Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 284 Anti-hunting 【Ask for a gift】

Chapter 284 Anti-hunting 【Ask for a gift】

"What? Haven't found anyone yet? You lost a car and were directly killed by a team? You have off-road vehicles, but you can't keep up with the female soldiers who run on two legs? And you were ambushed?" Fang Zhijun listened to each other. Reporting, his face was dark, which made him furious. He thought it was an opportunity, but the next report was all bad news.

That trap was obviously the grenade trap that Ouyang Qian had set up in front of the checkpoint they eliminated to stop them. An off-road vehicle that bore the brunt directly burst into thick smoke.

"Bastards, give me all your strength to chase, and the speed will directly increase to [-] slow. Even if you die, you will pile up your heads. It's not really dead. You are afraid of a bird!" Zhan they were speechless, even the soldiers of the Red Arrow Brigade were very speechless.

It seems that Fang Zhijun was really pissed off by these female soldiers, and he could even think of such a rascal way.

And really gave the order to die!

If you think about it carefully, this group of female soldiers is really like a group of gods of war, starting to show their fangs like a broken bamboo.

Up to now, they still don't know what their tactics are. The whole company was played around, and then one by one, the squads died one after another.

The speed of this horrific massacre is unimaginable.

They thought that if the female soldiers were given enough firepower, they might have a direct confrontation with them, and then wiped them all out!

When I think of this, my whole body feels bad in an instant.

Let's move forward quickly, be shameless and be shameless!

Anyway, it's not that I haven't been shameless, the most important thing is the military order.

The off-road vehicle drivers soared straight up. On this unimpeded route, they soared like crazy.

Die or die, it's just a drill anyway.

They can die, but the face of the Red Arrow Brigade cannot be lost!
"No, they're catching up!" Ouyang Qian's ears immediately heard the sound of a roaring motor that was more than two thousand meters away.

"So fast?" Tan Xiaolin was also taken aback.

They knew that there were guards at the entrance of the primeval forest. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back.

How to do?
"Let's do it!" Shen Lanni looked at Tan Xiaolin excitedly.

"That's right, instructor, let's do it, just to attract their attention and buy more time for the captain and the others." Qubi Azhuo immediately agreed.

Ouyang Qian didn't speak, but her big red eyes already indicated a problem.

"Okay, everyone goes up to the tree to hide. To kill the evil spirits, you need to kill the opponent's commander immediately, and take out all the grenades and blow up their car directly!" Tan Xiaolin gritted her teeth. A good choice, quickly deploy tactics.

"The four of us spread out, and when the convoy reached the middle, we caught her off guard!"

The four of them moved away for a long distance, and quickly rushed up the big tree like monkeys. The camouflage clothes and the green leaves used for camouflage made them almost merge with the big tree, adjusted their breathing, and returned to calm.

Just like a hunting tiger, quietly waiting for the prey to come, and then giving a fatal blow.

The Red Arrow Brigade, who didn't know it, was chasing wildly, and the soldiers in the car were also waiting seriously, scanning quickly, but after all, the speed was too fast, and this could easily cause visual fatigue.

The most important thing is that the motor sound of the off-road vehicle directly covered up the movement in the nearby woods.

So. The off-road vehicles in front also know that they are at most a bait for catching food.

And the female soldiers are the attracted fish.

"Boom~~~" The off-road vehicle in front passed by the four girls without hesitation, without even seeing Mao.

Tan Xiaolin's four daughters didn't make any movement at all, just watching them whizzing by.

It was very harmonious, and I was given a gift of attention.

But the four girls have already started to make preparations, because the battle will start soon.

There are still a lot of people chasing, a total of [-] vehicles, and ten vehicles are at least ten teams, or even more.

And under their observation, there will be a sniper rifle on every two cars.

There is a certain distance between each of the ten vehicles, which is also to make them better prepared for battle, otherwise they will be directly pierced through the gourd, and that would be a hell of a dog.

It was precisely because of this thought that the four girls dispersed.


Almost at the moment when the third car appeared at the front, the four of them directly pulled the ring of the grenade as agreed.

After pausing in his hands, the grenades in both hands were thrown out directly.

"Not good, enemy attack!" The black shadow that continued to fly over made the soldiers startled for a moment, and then roared wildly.

And the grenade just fell into the range of the car.

There is no time for them to hide, directly

The grenade that was still in the air exploded directly, and the colorful special bullets sprayed the faces of all the soldiers.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Six cars were directly wiped out by six grenades.

Such amazing efficiency!
Not a single grenade was wasted, and the accuracy of the throw was amazing.

It's not that no one in the six cars survived, but there was a terrified soldier who jumped out of the car immediately when he realized something was wrong.

But the high-speed car, this jump, also threw him badly.

After all, he was unprepared.

"Boom! Boom! Boom~~~"

At the same time, Shen Lanni directly attacked the commanders-in-chief of these ten teams, without delay at all.

Right on the forehead!

The battalion commander touched his forehead blankly, and there was a big swelling there!
The four of them are like the gods of death who are harvesting. If a bullet is not wasted, someone will be shot.

The fighters in the remaining vehicles also quickly fought back, but unfortunately, there were many problems.

The first one is that during the 200 slow driving process, this kind of moving speed brought them very large fluctuations in shooting. They needed to keep moving the muzzle, but accidentally missed it.

"Da da da~~~" Although the gunshots kept going, they were all shot into the sky, completely losing their usual aim.

"Don't stop?" The soldiers of the Red Arrow Brigade yelled directly at the dead machine, and some of them jumped out of the car in a hurry.

It was a living target in the car. They swept wildly, but they missed it by how far.

The voices of the four female soldiers were covered by trees, and they shuttled quickly, making the soldiers of the Red Arrow Brigade who could not see clearly even more dazzled.

"嗤嗤嗤~~~~" The rapid braking sounded, dragging out black rubber marks on the road, and there was even a pungent burnt smell on the tires.

At that temperature, even the rubber is baked.

The soldiers didn't care and jumped out of the car quickly.

Take cover!

Fight back at the same time!

Beads of sweat kept dripping from the brain!
(End of this chapter)

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