Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 632 The advantage is in me

"Rebellious officials and thieves! All are rebellious officials and thieves!"

There was a "cracking" sound in the palace of Tai'an City.

"Your Majesty is smashing things again?"

The two servants standing outside the door looked at each other, and looked forward tacitly, as if they hadn't heard anything.

During this period of time, Liyang Emperor Zhao Dun had breached his defenses numerous times, and it wasn't the first time that he smashed things crazily.

They are almost used to it.

But today is a little bit different.

In the past, whether it was the Beiliang rebellion or the restoration of Western Chu, although Zhao Dun was angry, it was only anger, perhaps mixed with some worries, but it did not rise to the level of fear.

But this time, he still seemed to be smashing things in a rage, but in fact, whether he was in a rage or smashing things, it was just to cover up the appearance of inner fear.

Gu Jiantang held the [-] frontier troops of the two Liaos in his hands but refused to return to the court. This move completely defeated the last sense of security in Zhao Dun's heart.

Facing Xu Fengnian and Chen Zhibao who are heading north at a fast speed, who else can he rely on?

There is an example of King Jing'an Zhao Heng surrendering to the enemy, but he can't trust Huainan King and Jiaodong King.

Not to mention that one of them was watched by Xu Xiao, and the other was watched by Gu Jiantang, neither of them could move.

It has to be said that what this pair of old enemies who are known as "Ji Sheng Gu He Sheng Xu" are doing is surprisingly consistent:
Stop all possible reinforcements in Tai'an City, and then leave everything to the younger generation to solve by themselves.

Under the attention of all the people, the two fierce tigers arrived at Tai'an City at the same time without distinction.

He didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't even pay attention to the letter sent by Queen Zhao Zhi, which said that Princess Sui Zhu still had a relationship with him...

Heh, it's only now that I think of admitting defeat?

late!You can't even sell your daughter!
Just a princess who is about to perish, is it worth it?

The two waves of armies that came out of Beiliang were very tacit, and launched attacks on this majestic capital from two directions.



In just a short while, the entire Central Plains changed drastically. What seemed to be a three-legged confrontation had turned into the ultimate decisive battle in a blink of an eye?
This kind of change left Bei Mang completely stunned.

They couldn't figure out Nalan Youci's motives, and they couldn't figure out what Gu Jiantang was thinking.

However, they could tell that the entire Central Plains would soon be named Xu.

"Is this worth it?"

Although Empress Murong of Beimang once admired Xu Xiao when she was young, she is no longer a pure woman after sitting on the throne of God.What she wants is to conquer that man, not to be conquered by him.

No one is more aware of the ability and character of the Xu family in Beiliang than Beimang. They deeply understand: If the Central Plains under the Zhao family in Liyang is only a threat to Beimang, then under the command of the Xu family in Beiliang , is a disaster for them.

"We must not let them succeed!"

In the royal court of Beimang, this was the unanimous opinion of Empress Murong, the national teacher, Taiping Ling and others.

But that's what I said, but how can I stop it? …

From Beimang to Tai'an City, if you walk from the east, there is Gu Jiantang blocking the way, and if you walk from the west, there is the Beiliang Army. Is it possible to take a detour by sea?
But they don't have this shipbuilding technology either!

"Actually, there is another way..."

Confucian shirt Taiping stroking his beard.

"Sir, please speak."

There was a hint of eagerness in the empress' voice.

"I have traveled the Central Plains for [-] years, and I have a very good understanding of it."

Taiping Ling said slowly, "The Xu family in Beiliang has a bad reputation in the entire Central Plains. Especially now that they are taking the initiative to initiate a rebellion, the reputation will definitely be worse. Nalan Youci and others may be because of something. The ulterior transactions are the same, but they can't buy everyone. There must be a lot of people who are dissatisfied with them in the Central Plains.

"Now it seems that the demise of the Zhao family in Liyang, or the demise of Zhao Dun's family is already a certainty. But when Tai'an City is really breached, this dissatisfaction with the Xu family in Beiliang will really reach its peak. This is something we can take advantage of."

"how to use?"

"Two ways. Remember Hong Jia running north?"

The Taiping Order seems to have been drafted for a long time, "Although the emergence of the Southern Dynasty has caused a gap in the original monolithic royal court, it is undeniable that it has also greatly enhanced our strength and heritage. Since this kind of thing has happened for the first time, So why can't there be a second time?"

"Beiliang will definitely not let people go, Rentu Xu Xiao is not a soft-hearted person!"

Empress Murong shook her head, "What are you going to do?"

Taiping Ling spread out the map and pointed to Liaodong: "The key is here, King Zhaoju of Jiaodong!"

There are six vassal kings in Liyang, five clans and one foreign surname.

When it comes to overall strength, Xu Xiao, king of Beiliang, is naturally number one.Among the five clan and vassal kings, Zhao Bing, the king of Yan, ruled the roost, followed by Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, Zhao Ju, the king of Jiaodong, again Zhao Heng, the king of Jing'an, and Zhao Ying, the king of Huainan.

This is the ratio of strength. Among them, Zhao Yi, the king of Guangling, is in the best position because he is a brother of the same mother as Zhao Dun, the current emperor of Liyang.Although on the surface, he was often reprimanded by decree for acting domineering, but in fact it did not hurt a bit.

But the other vassal kings did not have such a good life.

The logic of the Zhao Family Emperor is that you need to handle things well for me, but you must not have the power to make me feel threatened. It is best that you can come and go without complaint.

Therefore, whether it is Zhao Bing, the king of Yan assassination, Zhao Ju, the king of Jiaodong, or Zhao Heng, the king of Jing'an, these vassal kings who hold military power in their hands have not been targeted and suppressed by the court once or twice.

As for Huainan King Zhao Ying, he has already been reduced to the point where he doesn't even have any real power.

"Zhao Ju didn't bring his troops back to Tai'an City, is it really because Gu Jiantang watched him so hard that he couldn't move at all?"

Tai Ping Ling shook his head and said, "I'm afraid he wasn't really willing to save that brother who always oppressed him! It's just taking advantage of the trend to talk about Gu Jiantang."

"Can he be used by us?"

Empress Murong's eyes lit up.

You must know that before Gu Jiantang was in charge of the military power of the Liangliao, the king of Jiaodong was the chief officer guarding the defense line of the Liangliao. …

If this person can be used by Bei Mang, then the seemingly impregnable defense line of the Liao Dynasty will immediately become full of loopholes. He may not be as far away from fighting as Gu Jiantang, but if he is a leader and makes trouble, even Gu Jiantang will probably be hated.

"We can give it a try. If it doesn't work, we can also support him to build a country and fight against Beiliang. Liyang originally started from the north. He doesn't even want his own ancestral grave, does he?"

Taiping Ling said confidently, "Even Gu Jiantang, we can win one or two. They remained neutral in the war between the Xu family and the Zhao family. It may not be that they are really biased towards the Xu family, or they may just be waiting to fish in troubled waters. There is an old saying in the Central Plains. Well, Qin has lost its deer, and the whole world chases after it. Now the Zhao family in Liyang is the orthodox in the Central Plains. Anyone else who dares to raise troops is a rebellion and has a bad reputation. But if Tai'an City is destroyed, the situation will be very different then I don't believe it, Gu Jiantang has fought with Xu Xiao all his life, and was suppressed by Xu Xiao all his life, so he really wants to worship at Xu Xiao's feet?"

"well said!"

The female emperor's eyes brightened, and she felt that what her imperial teacher said was very reasonable.

She drew inferences from one instance and asked tentatively: "If you say so, can Xichu also contact you?"


Taiping Ling nodded first, and then shook his head, "Western Chu was directly killed by the Northern Liang Army back then, and Ye Baikui, Empress Xichu and others were killed by Chen Zhibao and Xu Xiao. Such hatred It is impossible for Cao Changqing to let go, and it is impossible for the survivors of Western Chu! However, unlike King Jiaodong, because of the geographical relationship, we can not give much help to Western Chu. They are in the hinterland of the Central Plains, so it is hard to say how long they can last."

After some analysis, the monarchs and ministers of Beimang instantly changed from worried to full of expectations.

The Central Plains is about to fall apart, and the flames of war are everywhere. They in Beimang have already raised their knives and forks, ready to feast on it!



Tai'an City.

Although no reliable King Qin's teachers were recruited, as the capital of Liyang, Tai'an City itself was not weak in defense.

But no matter how strong he was, he was still on the verge of collapse under the attack from both sides of the Beiliang Army.

It's not just the city walls that are crumbling, but also the hearts of the people in the city.

At the beginning when Beiliang refused to enter Beimang according to the order but chose to go south, Tai'an City was full of denunciations and scolding, such as rebellious officials and thieves, barbarians who refused to accept the king's transformation, white-eyed wolves who were not familiar with them, etc., all in one word. Uglier than one.

Later, when Xichu also announced the restoration of the country and successfully broke through the Great Phoenix City, they both cursed together, and added the title of the culprit and the chief culprit to Beiliang.

Later, when Zhao Bing, king of Yan assassination, and his direct lineage were destroyed, and all the south of Guangling River fell, the voice in Tai'an City became slightly quieter, and some people quietly began to transfer their relatives and family property.

When Xu Fengnian and Chen Zhi's leopard soldiers approached Tai'an City, their arrows lost their sharpness and entered through the city. Now, some people in Tai'an City are even ready to open the city gate and eat pots of milk to welcome the king's teacher.

This is human nature.

Except for the people at the bottom who are most likely to be led away by public opinion, those who took the lead in denouncing Beiliang in the past know how credible their words are. …

In the past, what was the mainstream point of view when criticizing Beiliang?
I know that the Beiliang army has made great contributions and suffered a lot, but what does this have to do with your Xu family?Putting credit aside, why do you keep holding on to the throne?Can't he be wronged more for the sake of the overall situation of the world?

Without your Xu family, wouldn't it be the same to send someone to Beiliang to guard it?You are greedy for power!Insatiable!

As for why the old emperor set up a trap to kill Wu Su, Princess of Beiliang, was it because he was afraid that she would give birth to a capable son who would strengthen Beiliang's power and make the court even more unstable?Can't you understand the painstaking efforts of the emperor?
Besides, didn't they kill them on the spot?She almost killed the emperor, so let's forgive each other!
What, you said she died of dystocia a few years later?What does that have to do with the ambush a few years ago?Giving birth to a child would result in death, not one more of her!
There are also a lot of criticisms that are less civil and military.

But the situation has progressed to the present, and these people collectively lost their voices in the face of the Beiliang iron cavalry who were close at hand.

Many of them now know for the first time that the Beiliang iron cavalry who have guarded the three states of Beiliang and resisted Beimang for more than [-] years are actually so powerful. The opponent's marching speed can't do it.

As for the coolness of the son of the Zhao family, not only the Xu family in Beiliang knew about it.

Why did Gu Jiantang sell Emperor Liyang so simply?
It's because he can see from what happened to the Xu family that if you work under the Zhao family, you can't stand out.

Not to mention Xu Xiao, even he himself ended up with a lineage that was split up, and he was suppressed in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Tai'an City for a full twenty years?
How much torture is this for a leading general?
It would be fine if there were no wars in the prosperous age of balance, but what about the reality?

In the past twenty years, is Li Yang really incapable of counterattacking Bei Mang?
It was just because the emperor didn't want these veterans who had already made great achievements to continue to make great achievements, so he chose to do this.

It can only be said that his motives can be understood from the perspective of the emperor, but the means are not clever.From the perspective of a courtier, it is destined not to have much loyalty to such an emperor.

The king regards his ministers as brothers and feet; the ministers regard the emperor as the heart; the emperor regards the ministers as dogs and horses, and the ministers regard the emperor as the people of the country;

This principle applies everywhere.

The human heart is made of flesh, it hurts and it gets cold.

The king cannot use the standards of saints to demand his subjects, unless he himself becomes a saint first.

Then, the person who opened the city gate appeared without any surprise.

But neither Yingzheng's side nor Chen Zhibao's side opened, but the third city gate.

Seeing this, Chen Zhibao, the Xu family brothers and others hurriedly led the elite guards to seize the door.

However, just after more than a thousand Beiliang iron cavalry stepped into the city gate, suddenly several figures flew over in the air, carrying the tide of offensive from the Beiliang army and knocking down the city gate again at the cost of their lives.

On the street ahead, the elite of the forbidden army has long been ready.

But whether it was Ying Zheng or Chen Zhibao, there was no movement behind them, but they looked at a tall building in the city with slightly dignified eyes.

There was green smoke rising from the roof of the building, and then, one after another, illusory figures floated out of the smoke, some with ancient swords on their backs, some with purple gold treasure books in their hands, and some with whisks in their hands. Like an ordinary person.

After they showed up, they didn't say much, and directly turned into streaks of light, pouring into the body of a forbidden soldier.

Inside Qin Tianjian.

Emperor Zhao Dun sat opposite the emperor Yuan Benxi, Longhu Zhao Xiyi and others, looking at a water mirror in midair together.

"Can these soldiers possessed by immortals really take down those rebellious officials and thieves?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty,"

Zhao Xiyi stroked his snow-white long beard, "Chen Zhibao and that kid from the Xu family are at best in the realm of astronomical phenomena. Although they are good enough for their age, how can they compare with my Longhushan thousand-year-old background? This time six The fourteen patriarchs went down to earth, no matter how much their strength was compromised, they could at least maintain the Zhixuan realm, and among them there was not only one land god sitting in charge, I don't know how Beiliang can turn the tables."


After Emperor Zhao Dun heard about it, his face showed obvious joy, but he sighed in between words, "I am the one who troubles the immortals to go down to the realm. I am the one to blame. Afterwards, I will personally confess the crime. As for Chen Zhibao and the Xu family brothers, you can blame them if you want." They are too arrogant! After all, they are still too young!"


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