Chapter 239 VX2 【Ask for a gift】

Zhao Cheng was furious with anger, he really beeped the dog, these scheming men are really hateful.

Calm down, calm down, I've lived for so long, how can I still be mad at a brat like you?
Zhao Cheng took a few deep breaths, and then continued: "Then let's talk about it first, if it's not for some important information, all the promises I gave you will be void. I believe you remember the rules of our precepts better than I do." cooked."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Wubu Snake's mouth: "Of course, if it weren't for some effective information, would I foolishly turn myself in? This will be a very important piece of information for you."

Seeing such a confident five-step snake, Zhao Cheng narrowed his eyes: "Very good, if you provide effective information, I can consider helping you get a reduced sentence."

"You should know that this is the biggest promise I can make to you."

"Okay, this is Director Zhao's courage." Wubu Snake took a serious look at Zhao Cheng, nodded and agreed after a while.

Looking at such a five-step snake, Zhao Cheng felt tired, but he also knew that the next step was the key point, waiting for the five-step snake's answer.

"Operation Hurricane, a terrorist attack against your dragon country." The five-step snake also looked a little dignified, and finally spat out some information.

Zhao Cheng's eyes widened immediately. Although he had assumed it originally, it was only an assumption, and now the effect of what he said from Wubu Shekou was completely different.

"What about the action?" Zhao Cheng's eyes revealed a hint of inquiry. Every terrorist attack, if not stopped, would cause a large number of deaths.

Moreover, a terrorist attack related to a large arms dealer, especially the arms dealer was scared away, how serious is such a terrorist attack.

"This terrorist attack is still being planned. I don't know the specific content of the operation. After all, I am just an arms dealer, but I can tell you something." The eyes of the five-step snake have now become snake pupils, which shows that he Emotions are equally intense.

"What is it?" Zhao Cheng must pay attention to whether this terrorist attack is true or not.

"VX[-]!" Something like a shortened English name was revealed from the mouth of the five-step snake.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Zhao Cheng frowned, and quickly filtered his mind, but he didn't think of anything related to this code name, nor did he think of anything similar.

"Go and consult the military. When you figure out the true meaning of the code name VX[-], we... will continue to talk!" The snake pupils of the five-step snake stared at Zhao Cheng naked, giving Zhao Cheng a kind of heavy pressure.

Zhao Cheng was also taken aback, the military?

Does this involve the military?
Is this thing really that big?
Can't help but look a little dignified!
"Five-step snake, you have to know that if you dare to trick me, your life will be over." Zhao Cheng's voice was full of threats. If this kind of thing is false, his position may be in danger, because he is like A monkey being teased is like a monkey, and the consequences will be very serious.

"Go and ask, you will get what you want." The five-step snake looked calm, all of these were his bargaining chips, he not only wanted to live, but also lived well.

Seeing the five-step snake confidently raised its chin, Zhao Cheng snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Lock him up." Zhao Cheng's cold voice came from outside, which meant that he was in a very bad mood.

When he went out, he called Long Feihu directly. He wanted to discuss with someone, and Long Feihu, whose performance last time was definitely considered a perfect score, was an excellent candidate.

When Long Feihu received the call, he rushed over immediately without any hesitation. Zhao Cheng admired this vigorous attitude, but it was a pity that he was not his subordinate.

In the evening, the two carefully summed up, and Long Feihu was quite shocked when he knew the content, especially shocking, he never thought that it was a terrorist attack.

"VX[-]? I wish I had heard something similar to this name." Long Feihu pondered for a while, he had indeed heard this name before.

"What, you know?" Zhao Cheng was a little incredulous.

"Wait, let me think about it, I must have heard something similar somewhere." Long Feihu waved his hands, trying to recall.

A cold and charming face suddenly broke into his mind, Long Feihu's expression was shocked, and he stood up directly: "I see!"

"Know what?" Zhao Cheng was also taken aback by Long Feihu's surprise.

"I heard my former instructor mention VX, he must know, I'll make a call to find out." Long Feihu quickly took out his mobile phone, and the number that was flipped was not the number Zhuang Ming gave him.

Zhuang Ming just got up from the barrel at this time and was wiping the water off his body when he suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Walking in the direction, it was my cell phone that I hadn't had for ten thousand years, the number on it was a little strange.

Picked up the phone casually.

"Instructor, it's me, Long Feihu, No. [-]!" Long Feihu's voice came from the phone, which caught Zhuang Ming by surprise.

"Oh, it's you, what's the matter?"

"Well, instructor, I want to know what is the meaning of VX[-]?" Long Feihu understood Zhuang Ming's character, and expressed his doubts without hesitation.

Zhuang Ming couldn't help being taken aback by Long Feihu's voice: "VX[-]? Where did you know?"

Long Feihu stopped Zhao Cheng from saying what he wanted to say, and told Zhuang Ming the matter without any concealment, making Zhao Cheng roll his eyes speechlessly. This is confidential content.

"That's right, VX[-] is a large-scale destructive chemical weapon. Its lethal range should be around a circle with a radius of [-] meters. For details, you need to consult those old guys in the military. This weapon should be researched in the [-]s. It came out." Zhuang Ming's mind was filled with this short piece of information, which he seemed to have learned by accident before, and he said it directly without concealing it.

Long Feihu and Zhao Cheng were also stunned when they heard the answer. They never expected that this thing would be so terrifying!
Chemical weapons, lethality in a radius of [-] meters, damn, how lethal is this, I just feel a chill rising from the bottom of my heart, running down my spine and rushing straight to my forehead.

Cold sweat broke out even more!

In an instant, Zhao Cheng's head was covered with cold sweat. He never expected that the name spoken by the five-step snake would be so terrifying.

"Instructor, I'll hang up first. Please stop by our special police when you have time." The nervous Long Feihu still stammered and finished speaking.

"En." Zhuang Ming responded lightly, and then hung up the phone.

Zhuang Ming pondered for a while, put on some clothes casually, walked to the computer, and quickly called up all the information about VX with his hands flying.

(End of this chapter)

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