Han Dao world

Chapter 45: Jia Xu's Chain Plan

Chapter 45: Jia Xu's Chain Plan
"Li Jue will definitely kill those two people." Jia Xu said flatly.

Liu Xie turned to look at Jia Xu, wondering what kind of medicine Jia Xu sold in the gourd.Knowing that Li Jue would kill those two rangers, why did he let them go back and let them speak?

Can this be brought to bear?
"Li Jue and Guo Si are in harmony with each other. If Li Jue kills people and silences them, Guo Si will not believe him, so he will become suspicious and take precautions." Jia Xu continued: "Li Jue knows it well, and he will definitely find a way to weaken Guo Si. The best way It is to borrow a knife to kill people, let Guo Si go to attack Yang Ding, and see if Guo Si will join forces with Yang Ding."

"Will Guo Si join forces with Yang Ding?" Yang Biao asked.

"Yes." Jia Xu said, "So, before Guo Si, we will send the food to Yang Ding's camp, and send the news of pardoning everyone except Li Jue to Yang Ding's ears. His mouth was transferred to Guo Si's ear."

Yang Biao murmured: "Do you really want to pardon everyone except Li Jue? Although Guo Si's crime is not as good as Li Jue's, he is still the chief culprit."

"Guo Si can't survive." Jia Xu said unhurriedly: "Li Jue will watch him closely. He will definitely die. The only difference is whether we kill him or Li Jue kills him. Taiwei, who do you think will kill him?" Is he better?"

The corner of Yang Biao's mouth twitched, he glanced at Jia Xu, but said nothing.

Needless to say?Of course it would be better for Li Jue to kill him.

Liu Xie didn't say anything.He understood Jia Xu's meaning, and this trick was very vicious.

No matter how hard Li Jue struggled, he couldn't escape Jia Xu's palm.

As expected of Jia Xu.

"Has General Ning Ji prepared the food?" Liu Xie asked.

"It's ready, but you can't send it all at once." Jia Xu said, "Send it for five days first, and send the second batch after a few days."

"Why?" Yang Biao frowned. "Once Guo Si has completed the siege, it will not be easy to send food."

"It is precisely because Yang Ding sees that it is not easy to deliver food, so that he knows His Majesty's sincerity." Jia Xu drank his saliva, and said: "In case Yang Ding has a betrayal heart, there are only five days of food left, so he dare not act rashly."

"What if it can't be sent in?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't send it in, Your Majesty will do your best. If you send it in, it will kill two birds with one stone." Jia Xu turned to look at Yang Biao. "Lieutenant, can the Northern Army complete this mission?"

Yang Biao weighed things up a bit. "If there is only Guo Bang, it should not be a big problem. If Li Jue comes together, it may be a little difficult."

Jia Xu nodded. "Your Majesty wants to use force to pacify the world, and the Northern and Southern Army is the backbone. If you can take advantage of this opportunity to make meritorious service, you will surely let people face up to the dignity of the court again and dare not covet lightly. If the Northern and Southern Army are unable to fight, Your Majesty will have to rely on others. Back then It is inevitable that Emperor Guangwu would be called the Bronze Horse Emperor."

He stroked his beard under his chin, and said lightly: "If His Majesty is called Emperor Baibo, what dignity does the court have?"

Yang Biao suddenly realized and nodded again and again. "The servant's words are justified." After thinking for a while, he emphasized his tone again. "rational."

The corner of Liu Xie's mouth twitched slightly. "Since the Taiwei thinks it is reasonable, then the task of delivering food for the second time will be handed over to the Taiwei. The Taiwei will urge the Weiwei and the fifth school to strengthen their military training and be ready for battle at any time. How about it?"

Yang Biao was taken aback, looked at Liu Xie who was smiling, and then at Jia Xu who was expressionless, and coughed dryly.

"Your Majesty, I...do my best."

Jia Xu bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I'm going to inform General Ning Ji to deliver food."

Liu Xie nodded in agreement, and Jia Xu got up and went.

Watching Jia Xu leave, Yang Biao said meaningfully: "Your Majesty has good eyesight. This Jia Xu is really a master at reading people's hearts. He is unpredictable. I missed him before, but I didn't see his ability."

Liu Xie comforted: "Everyone has their own strengths, so there is no need to insist on the same. Mr. Yang, this opportunity is rare, so don't miss it easily."

Yang Biao nodded solemnly. "Your Majesty will send a letter to Weiwei and the fifth school lieutenant, ordering them to go all out and live up to His Majesty's expectations."


Yang Xiu was near the water tower and applied for the first task of delivering food.

Xu Huang won the opportunity to lead the army with his extraordinary force and wit. Together with Guo Wu, he led a hundred Habayashi Lang and a thousand soldiers under Duan Yan's command, escorted dozens of carts of grain, and rushed to Yang Ding's camp in Huashan. The newly built camp in Yukou.

Yang Ding was very happy to get the food sent by the emperor, but when he saw the amount of food, his face immediately became gloomy.

"Servant, that's all? These things won't last for a few days."

Yang Xiu took his time. "The general didn't know something. The night before yesterday, His Majesty received news that Li Jue and Guo Si were coming. He was worried that the general's food would be insufficient and the army's morale would be unstable, so he urgently dispatched some food and ordered me to send it for emergency."

Yang Ding's complexion improved a bit, but he was still worried. "When will the rest be delivered?"

"Your Majesty is trying to find ways to raise funds. Once ready, send them here immediately." Yang Xiu pulled Yang Ding aside and said softly: "Your Majesty said that Li Jue and Guo Si came too fast. He didn't expect that, so he can only send these first." He said that the previous agreement with the general remains unchanged. If there is no new food delivered before the food is exhausted, the general can surrender at any time, and His Majesty will never blame you."

Yang Ding's complexion changed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "The minister misunderstood, your majesty treats me like this, how dare I have half a heart of disobedience. It's just that the food is really not enough, although your majesty puts your heart into it, once Li Jue and Guo Si To besiege the camp, even if His Majesty has the heart, I'm afraid he won't be able to send it in. So, what I mean is, it's best to grab it before..."

Yang Xiu raised his hand and interrupted Yang Ding. "The general's meaning, I will definitely bring it. I can understand the general's worry, and so does your majesty. Therefore, he asked him to tell the general that this battle will only punish Li Jue, the chief villain, and all others will be pardoned. If the general Even if you have to surrender and be forced to be an enemy of His Majesty, it will not be a capital offense. Of course, it would be even better if the general can remember His Majesty's affection."

"This is nature, this is nature." Yang Ding was determined.Now that the emperor has spoken to this point, he has nothing to worry about.If it doesn't work, just surrender. "Your Majesty... Really only killed Li Jue? If you say the chief villain, so is Guo Si."

"I don't know the specific situation. This is the result of discussions between His Majesty and Jia Shizhong."

"Jia Shizhong?"

"Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe, he is currently serving as an official servant, and he is His Majesty's confidant. This time, he will assist His Majesty in planning the battle against Li Jue. It is also Jia Shizhong's request to punish Li Jue, the chief villain. The news has been sent by the captured Everyone must know that the ranger brought it back to the camp."

Yang Ding's heart skipped a beat, his scalp went numb.

Jia Xu is loyal to the emperor, and also advises the emperor?

Isn't Li Jue dead?
"Yang Shilang, is this... is this true?" Yang Ding stammered.

"Do you not believe me, or Your Majesty?" Yang Xiu was a little unhappy.

"No, no, why don't I trust the Minister and Your Majesty?" Yang Ding waved his hands again and again, patted his chest and said: "With Your Majesty's wisdom, coupled with Jia Jun's wisdom, this battle will surely win. Please tell Your Majesty, please tell Your Majesty. I, Yang Ding, have breath and will never fail His Majesty's love."

(End of this chapter)

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