Chapter 205 Beat 【Ask for a Gift】

Lin Guoliang was a little silent, he didn't understand, because he was too young, he didn't even understand the word 'battlefield', how could he understand Li Jianan's mood?It's just that this topic is very heavy and I dare not say anything.

"I am the person in charge of the special forces. I know better than anyone else the feeling of seeing off. In order to make them come back alive as much as possible, I must let them undergo this cruel training." Li Jianan's heavy voice was heard in the room. There was a loud clang.

"Coco, they are female soldiers!" Lin Guoliang was in a hurry, wanting to explain something.

"But they are also special forces members, and the hardships of this road are beyond your comprehension." Li Jianan said bluntly: "What's more, the female soldiers themselves know their own situation better than you. Already wrote the suicide note?"

Lin Guoliang's throat was dry, "I don't know!"

Li Jianan: "Do you know that those female soldiers have long been mentally prepared and know what they are facing?"

Lin Guoliang: "I don't know!"

Li Jian'an: "Then do you know how much those female soldiers have paid to get to this point?"

Lin Guoliang: "I don't know!"

Li Jianan: "Who are you here for? Who are you angry about?"

Lin Guoliang: "I don't know."

Lin Guoliang's face was flushed, and his mind went blank. At this moment, he realized that he didn't seem to understand the situation at all. The so-called training he understood was just the books he had read and the few words he knew from other people. He was worried. A group of people he didn't know at all, only relying on his few guesses and imagination, only to realize that the speech he had prepared was completely unspeakable.

"Is there anything else?" Li Jianan sat down slowly.

"Report, no more." Lin Guoliang was a little reconciled, it shouldn't be like this.

Li Jianan said: "Okay, now I will talk to you about your behavior of breaking into the special training base without instructions!"

Your doubts have been resolved, now let's talk about your problem, if you don't give it a hard knock, I really thought that the base troops were a place where you could mess around.

Lin Guoliang was shocked suddenly, his scalp was numb.

When he pretended to be himself, he didn't think much about it.

But if this is really pursued, it is a serious crime and will be recorded in his file.

He ran over excitedly and wanted to sue the Thunder Commando, but was speechless.

And now here comes my own problem!

"Do you know that you can't just break into the special training base?" Li Jian'an's eyes became extremely sharp. He wanted to beat the little guy in front of him. He couldn't beat Zhuang Ming, but Lin Guoliang's side, he Still can't beat it?
"I, I know." In an instant, Lin Guoliang's sweat came down in an instant.

"The special training base, especially the Thunder Commando, as the ace team of our base, their special training content is strictly confidential. For trespassers, they can be shot directly with a gun, because they may suspect that you are a foreign agent to steal. Intelligence, or you want to obtain classified information, do you know this is a felony?"

Lin Guoliang's mind is really blank, what is he doing here?

He has long forgotten!

He knew it, he seemed to be finished!
At that time, it was just a hot head, and I didn't care much, so I rushed in.

But now, his legs are a little weak.

Li Jian'an asked a series of questions with a serious face, scaring Lin Guoliang so much that he lost his mind.

An old fox like Li Jian'an easily brought an immature young man like Lin Guoliang into his rhythm, and his criticism was useless.

Of course, what Li Jianan said was not a lie, but the truth.

If you really pursue it seriously, Lin Guoliang will be in great trouble!

Of course, this is when he pursues it seriously!
But this time it's mainly to beat this guy!Hit hard!
Crazy hit the big stick!
Li Jian'an knocked so hard this time, seeing Lin Guoliang's pale face, utterly terrified, his tone softened a bit, and said: "I specially recruited you, and I value you very much, but you cannot Do not be impulsive, let alone cause trouble, those things you need to take care of? Do you think this is an injustice in society? This is the army, with strict rules and regulations, so go back and reflect on it. I will first discuss this matter. Hold on for you and see your performance in the next period of time, Xiao Lin, don't let me down!"

Lin Guoliang's eyes lit up. He knew that No. [-] was helping him, and his heart was full of gratitude. He immediately said loudly: "I understand, No. [-], I will definitely not cause trouble indiscriminately, and behave well."

Li Jianan nodded, this is what he wanted, and then directly issued the order to evict the guest, "Then go back and do your own work, and one more thing, remember it for me, don't skip the report next time, there is something to do Find your immediate leader and the dean first."

"Yes! Number One!"

Lin Guoliang walked out of Li Jian'an's office, his whole face was bloodless, his legs softened, he quickly supported the wall next to him, and wiped his sweat frantically, his heart was full of gratitude.

As for why he came to see Li Jian'an, he had long forgotten.

That's not his business.

Li Jian'an shook his head. Young people should beat them hard. They are all talents, so they should think about how to use their talents to the best of their ability and insist on making troubles.

On the other hand, the torture of female soldiers continues, and everyone needs to try, because they all have to burn to be reborn.

This is the meaning of Fire Phoenix!
Pressing questions, and then injecting sulfurized pentoxanate, even Ouyang Qian, who is the most timid, was particularly strong this time. Tan Xiaolin's words touched her a lot.

Persistence is victory, dreams will never end!

She has completed quite a transformation this time.

Zhuang Ming was a little surprised, because this timid little girl persisted in 6CC, longer than Tan Xiaolin.

The persistence time of each female soldier needs to be accurately timed to measure their potential, which will be one of the data.

Among all the female soldiers, only three have persisted to 6CC.

Tan Xiaolin, Ye Cunxin, and she is the third one, which shows that her potential, at least in terms of willpower, is greater than Tan Xiaolin's.

And Shen Lanni also persisted to 6CC afterwards, just because of a word, Ye Cunxin's little private also persisted to 6CC.

They will never forget the pain today, the kind of pain that penetrates the bone marrow and penetrates the soul.

All eight of them were lying on the ground with pale faces.

The last few people are still not sober. Although the people who were tortured in front are already sober, they are unprecedentedly weak.

Zhuang Ming lightly shook his head, the girl's physique was still too weak.

And when the interrogation was performed before, the girls had been supplemented with glucose, and making them captives could not destroy their bodies.

They still have a long way to go.

From Zhuang Ming's point of view, their potential is not inferior to Lei Zhan and the others, and even faintly surpasses Lei Zhan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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