The tall woman in white frowned slightly, narrowed her eyes, and breathed out slowly, even with a little pity in her eyes:

"I have seen a lot of arrogant and arrogant demons in the past hundred years, and many seniors in this sect have suppressed you. Maybe you think you are special, but in front of me, you will know what despair is."

She spoke cold words, but the expression on her face was still calm, even tranquil.

After finishing her speech, she saw some ethereal green water droplets floating out of thin air in front of her. The water droplets fell down, forming a water line on the left and right, like a picturesque moon arc, with ripples bursting out, forming a big one in an instant. The round mirror stood between her and Chi Yao.

The surface of the mirror is shimmering, with faint green water patterns rippling, looking at each other through the water mirror, the sight of the lake is like a lake, looking from Chi Yao's side, you can only see the rough outline of the other party.

After Tan Taiping calmly "appeared on the screen", he spread his hand to Chi Yao and signaled that I would stand here without moving, so you should hurry up and make a move.


Chi Yao's current thoughts are not on Tantai Ping'an, but he is concentrating on staring at the sparkling illusory mirror in front of him.

The moon well sky mirror, the treasure of the Guanyin sect, the token of the suzerain, is also the key to the Guanyin sect's ability to compete against the entire Liyang dynasty's Fulong Qi refiners.It is also the main means by which Guanyinzong can catch the fish that slipped through the net for Tian Xingdao.

In Snow's world view, things like this are collectively called Talismans.But from Chi Yao's point of view, unlike ordinary talisman swords and the like, the two treasures of the Guanyin Sect are already magic weapons in terms of their functionality.

Especially the Moon Well Sky Mirror, the moment Chi Yao saw it, a long-lost reminder sounded in Chi Yao's mind.

【drop!The special item 'Moonwell Sky Mirror' has been detected, which can be used as a key material for refining imitations of the secret realm of heaven and earth. 】

"Heaven and earth secret realm?"

With a thought in Chi Yao's mind, a detailed introduction about the secret realm of heaven and earth appeared in his mind.

The so-called secret realm of heaven and earth is the place where a large number of special dao marks gather between heaven and earth. Because the same kind of dao marks gather too much, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, resulting in strange changes, forming a secret realm with a certain unique ability.

The word "heaven and earth" means that it is born and formed naturally, and it can be copied by non-human beings.

But in principle, Gu is the true essence of heaven and earth, and the reason why Gu objects can exert various magical effects is because of the process of refining, or simply because some dao marks are included in the raw materials.

That being the case, as long as some Gu objects are artificially stacked and arranged according to special rules, it is not complicated in principle to imitate something similar to a secret realm.

This man-made secret realm has another name - Gu House.

There are two difficulties in building Gu. One is to find a suitable core Gu. The second is to spend a long time in trial and error to find the best arrangement and combination of Gu, connect them into a whole, and bring out the best. The effect of one plus one is far greater than two.

Since entering this world, Chi Yao has been to many hidden places, including Zhulu Mountain, Qin Emperor Mausoleum, Princess Tomb, Difei Mountain, etc., but the exploration system has been playing dead, not even responding at all. …

For a moment he wondered if the thing had broken.

Unexpectedly, a big one came directly this time.

The concept of secret realm and Gu house has obviously surpassed the simple Gu worm in terms of level, and entered a brand new world.

Chi Yao's eyes looking at Yuejing Tianjing gradually became fiery.

In the next second, he fit into the mirror.

The rippling mirror immediately shattered, and Chi Yao's figure appeared three feet in front of Tantai Pingping, and the two sides seemed to be within reach.

For a qi refiner, even if he is of a higher level, it is unwise to be so face-to-face with a martial artist who is good at melee combat.

But what is strange is that Chi Yao didn't attack the "Tantai Tranquility" who was far away from Chi Chi, but frowned and looked to the left where there was nothing.

In the next second, Tantai Jingping, who was directly opposite Chi Yao, was like an object forged from colored glass, shattered into pieces with the sound of "crash", and turned into fireflies all over the sky.

The scattered fireflies pieced together a new round mirror, and as expected, it just appeared at the place where Chi Yao's line of sight froze just now.

"Hiding and hiding will not solve the problem."

Chi Yao opened his mouth calmly, his eyes turned slightly, and while constantly detecting the flow of the other party's air mechanism, he said, "This should be the ability of the heavenly realm? Is it to create illusions? What about the moon well? You said that many of my seniors were imprisoned." Where exactly is it?"

Tantai Pingping gritted her silver teeth tightly, her appearance is eternally youthful, it is not against the law to do this kind of action, but when she thinks about her nearly hundred years old age...

Originally, according to her idea, she wanted to use the illusion created by the heavenly realm as bait to trick Chi Yao into taking the initiative to enter the moonwell where many great demons were sealed.

Yuejing is a treasure bestowed by the immortals to suppress those who try to defy the sky. Once inside, no one can get out.

However, Chi Yao has the Heavenly Gu in his hands, and his sensitivity to the flow of energy is often even better than Tantai Tranquility himself, so she only tried this method once and knew that it would not work at all.

If you can't take advantage of it, you have to fight hard.

Guanyinzong has been walking for many years in the name of acting on behalf of the heavens, and naturally has hard power.

"Take a picture!"

Hearing Tantai's calm cry, a picture scroll suddenly appeared in her hand.

A beautiful picture scroll that seems to be drawn by heaven and man.

There are vivid and ethereal figures on the picture scroll, including Wang Xianzhi, a burly old man who hits the tide in the East China Sea; Han Shengxuan, there is a heroic and stern man with a gun, there is Li Chungang who walks with a sword behind his back, and there is a talisman general who only sees the red armor and sees no one...

Those who can appear on this, regardless of righteousness, evil, Confucianism or Taoism, are all romantic figures who are in the rivers and lakes.

This is the second treasure of the Guanyin Sect - the map of land facing immortals!

Chi Yao even saw himself on it, but the ranking was not that high.

After attracting this picture of land facing immortals, Tantai calmly stretched out his hand to take off the simple bronze mirror hanging at his waist, and wiped it in front of his body with his other hand, his fingers as white as jade lightly touched the scroll.

In the field of vision of the Heavenly Gu's Qi Watching Technique, one can see majestic qi flowing out of the bronze mirror, combining with the figures on the map of the land facing the immortals, turning into a half-illusion and half-real illusion. …

Looking carefully, there is no familiar figure inside, but those phantoms are full of momentum, obviously they are not easy people.

"These are fierce souls that were once suppressed by our sect and imprisoned in the moon well. They are perfect for dealing with you, the contemporary devil."

Tantai calmly spoke indifferently, as if he was sure of victory.

"Just by them?"

Chi Yao's tone was also calm, "Do you know who I am?"

Before he finished speaking, monstrous devilish energy emanated from his body. These auras were so powerful that it was difficult for Tantai to maintain his composure!
I saw the reddish black demonic energy, like the Milky Way flowing backwards, filling the entire interior space in the blink of an eye, and before the phantoms summoned by Tantai Calm had time to make a sound, they were overwhelmed by the sweeping demonic energy. Carrying the package, it disappeared directly like a drop of water into the sea.

"It turns out that this is the true meaning of the devil..."

Tantai murmured quietly.

The Demon Lord is not the Lord of the Demon Cult, but the ruler of the whole world of Demon Dao.

After Chi Yao collected all the demon luck from the two dynasties of Liyang and Beimang, no one could compete with him for this position.Even if Liu Songtao, the leader of the previous generation of Demon Cult, reappears and abandons Buddhism to return to demons, he can only be ranked under Chi Yao.

Not to mention those old devils who have been suppressed by Tantai Pingping for who knows how many years.

Facing Chi Yao, the only thing they can do is surrender.

However, Tantai Pingping's combined use of the Moonwell Sky Mirror and the Land Chaoxian Picture made Chi Yao's eyes shine.

Imprison its soul with the Moon Well Sky Mirror, and copy its shape with the Land Chaoxian Map. When needed, the two phases can be combined to summon a phantom that is only slightly weaker than the deity.


Isn't this a list of super-low match gods?

And the principle is quite different from the picture scroll held by the Bronze Man with Chess Sword and Yuefu that he met in Beimang.

The painting of the bronze man used more the authority given by the heaven and earth here. It was Tianmen who recorded the power of those people's dharma. His painting was just a switch, and some of the power could be secretly used.

To use a vivid analogy, it is like a shortcut to a file, which itself has no content and must be attached to the world that actually stores and records information.

But the two sets of magic weapons of Guanyin sect are different.

Because the souls of those people are already imprisoned in the moon well sky mirror, which is equivalent to carrying a database with them, and their dependence on this world is not strong.

This subtle difference is nothing to others, but to Chi Yao, the difference is big.

This is the difference between having a good time and being able to take it away all the time.

So he didn't even look at the picture of the bronze figure, but for the two things in Tantai Pingping's hand...

The flames in Chi Yao's eyes burned even brighter: "This thing is destined for me!"

After trying out the real usage of the two great treasures of Guanyin Sect, he no longer wanted to continue to make false claims with Tantai Pingping.

Immediately stretch out both hands, grab the picture with one hand, and grab the mirror with the other, ready to catch them all.


Tantai Jingping finally couldn't hold back his calm expression, he scolded, and stretched out his hand to wipe the scroll again. …

This time, the aura that escaped from the ancient bronze mirror was quite different from before.Not only is there no trace of demonic energy, but it is very grand and upright, the most divine and holy.

An old man in a Confucian robe appeared in front of Chi Yao.

As soon as this person appeared, there was a faint sound of praise between the heaven and the earth, like a humane singing, and the vigorous aura even condensed into one after another admonitions of the avenue around him, flying up and down indefinitely.

"Confucian sage?"

Chi Yao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although I have known for a long time that the Guanyin sect only follows the way of heaven and disregards human relations, but seeing a Confucian saint whose soul has been suppressed for an unknown number of years here is still very different.

In the world in the snow, because reincarnation is very easy, for some outstanding heroes, death does not mean the complete end.Even if they are reincarnated, they are very likely to succeed again.

Therefore, the way of Heaven is not to kill those who dare to disobey themselves, but to imprison them forever.Suppressing the soul in the mirror of the moon well and the sky, it is either life or death, and it cannot be reincarnated. It can be called the cruelest punishment in the world.

A Confucian sage, he cultivates righteousness.The mouth contains the constitution of heaven, and the words follow the law.

After the Confucian saint came out, he opened his mouth to see golden characters as big as mountains, and smashed them on the head of Chi Yao who was facing him.


Chi Yao didn't dodge or dodge, he punched one by one, and connected the words while hitting them.

"Heaven and earth have no heart, but people have heart. I follow my heart, right the heart of heaven..."

After reading this, he seemed to understand why this Confucian saint was suppressed in Guanyin sect.

Since the establishment of Confucianism in the Great Qin Dynasty eight hundred years ago, it has always advocated four sentences: establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations.

Such a concept is naturally the best for the people on the ground.

But not necessarily for the immortals in the sky.

At least half of them violated their taboos.

Especially the first and last sentence.

You know, the immortals in the sky claim to represent the will of heaven, do you need Confucian scholars to set up a heart for heaven and earth?
As for the question in the last sentence, the immortals take advantage of the turmoil in the world to catch luck. If they really want eternal peace, whose blood will they suck?
Therefore, it is difficult for Confucianism to produce saints, because most of those who have this potential are secretly dealt with early on.Guanyinzong, who is the white glove of the immortals, is the executioner.

And this Confucian sage seems to be more extreme in terms of words, not only bluntly saying that the world has no heart, but also wants to correct the heart of heaven with his own heart...

exactly what do you mean?Correct, correct, guide.

He actually wanted to teach the immortals how to do things!
Is this still available?

In the eyes of those heavenly beings, it can be called treason.

And once this kind of thinking spreads, in the future Confucianism will teach generations of students who try to challenge the will of heaven. Who can bear it?
So if you don't clean up, who do you clean up? !

After figuring out the key points, Chi Yao snorted coldly, and his attacks became more brutal.

A mere Confucian sage naturally couldn't resist very quickly, so under the command of Tantai Jingping, one after another phantom incarnation stood up from the map of the gods on the land. Attack Chi Yao.

But Chi Yao was not afraid at all, because the Heavenly Gu had already quietly encroached on this interior space.

"Bring it to you!"

A series of dark cracks appeared, quickly cutting and shattering Tantai's calm inner sea of ​​consciousness, Chi Yao waved his hand, and one picture after another mirror dripped and flew to his hand.

After fiddling with it for a while and understanding the basic usage of the Moon Well Sky Mirror, Chi Yao smiled and passed a sentence to it:

"Goddammit, are you coming?"

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