Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 169 Bibi Dong's Careful Intentions!

Chapter 169 Bibi Dong's Careful Intentions!

"Young master, don't look down on our low spirit power, but don't underestimate us."

Tang Tang looked at Zhou Tong and Chen Mo, who were still stubbornly resisting, and said: "Uncle Chen used to be the captain of the elite team of the Wuhun Palace, and his Wuhun is not just as simple as attacking a lion. Can inflict soul trauma on an opponent."

Melee mage, this is the best way to describe Chen Mo.

"Zhou Tong is a rare genius in the Wuhun Hall. Wuhun not only pursues the ultimate speed, but what's more powerful is that his soul skills have all attributes."

Attack, Speed, Defense, Support, Healing.

Each of Zhou Tong's soul skills is all-round enhancement, and he is completely an all-around fighter.

This type of person is either extremely mediocre or terrifyingly powerful.

Obviously Zhou Tong is the latter.

As for the last Tang Tang, there is no need to say more. The space martial soul alone is enough to become the object of competition among the major sects.

Thinking about it this way, there is nothing wrong with their extreme distrust of Han Xiao when they first met.

After all, since they were six years old, they have been trained by the Spirit Hall with all their strength, and they are the best among all soul masters. Everyone has the possibility of becoming a title Douluo.

Unless Bibi Dong respects the Spirit Hall from the bottom of his heart, how could he devote himself to Han Xiao with such an identity?

Suddenly, Han Xiao thought of Bibi Dong.

His heart was extremely complicated for a moment.

This woman seemed to have guessed what Han Xiao was going to do since the day before he left Spirit Hall.

That's why I sent these elite soul masters to my side.

Among these three people, each person's abilities are of great use, Bibi Dong seems to have put a lot of thought into choosing each one.

If they stay in Wuhundian, they are very likely to be the next elders.

But Bibi Dong didn't do that, and instead gave them to Han Xiao.


Han Xiao sighed inwardly.

"Master, Tang Tang, don't watch the show there, this old poison is so fierce, I really can't stand it."

Zhou Tong spat out a mouthful of old blood and wailed.

At this time, circles of dark green vortexes appeared around Dugu Bo's body, and in the vortexes, green snakes spitting out letters appeared from time to time, which seemed particularly infiltrating in this dark night.

At this moment, Dugu Bo waved his palms, strands of green hair floating in mid-air, like a poisonous snake with its teeth and claws.

Obviously, this Title Douluo was really angry.

Although less than a minute has passed since saving Han Xiao, the terrifying power released from Dugu Bo's body seems to be planning to kill someone.

"Understood, then they don't have to recover their soul power!"

Tang Tang stomped her feet angrily, and the ever-burning lamp in her hand shone brightly again.

"Eternal wisdom has a word, the battle turns and the stars move, the sky and the earth light up!"

Along with her pious prayer, two rays of light suddenly shone on Zhou Tong and Chen Mo.

In an instant, their figures disappeared suddenly, and they reappeared beside Han Xiao.

And Tang Tang, who had done all this, let out a muffled snort, his face like golden paper.

It seems that for her, using Doushuanxingshu three times in a row is already her limit.

"Whenever you use this soul skill and don't shout that slogan, it will be fine."

Zhou Tong grinned, even though his entire right arm had turned green, he still did not forget to quarrel with Tang Tang.

Tang Tang gave him an angry look, "Hey! Do you know that an auxiliary soul master must have a spell to recite before releasing the soul skill."

This is really not to blame Tang Tang, but it is true, this is the setting of Douluo Dalu.

It seems that the God Realm thinks that these auxiliary soul masters are very idle, so before they release their soul skills, they need to read a long pile of spells.

In contrast, attacking and defending martial souls requires too much business.

On the other side, Dugu Bo looked at the three extra roses in his hand, and was almost mad with anger.

It was the first time in his life that he felt humiliated.

The one who humiliated him turned out to be such a weak ant.

"Hey, little old man, I thought you were so stinky and wanted to give you roses to help you dress up, why are you still angry?"

Tang Tang didn't seem to be afraid of Dugu Bo at all, and even clamored.

"Eldest sister, let's keep a low profile. He is Biphosphorous Douluo, Dugu Bo."

Zhou Tong swallowed, seeing that Dugu Bo's expression became more gloomy, he quickly tugged on Tang Tang's cuff.

"What did you say?!"

Tang Tang's complexion changed drastically.

She originally thought that this old man was just a Contra.

But did not expect ...

"Your Majesty Bilin, please forgive me for my rudeness just now."

Tang Tang bowed respectfully to Dugu Bo, and at the same time quietly poked Zhou Tong beside him: "Why do I feel that you are lying to me, Dugu Bo can't beat you two in seconds?"

Hearing this, Zhou Tong's expression darkened: "What do you mean? Hey! He is really the Jade Phosphorous Douluo, Dugu Bo, who is inseparable from Elder Ju's fight!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Dugu Bo smiled like a sharp knife.

"People from Wuhundian? I said, why do you look at people with their nostrils one by one, very good, very good."

I have to say that although Wuhundian has a good reputation in Douluo Dalu.

But to be honest, the soul masters of Wuhundian are indeed too arrogant, and they always arouse the dislike of others.

"You don't really think that you can leave after saving this little baby, do you?"

Dugu Bo said coldly.

Chen Mo looked at Dugu Bo, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Of course not, there are not many people in this world who can escape from seniors."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo sneered, but did not respond.

"It's just that the senior really wants to take him away? If he is taken away, then it will not be us, but His Highness the Pope."

Chen Mo looked calm and said.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's expression became extremely gloomy.

He has always acted according to his own preferences, so how could he be afraid of Bibi Dong?

"Boy, even if Bibi Dong is standing here now, this old man will try to take him away."

Dugu Bo's face was gloomy, and he took a step forward: "Today, you offended me, and I will not only take him away, but also let you taste my poison together!"

As soon as the words came out, Chen Mo's expression changed.

Although he also knew very well that Dugu Bo never cared about these things, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even care about Bibi Dong.

"Senior acts so capriciously, doesn't he think about his granddaughter?"

Chen Mo looked at Dugu Bo who was slowly walking in, his back was drenched in cold sweat.

He and Zhou Tong had already made a fight to the death, and had no intention of escaping at all.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo hesitated a little, and then his whole body was full of murderous aura: "Today, you said that no one is good at it!"

As soon as the words fell, he slapped Chen Mo.

This palm of Dugu Bo didn't hold back at all, mixed with the terrifying aura of Title Douluo, he went straight to Chen Mo's face.


Han Xiao shouted coldly, and stars gathered in his eyes.

Back in time!

(End of this chapter)

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