Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 132 The Realm of Breaking the Army, the Power of Thousands of Armies!

Chapter 132 The Realm of Breaking the Army, the Power of Thousands of Armies!
From time to time, the crow whistled once or twice, but no one else passed by.

How could the speed of the carriage be faster than the soul master?
Zhou Tong tried his best, but he was still blocked here by three people.

Zhou Tong beside him already had a serious expression on his face.

"Do you know what level?"

Han Xiao asked.

Zhou Tong sneered: "One soul king, two soul sects."

"These grandchildren are picking the day when Chen Mo is not around."

"Two of you, one for me."

Han Xiao flipped his wrist, and the Taotie exuding a cold light appeared in his hand.

Zhou Tong grinned, "Of order."

There was a fighting spirit in his eyes.

In the half a year since he came to the Heaven Dou Empire, he hadn't even fought a single battle, and his sharp claws were already blunt.

The three men in black looked at each other, one of them took a step forward, and hooked his fingers towards Han Xiao.

Han Xiao moved.

His body twisted violently in the air, leaving only a phantom.

The Taotie in his hand hit the black-robed man like lightning, seven moves were made in the blink of an eye.The direction of each blow is the most vulnerable joint in the human body.

The black-robed man jumped up on the ground and turned over in the air, narrowly avoiding Han Xiao's terrifying seven consecutive stabs, but at this time Han Xiao was already waiting for his landing on the ground.

This is Han Xiao's move based on Tang Chen's Haotian Jiujue, changing it into his own.

The pupils of the man in black flickered, a spear fell in his hand, and four soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, surrounded his body.

I saw that he raised his long spear and stabbed it. The spear was extremely fast, piercing the sky, mixed with the whistling sound of breaking wind, and came straight to Han Xiao.

One inch long, one inch strong!

Looking at the oncoming spear, the Taotie in Han Xiao's hand was instantly covered with a layer of scarlet murderous aura, and then turned into a weird hook.

If it looks like this, it is somewhat similar to Xie Yue's Moon Blade, but the difference is that Han Xiao's is more curved.

Full Moon Scimitar!

Han Xiao held the knife with one hand, and bent an extremely strange arc in the air. The gap on the knife just stuck tightly to the barrel of the gun.

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man, knowing that if the thrusting spear was withdrawn, it would break the momentum, so he put in a little more force to get rid of the control of the scimitar.

But who would have thought that this happened to be in Han Xiao's way, and he saw his body flexibly swinging under the strength of the man in black.

The movements of the two back and forth turned out to be like dancing.

The man in black was a little anxious, but felt that Han Xiao was like mud sticking to his body, and his headache was so painful that he couldn't shake it off.

The more anxious and chaotic he became, the more he wanted to shake off Han Xiao, the poisonous snake had slowly wrapped around his arm.

Suddenly, Han Xiao, who had been glued to the spear, moved.

Like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, an eagle catching a rabbit, the terrifying explosive force instantly pressed the spear to the ground like a seesaw.

The barrel of the gun turned into a semicircle under the terrifying force, and then Han Xiao sent himself into the arms of the man in black, his shoulders like iron.

Iron Mountain!
Under the shock of terror, the black-robed man let out a muffled grunt, and took half a step back, feeling as if his internal organs were about to be vomited out.

Out of control, the taut spear shot up into the sky instead of flying.

Is this the power that a soul master can erupt? !
The man in black was secretly shocked, but before he could be shocked, Han Xiao, who was holding Taotie, had already come to him and sent Taotie to his heart.

"not good!"

The man in black said "Oops," and the first soul ring instantly lit up.

The spear in the sky seemed to have heard the order, and quickly circled, rushing towards Han Xiao's back like a sharp arrow.

Sensing the warning from his back, Han Xiao seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and the rabbit rose and fell, circling in the air, avoiding the fatal blow.

The spear returned to his hand, and the black-robed man looked at Han Xiao again with deep fear in his eyes.

He actually fell into a disadvantage when facing a soul master.

This kind of thing is unthinkable.

On the other side, Zhou Tong restrained a soul sect and a soul king alone.

Although he has already started to have more than enough energy, the two soul masters also cannot be distracted from dealing with Han Xiao.


Zhou Tong dodged the terrifying punch and shouted loudly.

"one move."

The two had a tacit understanding, and Han Xiao knew that Zhou Tong could not hold on for much longer.

He took a deep breath, the first soul ring bloomed, and the murderous aura hidden in his body erupted like a terrifying wave, adding a thick scarlet color to this dark and deep alley.

The murderous aura in the air made everyone's breathing almost stagnant.

The terrifying murderous aura was like a river flowing into the sea, and finally condensed on the Taotie, and a scarlet spear condensed out.The frosty crown on Han Xiao's forehead glowed with ice blue light, trying his best to keep Han Xiao calm.

Slowly raising the spear with both hands, Han Xiao's eyes filled with stars.

It's just that it's different from the starry sky, the starry sky in his eyes is full of scarlet.

"The realm of breaking the army!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly, and instantly released an invincible terrifying aura from his body.

The realm of breaking the army, the power of the army.

This is the first time he has used a terrifying posture after stepping into the military realm.

The hands of the man in black holding the spear were shaking.

He could feel the eight-treasure silver gun in his hand trembling and surrendering.

This is the suppression from the martial soul level.

But as a soul sect, how could he lose his battle in front of the soul master?

The man in black roared loudly, and the fourth spirit ring lit up.

The long spear became silvery white, exuding an incomparably cold aura.


The man in black yelled, raised his spear and rushed towards Han Xiao.

However, facing the unstoppable man in black robe, Han Xiao just put the spear behind him.

At this time, he was like a general in the phalanx, calm and calm in the face of the comer, but decisive in killing, just waiting for the opportunity to appear.

The moment the bright silver gun came to Han Xiao's eyes, Han Xiao moved.

The long spear caught in his arm jerked upwards, directly changing the opponent's trajectory, and then stabbed out with a single shot.

This shot is mixed with the momentum of breaking the army.

The black-robed man's complexion changed, and he felt that there were thousands of troops galloping towards him, and this long spear was hidden among the thousands of troops, aiming to grab the head of the black-robed man!

The man in black's voice was already hoarse, the second and third soul rings lit up at the same time, and the bright silver spear that had been taken flying was forcibly broken back by him.

The two guns confronted each other, and the soft whistle sounded to pierce the eardrums.

The man in black spurted out a mouthful of blood arrows and flew out backwards.

He fell heavily to the ground, his face was pale, and he looked at Han Xiao in horror.

If he hadn't used the second and third soul skills in an instant, he might have turned into a corpse at this time.

Seeing that their teammates would be suppressed by Han Xiao, the two men in black looked at each other in shock.

"Snatch directly!"

They nodded and rushed towards the carriage behind them at the same time.

"Are you here for Xue Qingwu?"

Han Xiao's gaze became extremely cold, and he turned to look at Zhou Tong.

The two rushed forward, trying to stop the man in black from moving.

They weren't running full throttle, however.

(End of this chapter)

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