Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 113 Embrace and Die!

Chapter 113 Embrace and Die!

Yuwen and Yumingcheng are two freshmen who have just entered school.

They just finished attending a party organized by seniors and walked towards the dormitory.

"I said Mingcheng, do you know what happened two days ago?"

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and their dormitory happened to be a little remote, and there was no one on the path.

"You mean that Yubai was killed?"

Yu Mingcheng asked.

Yuwen nodded and looked around warily.

"Why, are you scared?" Yu Mingcheng joked.

"I... what am I afraid of?!"

Yuwen insisted and said: "This is Tiandou Royal Academy, how dare the murderer dare to come here to kill people?"

"That's not certain." Yu Mingcheng said mysteriously: "It is said that Yubai's death was extremely miserable, and the murderer even drew a pattern of slaying a dragon. I heard from my uncle that this kind of murderer who left a mark is all Abnormal, most likely a serial crime."

A gust of cold wind blew by, making Yuwen's body tremble.

"I... we won't talk about this, those girls at the party, do you have a picture?"

Yuwen changed the subject.

Hearing this, Yu Mingcheng regained his spirits: "I have fallen in love with two, and I will go out with you later."

He looked around, and after making sure there was no one there, he whispered: "My elder brother got a kind of potion from the black market. I heard that once a woman drinks a drop, it's like being possessed by an evil spirit. You can manipulate it."

"There is such a good thing." Hearing this, Yuwen was also refreshed: "Lend me a few drops later, the girl I chased is too fucking arrogant, and I haven't won it for several months."

When it came to this topic, the two of them were not sleepy anymore, and began to chat about their previous ferocious achievements.

Although they are not very talented, they are all direct disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and they can do whatever they want in the academy.

In addition, most girls are ignorant, and they can only swallow bitter fruit under their threats and intimidation.

So the two brothers made several shots without being exposed.

The two chatted more and more vigorously along the way, and suddenly Yuwen stopped and patted Yu Mingcheng's shoulder beside him.

"Did you see the black shadow in front of you?"

His voice trembled a little.

"Heiying?" Yu Mingcheng blinked, "Yuwen, have you fucking drunk?"

"I really saw it just now! It passed by in a flash, and it passed by in a blink of an eye." Yuwen said anxiously.

It was already cold on the mountain at night, when a gust of wind blew past, the two of them tightened their robes.

"That must be a wild animal like a rabbit, can you not make a fuss?" Yu Mingcheng frowned and said.

"what happened to you?"

Yu Mingcheng saw Yuwen trembling violently all over his body, opening and closing his mouth, pointing at himself tremblingly, with a look of horror on his face.

Yuwen looked like he had run into a ghost.

"Huh? Why is it wet?"

A warm and humid feeling came from Tamaki's neck.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, the scarlet blood was particularly dazzling in this dark night.

At this time, Yu Mingcheng realized that Yu Wen was not referring to himself, but behind him.

He turned his head sharply, but it was too late.

Han Xiao's expressionless face was right in front of him, and Yu Mingcheng's body trembled, and he fell limply on the ground.

After solving Yuming City, Han Xiao looked at Yuwen.

At this time, the boy's body was completely out of control, trembling crazily, how could there be any chance to escape?
"No...don't kill me, please don't kill me."

He clasped his hands together and begged bitterly.

For a great soul master who has just started learning, how can he experience death?
Coupled with the exaggeration of the atmosphere just now, and Han Xiao's terror, he completely lost his fighting spirit.

Han Xiao walked towards Yuwen step by step, raising the knife in his hand and dropping it.

After finishing the two corpses, Han Xiao's figure disappeared into the darkness.


"Bastard, bastard, bastard!!!" Yuming roared loudly, "They are all fucking trash, a bunch of trash!"

The inspector standing beside him lowered his head, not daring to speak.

On the huge stone in front of them, two corpses were nailed.

The two corpses hugged each other tightly, and upon closer inspection, their palms and limbs were nailed together.

This kind of horrible modus operandi makes even experienced inspectors shudder.

The appearance and movement of the two of them when they died was really too weird.

That weird hugging action is like two marionettes.

It is said that the first witness was frightened and fainted directly after seeing the two bodies.

Their clothes had been stripped off, their eyes were closed, and they seemed to have died peacefully.

And on the boulder right behind them, the pattern of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was graffitied with scarlet blood, but that big slash completely divided the dragon's head, just like a terrifying scar.

"The murderer is provoking the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect."

Tritter said weakly.

"You don't need to tell me, I fucking know!"

Yuming roared angrily.

He was not a fool, so he knew the murderer's purpose very well.

A headache came, and Yuming waved his hands with difficulty: "Destroy all traces."


An old inspector said in surprise: "My lord, if it is destroyed, the hidden information of the murderer will also be gone."

After a crime is committed, the crime scene is usually preserved.

This is for continuous investigation in the future, to obtain the murderer's habits from the crime scene, and more hidden information.

"Let me ask you, is the face of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect more important, or this so-called information!"

Yuming grabbed the inspector by the collar and roared angrily.

If this naked provocation is not destroyed, will the whole world know that the disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect have suffered cruel abuse?

"Destroy, don't stand still, destroy all!"

Tritter hurriedly urged.

"What is the attitude of Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Yuming rubbed his temples and asked with a tired face.

"The reaction over there was also very angry, but after searching for a long time, it is still unclear how the murderer sneaked in here."

Tritter said cautiously: "What they mean is that they want all the students of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect to return to the sect."

You must know that this situation is also a great damage to the reputation of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Yuming nodded, looked at the person in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect beside him and asked, "Where is the higher up, do you have an answer?"

After hesitating for a moment, the disciple said, "The higher-ups say that you should find a way to solve it yourself, or you won't go back to the sect."

Hearing this, Yuming took a deep breath.

From these three crimes, it can be seen that the strength of the murderer is not too high.

At the scene of Yubai's crime, they found traces of fighting, which is enough to prove that the murderer's strength is probably only around Soul Sect.

A murderer of this strength really does not need the masters of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to come forward.

The strength of Yuming Soul Emperor is completely enough.

It's just that the murderer's methods are too skillful, and there is no clue at all.

"Go back first."

Yuming felt tired for a while, and waved his hand.

Like a bereaved dog, everyone returned to the local inspectorate all the way.

During this period of time, Yuming lived here completely in order to urge this group of waste to handle the case.

It's just that so far, there is no clue.

At this moment, an inspector pushed the door open and said, "Mr. Yu, someone wants to see you."

Yuming was irritated at this moment, and waved his hand, "No see!"

After hesitating for a moment, the inspector said, "The man said that his name is Lei Xiao."

Hearing this, Yuming's face was covered with a layer of frost.

He got up and looked at the inspector: "Let him in."

Lei Xiao?

This suspect who is most likely to be the murderer in his mind wants to meet him on his own initiative. What is his plan?
After a while, Han Xiao led Zhou Tong and Xue Qingwu in.

"Mr. Yu's complexion is not very good."

Seeing Yuming's dark face, Lei Xiao asked concerned: "Have you not slept well in the past two days?"

Yu Ming frowned, this Lei Xiao definitely asked the question knowingly.

"Mr. Lei, what's the matter with you?"

Yuming suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and said, "I came to Mr. Yu this time mainly to talk about business cooperation."

Business cooperation?

Yuming was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Han Xiao to come to talk to him about this kind of thing.

Han Xiao nodded and sat down: "Although the first meeting with Mr. Yu was not very pleasant, but I thought about it, if I really want to build a business empire in the Tiandou Empire, I still need to meet with Mr. cooperation with the most authoritative forces."

Yuming sneered, and said, "I want to ask what kind of capital your Lei family has to cooperate with my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

"This is capital."

Han Xiao put the azure blue card symbolizing the distinguished guests of the Wuhun Palace on the table.

Yu Ming took the card. Under the sunlight, the card showed ripples like the ocean, which looked extremely high-end.

"Mr. Biyu knows that this card can only be obtained by making a major contribution to the Hall of Spirits or being a top customer of the Hall of Spirits. This is the capital of our Lei family." Han Xiao explained.

"En." Yuming nodded, secretly shocked.

With his strength, he can't touch this level for the time being.

"How should we cooperate?" Yuming asked.

Han Xiao crossed his hands and said with a smile on his face: "It's very simple, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will come forward, the Lei family will pay, and we will integrate all the resources of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"All the resources? Your tone is not small." Yuming sneered.

With the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, how could it be possible to integrate all the resources?

"I believe that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is also very troublesome. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect almost monopolizes all the upper-level industries of the Heaven Dou Empire. This is because of the innate ability of its martial soul to appreciate treasures."

Yuming nodded, the people of Qibao Glazed Tile School were born to be businessmen among soul masters, this is beyond their comparability.

"But what if our target is not the upper class, but the lower class?"

"How much money can the lower class earn?" Yu Ming smiled disdainfully.

"Food, clothing, shelter, and transportation are the necessities of human beings. Even the most powerful soul masters need these, right?"

Yuming nodded, he agreed with Han Xiao's words.

"What if we integrate all of these and hire all the tailors in Tiandou who serve the common people in the form of employment, and they produce clothes with clear steps, at low prices, and only provide them to the common people?"

Han Xiao's idea is actually the original assembly line.

"If we integrate all the low-end chefs in the Tiandou Empire and start a restaurant chain named Lan Dian, how much profit will we make in that year?"

Hearing this, Yuming sat up straight, breathing heavily.

Assuming that there are 100 million civilians in Tiandou City, if all these people use the Blue Light Overlord Sect's basic necessities, they will definitely earn a lot of money that year.

Han Xiao told Yuming about his plan.

In terms of accommodation, although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has mastered most of the high-end hotels, the Blue Electric Overlord Sect can definitely develop towards the fast hotels such as Super 8 and Home Inns in its previous life.

On the other hand, Han Xiao's idea convinced Yuming even more.

Create a rickshaw taxi similar to the previous life for the middle class of the Tiandou Empire to enjoy.

After listening to the majestic blueprint planned by Han Xiao, Yuming looked at Han Xiao with a complicated expression.

This is definitely a born businessman, how could he commit murder?

With these thoughts alone, Yuming's suspicion of Han Xiao was completely wiped away.

"Mr. Lei, I'm afraid I can't decide on this matter."

This matter is of great importance, and it is definitely not something that a small manager like him can be in charge of.

Han Xiao shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "It's okay, you can tell the senior leaders of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, I believe they will be moved."

Yuming nodded, he could understand Han Xiao's confidence when he said this.

Even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will definitely be moved when they hear these huge plans.

After exchanging pleasantries with Yuming, Han Xiao got up and planned to leave.

"Mr. Yu, I very much hope that we can turn hostility into friendship and become partners."

Han Xiao stretched out a hand.

Yuming nodded and shook hands with Han Xiao: "I hope so too."

For him, it would definitely be a great achievement if the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect could pervasively infiltrate the lives of ordinary people because of this incident.

However, Yuming may never have imagined that this businessman who talked about his grand dreams with him is the murderer who killed three disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in a row.

He's making a deal with the devil.


Why did Han Xiao discuss cooperation with the Blue Electric Overlord Sect?
It is a very simple truth, if you want to hunt perfectly, you must know him better than the prey,

When the members of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect were struggling to find the murderer, they probably never thought that the murderer they hated was actually the most reliable partner.

As for the business empire that Han Xiao promised, it is even simpler.

Cheating on the ledger, or revealing black material, can ruin the reputation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

But this is not enough, the background of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is extremely profound, and these alone still cannot shake his position in the top three schools.

Han Xiao needs a sharp sword, a sharp sword that can destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect like a wreck.

On this continent, there is only one faction that can do it, and that is the Spirit Hall.

However, it is definitely a huge project to make Wuhundian decide to destroy the Blue Lightning Bawangzong, and he needs to do it step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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