Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 110 The Tragic Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Chapter 110 The Tragic Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Han Xiao wiped the blood on his palm, looked at the messy toilet, and began to deal with the aftermath.

After a while, the handsome Han Xiao walked into the lobby from the main entrance.

With a smile on his face, he returned a kind courtesy to everyone who greeted him.

"Where did you go?"

Chen Gu walked up to Han Xiao and asked.

"The scenery here at night is very good. You can go to the pavilion in the garden to have a look. You can see the Tiandou Canal clearly under the moonlight."

No one thought that Han Xiao killed a person and completed the aftermath during the 15 minutes of disappearing.

Chen Gu nodded, "The location of this mansion is indeed quite good, with everything you need."

At this moment, Tang Tang ran in from the outside.

Her hurried appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.


Tang Tang searched for a while, finally found Han Xiao, and said a few words in his ear.

Xue Tianhui frowned, watching the sad Han Xiao walk towards him.

"Sir Xue, I'm really sorry, the maid at home is a little ignorant, everyone laughed." Han Xiao first apologized to everyone very politely.

"Is there something wrong?" Seeing Han Xiao's sad face, everyone felt embarrassed to blame him.

Han Xiao nodded, sighed and said, "The housekeeper at home suddenly became seriously ill, and I have to go back early."

In the Heaven Dou Empire, the steward is an extremely important existence.

In the absence of the master, the steward will be the authority in the mansion.

Once something happens to the butler, it is very serious for a mansion of several thousand square meters.

"Really? Then Young Master Lei, go back and have a look."

Someone said hastily.

"I hope he's okay." Someone comforted Han Xiao.

Xue Tianhui's face was a bit ugly, he was thinking how to trick Han Xiao's beautiful maid.

"Then you go back first." Xue Tianhui's voice was a little stiff.

Han Xiao's reasons are very good, and he has no way to force him to stay.

"I'm sorry, Sir Xue, then we will take our leave first, and I wish you a good time."

Han Xiao gave Xue Tianhui an apologetic smile again.

Then, under Han Xiao's instructions, the four left the manor together.

"Master, why did you leave first?"

Zhou Tong finally couldn't hold back the doubt in his heart, and asked.

"Uncle Chen is sick."

Xue Qingwu seemed to have guessed what Han Xiao had just done, and spoke for Han Xiao.

"Uncle Chen is really sick?!"

This time it was Tang Tang who spoke, and she was a little confused.

Zhou Tong was even more confused, "Didn't you say Uncle Chen was sick?"

"But... But, that's what the young master asked me to say." Tang Tang looked at the expressionless Han Xiao and opened his mouth.

Before attending the party, Han Xiao told Tang Tang to wait until this time to call them away with a suitable reason.

It can be said that everything that happened in a normal party was within his expectations.

When Han Xiao saw the guest list, he began to make arrangements. Perhaps the only variable was the appearance of Tang Yuehua.

And this variable is also developing in a good direction.

Before Tang Yuehua left, he took the initiative to exchange business cards with Han Xiao.

With this business card, it means that Han Xiao has crossed the third level and completely entered the core circle of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Perhaps tomorrow, many direct lineage nobles will be curious about who is Tang Yuehua's first dance partner.

Seeing that these two adults were less sensible than her, Xue Qingwu stomped her feet angrily: "Uncle Chen is just sick!"

Zhou Tong looked at Han Xiao, then at Xue Qingwu, and seemed to understand something: "Yes, yes, the illness is quite serious."

Tang Tang was still at a loss, "But when I left, Uncle Chen still punched vigorously."

The two glared at her together, Tang Tang pouted, and simply stopped entangled in this issue.


Xue Tianhui drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, a layer of blush appeared on his face.

I don't know why, since that Han Xiao came to this party, everything has been so unsatisfactory.

Tang Yuehua's actions slapped him in the face, and now Yubai has always been ambiguous.

"Damn it, isn't he just a collateral disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect? What the hell?"

Xue Tianhui spat, "Where's Yubai, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Ten minutes have passed since Yubai went to the bathroom.

"Why the hell are you just staring blankly, go and have a look!"

The more Xue Tianhui thought about it, the more angry he became, but he couldn't vent completely on this occasion, so he could only whisper angrily.

The attendant didn't dare to be careless, turned around and ran to the toilet.

However, as soon as he moved his front foot, a piercing scream instantly echoed in the mansion.

"what happened?"

Xue Tianhui regained consciousness a little, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the road to the toilet was already full of people. He pushed away the crowd, saw the scene in front of him, and sat down on the ground.

The blood river, the gurgling blood river seeped out from the direction of the toilet.

Xue Tianhui swallowed with difficulty, and staggered into the toilet.

He saw a scene he will never forget.

I saw that the floor of the toilet was completely stained with blood.

And on the gilded wall, there was a person nailed to it.

That person was Yubai, his limbs were nailed to the wall by parts of water pipes, in a large font.

And on the wall behind Yubai, the logo of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is painted.

The only difference is that this logo is painted with blood as dye, and there is an extremely sharp slash on the dragon head.

It was like a hideous wound, dripping with blood.

Xue Tianhui sat down on the ground, his expensive pants were dyed scarlet.

He was panting intermittently, as if he was out of oxygen.

Yubai in front of him stared wide-eyed, staring at him with regret, as if asking: Why?
Soon, the Tiandou inspection team completely surrounded the entire mansion.

Come with him, there is also a soul master wearing a blue robe.

He has a strong build, and his eyes are as cold as a knife, and he will be terrified just by looking at each other.

"Captain Tritter, have you found any results?"

The man's voice was extremely cold, as if he was suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Did you hear that, Mr. Yuming asked you if you found out!"

Tritter wiped the sweat from his forehead and roared.

A tall and thin man wearing white gloves had an ugly look on his face, "Captain, the murderer was very clever. He destroyed the traces of the wound, so we can't find it out."

Hearing this, Yuming's eyes narrowed.

"Can't find it out? How could it not be found out?!"

Tritter felt the strong pressure brought by the soul master beside him, and roared angrily.

"His body has eighteen wounds, large and small, each of which is fatal, and the weapons used to cause the injuries are different. I can't give an accurate answer."

Seeing that Tritter was incompetent and furious, the tall and thin man simply pointed it out.

(End of this chapter)

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