging in the air for a hundred years. The palace master of the Sword Palace originally intended to pick it up and give it to the little doll carved with pink and withered jade, but he was worried that it would backfire, so he wanted to Waiting for the young girl to grow up, she will take the name of this name by herself. This child really lived up to the high expectations, and he was able to master the sword after only three years of sword practice. But I never thought that when I was ten years old, I would be seriously ill and almost violently Bo, since then, his meridians withered and his acupoints were closed. After that, he didn't say a word for five years. He was no different from a mute.

When he was sixteen years old, he was judged on the name of the Ci card. Not only did he not get the second-class and first-ranked banished immortal, but he fell directly to the sixth-class, and only got a [Mountain Gradually Green].Originally thought that she was going to be so unknown and mediocre all her life, but she didn't expect that when she was [-] years old, she walked into the green hill behind the sect alone, and when she came out of the green hill, she was already enlightened [-] times, and she practiced sword again, and her realm was improving day by day , the three mansions were shaken, and they all regarded him as a heavenly genius who was expected to compete for the next master of the sword mansion.But...she seemed to be suffering from a strange disease. "

"What disease?"

"Sometimes Huang Baozhuang's temperament will suddenly change drastically. Instead of her usual gentleness and kindness, she becomes cruel and tyrannical. But every time at this time, her cultivation base does not retreat but advances. It is amazing. It is also because of this, On weekdays, the patriarch of the bronze figure has been by her side all the time, except for me and others, and rarely let her contact other disciples of the sect. As for her relationship with the Liyang Demon Lord, we really don't know gone."

The master of the chess mansion shook his head.

"Chi Yao, the demon lord of Liyang, is also a guy whose background and background are all mysteries."

Tuoba Bodhisattva pondered, "However, there must be some kind of connection between the two of them that we don't know for now. Can you find that Huang Baozhuang? Maybe we can find Chi Yao's location through her."


The several palace masters including Huang Qing looked at each other, "We don't have this kind of means. The people who have the most contact with her are Hong Jingyan and Tongren Patriarch, but now..."

"Then the clothes she wore in the past, are there used things?"

Tuoba Bodhisattva waved his hand, "Take them all out, this time His Majesty is very angry, and the spider web will also move. With those things, people can't escape!"

The spider web is an intelligence organization formed by Beimang after Zhao Gou in Liyang, but it is better than blue, and it has already turned into a tight network covering the entire dynasty, monitoring Beimang's every move, and even has the right to kill first and then play .

Once you are entangled by them, you can imagine the fate.

The three palace masters of Qijian Yuefu gasped at the same time, but whether facing Tuoba Bodhisattva or the angry empress behind him, they had no qualifications or confidence to oppose.

Although they were very reluctant to lose another genius after losing Hong Jingyan, but...

"Lord Tuoba, Huang Baozhuang may also be coerced by others, if possible, please be merciful."

Huang Qing's intercession only made Tuoba Bodhisattva give a soft "hmm" without making any clear response.



Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Pulling the time back a little bit, when Chi Yao met the Tongren Patriarch of Chess Sword Yuefu and Hong Jingyan, Huang Baozhuang also met the long-awaited Ying Zheng at the same time.

At the moment when the four eyes met, the figure of the woman in white suddenly stopped, as if struck by lightning.

She flew towards him, but when she reached Ying Zheng, she restrained her movements, instead of hugging him directly, she looked at him cautiously, her beautiful and sad voice bloomed for the first time: "Your Majesty!"

She opened her mouth slightly, revealing a red bead hanging in her mouth, this thousand-year-old li bead hidden in her body, finally for the first time bloomed its own radiance.

Because of Chi Yao's reminder, Ying Zheng already knew who the visitor was at this moment, and she was probably the former queen of Qin Huang, who was the same as him and had a different shape.But he didn't pretend that he had recognized her, but frowned slightly and asked, "You are?"

Luo Yang was taken aback when she heard the words, the aura of the man in front of her, including the habitual movements between every move, made her very familiar, and she firmly believed that she would not admit his mistake.

So now the situation is...

"Have you not recovered your memory yet?"

Luo Yang thought to himself, a little disappointment welled up in his heart, and the tears accumulated in his eyes rolled down.

But she bent down and collected her sleeves with a smile, just like seeing her for the first time in the [-]-year-old scene.At that time he had not proclaimed himself emperor, and she had stayed in the fields and had not yet entered the palace.

Luoyang whispered in a soft tone that had never been used in eight hundred years: "My lord, my name is Luoyang."



When Chi Yao found Ying Zheng and Ying Zheng again, he found that their way of getting along was a bit strange.

Obviously after awakening his true temperament, Luoyang can easily deal with Ying Zheng, who has just started practicing martial arts for less than a year and is laying the foundation.

But in fact, this magnificent woman in white is always careful to please the other party, she is willing to let go of her pride, subdue to him, and base everything on Ying Zheng's opinion.

For example, when Luoyang just met Chi Yao, Luoyang put on a vigilant look, but Ying Zheng just patted her hand lightly, making the cheeks of the future number one devil flushed, Gracefully backed away.

This scene fell into Chi Yao's eyes, and even he was quite surprised.

Ying Zheng got up and took two steps forward, and asked with concern, "How is it?"

Chi Yao smiled and waved his hands: "The problem with Chess Sword and Yuefu has been solved, but it has caused even more trouble. Empress Beimang is furious, and we may not have an easy life in the future."

Although he said so in his mouth, there was no worried expression on Chi Yao's face, and Ying Zheng didn't take it too seriously: "Then it's time to go to the princess grave now?"

Ying Zheng was more concerned about when he could really start practicing.


Chi Yao nodded, and was about to speak, but saw Luo Yang stepping forward, with a fierce gleam in his beautiful eyes:

"Why, how dare that old woman come here to make trouble? Why don't we go directly to Xijing City to get rid of him, and what Tuoba Army God is there!"

Chi Yao was a little speechless when he heard the words, the female emperor's force is mediocre, if you say that you want to kill her, you are young and frivolous, you don't know that the palace is heavily guarded, and you should look down on those court eagles and dogs.

But getting rid of Tuoba Bodhisattva...is it that simple?
And he also found that after the woman finished speaking, she kept looking at him with a look that was both arrogant and provocative...

What do you mean, I'm afraid I won't succeed in robbing Yingzheng with you?
Chi Yao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

At this time, Ying Zheng spoke up.

He first glanced at Luoyang, with a mellow yet majestic voice: "Luoyang, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Hearing this, Luoyang's original high-spirited aura softened instantly, the fierce light in his eyes instantly subsided, and when he turned his head, it became sparkling, "My lord, I just want to help you."

Ying Zheng is well versed in the principle of giving a sweet date with a stick, so he stroked Luoyang's snowy shoulders: "These beatings and killings are handled by us, and the most important thing now is to help me regain my memory and strength You don't want me to be able to hide behind your back forever, do you?"

Luo Yang's eyes flickered, and it seemed that he had really thought about it carefully. If Ying Zheng was a weak chicken all his life and could only live under his own wings, would he be able to fulfill his wish and be a couple forever?

Chi Yao watched from the side, breaking out in a cold sweat, for fear that this guy would suddenly turn black and delicate and then take Ying Zheng away to play some kind of imprisonment|imprisonment play.

Fortunately, Luoyang is not that extreme. Even if this person is really Qin Huang from [-] years ago, she would not like him if his life was mediocre.

So after a while, she changed back to the docile look just now, and nodded softly: "I listen to the king."

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