Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 153 Nine Heart Begonia Ye Lingling!

Chapter 153 Nine Heart Begonia Ye Lingling!
On the other side, Han Xiao hid in an alley, panting violently.

His entire right arm was dripping with blood, completely soaked in blood.

Han Xiao's eyes also became darker and darker due to excessive blood loss and Ssangyong's backlash.

Even he didn't expect that the backlash from Shuanglong Zhan would be so great.

This is definitely the worst injury Han Xiao has ever suffered since he came to this continent.

His body gave even worse feedback, his heart was beating faster and faster, and his skin was already chapped.

If this situation continues, Han Xiao may die.

He stuffed the healing medicine brought out from the Wuhun Temple into his mouth.

Although the elixir is precious and has a strong healing effect, Han Xiao's injury is still too serious.

He needs a medical soul master to solve it now.

"You... are you all right?"

Suddenly a voice made Han Xiao's spirit tense up instantly, Taotie had already hidden in the darkness.

He tried his best to open his eyes, and he could vaguely see a girl in a black veil looking at him with concern.

The girl was slender and slender, with long blue hair like a waterfall hanging behind her, and she was dressed in black, like an orchid in an empty valley.

Seeing Han Xiao's hazy expression, the girl gritted her teeth and tore off Han Xiao's shirt.

"You were injured, very badly."

She covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

Han Xiao's injury was so serious that she couldn't bear to watch it.

"Lingling, where did you go?"

At this moment, an anxious female voice suddenly came.

"Sister Yan, I'm inside. Someone here is injured."

The girl named Lingling anxiously waved in the direction of the voice.

After a while, a cold-looking girl with purple hair all over her ears appeared in the field of vision.

Her figure is extremely hot, and there is a bit of heroism in her eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing Lingling, she patted her chest, which already had a certain size, and then ran to her with a concerned face: "Lingling, you are an auxiliary soul master, and you don't have much combat ability. Now that the mob is in turmoil, don't worry about it." run."

Lingling nodded awkwardly, not daring to look at her.

Han Xiao looked at the short-haired girl, and vaguely remembered seeing him at the Tiandou Royal Academy's party.

It seems to be Yu Tianheng's female companion, named Duguyan.

"Who is he?"

Dugu Yan also noticed Han Xiao's gaze, and asked with a vigilant look.

"I don't know him, but he was hurt, badly hurt."

Ye Lingling shook her head, a little anxious.

"Looking at it like this, it seems to be the group of mobs. Why, do you want to save him?"

Dugu Yan casually glanced at Han Xiao's clothes and made a conclusion.

"Sister Yan..."

"Okay, okay, I still don't know what you want to say, the doctor is kind."

Dugu Yan waved his hand, turned around and left directly: "I'll let you out, speed up."

"it is good!"

Ye Lingling nodded and looked at Han Xiao intently.

"It might hurt a little bit later, please be patient."

While speaking, a small white flower emerged from Ye Lingling's palm.

"Nine Heart Begonia?!"

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

When he was in the Wuhun Palace, Han Xiao had learned about this Wuhun in books.

This martial spirit may be the most special in the entire continent.

Each generation can only have one heir, and only after one dies can there be another descendant.

It can be said that the martial soul of the girl in front of her is unique in the whole continent.

It is precisely because of its extreme rarity that the recovery ability of the Nine Heart Begonia is so abnormal that it is terrifying.

According to the records in the book, Xin Haitang is good at only one ability, no matter how many soul rings it has, it only has one soul skill.That's what's so scary about it.Its role lies in - a range of overall treatment.The degree of treatment is controlled by the mind of the soul master.The higher the level, the more soul rings, and the more soul power used for healing.

Wuhundian once had the idea of ​​recruiting the Ye family, but this Wuhunyi was too rare, and served for the Tiandou royal family for generations, so in the end he had no choice but to give up.

With Nine Hearts Begonia around, there is no need to worry about Han Xiao's serious injuries.

Accompanied by a faint fragrance, a white light descended from the sky. The white light looked very strange. It turned out to be in the shape of a petal, falling slowly, directly falling on Han Xiao, and lightly blending into his body.

Han Xiao trembled for a while, only feeling that the wounds on his body, big and small, were recovering at an extremely fast speed.

And the girl in front of her, her delicate body trembled like chaff, as if she was enduring great pain.

After about half an hour, the girl exhaled a foul breath and fell limp on the ground.

"I really don't know why you are so serious. It is enough to stop his vitality from passing away."

There was a hint of complexity in Dugu Yan's eyes, and he sighed.

The girl showed a far-fetched smile and did not argue.

Han Xiao's eyes gradually became clear, his cloudy star map was able to function normally, and all aspects of his body were recovering at an extremely fast speed.

"So fast."

Ye Lingling was pleasantly surprised, her pale face turned a little more rosy.

Seeing her like this, Dugu Yan sighed helplessly again, it was almost enough for the injured person to care about her.

In fact, Dugu Yan also understood the reason why Ye Lingling did this.

Although this taciturn girl doesn't like to express her heart, Dugu Yan knows very well that in her heart, she is a scourge.

The poor girl always felt that her mother was killed because of her own birth.

So she treats everyone she doesn't know so desperately, maybe she is atoning for herself.

Thinking of this, Dugu Yan's eyes showed a hint of distress, and he stuffed a pill to restore physical strength into Ye Lingling's mouth.

Gently put her on the bench and sat down, Dugu Yan turned to look at Han Xiao who had already woken up, and examined her face:
"Say, who are you?"

Dugu Yan's expression was cold, and he didn't give Han Xiao any good looks at all.

Han Xiao got up with difficulty, ignored Duguyan, and walked to Ye Lingling step by step.

"what are you going to do?"

Dugu Yan shouted softly.

Han Xiao turned his head and glanced at her lightly.

With just one glance, Dugu Yan instantly shut his mouth.

This feeling is like being stared at by eyes hidden in the abyss.

It turned out to be somewhat similar to Grandpa's eyes when he was angry.

Even this boy is more terrifying.

Dugu Yan looked at Han Xiao, who was approaching Ye Lingling step by step, and wanted to stop him, but found that his body was shaking crazily, as if he had lost control.

Ye Lingling looked at the young man squatting in front of her, with some doubts in her eyes.

At this moment, a touch of azure blue bloomed between Han Xiao's brows, and shot directly into Ye Lingling's brows.

"Soul bone?!"

(End of this chapter)

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