Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 696 Spark Cult, stand up!

Dajin, the capital of God.

In July, the fire is flowing, and the autumn wind is coming.

The fifth prince, Zhao Heng, was wearing a black brocade robe with wide sleeves, slowly stretching his fists and feet in his backyard.

Occasionally, there is a gust of fist wind, helping the loquat to repair the bamboo, causing the green waves to dance, and the heroic and slender figure in the forest complements each other and forms an interesting contrast.

"The decree arrives—"

Suddenly, a sharp announcement broke the leisurely mood, Zhao Heng quickly stopped his momentum, and had no time to change clothes, and hurried to the front yard to greet him.

In addition to the emperor's personal eunuch chief eunuch who issued the decree, Sima Shi accompanied him.

Seeing this, Zhao Heng knelt down while feeling suspicious.

I am just a weak prince since I was a child, and I am not loved by my father. I even opened a mansion by myself in this many lanes, where there are few cars and horses, and it is no more lively than other princes.

If it weren't for the ancestral system, the crowned prince must be crowned king unless there are special circumstances, and I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to get the title of king of Wei.

Why today, can you still work these two big bosses to personally issue the decree to yourself?

He couldn't figure it out.

'Could it be that my identity as a reincarnator was exposed? '

Zhao Heng suddenly shuddered. From being a weak and sickly, ordinary-talented, useless prince who was considered to have a bleak future, to now his body has miraculously improved, and his martial arts progress is also very fast. Inferior to how many peers... Naturally, it is not unreasonable.

He has a secret, a big secret.

But you can't tell this secret, if you say it, you will die!
Therefore, unlike when he was sick and desperately craving others' attention, now Zhao Heng wished that no one would notice him, so that he could secretly work hard to practice, and then surprise everyone at the critical moment.

But now, the self who only has enlightenment is obviously not to the point where he can amaze the world, so why was he discovered in advance?

Zhao Heng secretly gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, thinking about what to do next.

Then he heard: "...Wei King Zhao Heng will set off today to go to the Southern Wilderness, and worship Chi You Banner Lord as his teacher, hereby!"


When Zhao Heng received the imperial edict, he was extremely confused.

Of course he knew about Chi You's Banner Master, he was second on the list, the peerless murderer who beheaded two dharmakayas in succession with his own hands.

If he had the opportunity to join such a master before he became a reincarnation, Zhao Heng would probably wake up laughing even from a dream.But it's different now. With the secret of reincarnation, what he fears most is getting in close contact with such a master.

In case they see the secret, should I say it or not?

If you say it, you will die. If you don't say it, you will offend the master, so you may not die.

"His Royal Highness King Wei? Accept the order."

Seeing that Zhao Heng was a little dazed, Sima Shi reminded him aloud.

"Oh, oh. Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Heng took the order to thank you, Sima Shi deliberately stayed at the end, and whispered: "His Royal Highness, if you trust the old minister, you can learn from your master after arriving in Nanhuang. There are no disciples under the master of Chiyou Banner, but you The first one is to seize the opportunity!"

After they left, Zhao Heng looked at the imperial decree in his hand and wanted to cry.

'Having the opportunity to worship Fa Gaoren as a teacher is indeed a blessing that cannot be asked for... But, but I really don't need it! '

He wailed in his heart with a bitter face.

Backed by six samsara spaces, although the danger is a bit dangerous, there is no shortage of skills, resources or weapons. What's more, no one is watching, so he doesn't have to explain the things exchanged from the samsara space of origin.

But if there is a Master at the Dharmakaya level...

Can I still hide it from myself?
Zhao Heng was not sure.

But he couldn't resist the emperor's will, so he had no choice but to set off south with his personal eunuch Hu Dou in a feeling of apprehension.



Southern Wilderness, Valley of Eternal Life.

After Sima Shi left, Chi Yao also realized a problem.

Regardless of whether the sect is established or not, I must have some people who can be used to run errands, otherwise the facts will come out in person, even if I don't mention the matter of forcing, it will delay my practice.

It happened that the people of the Immortal Clan were ready-made, so he directly inspired the imprint on the head of the Immortal Clan.

"Bring a few young geniuses in your clan who have not yet been reincarnated, and come to meet me by the lake of eternal life."

Now his words are equivalent to an oracle to the Eternal Life Clan, no, it should be to the entire Southern Wilderness. The Eternal Life Patriarch did not dare to neglect, and quickly brought two close juniors and rushed over.

"See the gods."

However, when the three of them tried to kneel on the ground, Chi Yao raised his hand slightly, and a gust of wind blew out, dragging their figures.

"Don't call me that anymore. I want to establish the Xinghuo Sect in Nanhuang, and use the Chiyou Banner as the magic weapon of the sect. You call me the leader. Just bow your head and bow to each other, no need to kneel down."

"Yes, Master." The three bowed honestly.


Chi Yao nodded, "The Xinghuo Cult doesn't set up gate walls. I will set up eight tests in various parts of the Southern Wilderness. Those who pass one test can get a Dharma Body-level exercise for the members of the Xinghuo Cult. Those who pass all of them will be rewarded." Worship me as a teacher, call yourself a Xinghuo disciple, and praise me for Xinghuo Dao."

These words made the Immortal Patriarch excited inexplicably, and he said in his heart that he brought the right person today.

"I promised to protect the immortals. These two are my registered disciples from today. What are your names?"

"Fang Ping."


"it is good,"

Looking at the two young children, Chi Yao said seriously, "Today, as a teacher, I will teach you the first lesson - from now on, don't kneel down to others at will."

He turned his attention to the head of the Eternal Life Clan: "Would the Eternal Life Clan be my envoy and spread this news throughout the Southern Wilderness?"

"Thanks to the leader for not giving up, the immortals are willing to die!"

The patriarch of eternal life almost knelt again, and changed to bow at ninety degrees when he realized something was wrong.

"Well, do it."

Chi Yao waved his hand, a red shadow flashed, and a bright red flag pattern appeared on the back of the Immortal Patriarch's hand, "Hold my flag, teach my way. Listen up!"

"Xinghuo Zhaozhao, Xinghuo Yaoyao!"

"Whoever I teach, be self-reliant and self-reliant!"

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

One after another holy voice not only rang in the ears of the three immortals, but also rumbled in the sky of the Southern Desolation, and a large swath of clouds was dyed bright red, like a banner that swept across the sky.

There are countless heroic spirits of the martyrs of the human race shouting in unison, over and over again, shaking the entire Southern Wilderness!

On the southern wasteland, people from every tribe walked out of the house and looked up at the sky.

In the red that filled the world, they seemed to see the heroism of the ancestors of the human race in fighting against demons, their heroism in conquering the world, and their unyielding in the face of gods and Buddhas...

Some of them suddenly felt a numbness coming from inside their bodies. It was a kind of trembling called blood resonating and roaring.Before they knew it, tears filled their eyes.

"Let's go, let's break through! We also want to be the spark that started the prairie fire!"

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