Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 645 Return of the Abyss

In the vast and flat barren desert, there is a mountain range rising abruptly, standing in the vast sand sea.

The rising sun hangs in the middle of the sky, and the golden brilliance falls down, reflecting the large palaces and halls on the mountain, like a temple in the sky overlooking the world.

Several hilltops were directly leveled by uncanny workmanship, and countless palaces were built according to the mountain situation, among which the most majestic hall was located on the largest mountain peak.The open space around the main hall is covered with stone bricks, smooth and smooth, and the color is like glass;

The black palace wall is solemn and simple, with a hint of austerity, and the golden feet around the palace wall make it look more solemn and solemn. This is the most important altar of the Demon Cult in the legend - the wild temple.

Seen from a distance, the holy hall is majestic and tall. There is a tall pagoda more than a hundred feet away from the front of the hall. Qi, 梼杌, Taotie, etc. all supported the pillars, looking fiercely and viciously, surrounded by the word Shura, which made people shudder.

In addition, there is a black plaque on the beam of the main hall, with two big golden characters "Sheng Ming" written on it, the characters are strong and powerful.The gate of the hall is wide and solemn, with several large yellow flags hanging from the beams, fluttering in the wind, with paintings on the flags, the handwriting is weird and difficult to read, but there are all kinds of different scenes in the paintings, some are like the happiness of all beings in the fairyland, or there are horrible ghosts in hell. The elephant is daunting.

This is what Chi Yaofu saw when he opened his eyes.

The Heavenly Dao of the Snow World didn't know if it was because he had merged with the heaven and the earth for a period of time, and he seemed to be contaminated with a trace of humanity. When Chi Yao left, he gave a boost, but he didn't take back the demon master's luck that he possessed.

Of course, Chi Yao didn't let him take him away completely, but he used these good fortunes as a guide to help him find a new identity that could be perfectly replaced.

It's almost like Yingzheng replaced the Emperor Qin who was eight hundred years ago in the snow world, he replaced the master of the magic way in this new world.


Things in the world, there are always [-] out of [-] unsatisfactory.

After Chi Yao came over, he realized that he was in a very strange state.

How weird is that?His soul and body are separated now!
The body is temporarily missing, while the soul is imprisoned on a strange-shaped tower.

At this moment, a large group of people are gathering under the tower.

They are dressed in different clothes, but it can be seen that the aura on their bodies is very strong.Especially the dozen or so people in the lead, there are men and women, old and young, their auras may be feminine, treacherous, fierce, or agile, and the only thing they have in common is their strength.

This is a kind of power that is completely different from the resonance between the world in the snow and the heaven and the earth. Their aura does not have any intersection with the heaven and the earth.

Because he is trapped and unable to do anything now, Chi Yao had no choice but to look around with great interest, to see what the people below were going to do, and what kind of world it was here.

After a while, a faint ancient song fluttered from the distant hall, weeping like crying, the wind blew and the flag moved, everyone under the tower lowered their heads, some closed their eyes silently, and some sang along with the sound. …

That voice seems to be inherited from the beginning of ancient times, echoing between the heaven and the earth, fluttering and agitating, straight to the sky.

The leading man in Tsing Yi stared at the tower, suddenly picked up a bowl of dark red blood from the ground, and poured it directly on the tower. tip.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound, and a black light appeared on the top of the tower, and then a phantom lit up across the sky. It was extremely dark, like a ghost hell, as if if you looked at it one more time, you would fall into the darkness and never be reborn.

At this moment, Chi Yao felt that the barrier in front of him seemed to be getting thinner, but before he could think about it, there was a shrill howling sound from behind.

Dozens of phantoms like ghosts rushed out to join Chi Yao, his aura was extremely ferocious, as if from the Nine Nether Purgatory.All of them stretched their necks and roared loudly, as if they were venting, and they seemed to want to break free from this deep prison.

But it is a pity that even if the barrier is slightly thinner, it is still strong. Chi Yao tried, but did not find a way to break it.

He continued to look outside.

I saw that a large part of the crowd who had been standing below had already knelt down, including the people in the front who were just favored by him, and they were also trembling.

"Although the strength is not bad, the courage seems to be lacking."

Comparing these people with the top experts in Snow World, Chi Yao can easily draw a conclusion.

But it's normal, after all, it's a newcomer, and it's impossible to encounter top experts all at once. Judging from the average level of these people, this world is generally stronger than Snow World.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi who was holding a big urn in his arms sprinkled the fine ash from the urn in front of the Shura Pagoda, then silently recited ancient scriptures, knelt down and kowtowed.

The dust seemed to have spirituality, fluttering around, ignoring the invisible barrier, and threw it straight at Chi Yao!

And the moment he encountered these things, a lot of information suddenly appeared in Chi Yao's mind.

He closed his eyes, digested for a while, and sighed: "So, 'I' is already dead..."

This "I" is not the other, and naturally it does not refer to Chi Yao himself, but to the character who also has the fate of "devil lord" that he came over to replace.

In fact, Chi Yao had some premonitions in his heart before he set off.

Although everyone is the fate of the devil, but this time the shuttle is from the low-level world to the high-level world, can I really replace it in the same amount?
Look at the example of Ying Zheng, the Qin Huang he replaced was just one of his previous lives, if it wasn't for his own efforts, maybe who is in charge.

My own side is even more thorough, not to mention reincarnation, there is not even a whole body, the ashes of this guy were contained in the big urn just now!

You said it would be nice to come a few days earlier!
Give me a chance to cheat!

There is no way, the matter has come to this point, he began to look through the memory of the previous demon lord.

"Chou Wangyu, the leader of the Devil's Cult, the most impressive thing in my memory is a seven-colored sword light, um, Zhuxian Sword, Tianchengzi..."

"So, it's here!"



By reviewing the memories of Qiu Wangyu, the leader of the previous Demon Cult, Chi Yao has a basic understanding of this world. …

Jade Immortal World!

The vast land of China is boundless.

Four wild, wild, high mountains and evil.

There are as many people who cultivate the truth and practice the Tao in the world as crucian carp crossing the river.There are many strange people and different scholars, so there are many different methods of cultivation, all of which are different.

However, the way of longevity has not yet been found, but gradually there are differences between sects, good and evil.The resulting sectarianism, intrigue and even fighting and killing quickly became a new theme.

The three major sects of Zhengdao, Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple, and Fenxiang Valley.

Among them, the location of the Qingyun Sect happened to be at the throat of the Wild Demon Cult's march into the Middle Earth, so they were also the righteous sect that fought the most brutally with the Demon Cult, not one of them.

The four sects of the Devil's Dao, the Changshengtang, the Wandumen, the Ghost King's School, and the Hehuan School.

Two years ago, a peerless genius came out of the Wild Temple of the Devil's Sect Headquarters. By chance, he went deep into the forbidden area of ​​the Nether Abyss and obtained great fortune.After coming out, he overwhelmed the four major sects to integrate the magic way with great strength and took the position of leader, and then launched an impact on the vast land of Shenzhou without stopping.

His first goal is Qingyunmen.

It can't be said that Qiu Wangyu is inflated, because this time the Demon Cult can be said to be the best. He, the leader of the four sects, and four holy envoys including Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, went out in full force.

All the way, they directly attacked Tongtian Peak, where the head of Qingyunmen was located.

This is different from the members of the Devil's Cult who took advantage of the loopholes to go up the mountain hundreds of years later because of Cangsong's rebellion. This time, the Devil's Cult came up step by step relying on their strength.

Objectively speaking, if there are no accidents, Qingyunmen's defeat is inevitable.

But the world is like this, and it will always tell you when you feel stable, what is called the impermanence of heaven.

No one expected that Qing Yun Sect would sacrifice an ancient sword—Xian Xian when Tian Chengzi, the leader of Qingyun Sect, was defeated, the master of Qifeng had tied his hands, and the guardian beast of the mountain, Shui Qilin, was at a loss.

This is the first time that members of the Devil's Cult felt the power of Qingyunmen's mountain-killing treasure.

Of course, they'd rather not know about it.

Because the price is too heavy.

In that battle, the Qingyun Sect counterattacked desperately. Under the sword of Zhuxian, the leader of the Demon Cult, Qiu Wangyu, was seriously injured and died. The Demon Cult, which had flourished in the world, had its backbone cut off in one breath, and had to flee back to the wilderness in embarrassment.

This is just a superficial problem.

A further complication is...

The order within the Demon in chaos.

The biggest difference between the so-called demon way and the righteous way is that its internal order is relatively chaotic.

To put it better, there is no need to rank seniority over there, and those with strong strength will have the opportunity to stand out.

At worst, it means that the etiquette is bad and the music is broken, there are no rules, and no one obeys anyone.

Qiu Wangyu came from a relatively small sect in the Demon Cult. Before him, this sect had never entered the top ranks of the Demon Cult.

And because the time to become the leader is too short, there is no time to benefit his own sect.

Therefore, the power under his command is completely tied to his own strength, but this thing no longer exists with his death. …

Even his four most trusted envoys, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, began to find a new way out for him, which shows how chaotic the general altar has become at this time.

Logically speaking, among the old sect masters of the four major sects within the Devil's Cult, only the Poison God of the Wan Du sect is left alive, and it makes sense for him to succeed him.

But unfortunately, in the devil's religion, there is no reason, only strength.

Although the Poison God is strong, he has not reached the point where Qiu Wangyu single-handedly overwhelmed the group of demons. Therefore, the Ten Thousand Poison Sect with him has not been favored by the public, but has become the focus of everyone's attention.

After all, the demon religion often exists, but the leader does not often exist.No one wants to have an extra boss pointing fingers on top of their heads for no reason.

But how could the Poison God willingly let go of such an opportunity?

Command the Demon Cult!
How big of a temptation is this? !
As a result, the huge demon sect fell into a dilemma where the dragons had no leader and were about to fight among themselves.

This is the current situation that Chi Yao sorted out based on the remaining memories of Qiu Wangyu.

It can be said that the current Wild Temple is a powder keg that explodes at one point. The appeals of the God of Poison and the Wandumen, the appeals of the Hall of Eternal Life and the Hehuanmen, and the appeals of other small and medium-sized tribes... are intricately intertwined. It's not surprising to fight.

What, you ask Ghost King Zong, who is also one of the four sects?

How else can we say that the ghost king will become a big weapon in the future?
After the death of the old ghost king, his apprentice Xiao Wan first used the excuse of mourning, observing filial piety, and holding a funeral to delay the time.In the end, under the guise of his will, he wanted to take the bones of the old ghost king to Huqi Mountain for burial, so he ran away with his disciples openly!

Others don't know, how can Chi Yao not know?

That Hu Qishan is clearly the main altar of the Ghost King Sect in the future!

They were aware of the crisis hidden in the wild temple in advance, so they fled ahead of time.

These news were all heard by Chi Yao when Qinglong went to the Shura Pagoda to talk about these news one after another in the past few days.

As the head of the four great envoys of the Devil's Cult, when Qiu Wangyu was around, he was the chief steward of the Devil's Cult, even the Poison God, the Ghost King and others would be half a head shorter when they saw him.

It's a pity that times have changed, and once the biggest backer is gone, the status of a strong man like the Four Great Sacred Envoys who has no power behind him is like a castle in the air.

These days, Wan Du Sect and Chang Sheng Tang have sent people to recruit them, and even Xiao Wan, the new suzerain of the Ghost King Sect, hinted at this point before leaving.

This both moved him and annoyed him, but as the eldest brother, it was not easy for him to confide in the other three brothers and sisters.He could only come to Shura alone, complain to the old leader, and chat to resolve it.

Chi Yao couldn't get out anyway, so let's just let it go.

However, he vaguely remembered that in the future, the residences of these four powerful clans did not seem to be in the main altar of the Wild Temple, and he did not know what happened later.

And something big is about to happen.

Under the leadership of the former leader Qiu Wangyu, the members of the Demon Sect attacked Qingyunmen, but were thwarted by the ancient sword of Zhuxian, and they were defeated.But what they never expected was that someone in the Qingyun Sect was not willing to stop here, and was about to go deep into the wilderness, and write their own legends in this land that had been managed by the Demon Cult for thousands of years.

In the face of Wan Jianyi, the most outstanding heir of Qingyunmen's younger generation, who is about to attack, can the demon sect, which is like a mess of sand, be able to stop it?
And how long do I need to wait before I can usher in a good opportunity to get out of trouble?

Chi Yao slowed down and waited and saw.

As for now, apart from listening to Qinglong's complaints every day, he spends the rest of his time studying the exercises in Qiu Wangyu's memory.

That is, the demon sect's subduing technique - the Netherlight Sacred Code.

The Demon Cult believes in two great ancient gods, the Madonna of the Underworld and the King of Heaven.

According to the legend, this Zhenjiao Cultivation Method was compiled by integrating the power of the two of them. After practicing to the Dacheng state, one can master the peerless supernatural power - Xuanyin Ghost Qi.

Qiu Wangyu found a great blessing from the deep abyss, and was able to cultivate this supernatural power, and used it to beat Tian Chengzi, the head of Qingyun sect, without temper. Not an opponent.

Although Chi Yao can't practice this kind of kung fu without a body, it doesn't prevent him from reading it and comprehending it.

After all, this is the first time I have come into contact with the top skills in the world of Xianxia.

Time passed day by day like this.

a few days later.

outside the tower.

A green dragon-like sword energy soared into the sky, pierced through the heavy protection of the temple, and slashed fiercely at the towering tower.

Chi Yao suddenly discovered that the last barrier in front of him had disappeared.

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