Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 624 Huanglong falls, Tsingyi ends

Chapter 624 Huanglong falls, Tsingyi ends (two in one)

The situation in the world gathers in the two Liaos.

When Gu Jiantang, Minister of the Ministry of War, formally led the army to enter Jizhou, outside Hengshui City, which is located at the forefront of Jibei, wisps of wolf smoke belonging to Beimang's iron cavalry were already close at hand.

As the saying goes, the mourning army must win. Although Tuoba Bodhisattva lost the army god, Beimang fought extraordinarily fiercely this time.

They were divided into two groups, the east route focused on attacking the Liao and Liao provinces, while the west route stood ready to guard the borders of Longyao and Gusai prefectures with Beiliang.It is obvious that even if Beiliang takes advantage of it, he still wants to bite off a few pieces of meat from Liangliao.

The reason for making such an unusually dangerous arrangement is mainly due to a wise man who has been away from Beimang for more than [-] years.

Master of Chess Sword and Yuefu Palace—Taiping Order.

The old man chose to leave Beimang to travel the Central Plains alone because he was stimulated by Empress Murong's words, "If you think you can stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven and earth, then you will be the emperor's teacher".

It took him a full twenty years to measure the land of Liyang almost inch by inch, and he was familiar with everything about the local customs, court system, civil and military conflicts, party disputes, etc. by heart.

Then I returned to Beimang and spent seven days talking with Empress Murong, from the right time and place to the harmony of the people, the geography of the Central Plains, the military customs of the people, the border wars between the two dynasties; In the future, how to destroy the Northern Liang, occupy the Western Shu and swallow the Nanzhao, and the soldiers will point directly at Tai'an City to pacify the world; and how to govern and stabilize the country after the world is unified.

The affairs of the world, no matter how big or small, were told by the Taiping Order for seven days and seven nights.

After seven days full of knowledge, Empress Murong held his hand and said calmly: "May I worship you as the emperor's teacher."

And this time Beimang's overall strategy was formulated in accordance with the meaning of the Taiping Order.

Although this old Confucian scholar is not good at leading the army, he can see many places that the generals cannot see.

For example, everyone in the world knows that on the east and west fronts of Liyang, Beiliang is good at attacking, and Liangliao is good at defending.So in the past, Bei Mang never put the main attack force on the two Liao defense lines, because that would have given the Bei Liang army the risk of attacking the royal court.

Purely from the perspective of military deployment, this is indeed the case.

But after gaining an in-depth understanding of Liyang's politics and people's livelihood and the mainstream ideology of the court, the Taiping Order discovered that things are actually not that simple.

Does Li Yang have the strength to destroy Bei Mang?
In his opinion, there were twenty years ago.

At that time, Liyang had just completed the unification of the Central Plains. Although he was exhausted, if he went north with the victorious momentum of destroying the eight countries, his chances of winning were still high, because at that time Empress Murong had just come to power, and the Northern Mang Dynasty was unstable. period.

But the problem is that Emperor Liyang had been jealous of Xu Xiao for a long time at that time. He was afraid that Beiliang's cavalry would devour wolves with tigers. Xiao retreated and signed a contract with Beimang.This created a situation where the three parties coexisted in Liyang, Liangmang.

So after twenty years of development, after absorbing the ideas and technologies brought by many Central Plains scholars from Hongjia Beiben, Beimang has been completely reborn compared to twenty years ago.

Whether or not Li Yang will be able to destroy Bei Mang with all his strength is not an option, but it is impossible for Bei Liang, who only occupies the resources of the three states and has [-] troops, to really destroy the Bei Mang Royal Court, which occupies half of the world .

And the most important point is, is the Liyang Zhao family willing to resist the main attack of Beimang on the eastern front to create opportunities for the Beiliang army to make contributions?
You know, the capital city of Liyang is Tai'an, but it is just behind Liangliao. Once the defense line is broken, there is almost no obstacle for Beimang cavalry to attack Tai'an city!
If both sides really choose to put all their eggs in one basket and Bei Mang gives up the defense of the royal court and goes south to attack Tai'an City with all his strength, what will Emperor Liyang do?
Going into battle to defend Tai'an City to buy time for the Northern Liang army to attack the royal court?

Based on Taiping Ling's experience in the Central Plains in the past twenty years, he felt that the war could only develop in two directions.

First, if Beiliang breaks through Beimang's defense line first, and Beimang has not broken through the Liangliao at that time, then Emperor Liyang may secretly send people to discuss and directly send Beimang's army back to encircle and suppress Beiliang's army.

Second, if the two sides blasted each other's defense lines at the same time, then Emperor Liyang would never gamble on the combat effectiveness and loyalty of the Beiliang Army at the cost of his own safety, because they had a guilty conscience.So at that time, the biggest possibility is that Emperor Liyang issued several imperial decrees in succession to let the Beiliang army withdraw to King Qin.

So no matter how you calculate it, Bei Mang won't suffer a loss if he fights like this.

He just settled for the current situation where Beiliang and Liyang are at odds with each other and are suspicious of each other.Especially for Liyang, he would rather everyone suffer a disadvantage than let Beiliang take advantage of his own disadvantage.

But in fact, the situation of this war has exceeded everyone's expectations from the very beginning.

In the analysis of the Taiping Order, they are still quite afraid of the combat effectiveness of the Beiliang Army, and it is only because Li Yang is behind them that they dare to formulate such a bold plan.

However, this time it was Beiliang who made the first move.

After receiving the imperial decree from Tai'an City, the King of Beiliang did not send troops to the north as promised to rescue the Liao Dynasty with the momentum of encircling Wei and saving Zhao. Instead, he also chose the border of Chen Bing to confront the Beimang army, and then attracted the most elite Daxuelong under his command The cavalry went south brazenly and marched into Xishu!

At the same time, the Western Regions also dispatched monks and soldiers to help, and the two sides joined forces, which can be said to be overwhelming.When Beimang and Liyang were still pulling each other's hair outside Hengshui City in Jibei, Xishu, including Nanzhao further south, had been completely occupied by the Northern Liang army.

This is more than that, Cao Changqing of the Western Chu made a high-profile promotion to a Confucian saint at the site of the West Barrier, and then declared the restoration of the country in the name of Princess Jiang Si of the Western Chu!Another Confucian saint, Xuanyuan Jingcheng, who was also in Guangling Road, represented Zhulushan, and expressed his support for this.

For hundreds of years, although Confucianism has prospered, due to various reasons, it is extremely difficult to emerge a master of the sage realm.

In the past two years, there have been two of them, which should have been a happy event for Confucian scholars all over the world to celebrate, but they are not happy at all now.

Compared with Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism pays more attention to learning, and the excellent ones are officials, so the relationship between Confucianism and court has always been the closest.

In other words, Confucian students are basically officials in the court.

But their two Confucian saints are both rebelling...

This has caused quite a strong impact on the thinking of many Confucian students.

Could it be that, for hundreds of years, Confucianism has been unable to produce saints because of this reason?

There is no future for the imperial court, and only by standing on your own can you break through the shackles?

The appeal of saints is quite terrifying, especially when the two remaining saints of Confucianism both chose to stand aside, which even directly led to the split of Confucianism!
A considerable number of Confucian students chose to abandon their official positions and went directly to Cao Changqing and Xuanyuan Jingcheng.

This series of changes made the emperor Zhao Dun of Tai'an City vomit blood in anger, and he became more than ten years old all of a sudden.

"Master Yuan, why did my great country in Liyang suddenly become like this?"

Lying on the sickbed, he looked weakly at Emperor Shi Yuan Benxi.

At this time, Yuan Benxi no longer looked like he was holding the wisdom beads and worrying about his mind in the past. He was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and spit out a name: "Huanglongshi!"

"The devil who claims to have killed three million people with a three-inch tongue?"

Zhao Dun was a little surprised, "The battle of unification in Spring and Autumn cannot be done without his help. Isn't this what he wants to see? Why do you want to provoke a split?"

"Hmph, no one can see what that guy is thinking."

Yuan Benxi snorted coldly, "However, no one will notice the grass snake gray line in this layout. Once it is activated, it will turn the world upside down. No one else can do it except him."

"Then what should we do? Beiliang is rebellious, so is Western Chu, and Beimang refuses to retreat... My world...cough cough cough—"

As he spoke, Zhao Dun became out of breath and coughed violently, "Are you going to die like the Great Qin of the past, the Second Emperor? Do you want to be the Second Emperor of Qin?"

"Although the current situation is troublesome, it has not yet reached the point where it is completely out of control."

Yuan Benxi was not as panicked as Zhao Dun, "Although the Western Chu's restoration of the country has incited many scholars, but with the presence of Guangling King Zhao Yi, they will not be able to fight for a while. You can let the Yan assassination king Zhao Bing send troops to attack from behind. It's just a disease!"

"What about Beiliang? They have already captured Xishu and Nanzhao, and depending on the situation, the Western Regions have also colluded with them... The Western Regions are the stronghold of Buddhism. Will the Buddhists in the Central Plains make trouble? I heard that Beimang is being destroyed. Buddha, do we want it too?"

Zhao Dun asked in a panic.

"Beiliang is indeed a big problem, but their betrayal of Liyang this time can be said to have lost the hearts of the Central Plains. We don't have to have any scruples in dealing with them in the future. Moreover, Beiliang is not the only one who is worried, Maybe we can wait and see..."



Yuan Benxi saw it very accurately.

Beiliang's unreasonable behavior not only confused Liyang, but Beimang was also a little confused.

The empress urgently summoned Taiping Ling and the national teacher Qilin real person.

"What should we do now? Should we continue to fight against Liyang in Liangliao, or take advantage of Beiliang's elite going south and turn around to occupy Beiliang?"

Compared with Liyang Emperor Zhao Dun's panic, Empress Murong is much calmer. After all, the enemy's family is in chaos now, and they just want to choose a more profitable plan. Like Zhao Dun, who lost their own family The situation is not the same.


Taiping Ling frowned and pondered. He had traveled for twenty years and made a suggestion after returning.Among them, there are several major strategic aspects.

The first one is to emphasize the importance of human harmony, and to thoroughly digest those scholars from the Southern Dynasties who Hong Jia ran northward.

The second is religion. Liyang Longhushan has lost the qualification to be the leader of the Taoist sect, and the Taoist sect in Beimang will take the opportunity to snatch it over.There is also the matter of exterminating Buddhas in Beimang. The purpose of exterminating Buddhas is to raise military expenses, but it cannot be done across the board. To destroy the big Buddha of Zen Buddhism and establish the small Buddha of Tantric Buddhism, all in all, it is to recruit a group of people, and by the way, it can also show goodwill to the Western Regions.

The third point is the route to unify the world in the future. First, take advantage of the differences between Beiliang and Liyang to swallow Beiliang, then take advantage of the situation to win the Western Regions, Xishu, Nanzhao and other places, and finally compete with Liyang for hegemony in the Central Plains.

These are all major policies at the national policy level, but the problem is, judging from Beiliang's actions these days, several of them have been preempted by others!

For example, they were still waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of the gap between Liyang and Beiliang to swallow Beiliang, but they turned against them first.It turned out to be the opposite, and it turned out to be connected to swallow the Western Regions. The actions of flattening Xishu and destroying Nanzhao all coincided with the Taiping Order's plan for Beimang.

The point is that although the plans of the Taiping Order sound soul-stirring, they are still on paper.But Beiliang has already started to implement it, and it has succeeded.

At this moment, Tai Ping Ling only felt as if he was living in someone's shadow, every move, every thought was completely seen through by someone.

So the question now is that Beiliang has already taken the road of world unification he planned for Beimang, so what should Beimang do now?
Taiping Ling rubbed his beard and analyzed: "If we turn around and fight Beiliang, the good thing is that we should be able to get support from Liyang, and we don't have to worry about them stabbing us in the back. The bad thing is that Xu Xiao isn't that easy to deal with, and when we fight Beiliang, Liyang is behind to take advantage of it for nothing. In the end, it's us who lose.

"If we maintain the current strategy unchanged, winning Beiliang in the Western Regions, Xishu, and Nanzhao is enough to hurt the Liyang Dynasty. At that time, it will depend on whether Beiliang will go east or north. If we advance eastward, Liyang will face enemies on both sides. We must divide our troops, and we can benefit from it. If we go north...we will have time to withdraw our troops at that time. And in the case of stabbing Liyang first, let them be injured and not die. We, Xu Xiao, shouldn't be so unwise."

His analysis basically agrees with the empress and real Qilin, so Beimang's arrangement remains the same for the time being.



"As expected of the Huanglongshi who easily provoked the chaos of the nine kingdoms! Once he makes a move, the world will be in chaos."

"I won the prize."

The old man in a Confucian uniform waved his hands and sighed, "You are the one who is really surprising. I went to Beimang, and the luck gathered in my body is so deep that even I can hardly see it clearly."

After a short period of business exchanging, the two sat on the top of the mountain, looking down at the ant-like soldiers of Beimang and Liyang below, and finally got down to business.

"Are you ready for the next step?"

After taking over the Western Regions, Western Shu and Nanzhao, although Beiliang has not officially declared the founding of the country, it has formed a de facto three-point world situation, although it is the one with the weakest foundation.

At this time, the reason why Li Yang and Bei Mang seemed to be inactive for the time being was that they were watching Bei Liang's movements, because no one could bear the consequences of being pinched by both sides.

But on the other hand, Beiliang is the same. If there is a chance, Liyang will definitely have the courage to join Beimang to kill Beiliang first.

So don't look at Beiliang's aggressiveness now, it seems that the situation is flourishing, but it is also walking in front of the abyss, and there is a danger of overturning at any time.


Huang Longshi lightly stroked his short beard, and said in a manly voice, "The old chess piece has already been dropped. Next, let's see if Cao Qingyi, who claims to be invincible at the end, really lives up to his name."

(End of this chapter)

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