Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 203: Yu Tianqing Stands Up!

Chapter 203: Yu Tianqing Stands Up!

"I don't deserve it?" Yu Tianqing sneered, "I deserve to be here more than everyone else!"

After saying this, Yu Tianqing carefully placed the coffin behind him on the ground, and kicked off the lid.

Looking at the person lying in the lid, everyone was completely shocked.

"how can that be?!"

"It turned out to be the old suzerain!"

Everyone looked at the peaceful old man in the coffin in disbelief.

I saw that he was wearing the robe of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and there was not even a single wound on his body, and his face was extremely serene, not even like a dead person.

Encoffining, that is, putting makeup on the dead, is a technical job.

And Han Xiao happened to have studied it in his previous life.

"Big brother!"

At this moment, Yu Luomian finally couldn't control the grievances she had suffered these days, and she lay down in front of the coffin and burst into tears.

These days, he is not only facing pressure from Yu Qingkuang, but also doubts from the outside world.

When he saw his elder brother who was shielding him from the wind and rain lying in front of him, he finally couldn't hold back anymore.

The man who had almost reached the top of the pyramid was like a collapsed dam, venting his emotions frantically.

Seeing this scene, everyone withdrew their spirits one after another, lowered their heads solemnly.

The dead are the greatest, let alone their suzerain?

Only Yu Tianqing standing in the center raised his head.

He felt so refreshed.

Usually seeing these elders, he is like a dog's tail grass.

But now?
"Where did you get the body of the old suzerain?"

Yu Qingkuang suddenly thought of this question and asked in a deep voice.

However, before Yu Tianqing came, Han Xiao had already prepared the answer for him.

Looking at Yu Qingkuang's calm and prestige face, Yu Tianqing shrank his head, feeling a little guilty.

But when he thought that Han Xiao had told him that he had to stand up, he immediately raised his head again:

"Wuhundian didn't take away the old suzerain at all. After my investigation, I found that the old suzerain was in Yizhuang outside the city, so I led my disciples to snatch it back."

Yu Tianqing revealed an air of looking down on the world, just like the male protagonist in a novel.

"How could Wuhundian not take Sect Master Jade away?"

Everyone frowned, with disbelief on their faces.

"That's the truth. If you don't want to believe it, you can check it yourself!"

Yu Tianqing also knew that the reason was full of loopholes, but he still straightened his back and looked at everyone.

Han Xiao told him that the reason is not important, what matters is what these elders think.

Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, Yu Tianqing felt a little guilty, but still took out a letter.

"At the same time, the suzerain also left a last letter, saying that he wants to make me the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

As Yu Tianqing spoke, he shook open the letter. The flamboyant handwriting seemed to have a murderous look, and it was Yu Yuanzhen's handwriting that was correct.


This remark instantly caused roars of laughter.

"Yu Tianqing, are you kidding me?"

"If you, a little steward, can become suzerain, I will chop off the dragon root in public!"

"I thought the return of the suzerain's body was good news, but I didn't expect that it was a white-eyed wolf who brought him back!"

At this moment, the two groups of people actually stood on the same front, attacking Yu Tianqing together.

Yu Tianqing's back was soaked in cold sweat.

At the same time, his heart was deeply shocked.

Unexpectedly, everything that happened was exactly as Han Xiao expected.

This group of disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would really attack him because of this nonsense last letter.

Then according to Han Xiao's prediction, the next step should be...

Yu Tianqing glanced at Yu Qingkuang who was standing on the side from the corner of his eye, and saw that he had a solemn face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Brother, you should say something!

Looking at the disciple who was getting closer and closer to him, cold sweat flowed down Yu Tianqing's forehead.

Yu Luomian also looked at him with a cold face, with murderous intent in his voice: "From now on, we will strip Yu Tianqing of his surname and expel him from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

Not killing him was already Yu Luomian's reward for recovering Yu Yuanzhen's body.

"Get out! Get out!"

Looking at the excited crowd, Yu Tianqing simply turned his heart: "Let's go, I don't care if I don't wait for this sect!"

After saying this, without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Yu Qingkuang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

He squeezed out an ugly smile on his fleshy face.

"Tianqing, can you let me see the content of the suzerain's last pen?"

He waved at Yu Tianqing, and he was a little more friendly.


The big stone in Yu Tianqing's heart finally fell to the ground. He secretly let out a breath, and handed over the suicide note written by Han Xiao to Yu Qingkuang.

Seeing him speak, the scene suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Yu Qingkuang's words shocked everyone's jaws.

"Well, I think it's the old suzerain's handwriting."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at him in disbelief.

The meaning of these words is to tell everyone that the content of this suicide note is true.

"Yu Qing is crazy!"

Yu Luomian couldn't bear it at all, her face was flushed, and her fists creaked, as if she was going to rush up and tear him apart in the next second.

"If you want to make a fuss, I can bring my disciples to accompany you to make a fuss. If you want to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, just step over my Yu Luomian corpse!"

This sentence was decisive enough, but Yu Qingkuang didn't appreciate it at all: "Oh, I think it's not me who wants to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but you!"

"The big brother who keeps saying that he respects you the most, why doesn't he even want to admit his suicide note?"

Speaking of this, Yu Qingkuang stabbed secretly again: "I think it's because the old suzerain didn't appoint you as the new suzerain, so you are like this?"


Yu Luomian was trembling with anger, but his words really couldn't speak for the other party.

"Why, it was I who pierced the thoughts in your heart, so guilty that you don't know what to say?" Yuqing smiled coldly and pursued the victory.

"But any fool can see that this is a trick of the Spirit Hall! Yu Qingkuang, could it be that you have become their dog?!"

Yu Luomian forcibly stabilized her emotions, angrily said.

"Heh, no matter what you say, no matter how absurd the old suzerain's decision is, there is only one suicide note here that can represent his will. If he really intends to establish Yutianqing as the suzerain and is blocked by you, wouldn't it be impossible? Rest in peace?!"

At this moment, the suicide note in Yu Qingkuang's hand became his most powerful weapon.

"Unless you can conjure up a suicide note for me at this time to confront."

Yu Qingkuang knew that Yu Yuanzhen, let alone a suicide note, never thought that he would die, so how could he make a will?
Looking at this scene, Yu Tianqing has completely admired Han Xiao.

According to his speculation, now he can exit the stage and watch the two old dogs bite each other.

(End of this chapter)

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