Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 171 Deal with Dugu Bo!

Chapter 171 Deal with Dugu Bo!
"Senior, you should have taken a lot of herbs while trying to detoxify, right?"

Han Xiao asked.

"So what?"

"Although these herbs have great effects in detoxification, you should be clearer than me about the principle of three-point poisoning."

"When these herbs are mixed together in your body, they can change each other and even become highly poisonous."

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Dugu Bo's complexion changed drastically.

He did eat a lot of herbs, and he did feel that the toxins in his body were getting bigger and bigger.

But what he didn't expect was that the poison came from those fairy grasses.

"so what should I do now?"

Dugu Bo forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and asked anxiously.

Han Xiao sighed, hesitant to speak.


"Senior, if you detoxify, it may be a long process."

Dugu Bo didn't even think about it, since it's a long time, it proves that there is still hope: "I'll give you a year!"

Han Xiao shook his head and did not speak.

"Two years?"

"Half a year! It will take half a year if all the toxins in your body are cleared and there will be no recurrence."

Looking at Dugu Bo who secretly let out a long breath, Han Xiao sneered in his heart.

He doesn't know any herbs, it's nothing more than nonsense.

Otherwise, how can the other party trust Han Xiao?

He is very clear that his request has been pushed forward again and again, and he has to come up with something practical to impress Dugubo.

So Han Xiao directly instilled the power of the stars into his body simply and rudely.

After all, this thing is the key to detoxification.

The next thing Han Xiao has to do is to let Dugu Bo do things for him willingly.

If you want to achieve this step, you can't rush for a while, otherwise it will be too obvious.

Anyway, Han Xiao has set aside half a year, which is enough to solve Dugu Bo.

"Are you not afraid that I will kill the donkey?"

Dugu Bo thought for a while and asked.

The story of the farmer and the snake is not uncommon. Once the toxin in the body is eliminated, Dugu Bo may really kill Han Xiao, the lifesaver.

After all, no one dares to make a deal with a poisonous snake, except Han Xiao.

"Senior, although you have had a bad reputation abroad for a long time, and you have done things to eradicate the roots, but I believe that a person like you who never makes promises will keep your promises once you make one, and you will never break your promise."

Han Xiao's unwavering eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

He didn't care how many people Dugu Bo had slaughtered, nor did he care if he was good or bad.

For Han Xiao, profit is the most important thing.

Since the other party can gain benefits, and you don't need to pay much, why not do it?
Dugu Bo took a deep breath, "Three days, I'll give you three days."

"Three days are enough."

In fact, it is enough to solve the riot tonight.

But since the other party is willing to give him a few more days, Han Xiao will naturally not shirk it.

Dugu Bo nodded, and stretched out a finger: "Next, I'm going to put a mark on your body, don't worry, this mark will not have any effect on your body, it will only let me perceive your position."

Han Xiao nodded and didn't say much.

After all, both parties in this cooperation are extremely vigilant, and Dugu Bo naturally has to hold back.

If Han Xiao runs away directly after today, he will definitely be mad with anger.

Dugu Bo stretched out his fingers, and slowly reached for Han Xiao's eyebrows.

At this moment, a delicate voice suddenly sounded from a distance: "Grandpa, don't!"


Dugu Bo was a little surprised.

I saw that the members of the Huangdou team had rushed here, and Dugu Yan, who was walking in the front, had an anxious expression on his face.

"Yanzi, why did you come here?"

Facing his granddaughter Duguyan, this frightening Titled Douluo actually squeezed out a bit of stiff tenderness.

Dugu Yan looked at the fingers hanging in front of Han Xiao's forehead, and let out a long breath.

Fortunately, caught up.

From her point of view, she has already imagined a plot in which Han Xiaoning refuses to obey, and Dugu Bo will kill him.

She slowed down, and looked at Dugu Bo solemnly, "Grandpa, you can't kill him!"

Hearing this, the surrounding atmosphere became delicate.

Dugu Bo stopped everyone who wanted to explain to Dugu Yan, and asked with interest: "Yanzi, why don't you tell me why you didn't kill him."

Hearing this, Dugu Yan's face became a little more flustered.

When she looked at it from a distance, she didn't have so many worries at all, but she didn't expect how ambiguous her actions were in the eyes of everyone.

Turning to look at the teammates around him, they were looking at him meaningfully.

Knowing that this was a trap set by her grandfather, Dugu Yan gritted her teeth:

"Grandpa, when did the Dugu family need a reason for doing things?"

This sentence is extremely ingenious.

You must know that Dugu Bo never needs a reason to come to work on weekdays.

And Dugu Yan just used this to block his mouth.

"Hahahaha." Hearing his granddaughter's ingenious response, Dugu Bo laughed heartily.

He pointed to Han Xiao: "Yanzi, do you like this kid?"

This remark can be said to be astonishing.

In front of so many people, Dugu Yan didn't expect grandpa to say such words.

"Old poison, what are you talking about?!"

She stared at her beautiful eyes and scolded softly, a faint blush appeared on her face.

Dugu Bo looked thoughtfully at Han Xiao beside him.

After so many years of messing around, he could of course guess Dugu Yan's thoughts from her reaction.

"You go see him."

Dugu Bo said to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao nodded. He knew that Dugu Bo was most worried about the toxins in Dugu Yan's body.

After all, although the Jade Phosphorous Snake is extremely rare and terrifying, if you want to cultivate it to the title of Douluo, you are doomed to pay some price.

"What are you going to do?"

Dugu Yan looked at Han Xiao who was walking in front of him, feeling flustered for some reason.

Han Xiao looked at her blankly, without speaking, and grabbed her wrist.

"You..." Dugu Yan's eyes widened.

Although Han Xiao didn't hold her hand, such an action was out of line for the proud eldest lady.

What's more, it was still in front of so many people.

"How could he do this!"

Looking at Han Xiao who was close at hand, Dugu Yan thought to himself.

She had the idea of ​​breaking free, but found that for some reason, her body became uncontrollable.

A warm heat flowed in Dugu Yan's body, as if soaking in an open-air hot spring, every pore in his body was breathing freely.

Exhaling a puff of turbid air, Dugu Yan felt the stagnation in his chest was swept away, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Then a thin layer of green slime seeped from every inch of her skin.


Dugu Yan could feel the changes in his body, and looked at Han Xiao in amazement.


Han Xiao didn't intend to explain to her, he looked at Dugu Bo and said.

(End of this chapter)

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