Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 626 On that day, people remembered the fear of being dominated by warriors

Chapter 626 On that day, people remembered the fear of being dominated by warriors (two in one)

While Li Yang and Bei Mang were waiting for Bei Liang's next move, no one thought that it would be Xi Chu, who had never been favored before, who would shock the world first.

Tsing Yi Confucian saint Cao Changqing.

This legendary man announced to the whole world by himself that no matter how short Xichu is of major generals, as long as he is there, he is one of the top forces in the world, and no one can insult him!
One person destroys the city...

No, this can even be regarded as the destruction of the country by one person.

All the high-level officials in King Guangling's feudal kingdom were wiped out in the first battle. The adherents of Western Chu, who had longed for their homeland, took advantage of the momentum and completed the change of flag in just a few days.In the south of the Guangling River, the world is divided into two parts with Zhao Bing, the Yan assassin king who occupied the old land of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

After the formation of this situation, the most uncomfortable one was not the King of Yan, Zhao Bing, whose son died in Dahuang City, but King Jing'an, who happened to be sandwiched between the two major forces of Northern Liang and Western Chu.

Zhao Heng never thought that one day he would face the dilemma of fighting Xu Xiao and Cao Changqing at the same time.

Even though the land of the Central Plains was behind him, most of the elite of the Liyang Dynasty were dragged on the front lines of the Liao Dynasty to resist Beimang. The emperor Zhao Dun's order was to let him persevere.

King Jing'an had reason to suspect that that guy was taking revenge on himself for almost stealing his throne back then.

Zhao Heng slapped the table fiercely. It was obvious that the other party took the throne that he had almost obtained. If Yuan Benxi hadn't expressed his opinion at the last moment, he should be the one sitting in Tai'an City at this moment!

Although he holds a hundred thousand Qingzhou Navy, he is not sure whether it is against Xu Xiao from Beiliang or Cao Changqing from Western Chu.

Looking down at the glamorous princess Pei Nanwei who was concentrating on serving him, Zhao Heng reached out and grabbed her hair fiercely, pouring all the aggrieved, resentful, and accusations in his heart into violence on the other party, and then softened Lie down and close your eyes.

"Forget it, whatever you want, destroy it, hahaha~"



Unlike Zhao Heng, who chose to be bad, Zhao Bing, king of Yan assassination, was much more proactive.

Although the eldest son Zhao Zhu was lost in the Great Phoenix City, he was not the only son, but he got in touch with the Dongyue Sword Pool on the Dongyue Road next door by virtue of the same hatred and hatred.

To be honest, Cao Changqing's record of destroying the city by himself was a bit too scary, which directly broke the inherent impression of most dignitaries and nobles in the temple about Jianghu martial arts.

In the past, they thought that no matter how strong a person is, what can they do?
Even the invincible Wang Xianzhi can only build a city in a corner of the East China Sea to proclaim himself?

Back then, the Sword Emperor of Western Shu died after fighting a thousand cavalry, and the imperial court could easily pull out hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. In front of this force, what warrior can not be enraged on the spot?
But it was different now. Cao Changqing told them with his own experience that even if they were huddled in a majestic city like the Great Phoenix City, they would not be safe at all against the top fighters.

You must know that Cao Changqing is only ranked fourth in the world in the martial arts evaluation. Even if you leave Bei Mang aside, there are at least three stronger people above him.Even Cao Changqing is so fierce, so how strong can Deng Tai'a, Chi Yao, and Wang Xianzhi in front of him be?
At least it is at the level of destroying cities, right?
Thinking of this, nobles such as Emperor Liyang, King Yan Zhao Bing and others felt very uneasy, for fear that the city gate would suddenly be breached while sleeping.

So they all began to try their best to contact the masters of various rivers and lakes.

Zhao Bing, king of Yan assassination, has the most sense of crisis, because Cao Changqing is next door to him, and the other party has another unknown Confucian saint, Xuanyuan Jingcheng.

If it is said that other masters may not be able to reproduce Cao Changqing's story because of their specialization in art, then Xuanyuan Jingcheng, who is also a Confucian saint and promoted earlier than Cao Changqing, is a great threat in Zhao Bing's eyes.

Fearing that the two of them would give themselves a double sage knock on the door at any time, they paid a huge price to hire many martial arts masters such as Dongyue Jianchi and Nanjiang Dragon Palace.

The same goes for Tai'an City.

You must know that Cao Changqing's most famous feat was entering Tai'an City three times before breaking through the Great Phoenix City alone, the most dangerous one of which was only fifty steps away from Emperor Zhao Dun.

However, compared with King Yan, Emperor Liyang, who nominally occupies the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, has a much wider range of choices.

He issued a decree to recruit many masters including super-rank forces such as Longhu Mountain, Wu Family Sword Tomb, and Liangchan Temple, as well as masters from big families such as Tangxi Sword Immortal Lu Baijie, plus Qin Tian who was originally in Tai'an City. The trainer, Zhao Gou killer, all the royal guests and so on.

Most of them have gone, after all, their foundations are all in the Central Plains, and they are all under the control of the Liyang Dynasty.

But there are also those who didn't go.

For example, Wu Family Sword Tomb.

The contemporary patriarch, Wu Jian, owner of the world's second most famous Jian Su Wang Jian, sent a message to Zhao Dun, saying that their Wu family swordsmen would rather go to the front line to fight against Bei Mang than go to Tai'an City, and they have already taken people there.

There are also two Zen temples.

They didn't go there not because of anything else, but because Beimang officially launched the extermination of Buddhism in order to raise military expenses. As the leader of Zen Buddhism, Liangchan Temple must respond to this.The holy monk Nagarjuna and Li Xiaoxin had already entered Beimang hand in hand, and they had never received the imperial decree from Liyang at all.

The three super-grade sects were recruited, but none of them came, and Liyang Dynasty's face was almost swollen.

But they just can't do anything now.

If it was normal, if Wu Family Jianzhong and Liangchan Temple dared to lose face so much, Zhao Dun would order Zhao Gou to take action, let the state government suppress it, and even send troops if necessary.

But now it won't work.

Although people from these two places are not included in the martial arts review, as the maker of the martial arts review list, Li Yang himself is very aware of their weight.Guarding against a Confucian sage Cao Changqing is already troublesome enough, but it would be a foolish move to provoke the Wu Family Sword Tomb, which is said to be the most lethal sword cultivator in the same realm, and the Liangchan Temple, where two Buddhist saints are in charge.

So for the negligence of the two of them, Zhao Dun can only pinch his nose for the time being, write down this account, and wait until the immediate difficulties are over before he cares about it.

Coincidentally, when Liyang made moves because of Cao Changqing's actions, Bei Mang also discussed this matter.

"National teacher, after Cao Changqing was promoted to a Confucian saint, he was able to attack the Great Phoenix City alone. You are also a Taoist saint, and you were promoted far earlier than him. Can you do similar things?"

Empress Murong cast her hopeful eyes on Yuan Qingshan, the true Qilin.

After Tuoba Bodhisattva's death, although he didn't say it publicly, in the eyes of many people, Daoist Qilin Daoist of Daoist sect in the realm of immortals on land is almost the number one starving master in Beimang right now.

Moreover, both he and Cao Changqing happened to be saints of the Three Religions, so Empress Murong asked this question.

You know, even if you don't go alone like Cao Changqing, as long as Yuan Qingshan can provide a little help, such as blowing down a city wall, or even making a gap, it can give the army of Beimang who are fighting bloody battles on the front lines of the Liao Dynasty Bring huge help.

In the past, we didn't talk about it because those who could do it didn't do it, and others didn't know if they could do it.

But since Cao Changqing had made a sample first, the Empress Beimang would naturally not be indifferent.

Yuan Qingshan stroked his beard when he heard the words, shook his head and said: "If there is no one to stop it, it is not impossible, but now there are so many martial arts masters in Liyang on the battlefield, it is not easy to get close, let alone break the city. "

This is a lie.

However, Tai Ping Ling, the Master of Chess and Sword Yuefu Dafu who was next to him, did not choose to expose him.

Because in their view, Cao Changqing at this time has extraordinary combat power, but he has already embarked on a wrong road leading to death.

It is indeed a great improvement for the holy way to turn to domineering, but the reason why Cao Changqing can behave so fiercely is that he let go of that layer of self-restraint.

No matter which path a practitioner takes, he will abide by some principles after reaching a state that resonates with the heaven and the earth.

For example, you can't kill casually, it's best not to confront people with great luck, etc...

This kind of criterion is especially strict for the people of the Three Religions, because they want to ascend to immortality, not by proving the Tao with force, but by exchanging yin cultivation, merit, and merit for the guidance of heaven and earth.

Once the precepts are broken, one's own fortune will be damaged, at least the road to ascension will be cut off, and at worst, it will even attract divine punishment.

This is also why the saints of the Three Religions are the best at mobilizing the wind and rain to fiddle with the sky, but they are rarely seen on the battlefield.

Without him, it's just to avoid disaster.

This is the consensus of all high-level practitioners.

But such words cannot be said directly to the emperor.

Because this kind of behavior, to put it bluntly, is actually cherishing one's own self and ignoring the overall situation.

Naturally, this kind of choice cannot be said to be wrong. After all, self-interest is the nature of human beings, but it will definitely not leave a good impression on the other party.Let him know this, and he might throw out a bunch of rhetoric about righteousness and the overall situation at some point to force you to dedicate yourself to the dynasty.

So Yuan Qingshan changed the topic very wisely, it's not that I don't want to do it, but that there are too many masters in Liyang, it's really impossible to do it!

And this point is indeed an unsolvable problem for the current Beimang.

Liyang's new martial arts commentary said that Chi Yao had killed half of Beimang's masters by himself. This sentence is really not a lie.

Beimang Jianghu was not as blooming as Liyang. Among the five sects in total, Chi Yao wiped out one, disabled one, and killed their number one master by the way.

This is indeed an unbearable burden for Beimang, and because Beimang's court is very closely connected with the Jianghu, so that they have been greatly affected in all aspects.

At this time, the Beimang Iron Cavalry was unable to attack Hengshui City for a long time, and there were many reasons for this.

Sure enough, after hearing what Yuan Qingshan said, Empress Murong's attention was immediately diverted: "Speaking of masters, I heard that two saints from the Liangchan Temple in the Central Plains have come to Beimang to prevent me from destroying the Buddha. What do you think? ?”

"What does your majesty mean?"

Taiping frowned slightly.

"Since we lack experts now, why not give them face in exchange for them joining me in Beimang, do you two think it's feasible?"

Daoist Qilin kept silent.

As a direct stakeholder in the extermination of Buddha and the speaker of Beimang Taoism, he naturally wanted to oppose it.But it is best not to say these words from his mouth, otherwise Empress Murong will inevitably feel that he is a person who ignores state affairs because of sectarian interests.

This matter can only be said by the Taiping Order of the emperor.

The old Confucian scholar sighed: "Your Majesty thinks simply."

"Appreciate further details."

Empress Murong didn't get angry because of being refuted, she asked.

"The reason why I want to destroy Buddha in the dynasty is to raise military pay. When Buddhism flourished, countless golden Buddha statues were cast and countless incense money were absorbed. These things are what we are in short supply. How will His Majesty's prestige be damaged, and where will the money for the war come from?"

This is indeed a big problem.

"But if they join, we may be able to break through the defense lines of Liangliao as soon as possible, and then the money will naturally flow in."

Empress Murong obviously didn't think about this issue.

Her strategy is to be quick and never broken.

As long as I play fast enough, I can plunder enough resources from Liyang to make up for the shortfall.

Seeing that the Empress was already prepared, Tai Ping Ling had no choice but to change the angle: "Buddhist discipline is strict, I am afraid they will not be used by us."

"Why didn't the widow see it?"

Empress Murong sneered at this, "Didn't the monks and soldiers in the Western Regions collude with Beiliang? I heard that Li Beangxin even has a wife and daughter... This is not breaking the precepts? What's so special about Zen? I just want to see Look, will the two Buddhist saints break the precepts for the safety of those congregants and believers in Beimang!"



Ever since Beiliang made the unexpected move to go south, the whole world was in chaos.

To the north, Liyang and Beimang were fighting.

To the south, Western Chu, Guangling, and Yanla, the two clan vassals, were also fighting.

On the contrary, Beiliang, who had been making a big splash, calmed down after taking over the Western Regions, Western Shu and Nanzhao in a lightning-fast manner, and restrained the shocking edge that made the world frightened.

All wise people in the world can see that Beiliang is digesting and gathering momentum.

The territory they occupy now is very particular.

Although the place doesn't look very big, only about one-third of Liyang and Beimang, there is a saying here, it is called the old place of the Western Qin Dynasty.

As the name suggests, the Great Qin Dynasty, which ruled the world back then, first made a fortune here, and it can be regarded as a well-recognized good place for Longxing.Good business, the future can be expected.

Naturally, Li Yang and Bei Mang were unwilling to give Bei Liang this chance, especially when the two of them were fighting each other to the death, while Bei Liang was wolfing down food and recuperating.No one can bear this comparison.

As a result, Zhao Gou, Zhuwang, and Fushuifang, the three top secret spies in the world, fought here in a dim light.

If the change in Beiliang was an important factor that led to the chaos in the world, then Chi Yao was the cause of this war.

Where is he now, what is he doing?

Jianzhou, Difei Mountain.

Taoism evaluates the mountains and rivers in the world, and there is a saying that there are thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places.

Among them, Longhu Mountain is only ranked twenty-sixth blessed place, while Difei Mountain has firmly occupied the name of the first blessed place of Taoism for hundreds of years, which shows its extraordinary.

But the strange thing is that such a good place has been closed for five hundred years.Even Longhu Mountain, which is close at hand, seems to have never thought of taking it as its own.

On this day, a divine beast with wings on its back poked out its dragon head from the clouds with a capable young man in blue shirt on its back.

(End of this chapter)

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