Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 231 Zhuang Ming Gives Lectures in Person 【Ask for a gift】

Chapter 231 Zhuang Ming Gives Lectures in Person 【Ask for a gift】

"How is it? How about it? I know a lot more, if you want to listen, if you want to listen, I can read it to you one by one." Tian Guo is also excited now, feeling particularly energetic, and leans in front of the girls .

He was slapped and pushed back by all the girls angrily.

"I said my culture is low enough, you are not as good as me." Qubi Azhuo patted Tian Guo's shoulder with a smile, with a proud expression on his face.

Tian Guo was so angry that he almost lost his temper, and rolled his eyes: " really don't have any sense of humor, it's so chilling, don't you know how to be funny?"

Tian Guo doesn't seem to be pure, but just likes to entertain himself, puts his mentality on a good balance point, and maintains his own attitude.

"What are you doing? You're quite energetic, get up and train now?" The voice of the old fox came immediately, with a trace of teasing.

"No, no, we are still resting, I just stood up and stretched." Tian Guo immediately sat down, waved his hands hurriedly and said.

The old fox rolled his eyes and continued: "You have 3 minutes, and you will continue your comprehensive physical training later, but before that, you will sprint 3000 meters against a log, and then do a thousand sit-ups, and then start."

The girls had black lines all over their heads, and they felt weak all over after hearing this.

But the old fox had already turned around and left.

"Bastard, you will go to hell!" Ye Cunxin cursed very unwillingly.

"You guys will go to heaven!" The old fox didn't even turn his head, he just replied, leaving Ye Cunxin speechless.

All the girls were also speechless, when will this kind of training come to an end.

"Hey~~~" He Lu took advantage of the situation and lay down directly on the ground, sighing faintly: "It's so comfortable, but it's a pity that the rest will end soon."

"Yeah, poor and weak we are going to be ravaged again." Tang Xiaoxiao had a bitter face, full of resentment.

"Okay, stop complaining, haven't you noticed, our bodies seem to be getting better." Tan Xiaolin had no choice but to speak out to dispel the negative atmosphere of the girls, and instead raised a major problem she found.

Sure enough, the girls who were lying on the ground sat up directly.

Female soldiers also care about their bodies.

"Yes, I found that my figure is getting better and better. In the past, although it was not obvious in some places, there was always a little bit of fat. Recently, I found that it was completely gone. My waist is back, and I still have a lot of fat. I found that my butt is up again." Tang Xiaoxiao said quickly, everyone knows that she loves beauty, and she pays the most attention to details, but the last sentence was a bit embarrassing, and her voice was relatively low.

"That's right, that's right, and my chest seems to be getting bigger recently, and the underwear I used to feel was a little too tight." Tian Guo said puzzlement on his face.

"Really? You've actually gone up too?" Ouyang Qian had an incredulous look on her face.


"There is still this effect!"

"so amazing!"

Wherever there are women, there will be noise, let alone a group of women.

Zhuang Ming looked at the girls who could make trouble during the rest without saying a word.

"My dear, these women are all monsters. They are so energetic. What kind of structure are they?" The old fox clicked his tongue a little. Just now he knew the soft appearance of the women, and they have already started to fight .

"Who knows, anyway, I'm looking forward to the arrival of the stewardess in a few days." Lei Zhan looked expectant.

Yuan Bao's girlfriend had already sent photos of several of her colleagues, causing howls of wolves, and those stewardesses obviously liked Brother Bing.

"Yes, stewardess, come quickly, I am really looking forward to my little beauty." Yan Wang also had an intoxicated expression on his face.

Well, these guys just passed on the photos of their military uniforms yesterday, and everyone chatted with the one they caught eye until late at night.

Otherwise, they wouldn't expect so much. They had already talked about their ideals and life last night.

The spirit is still so good today, Zhuang Ming is a little bit amazed!

Sometimes, the charm of a woman is still great, which makes a man full of vigor and energy.

The old fox shook his head speechlessly. Well, he is actually envious and jealous. He has a wife in his family, so he can’t mess around. You must know that the men of special forces are very strong, and they stay in the army all the year round. There is also a spirit of energy.

Still staying obediently, with this kind of depression, he rushed directly into the sandbag formation.

Daniel is quite calm, he only has his own Cuihua in his heart, after all they have already settled the marriage, he is not in a hurry at all, as stable as Mount Tai.

It's just that the sandbag in front of him seemed to be beaten a little harder, and it kept flying up.

This strength is much greater than usual!
It seems that the honest Daniel is also a little restless.

The afternoon was quickly spent again in the training of the girls. Accompanied by the thundering artillery fire and the increasingly flexible bodies of the female soldiers, they have gradually gotten used to it, and it is best to adjust their bodies instinctively. state to reduce consumption.

The softness of women's bodies is getting better and better in their hands.

The control is getting better and better.

At night, the tired female soldiers would look at Zhuang Ming's hut with lights flashing. They knew that Zhuang Ming's training day would really scare people to death.

So they still need to work harder.

However, Lei Zhan and the others did not let them rest directly tonight, but let them gather in the classroom.

They were a little baffled and didn't know what was going on, but they could only wait quietly.

Soon after the training, Zhuang Ming came over wearing some clothes casually.

At this time, Zhuang Ming was very handsome, with a charm that was different from usual, which caught the female soldiers' eyes.

"Today I will teach you a necessary skill, which will be very beneficial for you to learn in the future. The name is very simple and can be quickly remembered." Zhuang Ming said directly, ignoring the eyes of the female soldiers.

The voice was penetrating, and the girls quickly calmed down, recovered, and prepared to listen obediently.

"Quick memory method, following the "theory of sharing the functions of the left and right brains of human beings", combines the logical thinking of the left brain with the image thinking of the right brain, and transforms people's attention, imagination, memory, creativity and self-confidence. It is a strong motivation to learn." Zhuang Ming spoke very seriously, this ability is an essential skill for every famous killer, but very few special forces are able to use this skill skillfully, and today he is explaining this method to all the girls .

The quick memory method is very important for travel tasks, because when the quick memory method really reaches a certain level, you can recall the whole event in your mind. Of course, this kind of memory method has surpassed the quick memory method. It is already very close to the legendary photographic memory.

What Zhuang Ming told the girls was not the memories on the market, but his own conclusions.

Having an intuitive understanding of a task, even if you may have missed something, you can still recall, greatly helps your chances of survival.

Many times, it is often just a small detail that may determine your life.

Lei Zhan and the others rarely stood behind and listened together. Their observation skills were also good, which were acquired in the later battles.

Their quick memory method does not have a general concept, and they only grasp the opportunity to grasp the opportunity by relying on life and death escapes and dangerous missions again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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