Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 618 The Two Major Schools of Strength Gu Masters

Mausoleum of Emperor Qin, the mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty eight hundred years ago.

From its location, it can be seen that the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty was much wider than Liyang, which only occupied the Central Plains now, and Xihezhou was already the hinterland of Beimang.

This is also the key reason why neither Chi Yao nor Luoyang expected to keep all the goods buried with them in their pockets.

It was too far away, and there was no way to transport large amounts of gold and silver treasures.

After giving up those things, there is only one problem left in front of them.

There were many masters of Mohist institutions who were responsible for the construction of the imperial mausoleum back then. Emperor Qin did not build the mausoleum for himself to be stolen, so for safety reasons, this imperial mausoleum was built underwater.

According to rumors, in order to build this unparalleled mausoleum, the Great Qin conscripted countless civilians to cut off the river, dig the mausoleum on the surface of the mountain, seal it, and then open the gate to release the river.The essence of the acupoint-making technique and the subtlety of the concealment method can be said to be unprecedented.

So if you want to open it now, you will naturally need to reproduce the act of cutting off the river.

"It is rumored that the head teacher of Wudang Mountain once had the feat of breaking the river with one finger, and he is called an old god."

Standing on the Jieshi, Chi Yao looked down at the surging river in front of him, "Today, I will show you what is the real power to turn the tide!"

After all, he jumped down.

The turbulent river was roaring with all its might, but Chi Yao's steps upstream did not hesitate at all.Originally hidden under the skin, mysterious blue lines gradually emerged, which were the inherited witch lines from the lineage of the water witch!

Water witch, specialized in working with rivers, lakes and seas, breathing underwater, controlling water and controlling water are all housekeeping skills.

When these witch patterns were lit up, the waves that were originally surging like a heavy hammer suddenly changed.

No, it's not that they have changed, but that Chi Yao has changed.

I saw that one after another witch pattern spontaneously controlled the swirl of the water around his body, digesting the powerful impact from a distance invisible.

But that's not enough!
Chi Yao recalled the description in [Heaven Refining Gu Dao].

As a Gu master, raising Gu is cultivating Dao, using Gu is using Dao, refining Gu is refining Dao.

With his current cultivation, the most prominent thing is the Chi You Yuan Li Gu, which evolved step by step from the original Li Gu, which belongs to the power line.

Strength is a big school among Gu masters, and there are two branches in it, which are the animal power phantom stream and the weather heaven and earth stream.

As the name suggests, the animal power phantom flow is to select powerful races such as tigers, dragons, and elephants to refine gu to inherit their advantages.

Broadly speaking, Chi You Yuanli Gu can barely be classified into this category.However, because of Chi Yao's own blood relationship, his compatibility with Chi You Yuanli Gu is astonishingly high, and he has directly completed the integration of human Gu, and the effect it can exert is far greater than the general beast power that can only summon phantoms at most. insanity.

Meteorological heaven and earth flow is to put the object of leverage in nature, and the natural forces of the world such as wind, water, fire, etc. are the targets they grab.Just from the conception point of view, the meteorological flow of heaven and earth seems to be much better than the phantom flow of animal power. After all, in terms of general rationality, in front of heaven and earth, personal power is often extremely small. …

However, it is not without exception.

In fact, there are not many beings who can call out the weather with their own strength.

The soldier Chi You is one of them.

As a symbol of military conquest, all fields related to war have his traces.

Therefore, Chi Yao, who has inherited the opponent's power, can be regarded as a double cultivator of the two schools.

Cooperating with the secret pattern of the water witch on his body, the voodoo that Chi Yao activated at this moment is called [Turning Lan].

Following his urging, an invisible force went deep into the surging river.

The next moment, Chi Yao slowly raised his arms.


It was as if a layer of cushions on the river bed was pulled up, and a large amount of pale yellow river water that was rushing was lifted out of thin air by him, and the Yellow River, which was originally roaring like a dragon, seemed to be directly emptied for a short section.

What's amazing is that Chi Yao didn't feel so strenuous at the moment. Even in the section of river that he pulled up, fish, shrimp, turtles and eels were swimming freely. It was no different then.

After a small test, Chi Yao has some confidence in this move.

He put down the river water in his hand, and waved to Ying Zheng and others on the bank, signaling them to get ready.

Then took a deep breath:

This time, Chi Yao didn't hold back and chose to do everything he could.

He saw that the river within a radius of hundreds of feet was easily lifted by him, and under the suspended river water, the riverbed with silt and sand was directly exposed.

The water of the Yellow River, which has been rushing to the sea for thousands of years and never returned, was abruptly emptied at this hour of the day!

With the occurrence of a fault in the river that has not occurred in a century, the cliff in front of Chi Yao finally revealed its shocking true colors.

It was a whole Nine-Dragon Wall, on which Nine Dragons surrounded ferociously, vying for a huge bead, which seemed to be quite different from the Lizhu in Luoyang's mouth, and it was so lifelike.Even though it has been washed away by the surging river for nearly a thousand years, the dragon wall still does not see the slightest trace of the lake, just like a magical work.

"If you don't enter now, when will you wait?"

Chi Yao yelled loudly, and Luoyang's white clothes fluttered towards the Nine Dragon Wall. She supported Ying Zheng with one hand, and stretched out the other hand. , the thick mountain wall flipped upside down quickly, like a horizontal revolving door, engulfing the two of them in an instant.

Xiao Niantou and the little princess who turned into a ghost followed closely behind, and after they all went in, Chi Yao bent his arms and threw the river water upwards, gaining a little gap, and also turned into a black shadow and jumped in.

Behind him, the overturned stone wall closed with a bang, and the hundred-foot-long water dragon fell down at the same time, hiding this place under the surging river again.



Although Chi Yao raised the Yellow River with his own strength, the movement was much smaller than sending out an army to cut off the river.

But it still inevitably attracted a lot of attention.

After all, that is the Yellow River!It is not a small canal in a ravine that no one pays attention to. Any change will be observed and recorded by special water conservancy officials.

The hundreds of feet of water in the river suddenly disappeared and fell back, causing too many changes, and the people in charge of this area were going crazy.Because this change came without warning, and it was neither a flood season nor a drought season, the water level of the Yellow River shouldn't have such a big and sudden change! …

This strange incident soon alarmed the spider web.

The Yellow River is not a small problem for Beimang, so they immediately sent people to investigate.

After this investigation, the problem came.

At that time, Chi Yao was all focused on raising the water flow, and had no energy to continue to cover up the breath and traces for Luoyang, so the people sent by the spider web were pleasantly surprised to find that Huang Baozhuang, whom they had been looking for for a long time, had actually appeared here!
Although I don't know who is responsible for the fluctuation of the water level of the Yellow River, but since Huang Baozhuang's aura appears here, it must not escape her fault!
Because the matter about Huang Baozhuang was instructed by the empress herself, the news was quickly reported.

One day later, Tuoba Bodhisattva, Chief Assassin of Beimang Spiderweb, Yijian Liu, and Master of the Sword Palace of Chess and Sword Yuefu, Huang Qing, came together.

These three masters gathered in Xihezhou, and Helian Wuwei couldn't just turn a blind eye.In addition, there was a problem with the Yellow River in his own jurisdiction, so he had no choice but to drag his old bones and lead the guard Bijun to meet him.

"Is it here?"

When the four gathered together, Tuoba Bodhisattva took control of the right to speak as a matter of course.

Even if the chief assassin of the spider web, a piece of willow, was here, he didn't overreact to his behavior of asking the spider web agent directly.

"My lord, Huang Baozhuang's aura appeared here, and then..."

The spy pointed to the endlessly torrential Yellow River, "It disappeared there."

"Jumped into the river?"

Tuoba Bodhisattva had a thoughtful expression on his face.

He didn't care much about Huang Baozhuang's life or death, and he was more concerned about how to lock Chi Yao's position through her.

But Huang Qing next to him was different. Hong Jingyan was already dead, so Huang Baozhuang was the only seed for the next generation of their Chess Sword Yuefu. When he heard that her aura had disappeared in the rolling Yellow River, he almost wanted to go find it himself.

Fortunately, he still remembered that he was just a swordsman, and he might be good at killing people, but forget about finding someone.

But he can't, there are others.

Huang Qing found Helian Wuwei and asked him to send his commanding Bi army into the water to save people.

When Helian Wuwei was hesitating, Tuoba Bodhisattva also looked over: "Huang Baozhuang's aura disappeared halfway, and when he reappeared, he came here directly. Coupled with the abnormal change in the water level of the Yellow River, I am afraid there is really some secret here. , It really needs to be explored.”

Well, when the military god spoke, Helian Wuwei had no room to refute, so just search.

He sent people back to mobilize troops.

The elite of the Bi Army came very quickly.

When the spider web was in operation, the news was still secret, but when it involved the transfer of the Bi army, the things here could no longer be concealed.

Many aristocratic families and scattered people from all walks of life got the news one after another.It is the nature of human beings to watch the excitement. Although they dare not get too close because of Tuoba Bodhisattva, they are also unwilling to stay away.They just gather and look at each other not far or near.

There is no shortage of soldiers who are proficient in water skills in the Bi Army. They dived into the river. Although Huang Baozhuang was not found, as the number of people increased and the area of ​​investigation expanded, it was difficult to continue on the stone wall engraved with the picture of Nine Dragons grabbing pearls. hide.


After hearing the news, Tuoba Bodhisattva and others thought deeply.

Huang Qing is still the most anxious, because he is the only one who is most concerned with Huang Baozhuang's situation: "To carve a stone wall in such turbulent deep water, the manpower and material resources required may be extremely amazing. Whose handwriting is this, old general Do you have any idea?"

After all, this is the territory of Xihezhou, and it is not wrong to ask Helian Wuwei when things are indecisive.

But Helian Wuwei stroked his beard, but finally shook his head: "This is the first time this old man has heard of it."

Seeing that the clue seemed to be broken here, the chief assassin of the spider web, Yijuan Liu, suddenly said, "Princess Grave is also nearby, right? The picture of Nine Dragons grabbing pearls seems to have something to do with the royal family, and they stay here eight hundred Years, maybe I will know some inside information."

Others may not know where the Princess Grave is, but the cobwebs must know.After all, it is not a secret place isolated from the world.If there are people living, there will be clues, and if there are clues, the cobweb can find them.

"it is good!"

Tuoba Bodhisattva's eyes lit up, "Go and come back quickly."

A section of willow left at the sound, while the others waited in place.

Huang Qing heaved a sigh of relief. Although Gongzhufen is famous for training women, this kind of thing will not be effective in a short while, and since it is necessary to train, its life must be guaranteed.He didn't believe that with Huang Baozhuang's qualifications, he couldn't impress the head of Gongzhufen.

"However, how could Gongzhufen have anything to do with that demon from Liyang?"

Helian Wuwei asked as if talking to himself.

As the guest of Princess' Grave, he naturally didn't want to see any troubles in the sect, after all, he was also a powerful help from the world.

This question made everyone silent for a while, and the most well-informed part of Liu left. Huang Qing's doubts were even greater than that of Helian Wuwei. He also wanted to ask why that damned devil came to provoke his own genius. disciple.

In the end, Tuoba Bodhisattva came up with a conjecture from a strategic position.

As a land immortal who has practiced step by step from the first stage King Kong to the fourth stage, he has a very clear understanding of the relationship between luck, state and strength.

From this point of view, he put forward a hypothesis: "Perhaps, just being the demon master of Liyang is not enough for him. He is going to bring the demon forces in Beimang under his command and become the co-lord of the world's demons."

Speaking of this, even though they have never met each other and they are enemies, Tuoba Bodhisattva also admires Chi Yaosheng in his heart.

As Hong Jingyan's ideal template for the future, Tuoba Bodhisattva's personality is completely different from the shady Hong Jingyan. He is closer to a pure warrior, straight to the point, without any calculations, and is used to oppressing others with force.

Hearing this, Helian Wuwei also felt quite reasonable, not only said with emotion: "Although a bit arrogant, but I have to admit that the courage is indeed great, you are indeed a young man!"

But Huang Qing couldn't empathize with the two of them at all, he let out a voice of grief and indignation: "If that's the case, then why did he come to provoke our Chess Sword Yuefu?!"

Princess Grave is known as the No. [-] demon sect in Beimang, but their chess and sword Yuefu has nothing to do with the demon sect!

Chi Yao can easily unify his magic ways, why should he have trouble with Chess Sword Yuefu?

The resentment and resentment in Huang Qing's heart is simply indescribable, they are simply a sudden disaster, even more wronged than Dou E!
Tongren Patriarch and Hong Jingyan, one is the highest combat power at the bottom of the box, and the other is the most talented star of hope.The simultaneous fall of the two is simply unbearable for Qijian Yuefu.

Glancing at Huang Qing, whose aura gradually became turbid, Tuoba Bodhisattva reminded: "Don't let hatred blind your sword heart. I also regret the death of Senior Bronze Man. He paid a lot for Beimang Martial Arts, and I will naturally let him The murderer pays the price."

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