Chapter 224 Hands-On 【Ask for a Gift】

This made Yao Ji feel a little uncomfortable, but as a master of psychology, she knew that the other party's expression meant that the choice was on the other party, not her.

No matter how uncomfortable she was, she had to endure it, after all, she finally had a breakthrough.

"it is good!"

Finally, the enchantress spit out a word.

Enchantress was going to teach this ignorant guy a lesson, and she also vented her anger.

Hang up the phone, turn around to look at the ghost and the gopher, and say, "Let's go to their training camp again. He said that if he wins, he will give us Dark Dragon a chance."

"I'm going~ I'm so crazy!" Ghost exclaimed immediately.

The gopher also raised his head, a cold light flickered in his eyes, and he spoke for the first time, "It's really crazy, but I don't know how strong it is!"

"Yes!" A seductive look flashed across the face of Yao Ji.

The three turned and left Li Jianan's office.

When the three of them left, Li Jian'an, who was expressionless, sighed. He heard it, and he also felt that Zhuang Ming's tone was a bit harsh, after all, the other party belonged to the Dark Dragon Team.

Finally he called again, "Be careful!"

On the other side, a smile appeared on Zhuang Ming's face, here he comes.

Just for fun!
There was a wave of excitement in the body, which hadn't been in a long time.

Last time it was Nie Bing who brought him such emotions.

This time, he looked forward to it even more.

After all, it is a dark dragon, and it is so strong, the opponent should be good.

As for being a woman, that doesn't matter, aren't men and women the same?

Zhuang Ming entered the stretching state, ready to fight, and naturally he had to recover his body, stretching is the best rest.

And soon, a black commercial vehicle came outside the Thunder Commando training camp.

The Lightning Commando Team has all assembled, and they also know that the members of the Dark Dragon Team are coming, they are also very curious about the Dark Dragon Team, they have only heard of it, but never really understood it, and the most special action team members in the rumors appeared, They are also naturally curious.

"You said, is the Dark Dragon Team very strong?" Yan Wang asked curiously.

"It should be very strong. I heard that everyone in Dark Dragon is strong, the very strong kind." The old fox said, the older he is, the more he has heard.

"Is it stronger than us?" the little bee asked.

"Nonsense!" The old fox rolled his eyes angrily.

"Old fox, you are the first guy to be eliminated, how can you destroy our prestige and increase others' luck?" Yuan Bao said with a righteous face.

The old fox's face darkened, and these guys still provoked him with this matter, especially this guy Yuan Bao, this dog is really not human.

"We are not bad, we are also very strong now." Lei Zhan said at this time.

Old Fox: "."

Well, he shouldn't talk too much.

"Do you think it will be stronger than a lone wolf?" Harley said suddenly.

The scene was suddenly quiet, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Lone wolves are very strong. It is difficult for anyone to be stronger than lone wolves." At this time, a tall and strong figure appeared behind him. It was Nie Bing. He heard about this and rushed back from the gun training ground.

"That's right, the lone wolf is the strongest!" Daniel also said in a low voice.

They don't want to believe that a group of people they haven't seen are stronger than a lone wolf.

"Here we come!" Lei Zhan suddenly raised his head and said.

But the next moment, several people were also taken aback.


"Why is there a child?"

"That's a baby face!"

"Which of the three is a member of the Dark Dragon Team?"

A little surprised, a little surprised, they really didn't expect that there would be a woman among the visitors. Although the female soldiers trained very hard during this period and they were initially recognized by them, they still habitually thought that it was a man who came this time.

But three people came, two of them were women, one woman was very beautiful and enchanting, the other actually looked like a child, and the remaining one looked stronger.

"Hello! Captain Thunder God!" Yao Ji's enchanting aura made Little Bee and Yuan Bao salivate. This woman is so beautiful that they couldn't take their eyes off at all.

But before Lei Zhan could reply, a figure skipped from behind like a phantom, and punched Yao Ji's face directly with a punch.

This person is naturally not Lei Zhan, nor Nie Bing, but Zhuang Ming!

Zhuang Ming couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to attack.

His blood is boiling!
He is really eager to fight against the strong now.

With his growing strength, he had thought about it a long time ago, and today someone finally delivered it to his door.

Enchantress also didn't expect Zhuang Ming to act so quickly, so it was too late for her at this moment, her enchanting expression turned pale for a moment, and she rushed to the side in a panic.

But Zhuang Ming frowned deeply, this reaction is so weak!
He chose to attack suddenly because he thought that the opponent had the strength to break ten.

After all, the opponent looked confident, and the Dark Dragon team had broken twenty, and breaking eight and ten were very common.

But now the reaction and speed displayed by the opponent is only broken five, which is about the same as Nie Bing.

Change punches into grabs!

Grabbed the enchantress directly by the neck.

Zhuang Ming didn't have any feelings of pity and sympathy. He was very disappointed. With this strength?
Immediately, he threw the enchantress up, and smashed it heavily on the ground, directly throwing the enchantress into a daze.

And the ghosts and gophers on the side are all blinded!

They didn't expect Zhuang Ming to make such a decisive move, or they didn't expect Zhuang Ming to sneak attack at all.

They didn't react until Zhuang Ming grabbed Yao Ji's neck, but they couldn't stop it.

The gopher directly pulled out the dagger from his waist and rushed forward.

Zhuang Ming turned his body gently, avoided the gopher's attack, looked at the two of them, and said two words coldly, "That's it?"


The gopher looked ferocious, and rushed towards Zhuang Ming again, attacking frantically with the dagger in his hand, at a very tricky angle, and his steps were very regular.

This made Zhuang Ming's eyes shine, but it was not enough.

This guy's speed is indeed very fast, and his attack is also very sharp, but after all, relying on the dagger, he cannot determine the real strength of the opponent.

And the speed can't keep up with him!
Zhuang Ming retreated wildly, and the gopher's attack couldn't even touch Zhuang Ming's clothes.

The Tang Dao on his back suddenly came out of its sheath and cut out with a single stroke.

The gopher looked terrified and narrowly avoided the blow.

But Zhuang Ming didn't cut him with Tang Dao, but the dagger in his hand.

The dagger in Gopher's hand was obviously made of special material. Zhuang Ming didn't cut it into pieces, but it flew out from the opponent's hand.

Immediately, Zhuang Ming threw the Tang knife in his hand aside!
When the gopher saw this scene, he was taken aback for a moment. He suddenly felt that the opponent drew the knife to knock out the dagger in his hand, not to cut him.

And the next moment, Zhuang Ming rushed up to verify this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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