Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 631 One Day of the Secret Squad【Ask for gifts, ask for monthly tickets】

Chapter 631 A Day in the Secret Squad【Ask for gifts, ask for monthly tickets】

"Is my investigation over?" McAllen asked with difficulty, panting violently.

Regardless of anything else, he didn't want to die yet, he was young, and he didn't want the house he'd earned and his gorgeous wife to belong to other men.


Zhuang Ming's voice was calm, and McAllen's eyes slowly widened at this moment, and the look of anticipation grew stronger, "You are not qualified!"

But those words instantly sent all of McAllen's expectations to hell.

"Why? Why? Why? You clearly have the ability to save me!"

McAllen was suddenly emotional, roared crazily, and questioned Zhuang Ming, and the severe pain at this moment was suppressed.

Perhaps this is the reluctance of human beings to have their final expectations cut off. Without Zhuang Ming, maybe McAllen would not have expected or hoped again, but this is not the case, but that hope was cut off again.

What is more desperate than desperation is being given hope and then being cut off from it!
There was no fluctuation on Zhuang Ming's face, looking down at McAllen, as if admiring the struggle and fear of human beings at the end of life.

McAllen questioned, even cursed, growled, and finally turned into a low-pitched pleading, "Help me! Help me!"

At the moment of death, people will hesitate and fear, especially when there is hope in front of them, and there is still nostalgia for the world, people will give in.

As for McAllen, he didn't give in to Simon before, because he knew that Simon would not save him.

But Zhuang Ming in front of him is different. Weaver Bay didn't kill him before, and then helped him in this case, and the other party is investigating him again.

The more I struggle, the more I fear, the more I hope for a sliver of hope of survival!
The beautiful face of his wife, as well as the faces of his son and daughter, kept flashing in his mind, thinking that if his wife was possessed by other men, and even his children would be educated or even bullied by other men, McAllen breathed He was getting heavier and his eyes were red.

"Help me! I promise you any conditions, I beg you, save me!" McAllen became more and more humble.

Zhuang Ming interestingly analyzed McAllen's psychology at this time. It has to be said that human psychology is really complicated, and a tough guy faces this kind of scene and finally prays humblely.

Perhaps McAllen would never be like this when facing criminals, but under the interference of certain factors, it became like this.

"You have to know that you don't have many chips."

Hearing the sudden response, McAllen's desperate heart suddenly had the dawn of courage and hope again. After a while, he was already desperate. The man in front of him was too mysterious, and he didn't take human life seriously. Sinking, and finally getting a response, it made McAllen grab the straw like a drowning man.

"Anything, including my life, even my soul, can be given to you!" McAllen said excitedly. People have to live before they can have hope. When people die, they have nothing. It might even be someone else's.

"Hmm~ The transaction was successful!"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Zhuang Ming's mouth, which made McAllen's body tremble violently. At this moment, he felt that he was making a deal with the devil.

"Remember what you said today. When one day you go against what you said and what I gave you, I can take it back, and I will charge extra interest, and the lives of your wife and children."

Zhuang Ming's icy voice made McAllen feel chills all over his body, because he had no doubts about what he said. The other party had killed too many people, and he didn't care about a few lives. At this moment, he felt that Zhuang Ming was a real devil.


A faint light flashed, and there was a crisp sound. McAllen's handcuffed hands had been directly broken from the middle, and the solid rope that was tied was also directly shattered into pieces.

"Okay, let's get out of here first."

Zhuang Ming glanced at the timer on the liquid bomb, and there were only ten seconds left.

And at this moment, the sound of propellers came from outside.


Zhuang Ming raised his eyebrows. Hearing the sound of an armed helicopter landing above the cruise ship, is this courting death?

What a coincidence, it's about to explode!
That's funny, what a wretched crowd!
This is fate, people's lives really don't know what they will encounter, and they don't know how they will die!

Because maybe one day, you just run into a bomb that is about to explode!
Everything is fate, and it is not in the slightest!
Zhuang Ming picked up McAllen's collar and flicked his legs.

The figure bounced up like a cannonball, pointing upwards.

drop drop~
At this time, the colorless liquid in the liquid bomb has begun to slowly merge with the red liquid, and a beeping alarm sounded.

With the waving of Zhuang Ming's right hand, Youguang reappeared again.

Like a phantom, the deck above has been shattered.

Zhuang Ming's figure carrying McCallum was unstoppable, and the moment he emerged from his figure, he stomped hard on the deck again.

The body shape is like a bolt of lightning, directly lasing out.

Fell into the sea.

"Who? Stop!"

The people who got off the helicopter saw this scene and immediately shouted loudly.

Zhuang Ming glanced casually just now, and those people didn't seem to have any special marks on them, but they were all wearing combat uniforms similar to those of the Sea Eagle Army, and everyone's aura was at the level of genetic soldiers.

It should be some special genetic team.

And on the cruise!


And at this moment, the bomb finally exploded. Not far away, it shook the eardrums like a thunderbolt, and let out its sky-shattering roar.

Like a wild beast, it shows its majesty to the world.

Although there are only very brief blooms, such is the art of exploding.

And the genetic team that had just arrived on the deck headed towards the rear warehouse, everyone was dumbfounded and bore the brunt.

At this moment, they finally knew why the figure just jumped into the water so eagerly.

Want to escape!
It's a pity that it's too late!
No matter what kind of master you are, you can only die in this kind of explosion.

They were the dozen or so people who survived after the reservoir was blown up by Simon Gruber in the sewer and flooded.

And now, all of them have gone to the west.

Including A-level genetic fighters and several genetic fighters close to A-level strength.

Can they run a 2000-kilogram liquid bomb?
Can't run at all!
The moment the explosion sounded, the oil tanker was torn apart like paper, and the flames ruthlessly engulfed the entire oil tanker, including all the genetic soldiers.


If you are close, you will hear, among the explosions, there are screams and screams, the vitality of the genetic warriors is extremely cumbersome at this moment.

As expected of a secret team, no one knows when they are alive, and no one knows when they are dead.

(End of this chapter)

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