Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 678 Fulfilling the Promise

Chapter 678 Fulfilling the Promise (Two in One)

The land of Shenzhou is vast and boundless, among which the land of Central Plains is the richest.

Outside the Central Plains, the north is the icy and snowy extreme northern ice field, where there are few people. There are countless miasma and poisonous substances, and there are even weird and strange barbarians in the legend, who drink blood like hair and are extremely ferocious.

But in the west of Shenzhou Haotu, there are two fierce lands side by side.

To the northwest is the endless and desolate Gobi, which the world calls "the wild land".There has been no rain in this land for a hundred years, and the climate is extremely dry. Occasionally there are some oases, but most of them are occupied by ferocious beasts. Ordinary people will die if they enter.In the depths of the wilderness, there is a grand temple, known as the wilderness temple, which is the birthplace of the Demon Cult.

As for the location of the southwest, it is the huge death swamp that the world talks about.The climate here is completely opposite to that of the wild land in the northwest. In a year, it rains seven or eight out of ten days, and all kinds of strange plants grow luxuriantly.

This kind of cold and humid place has always been the place where the world's giant poisonous beasts and insects live.And the highly toxic swamp gas that is unique here rises from the rotten soil in the swamp every rainy day. If people inhale it, without a proper antidote, they will die from the poison in less than half an hour .

In addition, the animal bodies, trees, flowers and plants that have been soaked and rotted by rain for thousands of years have turned this place into a dangerous place. If you take a wrong step, you may be sucked into the bottomless swamp and never see you again. Every day, die in misery.

But such a dangerous area seems to be overcrowded now.

In the deepest part of the swamp, amidst the thick miasma and mist, a giant tree that was so thick that it could barely see its edge stood tall, soaring straight to the sky and sinking into the sky.

Human beings standing at its feet are as insignificant as ants.

Under the tree, several groups of "ants" are confronting each other.

Under the guidance of the dazzling golden light, no one got lost. The disciples of Qingyun and the disciples of the three sects of the Demon Sect rushed to the front and back respectively, and before they had time to feel the wonders of the world, they all showed their magic weapons and confronted each other.

"This tree...could it be the Tongtian Jianmu?"

A well-informed cultivator exclaimed.

"Whether it is or not, the treasure must be on the tree anyway, we can't let them go up!"

A battle for treasures kicked off immediately.

Sword light and poisonous gas flew across, flames and ice blended.

The battle has been heated from the very beginning.

The three chiefs of Qingyun Sect took the lead and fought with several evil men.Although their cultivation bases and magic weapons were fully superior, due to their inferior numbers, they did not establish their advantages as quickly as they thought, but became stalemate with the enemy.

But what is strange is that, after fighting like this, Cangsong Taoist, the leader of the Qingyun Sect, and the poison god of Wandu Sect, Yuyangzi of Changshengtang, Sanmiao Fairy of Hehuan Sect, etc. did not participate in the battle, but Looking at each other, it seems that they are competing for momentum?

The disciples whose cultivation level is too low can't understand the confrontation between them. They only feel that Taoist Cangsong has held back the three heads of the Demon Sect with his own strength, which is so terrifying!
But in fact, these few are all substitutes sent by Changshengtang.

They are indeed making eye contact now, but the content is quite different from what everyone thinks.

Cangsong (substitute): What should I do?Shall we do it too?
Poison God (substitute): Use a hammer!Do you want to be exposed?
Yuyangzi (substitute): But everyone else is fighting!Isn't it unreasonable if we don't fight?
San Miao Fairy (substitute): Can't fight, if you fight fiercely, the camouflage will be invalid.

Cangsong (substitute): How about... just fight with your eyes?
Poison God, Yuyangzi, Sanmiao Fairy (for): That's a good idea!

The eyes of a few people rolled wildly, you looked at me, I looked at him, I don't know if they understand each other, anyway, they are always communicating.

But they are worthy of being stand-ins, and their acting skills are indeed online.

Just acting awkwardly like this has made others stunned. No one thinks that there will be something wrong with them, but only thinks that their behavior at the moment has a lot of meaning.

But people from Qing Yun Sect and the Devil's Cult have this mindset, but others don't.

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox and his party, who had been hiding in the dark and watching, soon saw some clues.

"Do you think that Poison God and Yuyangzi look a little strange?"

Qinglong, who had dealt with them a lot, squeezed his chin in doubt, and looked at Suzaku, who was always delicate.

"It's really a bit awkward."

Suzaku stared at these people carefully for a while, then hesitated, "I always feel that they are... nervous?"

After a moment of hesitation, she spit out such a strange adjective.

If others listen to this, they will just laugh out loud.

Poison God, Yuyangzi, and Fairy Sanmiao, those are the three top powerhouses of the Demon Cult, will they be nervous?What a joke!
But Nine-Tailed Sky Fox confirmed Suzaku's judgment: "Indeed, these little guys seem to be very nervous~"

Her voice was playful and charming, as if she had discovered some novel toy.

"Hehe, let me have some more fun for them~"

After all, the nine-tailed celestial fox transformed into an inconspicuous ordinary monk, mingled into the Demon Cult's camp.

"Is it really good for us to play so early?"

Suzaku, who had the least contact with the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, was a little worried.

"Do not worry,"

Qinglong comforted, "She's the best at these things."

Not long after, a ray of blood flew out obliquely and bumped into Taoist Cangsong who was confronting Poison God and the others.

How could a mere stand-in stand up to this kind of attack, he couldn't even dodge the slightest move, and directly spilled blood on the spot.

Almost at the same time, several sword qi and precious light exploded near Poison God and the others, engulfing them all.




Although the situation on the scene was chaotic, Cangsong, Poison God and the others were the leaders after all, and they still received a lot of attention, and no one would be reluctant to join them to fight.

This sudden attack immediately shocked both sides, and many people left their opponents and flew to rescue them.

But it is not easy to get rid of one's opponent in a fierce battle. Before anyone can catch them, another burst of violent explosions soon slowed down everyone's footsteps.

In the end, when both parties arrived, where were the figures of Cangsong, Poison God and others in sight?

So, under the enrage, more tragic fighting broke out again.

But the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, who directed all this behind the scenes, hid his identity and fame, and quietly returned to the onlooker position with a smile on his face.

"Those little guys are fake."


Qinglong was a little surprised, "Then where did they go?"

You know, the strange treasures born in this swamp of death are so powerful that they have attracted the attention of many people. Could it be that there is something more important than this?

"Could it be..."

He looked up at the giant tree whose roof could not be seen at all, and guessed, "Go up early?"

Thinking of this, his heart tightened, he had to know that their purpose of coming today was not to watch a show or fight, but also for that rare treasure!How can you allow others to get there first?
"Then we can't delay any longer!"

"Hey, don't worry."

Nine-tailed Sky Fox reached out to stop him, "I don't know if they went up or not, but it's not that easy to get the treasure. I can feel the breath of an old friend."


She had just finished speaking, and before the end of the sound had finished, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded above the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw that the sky suddenly darkened.

A large area of ​​orange-yellow color slowly appeared above the nine heavens, covering a radius of tens of feet, covering everyone's heads, even blocking out the sunlight.

Afterwards, another phoenix-like whistle came from the sky.

That piece of cloud fell down like covering the sky and covering the sun, and it turned out to be a huge bird with orange-yellow feathers all over its body, spreading its wings and flying, circling in the air.

"That's... a yellow bird?"

As ancient alien species, the nine-day spirit bird and the yellow bird are not low in popularity, and many people who are fighting in the scuffle below have recognized the origin of this giant beast.

But instead of panicking because of its appearance, they were overjoyed!

"It seems that the strange treasure is really extraordinary! It can attract such strange beasts. If you can get it..."

This is the thinking of everyone in the Demon Cult.

The leaders of the Qingyun Sect became more and more worried: "What is the rare treasure that can attract the yellow bird to take the initiative to cast it? If it falls into the hands of the Demon Sect, it will be a big trouble!"

So they attacked more and more fiercely, and even got the upper hand in the battle situation when they were outnumbered.

Breaking through the Demon Cult's defense line, he rushed towards the sky along the branches of the sky-reaching giant tree.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look."

Covered by the illusion of the nine-tailed sky fox, the figures of Qinglong and the others were not noticed by anyone.

Everyone flew along the trunk of the giant tree for a long time, nothing else, but a bunch of nameless vines that had been entangled with the trunk of the giant tree from the bottom became stronger and stronger, and even gradually replaced the branches.The flowers on it are in full bloom, competing for splendor, and even the air begins to be filled with a faint fragrance.

Until the trunk is completely covered by vines, forming a wall like a sea of ​​flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, stands a stone gate, five feet high and three feet wide, embedded in the tree trunk, surrounded by countless vines and flowers, leaving only a thick boulder in the middle, engraved with four ancient seal characters Large characters:
"The Emperor's Treasure House!"

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a voice like Huang Zhong Dalu echoing in the blue sky, which was soul-stirring.

"Is there what we want?"

Suzaku looked at the strange scene in front of him and was slightly absent-minded.

"That's right! Do I need to knock the door open?"

Baihu is eager to try.

"No need,"

Nine-tailed Sky Fox looked up at the sky, "Wait for a while."

This wait is just half a day.

People from Qingyun Sect and Demon Sect came up one after another, and they saw the stone gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

They kept bombarding with fairy swords and spells, but at most it only made the giant tree under their feet tremble a little bit, and the stone gate didn't move at all.

However, because of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House attracting attention, the fighting between the two sides subsided for the time being, except for talking and talking, they basically stopped fighting.

Tianhu and the others mingled among the crowd by virtue of illusion, discussing in low voices.

"Why don't they fight anymore? It's a pity..."

Qinglong felt a little regretful.

For them whose goal is to take away all the treasures, one of the people present is an enemy.Since they are enemies, it is reasonable to let them exhaust each other, and it can also relieve some pressure on themselves.

"If they don't fight, we will let them fight."

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox smiled lightly and made a trick.


In the depths of the mist below, suddenly there was a roar that shook the sky, like a beast roaring towards the sky, and the invisible sound turned into a raging wind, rushing from bottom to top, blowing everyone's clothes to pieces. ring.

In the roaring sound, there was also a strange and inexplicable "hissing" sound vaguely, like the sound of a poisonous snake crawling, or like the sound of a rope rubbing against each other, echoing between the sky and the earth, getting louder and closer.

Suddenly there was a fishy smell in the air, accompanied by the gradually louder "hissing" sound that stepped on their hearts like a devil's footsteps, it became more and more intense.


Naturally, many people noticed such a big movement, and a disciple of the Wandu Sect walked to the edge of the branch cursing and looked down.


The mournful howl had just sounded before it was cut off directly.


The giant tree under their feet shook violently, and everyone followed their prestige, but froze in place.

No wonder they were timid, it was because what they saw was too frightening.

Under the clear sky, in the direction where the huge tree branches extended, the place where there was a bit of miasma suddenly seemed to be burning with two huge flames.

The dark green flame!

In the flames, there are two slender and deep pupils standing upright, shining with an icy cold light.

The fishy smell in the air suddenly flourished, making people want to vomit.

Like an evil beast that came from time immemorial, the black water snake wrapped its huge snake body around the tree trunk. Wherever it passed, the branches and leaves were messy, and the vines and flowers withered and shattered one after another.

It raised its neck and stared coldly at the monks standing on the branch platform.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Being stared at by the pair of snake pupils that were bigger than their entire body, everyone felt their scalps go numb for a while, for fear of making any abnormal noises and movements, making themselves the number one target of this giant beast .

Fortunately, the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't care about these ants. Its eyes quickly swept across the crowd and looked in the direction of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

But still didn't stay there for long.

In the end, it snaked its neck to the sky, and roared at the yellow cloud above the sky.


Yellow Bird, the old enemy of Blackwater Black.

Ever since Chi Yao subdued him, he had been promised to help the one he defeated.

Today, the time has finally come!
The black water snake can't wait to taste the blood of its old enemy, bite the flesh and blood of the opponent, and take over it fiercely!

As the winner of the previous confrontation, the yellow bird naturally wouldn't back down when challenged.


A sharp howling sound exploded in the sky, and a flash of yellow lightning fell from the sky, ruthlessly stabbing at the black water snake entrenched on the tree trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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