Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 143 Han Xiao persuaded, ready to complete!

Chapter 143 Han Xiao persuaded, ready to complete!
However, Han Xiao shook his head and looked at everyone calmly: "Who said I would be a dog for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

"Since we have the ability and channels, why don't we work on our own, why should we work for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

Han Xiao's words made everyone look at each other.

They would never have thought that the purpose of Han Xiao's coming here was not to intercede with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

"But we don't have soul masters, and we don't have as many soul masters as the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect."

Nick murmured back.

Everything in this world is imaginary, only soul masters are the real combat power.

You have enough soul masters and strong enough spirits to be king, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

"The spirit of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is very strong, but the sect is all auxiliary soul masters, and their combat power is not high. Why can they become the largest sect?"

"That's because they have money, enough money to keep this group of soul masters."

In fact, there is a very simple truth, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is indeed a very powerful martial spirit, relying on the blood of the sect to condense it to where it is today.

"If we abandon the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and go it alone, form a business empire, and spend money on a large number of soul masters, would you say that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would dare to be so rampant?"

Han Xiao's words undoubtedly moved everyone's heart.

"Impossible. Now that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has been stationed in various surrounding cities, how could it be possible to do it alone?"

Nick shook his head, looking sad.

Now most of the wealthy merchants have surrendered, and there are even many who are willing to work for the Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

It is too difficult to do it alone.

Han Xiao tapped on the table, a smile flashed in his heart, what he was waiting for was Nick's words.

"In this case, there is only one way."

He sighed, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"any solution?"

Everyone leaned forward, staring at Han Xiao intently.

Chen Mo spread out a map of Tiandou on the table.

Han Xiao didn't speak, took out a pen, and stuck it firmly in the position of Tiandou City.

"Are you crazy?!"

Nick looked at Han Xiao in horror.

Even if you lend a hundred guts to this group of businessmen, they dare not rebel.

"I can't even afford to eat, are you still afraid of this?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly.

Everyone's face was gloomy, and they slumped on their chairs.

"What's more, who made you rebel?"

Han Xiao looked around, and said slowly: "You just need to break into Tiandou City, kneel in front of Emperor Xue Ye's palace, and let him give you an explanation, isn't it enough?"

Everyone fell into silence, unable to accept Han Xiao's solution for a while.

"If you do this, you will die."

A wealthy businessman shook his head with a difficult expression.

"Didn't I ask you to die? I believe that you will cultivate dead soldiers over the years, right?"

"What's more, if this plan is successful, do you know what it will mean?"

Han Xiao opened his arms and smiled: "A brand new Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will come."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed yearning.

Who doesn't want to be Na Ning Fengzhi?
Not only has a mountain of money, but also is the teacher of the royal prince?

"It's easy to say, take [-] steps back, even if the plan is successful, how will the money be divided in the future?"

A wealthy businessman poured cold water on it.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was able to do so well because it was originally a family consortium.

But what about them?

If it wasn't for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect pinching their lives this time, they might still be scheming against each other until now.

"We can adopt a shareholding system."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, as if he had thought of this question a long time ago.

"Shares... stock what?"

Of course, it is impossible for this group of natives to have heard of such a new term.

Han Xiao placed several bargaining chips on the table: "Take this campaign as an example. Whoever invests more will gain more benefits and voice in the business empire in the future."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Han Xiao with strange expressions.

Indeed, as he said, it seemed fair.

Han Xiao turned to look at Zhou Tong, who nodded and slapped a black gold card on the table.

"My young master is willing to bid 500 million gold soul coins."

Looking at the black gold card, everyone's expressions changed.

It's not difficult to take out 500 million gold soul coins, but they can't do it without blinking like Han Xiao.

For a while, the room fell silent.

"I will offer 300 million gold soul coins!"

Nick gritted his teeth and pushed the chips on the table.

"Nick, are you crazy?!"

Some wealthy businessmen couldn't believe it.

"Old Nick is dead, he was killed by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

Nick's voice was a little distressed.

"If I don't avenge him, how can I be worthy of his training for so many years?!"

Han Xiao looked at Nick with interest.

If he guessed right, the old Nick who was accidentally killed by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was his son.

It seemed that old Nick had become the best catalyst. After the silence, everyone piled up their chips one by one.

"What are we going to do?"

Nick closed his eyes, looking tired.

He knew very well that once he went down this road, there was no turning back.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and said: "Mobilize all the resources you can use, and bring all the oppressed merchants into the group."

"During this period of time, there is no need to resist the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect too strongly, let them gradually relax their vigilance, and finally march into Heaven Dou City in one fell swoop!"

Han Xiao's words made everyone feel a little more angry in the air.

They knew that what they were about to do was something that had never been done before.

"But Tiandou City is heavily guarded. Although we have many soul masters, it is impossible to break through Tiandou City."

Nick said worriedly.

Han Xiao shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this, I can solve it."

Really when he cooperated with Xue Beng, just talking about it?
At that time, Emperor Xue Ye would never have imagined that it would be his son who let this group of merchants into the city.


Han Xiao did not expect this matter to be handled smoothly, and it was resolved within two days.

He didn't need to go to the rest of the city, and Nick relied on the reputation of Old Nick to convince this group of businessmen to come.

It seems that the method of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is still more vicious than he imagined.

After returning to Tiandou City, Yu Tianqing personally came to the door the next day.

"How did it go?"

He looked at Han Xiao eagerly and asked.

During this period of time, he could be said to be thinking day and night, even in his dreams, he was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

Han Xiao spread his hands and smiled slightly, "Why, Brother Yu, haven't you seen it yet?"

In the past two days, under Han Xiao's compliments, this group of businessmen became very well-behaved.

Although it is still very reluctant, this is a normal phenomenon.

After all, no one can directly accept such a big change.

(End of this chapter)

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