Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 282 Refutation 【Ask for a Gift】

Chapter 282 Refutation 【Ask for a Gift】

"Are you fucking teasing me? My brain is not rigid yet, and you have to be careful when teasing me. At this time, you are fucking obstructing the military situation. I can lock you up directly." Fang Zhijun directly He shouted loudly, even if he was killed, he wouldn't believe it.

Anyway, he has lived for decades, and he has never seen such a situation.

That's three drones, not one!
"Whoever teases you, old man Fang, I don't have the energy to tease you. Go away, believe it or not, it's none of my business if you have the guts to start it." Lei Zhan curled his lips in disdain, these people really don't know much.

Looking at Lei Zhan's expression, it doesn't look like a fake.

Fang Zhijun still couldn't believe it, and asked, "Did they really shoot it down with a plane? What did they use? Let alone a submachine gun!"

"Nonsense, of course not! Submachine gun, you fucking use a submachine gun to see, you probably can't even see Mao." Lei Zhan had the urge to scold his mother, did he really think he was a young recruit who didn't know much?

Hitting a plane with a submachine gun, your head is showing off.

"What's that?" Fang Zhijun still had doubts on his face, but he didn't believe that Lei Zhan and the others created something out of nothing.

But he still didn't believe it was shot down with a gun.

"Sniper rifle." Yan Wang's voice sounded faintly.

"You are still fucking playing with me, believe it or not, I will kill you every minute, it's really disgusting, fucking"

This time he scolded for 2 minutes without panting, but when he gasped and looked up at Lei Zhan and the others, he still had that look of contempt.

Just like city people despise farmers who have never been to the city.

It felt like swallowing a live fly, choking uncomfortable.

"Uh..." Fang Zhijun froze, and then glanced at Lei Zhan. When Lei Zhan nodded in confirmation, his eyes were still full of disbelief.

"Lei Zhan, are you sure you didn't tease me? Is it really a sniper rifle?" Fang Zhijun swallowed hard, which can be said to have completely subverted their worldview.

"Impossible, even the gun king of our Red Arrow Brigade can't use a sniper rifle to take down the drone!" The voice of the chief of staff also sounded.

"You also said that you are the Red Arrow Brigade, and your snipers are average. The Fire Phoenix is ​​a student trained by the lone wolf. I told you a long time ago that this group of female soldiers is the most powerful in history. One batch, you still don’t believe it!” Lei Zhan spoke out in contempt, without concealing his contempt for the Red Arrow Brigade.

He cursed all the faces of the Red Arrow Brigade at the scene!
Lei Zhan did say that this batch of female students was beyond imagination, but Fang Zhijun didn't take it seriously at all, he just thought it was a joke.

Even after paying attention, he only thought that this group of female soldiers was just at the same level as ordinary male soldiers.

"I think your last drone should be gone!" Yama suddenly broke the silence with a smile.

At this time, I saw a soldier running over from the door in a panic.

Everyone was shocked, especially Fang Zhijun. He had gradually believed in this matter. After all, he was old and lived long enough, and he had seen many abnormal things, but he was still a little unwilling. The drone was sniped just like that?

That is a thing that costs several million, so expensive, there are four in total, that is the treasure of the Red Arrow Brigade, so all of them are gone?

Depend on!
"Quickly, what's the matter?" Fang Zhijun grabbed the soldier who was running over and shouted sharply.

Although Fang Zhijun was old, his strength was not weak at all, and the soldier's face twitched from being grabbed.

"The last drone also... also lost contact." The soldier said the information with a bitter face, enduring the pain.

The Red Arrow Brigade soldiers present stood there dumbfounded as if they had been struck by lightning.

Looking at these warriors, Hades shrugged.

"Fuck! Those are the only four drones in our Red Arrow Brigade. They are all fucking destroyed. What the hell are your students doing to shoot drones with sniper rifles? How is this normal? Already?" Fang Zhijun slapped the table angrily, his words revealed doubts about life, and he still couldn't believe it.

"This is war. Besides, it's your own fault. Who told you to send the drones out? If you weren't such a rascal, I don't think they would have done it." Lei Zhan was really happy at this time. From the inside to the outside, you can hear the comfort in his heart by listening to the voice.

Fang Zhijun stared at Lei Zhan fiercely, his heart was bleeding, that could cost more than 1000 million life coins, and that was still the cost price.

He froze suddenly, his eyes flashed with suspicion, and he asked, "No, how could they shoot down the drone with blank bombs?"

"Cough cough cough~~~ They didn't use blank ammunition, but live ammunition, and we prepared them for them." Lei Zhan didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

Fang Zhijun was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious, saying angrily, "What? You are breaking the rules of the exercise!"

"Tell me what exercise rules we broke?" Lei Zhan said disdainfully.

"You used live ammunition. Isn't this breaking the rules of the exercise?" Fang Zhijun slapped the table angrily. He didn't know how many times he slapped the table today, but he couldn't care less about it when he was furious.

"Cut~~ Drones, you can't hit them without live ammunition. This is a cheating thing, and you shamelessly dispatched all the drones. This is a 'war'. Although you regard it as a drill, my Students regard it as a war, and a war is a victory. It can be said that you broke the rules first, and the best way to do this kind of cheating is to destroy it."

"Let me tell you, if this is a real war, your armed helicopters can also snipe it down. Do you think the high-altitude surveillance is really safe? Afterwards, you should go and see your soldiers who have now become 'dead' and let them Write a reflection, and you will know how naive your poor mentality is."

"In the era of peace, you have been held high. You can tell me, how many soldiers have you fought on the front line? How many soldiers under your command have experienced the baptism of blood?"

Lei Zhan asked coldly, leaving Fang Zhijun speechless.

Because he can't refute it, the power of high technology is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially their digital troops, it can be said that they often rely on high technology.

For the exercise, drones and armed helicopters are indeed bugs, because they can't be shot at all.

Today, someone shot down, but he felt incredible. Maybe his insurance has already formed inertia, that is, the existence of invincibility.

But in war, is that so?

Answer:.Of course not!

There is too much unpredictability in war.

The lesson this time is to remind them that high technology is really not invincible, and human beings have unlimited possibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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